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The Devil's Eyes

Page 21

by Jennifer Loren

  “Why were you at the club?” I asked.

  “Luke asked me to meet him there.”

  “But Luke was …” I know he was handling a party last night for the girls so he would have had no time to meet her at the club, but how do I say that without giving away information I am not supposed to even know. “I know he was busy doing something for Nick.” I said simply.

  She laughs, “I know. Can you believe that? All that planning and I got my nights mixed up. It was fine, though. Luckily Nick was there and kept me entertained until he could leave. He was so nice to take me home. I was not at all in the right state of mind to be driving. He practically had to carry me to bed.” She smiles turning around to look at her notes.

  I close my notes and somehow manage to find the energy I haven’t had in days. Fisting my hands over and over, I imagine choking the hell out of the woman sitting in front of me and I complete my exam in no time, with little effort. With my renewed energy, the answers come to me with ease. I walk out of class and head straight for home. I don’t know if I can stand another minute with my so-called friend.

  I am home for barely an hour before Jesse walks in with Luke, even though she knows Luke has to leave soon after to make some deposits. So she plops herself in Nick’s office, kicking up her heels, and letting her dress slide up her thighs while she giggles and flips her hair in front of him. Taking a step back, I catch my breath before deciding to take the bitch on. I slide my bra off through my sleeve, trade my jeans for boy shorts, and opt to take it a step further by removing my shirt and trading it for my thin tank top to help me with my quest. Walking towards Nick’s office, I pull the clip from my hair, grab my book, and lick my lips as I walk in front of his door and drop my book. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” I said meeting Nick’s eyes perfectly before bending over to grab my book. “I will be upstairs, baby, if you need anything.” I said biting my bottom lip and walking away on my imagined stage with confidence.

  “Make yourself at home, Jesse. I am sure Luke will be back soon.” Nick said from behind me.

  “Where are you going?” Jesse yelled out.

  “I have some fucking business to take care of.” He said as I hear him running up from behind me. “Where are you going?” He asked me throwing me over his shoulder as he races to our room. I helped Nick take care of his business late into the night.


  I have managed to avoid Jesse until our next class, where I barely speak to her as the professor hands out our graded exam papers. I receive my exam and am shocked by the grade. “How did you do?” Jesse asked. “Oh wow, that’s not good at all. I don’t know how I did it, another ‘A’, I guess little sleep and barely studying works best for me. Then again, I have always picked things up quickly. I don’t know, things just come easy to me. If you need any tutoring, let me know. I know how Nick likes his women smart, you must pretend well for him.” She said as I barely hide my groaning displeasure with her. “I tell you what, I will talk to the professor for you. He likes me. Maybe I can talk him into giving you some extra credit work or another exam.” She said patting me with encouragement, “Let’s get coffee after. Meet you across the street later?” She asked, again not waiting for me to answer before she confirms our date.

  After class, I try to speak to the professor but Jesse takes up his time. I know they are talking about me because they keep glancing my way as I wait. Jesse finishes and passes by me with thumbs up, only Professor Rollins walks out of class without talking to me. “Professor Rollins?” I yell running after him.

  “Yes, Mrs. Jayzon, is there a problem?”

  “Yes, there is a problem. My paper? You failed me.”

  “Well, I guess you will have to try harder next time.” He said going into his office.

  I follow him, still studying my paper in shock, “Professor Rollins, I am not sure what this is about, but I know damn well that I did not deserve this grade.”

  “Maybe you didn’t. So, what do you think we can do about it?” He asked strangely. Sitting casually against the edge of his desk, “Your friend said you would be more than willing to come to an arrangement. You know? To get your grade up?”

  “I don’t understand.” I said taking a step back.

  “I thought since you need a better grade and …” He approaches backing me into a corner. “I have heard that you were one of the best strippers at that club that I can’t afford to get into. So maybe we can …” He takes the back of his hand and floats it down the side of my face. “Maybe you could entertain me for a little while and edge that grade up.” I smack him hard and he takes hold of my wrist. “Your grade isn’t going to change that way. What’s the big deal? If you don’t want to fuck, than at least give me a blowjob. Although one will get you a much better grade than the other.”

