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Stone Game

Page 16

by J. D. Weston

  "Are you strong?"


  A silence seemed to fill Shaun's mind. The man landed a slap across the girls face, but the scene played out in slow motion.

  "Are you a new man?" asked Harvey's voice.

  "Yes," whispered Shaun. "But…"

  Another slap sent the woman's face to one side. Her pleading eyes landed on Shaun’s.

  "But what, Shaun?"

  "Am I ready?" he whispered.

  Harvey didn't reply.

  End of Book Stuff

  Stone Raid - Book Eight - Chapter One.

  "We're in position, Fingers," said Dynamite into his hands-free comms. He pulled his scarf back up to cover his face and checked the darkness around them. "Give us a countdown."

  "Copy that," replied Fingers, tapping away on the keyboard. "Perimeter security is going down in three, two-"

  "Hold on, hold on," said Dynamite. "Give us a bit longer than three bleeding seconds, will you? How long is our window?"

  "When I kill the security system, you'll have twelve seconds to get inside and close the window before the backup power kicks in, and the systems boot up."

  "What happens if we don't have the window closed within twelve-seconds, Fingers?" asked Lola. She stood beside dynamite beneath a large window.

  "Well," replied Fingers, "for a start, it's going to get awfully loud, and I imagine the place will be lit up like a Christmas tree. Then, of course, the automatic locks will kick in, steel intruder barriers will drop down over the doors and windows, and that lovely manicured lawn that you two just crawled across will likely be a car park for the dozens of police that will no doubt arrive in a matter of seconds. Not to mention, their helicopter will need somewhere to land. You two, of course, will be none the wiser as you'll both be shut inside waiting to be caught like a right old pair of donuts."

  "You paint a pretty picture, Fingers," said Dynamite.

  "It's a pretty diamond, Dynamite," replied Fingers. "From what I hear anyway."

  "You heard right."

  "Right, let's get our act together, boys," said Lola. "Fingers, give us ten seconds."

  "Copy that."

  His fingers danced across the keyboard, entering a string of code into the command line interface of the security hub, and then stopped, poised above the enter button.

  "You ready?" he asked.

  Dynamite lifted the jimmy bar to the window lock and worked the pointed end into the small gap between the window and the frame.

  He took a breath and looked at his partner, who nodded in silent reply.

  "Go," said Dynamite.

  Fingers began his count.


  "Lola, get ready to climb up," said Dynamite.


  Lola readied her boot on the smooth surface of the wall and reached up to the window, ready to grab onto the frame as soon as it opened.


  "Our lives will be very different in about fifteen minutes' time," said Dynamite.


  Dynamite heaved back. Wood splintered loudly in the quiet night as he forced the window open. Lola was up on the ledge before it had opened fully, then she launched herself inside. She immediately turned and helped Dynamite inside, who fell to the floor then bounced back up to force the window back into place.

  The tiny copper connections touched.

  "Perimeter security is back online," said Fingers. "It's all on you guys now. You've got approximately one hundred and eighty seconds until the infrared fires up, which means that you have one hundred and sixty seconds before I kill the security again."

  Lola was already running her hands along the glass cabinet in the centre of the room. Even in the darkness, the golf ball-sized diamond reflected tiny fragments of light.

  "Hello, sweetheart," she spoke softly.

  Dynamite stepped over to her. "Don't just look at it, Lola," he said. "One-thirty and counting."

  Lola fumbled beneath the cabinet, pulling at wires. She flicked on her head torch.


  Lola closed her eyes and began pulling a tiny wire from its connector.

  "Just pull it out, Lola," said Dynamite.

  "Hold on," she replied. She reached further into the cabinet. "Aha." Her tongue slithered out between her lips in concentration.

  "Don't give me that bleeding aha business, Lola," said Dynamite. "One hundred seconds."

  "Dynamite, just keep cool."

  "Yeah, we'll both be bleeding keeping cool in an eight-by-five cell for about twenty years."

  Lola tugged at something and brought out a little black box.

  "What's that?" asked Dynamite.

  "It's a keep alive," said Lola. "It's attached to the alarm system and the backup power. It sends a tiny voltage to the sensors, so even if the power to the security system goes down, the alarm won't. My guess is that it's attached to an independent network that goes directly to the police."

  "Your guess?" said Dynamite. "We don't have time for a guess. He checked his watch. "We have ninety seconds to get the diamond and get out. It was your bleeding job to do a recce."

  "Eighty-seven," corrected fingers.

  "If I pull this wire, there'll be police all over this place in a matter of minutes. And yes it was my job to do the recce. But you know what, Dynamite? When I came here on a tour, for some reason, the guide wouldn't let me look underneath the cabinet and refused to answer my questions about the alarm wiring."

