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The Devil's Eyes

Page 3

by Jennifer Loren

  The next night Dawson is missing from outside the door. His replacement tells me that he was reassigned. Afterwards, I get scolded from Kyler for conducting myself in an inappropriate manner on business property. Chicken shit couldn’t even confront me himself. The next time I see Dawson is when I accidentally run into him at a nearby coffee shop. I try to say hello but he avoids me like the plague. Frustrated, I watch for any opening to force my way into Nick’s view. Luckily, my opportunity arises when Meagan begins to take a downward slide. She is rarely on time these days and seems to be pushing Nick to the edge. The last few nights he has sent her home by herself.

  Tonight is no different, Meagan is nearly forty minutes late when she shows up in a state of delusion. “Where is my lipstick? Who the hell took my lipstick? It was you, wasn’t it?” Meagan yells pointing her crooked finger in my face. “You better give it back and I hope for your sake you didn’t touch it with your nasty lips. I will make damn sure you never see the light of day again. Nick hates you, you know that? I am the only reason you still have a job!” She yells at me.

  I get up and Exie quickly pushes me back in my seat. “Calm the fuck down. Your lipstick is on the floor behind your chair, Slut,” Exie yells back at her with disgust. Meagan turns noticing the diamond encrusted tube on the floor. She reaches down to pick it up, stumbles into her table, and then falls flat on her ass. Exie bursts into laughter, “Hey, Graceful, you think you could look for my earring? I mean, since you’re down there already?” Exie walks away still chuckling to herself. I would laugh to if the scene didn’t look all too familiar to me.

  After watching Meagan struggle to get her makeup on properly, her shoes on at all, and finally giving up on trying to do anything with her hair, she stumbles out to perform. This is going to be a disaster. I’m not sure I even want to watch but my curiosity gets the best of me. I walk out just in time to see her take two steps and fall right off the stage- into some exceedingly shocked man’s lap. Everyone’s first response is to rush to Meagan and help her up. Mine is to watch Nick’s reaction. The anger in his eyes is clear and I know this night is about to get interesting. Scrambling, the DJ, Mickey, comes out making jokes and offering free drinks to everyone while they wait for the next show, except no one else is prepared to go on. Seeing my opportunity in front of me, I quickly make my presence known to Kyler. As Kyler vibrates nervously, I smile happily, waiting.

  “Fine Kayla! You’re up, get dressed …QUICKLY!” Kyler yells at me.

  I look up at Exie, ask her to give my music to Mickey, and change quickly to an outfit I have been saving just for Nick. Before taking the stage, I grab Meagan’s signature hat and put it on my head. Nodding in Mickey’s direction, I take my mark meeting Nick’s eyes as a surge rushes through me. Concentrating on him, I perform- for only him. I barely notice the time pass or the money coming my way until Nick sends one of his cronies over with five hundreds from his own pocket. The man happily walks over to the stage calling out to me and waving his prize. Eager to make him hungry, I lock-down the edge of the stage, teasing each hundred away from the overtly blissful man. Upon receiving the last hundred, I kiss him gently on the cheek, enjoying the man’s heart attack act that he performs for the applauding crowd. Running my hand up between my legs, I wet my mouth, eyeing Nick until the music ends.

  “Damn, Girl! Where did that come from?” Exie asks as I pass. I shrug and smile.

  “Kayla, Nick wants to see you,” Kyler says with harsh breaths, “In his office.”

  I look back at Exie and she looks more nervous than I. “Change first. And put on two pairs of underwear just in case. Oh and let’s tape them on!” She yells running at me with duck tape. I laugh and decide to go in my new, jeweled bikini. I’m not scared of him.

  I make my way slowly down the dark corridor stopping at the edge of the light coming from his office. “I don’t have all-night. Get in here.” He yells from inside. Rounding the corner I ease my eyes up to his, as he sits at the edge of his desk waiting for me. “Shut the door.”

  “You know, I would prefer it open I have a slight case of claustrophobia.” I said ignoring his request.