  "Fingers, are you scanning the police frequency?" asked Dynamite.

  There was no answer.

  "Fingers?" said Lola.

  "What happens if we smash the glass?" asked Dynamite.

  "Smash the glass? Dynamite, this is not a smash and grab. We are a pair of highly skilled professionals. It's bad enough that you broke the window. Talk about leaving a calling card. No wonder they call you-"

  "Okay, okay," said Dynamite, holding his hands up defensively. "So what do you want to do? Leave without it?"

  Lola looked down at the diamond.

  "It's awful pretty, isn't it?" she said.

  "Second only to you, babes," said Dynamite.

  Lola continued to stare at the diamond, mesmerised by the perfect sparkles.

  "We have thirty-five seconds, Lola."

  Lola looked up at Dynamite from where she crouched beside the cabinet. "Get ready to run like you've never run before."

  She pulled the wires. There was silence.

  "Silent alarm?" asked Dynamite.

  Lola lowered the panel beneath the cabinet then stood cradling the velvet cushion with the rock sat on top. Dynamite grabbed the diamond and stuffed it into his pocket.

  "Fingers, come back."

  No response.

  Lola replaced the velvet cushion, and then returned the wires to their connections.

  "Fifteen seconds," said Dynamite. "Fingers, we're ready. Shut it down."

  No response.

  "Bugger this," said Dynamite. He yanked the window open, which immediately sounded the shrill alarm that pierced the night like a banshee. Flashing red lights fixed above the doors and windows began to spin and sent the dark room into a frenzy of beams.

  They both dove through the window together and landed in a pile on the gravel pathway that wound around the old building. It acted as a border to the immaculate lawns, which were now fully illuminated by giant spotlights on the rooftop that covered every inch of the grass around the house.

  The steel intruder barriers slammed down into place behind them, like the jaws of a woken beast.

  "Go," said Dynamite, half-dragging Lola along. "We need to move."

  Lola ran alongside him towards the tree line at the far side of the lawn. Her heart thumped with adrenaline. They'd done it; they had the diamond. It had taken a few weeks of planning, and everyone said that it couldn't be done, but they'd finally got it.

  Dynamite burst through the trees in front of her into the small clearing where they'd left Fingers in the ba
ck of the van.

  "Fingers, start the engine," shouted Dynamite as he ran. "Fingers?"

  Lola could just make out the shape of the van in the darkness. She saw Dynamite come to a sudden stop. Lola stopped beside him.

  "What?" she asked.

  Then, as if they'd just run into a football stadium. Bright lights hit them from all around. Five sets of car headlights, all on full, all turned on together and pointed directly at where Lola and Dynamite stood.

  “Crap,” said Dynamite.

  A man in a long, black leather jacket stepped out of the shadows and into the centre of the mock arena, his huge frame silhouetted by the dazzling car headlights. Without a second's hesitation, he pulled a handgun from his jacket, raised it and fired once into Dynamite's face.

  Without stopping, he lowered the gun, remorseless, as Dynamite's body folded to the ground in an undignified heap.

  Lola stood stiff, too scared to move or even to wipe Dynamite's spattered blood from her face and lips.

  The man in the jacket turned to her and spoke with a cold, deep voice that seemed to rumble like thunder.

  "Hello, sweetheart."

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  Also By J.D.Weston.

  The Stone Cold Thriller Series.

  Book 1 - Stone Cold.

  Book 2 - Stone Fury

  Book 3 - Stone Fall

  Book 4 - Stone Rage

  Book 5 - Stone Free

  Book 6 - Stone Rush

  Book 7 - Stone Game

  Book 8 - Stone Raid

  Book 9 - Stone Deep


  Stone Breed

  Stone Blood (Available at the end of Stone Rage)

  The Alaskan Adventure

  Where the Mountains Kiss the Sun

  From the Ocean to the Stream


  Stone Cold

  Book One of the Stone Cold Thriller series

  One priceless set of diamonds. Three of London's ruthless east end crime families. One very angry assassin with a hit list.

  Harvey Stone has questions that someone will answer. Who killed his parents and why? Who raped and killed his sister? And why are his closest allies hiding the truth.

  When Harvey is asked to kill east London's biggest crime boss in return for one name on his list, there is only one answer.

  Can Harvey survive the gang war, untangle the web of deceit and uncover the truth behind his sisters death?

  Stone Cold is the first book in the Stone Cold thriller series.

  If you enjoy fast-paced adventure, gritty vigilante stories and no-nonsense heroes, then you'll love J.D.Weston's brand new Thriller Series.

  Unlock the Stone Cold Thriller Series with the first book, Stone Cold.

  Stone Fury

  Book Two of the Stone Cold Thriller series

  The lives of twelve young girls are being sold. The seller is on Harvey Stone's hit list.

  When ex-hitman Harvey Stone learns of an human trafficking ring taking place in his old stomping ground, he is sickened. But when he learns the name of the person running the show, an opportunity arises to cross one more name of his list.

  Can Harvey save the ill-fated girls, and serve justice to those who are most deserved?

  Stone Fury is the second book in the Stone Cold thriller series.

  If you enjoy fast-paced adventure, gritty vigilante stories and no-nonsense heroes, then you'll love J.D.Weston's brand new Thriller Series.

  Click here now to get early access to the next part of Harvey's puzzle.

  Stone Fall

  Book Three of the Stone Cold Thriller series

  One evil terrorist with a plan to change the face of London. One missing child, and one priceless jade Buddha. Only Harvey Stone and his team of organised crime specialists can prevent disaster.

  When Harvey and the team intercept a heist to rob a priceless jade Buddha, little did they know they would be uncovering a terrorist attack on London's St Paul's Cathedral, and a shocking hostage scenario.

  Can Harvey and the team stop the terrorists, save the little girl and rescue the priceless Buddha?

  Stone Fall is the third book in the Stone Cold thriller series.

  If you enjoy fast-paced adventure, gritty vigilante stories and no-nonsense heroes, then you'll love J.D.Weston's brand new Thriller Series.

  Buy now to read the next adventure in the Stone Cold thriller series.

  Stone Rage

  Book Four of the Stone Cold Thriller series

  Two of east London's most notorious gangs go head to head with the Albanian mafia, and one angry assassin who's out to clean up.

  When Harvey Stone is sent undercover to put a stop a turf war between the Albanian mafia and two of East London's most notorious gangs, nobody expected him to be welcomed like a hero by an old face.

  Has Harvey finally gone rogue, or will he put a stop to the bloodshed once and for all?

  Stone Rage is the fourth book in the Stone Cold thriller series.

  If you enjoy fast-paced adventure, gritty vigilante stories and no-nonsense heroes, then you'll love J.D.Weston's brand new Thriller Series.

  Buy now and get your hands on Harvey's next adventure in the Stone Cold thriller series.

  Stone Free

  Book Five of the Stone Cold Thriller series

  Death by internet. A mind blowing masterplan, where death holds all the cards.

  Harvey Stone plays guardian angel on international soil when two governments prepare to do battle, and the lives of innocent people are at stake.

  Can Harvey free the condemned women and avert an international disaster. Can he defy all odds and escape alive?

  Find out in Stone Free, the fifth book in the Stone Cold Thriller series.

  If you enjoy intense thrillers, with shocking storylines, then you'll love this new series from J.D.Weston.

  Get stuck into the Stone Cold Thriller series, get Stone Free now.

  Stone Rush

  Book Six of the Stone Cold Thriller series

  Europe's slave trade is alive. MI6 is falling down, and Harvey Stone is caught in the middle.

  Harvey yearns for the quiet life, but when a close friend is captured and tortured, and refugees become slaves, Harvey is forced out of retirement.

  Can Harvey put a stop to the human traffickers and save the girls from a torturous death? Can he prevent the gang's devastating plans?

  Find out, in Stone Rush, the sixth book in the Stone Cold Thriller series.

  If you enjoy intense thrillers, with shocking storylines, then you'll love this new action crime thriller from J.D.Weston.

  Click here to follow Harvey to Athens and possibly his toughest challenge yet.

  Stone Game

  Book Sev
en of the Stone Cold Thriller series

  Tragedy strikes. A killer runs wild, and an old enemy raises the stakes.

  Memories of Harvey's kills return to haunt his freedom. But as the body count grows and the past become reality, the hunter becomes the hunted.

  Has Harvey gone back to his old ways? Is he destined for a life on the run?

  Stone Game is the seventh book in J.D.Weston's Stone Cold Thriller series.

  If you like your action hard and fast, with page-turning intensity, you'll love this series.

  Get Stone Game now, and get inside the head of a killer.

  Stone Raid

  Book Eight of the Stone Cold Thriller series

  A pair of cursed diamonds. A brutal gang ran by evil twin brothers. And an ex-hitman who finds himself deep inside a Victorian legend.

  When ex-hitman Harvey Stone emerges from laying low, he stumbles into a cruel and twisted plot devised by evil twin brothers to bring together two cursed diamonds, and unleash hell in London.

  But the deeper Harvey delves into their plans, the more twisted they become, and saving the diamonds becomes his toughest challenge yet.

  Can Harvey bring down the evil twins and prevent the cursed diamonds from destroying more lives? Can he find right from wrong in this twisted tale of lies and deceit?


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