  “Close the damn door!” He watches me hard until I complete the task as told. “Thank you.”

  “Did I do something wrong?” I asked innocently.

  “No, on the contrary, you made my clients very happy. And after Meagan’s … incident, I didn’t think that was going to be possible.” Nick gets up and walks around me, “You seem to want to get in my face and challenge me every chance you get. Your attitude stinks. I should have fired you by now.”

  “Then why haven’t you?” I challenged.

  “Do not talk right now.” He demands as I stare directly into the devil’s eyes.

  “Why? Can’t I ask you questions? Tell you how I feel?”

  “You are the most exhausting woman I have ever met. Fine, what do you want to say? What are you trying to prove to me, Kayla?” He said shocking me that he even knows my name.

  “I want to do more, I want to prove I can be even more valuable for you.”

  “Do I dare ask? Fine. Like how?”

  “What do you need?” I asked, standing up straight as he looks me over.

  “What do I need? What are you after? Tell me something. Why did you start working here, Kayla?”

  “I needed a job.”

  “Kayla, you’re beautiful and you could get a job anywhere. Why here? Why my club?” He pressed, looking down on me. I am not even sure how to answer that, at least not without giving up my true intentions. “Now you’re quiet?”

  “What do you want me to say, Nick, that I came here specifically to work for you? It’s not true there are other places I can go, but I thought I might learn the business better from you. Contrary to what you may think, not every woman is after you for sex.” He smirks and rolls his eyes. “Maybe I should go work for someone else. This is clearly a mistake on my part. I thought you could help me get somewhere better.” I turn to leave as he takes hold of my arm.

  “Where are you going to go?”

  “I have had other offers. A man, just yesterday, told me he had something that was more suited for me.”

  “What man?” Nick asked eyeing me closely.

  “I don’t know. I wasn’t interested at the time.”

  “Kayla, there are men that come in here that are not after dancers.”

  “I know how to do other things as well … Nick.” I said eyeing him.

  “You put on quite the show of such strength and defiance.”

  “It’s not a show.” I challenge.

  “We will see, I guess.” He said sighing and seeming to decide on something significant. “There’s a party tomorrow night. I would like for you to go with me.”

  “Me? But I thought you are Meagan’s …”

  “I don’t belong to anybody. Besides, I am asking you to go as a favor to me. Not as a girlfriend.”

  I step up to him meeting his black eyes strongly, “I don’t have anything to wear to a party.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  “My car is not …”

  “I said you’re going with me. You don’t need a car.”

  “What about shoes?”

  “Kayla!” He tensed.

  Smiling, “No reason to yell, I just wanted to make sure to ask all the important questions before I say yes.”

  Nick laughs harshly, jerking me close to him by the back of the neck, “I don’t like games. Got it?”

  “Got it,” I said taking notice of his scent as I press my hands against his firm chest. His eyes gaze over me as I try to stand strong against them.

  Luckily, Meagan interrupts our silent standoff with an abrupt opening of the door, “Nick?”

  “Fuck,” Nick lets go of me and walks away to pour himself a drink. “What do you want? And before you say a word, know that you’re on thin ice with me right now.”

  Meagan takes a stand in front of me, “You fucking Bitch, you steal MY
lipstick, take MY hat, take MY stage, and now you’re trying to steal MY boyfriend? Get the fuck out of here, you gold digging whore!”

  “Maybe if you weren’t so strung out and drunk, I wouldn’t have had to save your ass. You have never been that great of a dancer, Meagan, but well done on the dive. Perfect ten from all the judges.” I smile harshly back at her. Screaming, Meagan comes at me in full rage, while still unstable on her feet, making it easy for me to dodge her. Nick walks around me and helps her off the floor, before turning to face me.

  “Apologize.” He said calmly. Meagan laughs at me, waiting to hear me grovel for her forgiveness. “Not her, you.”

  “But, Nick?” She asked looking up at him in shock.

  “You know I don’t like to repeat myself … Do it NOW!” Meagan starts to speak, “On your knees.” Meagan looks up at him and slowly tries to get down on her knees but falls on her face first. Watching her struggle makes me nauseous.

  “I ... am ... sorry.” She said.

  “For what?” Nick asked watching me closely.

  “I’m sorry for accusing you and yelling at you and everything.” Meagan cries.

  “Get up and get out. I don’t want to see you the rest of the night. Make sure you’re here early tomorrow, you have the lunch shift from now on.” Meagan, crying, stumbles for the door. “And shut the door on your way out.” Once the door is securely shut, Nick steps to me, coming in close, and nosing my hair out of the way as he breathes in my ear, “Did that bother you?”

  “No, she was wrong.”

  “Should I punish you too for stealing?” He whispered.

  “I didn’t steal anything.” I said facing forward and trying to control my unstable legs.

  “We both know you are,” he said, stroking my cheek.

  With a clear defiance, I turn to him and look in his black eyes, “It is not stealing if it doesn’t belong to anybody.”

  With a slight smile he steps away from me, “Tomorrow at 7:00. Be ready.” He said motioning for me to leave.

  I walk off smiling and run into Exie, who looks as if she is ready to explode. “What happened?”

  “Nothing.” I said calmly.

  “Nothing?” She snapped. I shrug, not understanding her worry. “No one goes into Nick’s office alone and has nothing happen. At least tell me that you didn’t remove any clothes while you were in there. And, if you did, I want details- very specific details.”

  “He just invited me to go to a party with him.”

  “And you said no right?”

  “Oh yea. That’s what I did. Are you kidding?”

  “Kayla, I know he is extremely good looking, but I don’t think you understand how dangerous he is. He is …”

  “Exie, I understand exactly who he is. Don’t worry about me, I can handle him.”



  Nick makes sure I have the day off and sends a driver to escort me to a specialist that has been given the task of making me perfect enough to stand beside him. I returned home to find my outfit for the night waiting for me with a note from Nick saying he picked out the dress himself especially for me. As charming as that seems, I’m not swayed in the least. However, the dress slides on like silk and the shoes feel heavenly. I stand in front of my mirror admiring the stranger in front of me and for a second, I allow myself to enjoy living in this dream.

  “Wow, you look amazing.” Exie said leaning against my doorframe. “That dress must be at least … what? A thousand dollars?”

  “Nearly three, actually. He said he picked it out himself.” I whisper in amazement.

  “Of course he did.” Exie remarks with a harsh tone. “I still don’t understand why you are doing this.”

  “And I assure you it's best that you don’t.” I reply, with an encouraging smile. As soon as the doorbell rings, I grab my new handbag and rush to the door.

  Tanner greets me with a simple nod before escorting me to the car where he opens the car door for me and nods once again. I peer inside to see the edges of him and my butterflies instantly take flight. Sitting down slowly, I avoid looking in his direction. “You forgot something,” Nick said opening a flawlessly adorned box and taking out a beautiful diamond necklace that he carefully wraps around my neck. “Now, you’re perfect.” Touching the heavy jewel dangling against my chest, I breathe in deeply as he takes my hand to help me out of the car. My comfort level doesn’t improve as I began to feel as if I am only here for the view, nothing more. When a man approaches my side, it takes me a second to realize that he is actually speaking to me. Introducing myself, he kisses my hand looking me over like he is inspecting me. And that’s when I realize what my purpose is at this party. I’m not here to be viewed, but to be judged, and sold to the highest bidder. Nick hands me a hotel key with a number on it, before walking away. Standing across the room watching, waiting, and almost certainly upping the price with every second passing, Nick eyes me with a knowing expression. The anger that builds up inside me overshadows any leftover butterflies. I smile at Nick as he enjoys his secret. Eyeing him the entire distance between us, I ease my way to his side and glide my hand up his chest releasing a soft moan against his earlobe. “How am I doing? The bids coming in high enough for your approval?” I eye him with an edge of disgust. “Nice of you to let me know what I am really here for.”

  “You said you knew how to do other things. I wanted to explore how far those other things might go. Have I gone too far in my expectations? Because I am more than willing to pull you out of here and take you back home where you belong.” Nick smiles giving me a quick glance as he admires the other women working the room.

  “No, I’m fine. Keep counting your money, Gigolo. So do I just take them in the backroom or …”

  Nick laughs, “This is just a party Kayla. However, if someone happens to receive the same hotel room key then …”

  “Then it’s all up to me.” I said, strutting away with purpose. Leaving Nick to ponder over his new prize, I walk over to a group of men and introduce myself, making sure to smile sweetly, touch them innocently, and blush at their compliments. Once I have their full attention, I excuse myself politely and move on to the next group and then the next, working my way through the room effortlessly. Expecting to leave with someone other than Nick, I’m shocked when he takes me by the hand before the night is over and escorts me back into his car. “Where are we going?”

  “My house.” He said looking straight ahead.

  “No one bid on me?”

  Nick laughs, “They all did. In fact, Luke could barely keep up with all the offers coming in.”

  “So then why? …” I asked catching him licking his lips. “Nick! Who won the bid?” He ignores my question, turning to me and trailing his finger along the delicate line of my necklace. “Who, Nick?”

  Sliding my matching hotel key into my hand, “I did,” he said simply, locking me in with the devil’s eyes. “I misjudged your value, Kayla. None of those men can afford you.” Nick plays with the edges of my dress until we pull up to his vast estate. Quietly I follow him not knowing if I should take my clothes off now or wait for him to do it for me or if I should stay dressed just in case he decides to kill me.

  It was only a few years ago a female agent went undercover to get the information needed to arrest Nick. She didn’t get far before Nick coaxed her out of her clothes and left her naked in a hotel room. Assured she would be killed before she could get two steps out of the hotel, she called for backup and was escorted out by police in nothing but a bedsheet and a fellow officer’s jacket. She was forced to excuse herself from the investigation and asked to transfer immediately. The next agent to try, assured she would not fall for the same. Her name was Claire and we quickly became friends. She was the first to investigate Nick deeper than most and found me visiting my sister’s grave. It took little persuading to convince me to clue her in on everything I knew about Nick. I was sure she was the one that was going to get him. The investigation took a positive t
urn when he invited her back to his home, she felt as if she was making progress getting him to trust her. However, Nick lured her into bed and fucked her every way possible before sending her home confused. To make matters worse, a video somehow surfaced of the rendezvous and Clair was laughed out of her job and rejected by her fiancé. The next agent … well they still haven’t found her. No one else will volunteer and no man can get any closer than the previous women. Nick has been untouchable. And now here I am being led into his bedroom in a similar fashion, where I will await my fate. I prepared myself for this, I just didn’t anticipate it so soon. I hope he doesn’t know who I am.

  The plush room is amazing and when Nick walks in with wine for us both, I am still wary of his intentions. I take my glass from his hand and welcome the warmth coating my throat. “So, tell me. What is your plan for me tonight?” He says nearly stripping me naked with one look.

  “Tell me what you like and I will do it,” I respond placing my glass down and giving him my full attention.

  “Why don’t you start by dancing for me like you did last night? I enjoyed that.” He said looking down on me with suspicious eyes. I agree and Nick makes himself comfortable, pulling out a remote and turning on the music he prefers. It’s slow and erotic so I move the same using everything around me, including him. Down to my underwear I crawl up his legs feeling his erection through his pants and ease into his lap. I lean in to kiss his neck but am pulled away before I can reach him. Nick grips the back of my head studying me for a second before taking in my lips with his. He grips my ass with a single hand and picks me up, carrying me to his bed. Holding me still, he presses against me, kissing me hard from my thighs to my butt, caressing my body with heated hands, as he turns me to face him. Running his fingers gently down my face he watches me with an emerging smile. I reach down for his belt and get it half undone when he abruptly pushes me away. Shocked, I search the room for someone, something that would cause him to stop.


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