  “Don’t worry about my grade. I will talk to the Dean instead!” I said reaching for the door.

  Angry, he blocks my path, “I don’t think you are. You did just attack a professor on campus, so unless you want to get kicked out of school, you will start working on that grade right now!” I step back from him as he takes hold of my arm and starts to unbuckle his pants.

  “I would let go of me if I were you, because I guarantee you don’t want my husband to see me with a bruise.” I said with precise clarity.

  “Are you threatening me?” He said changing his overconfident attitude to anger.

  “No, I’m warning you. I am not someone you want to fuck with because you will only end up getting yourself killed.” I said taking out his erection with my knee and storming out, deciding to end my day before I do something ill-advised. Before I go home angry, I stop by the coffee shop to calm down, although the thought occurs to me that seeing Jesse may cause me to get even angrier. Nick can’t see me this upset though, not when I tell him … if I tell him. Twirling the stirrer in my coffee, I drift off to a place far from where I am.

  “I knew I was going to run into trouble today.” I turn and see Brady smiling from the counter at me. I smirk and turn back around but he still walks over and sits down with me. “I know I am a huge asshole, but I have been going to my asshole classes and they say I am making a lot of progress. They even gave me a ticket for controlling my asshole attitude for sixty days.” He pauses with his patent irresistible grin. “I swear, look.” He said tossing a ticket on the table.

  “This is a movie ticket for the movie Sixty Days, dumbass.” I said as he laughs.

  “Oh, my bad.” He smiles leaning back in his chair. “So, beautiful, are we ever going to be friends again?”

  “Friends? Is that what we were?”

  “Alright. Then can we start over and be friends? I know I was wrong and you were completely right about me. If it is any consolation, I wouldn’t have been able to go through with my inexcusable plan entirely.”

  “Entirely? What is that suppose to mean?” I ask glancing up from my drink.

  “Kayla, you are hard to resist and I am nothing if but only a man. You can’t expect me to turn you down if you wanted me to get nasty with you.”

  I throw a waded up napkin at him as he laughs. “You are not helping your cause, Detective Simone.”

  “Oh, come on! Now you sound like Jayzon. Don’t do that.” I smile at him and he takes notice of my hand and shakes his head. “You did marry him? I was hoping that was a sick joke when I heard it.”

  “I love him.” I said watching him make an expression of disgust. “If you want to be friends with me, you can’t bad mouth or make awful facial expressions whenever I mention my husband’s name.” I wait as he smirks in another direction. “So, do you still want to be friends?”

  “I guess. I mean, there is a chance you could get divorced at some point.” He mumbles.

  “We are not off to a good start … friend.”

  Smiling, he sips his coffee and then looks me in the eyes, “So, why are you on this side of town, anyway?”

  “Nick is paying for me to go to the college across the stre
et.” I said with a smile that shocks me, considering the day I have had.

  “How nice of the bastard.” He said as I eye him. “Sorry … habit. Wow, that’s exciting I bet you’re enjoying it!” He sings while I lower my head to look at my swirling drink. “Uh oh. Talk to me. What’s going on?”

  “I had some trouble at school today.”

  “Whatever it is, there has to be somebody at school that can help you.”

  “That would be a good idea except that now I may be kicked out of school.” I said as Brady looks at me wide-eyed. “I hit a professor today.”

  “You? What did he do?” He laughs.

  “He wanted me to have sex with him in order to get a better grade.”

  “Then he needs to be kicked off campus, not you. And, you know that, so why are you sitting here looking like the end of the world?”

  “Why would they believe me over him? I am …”

  “Not the poor, wrong side of the tracks girl anymore. You need to get over that and stop letting people push you around. You have a lot more power than you think, Kayla. Take ‘em by the balls and squeeze, honey.” I laugh nodding as he smiles. “I can’t believe Jayzon hasn’t already handled this for you anyway. Hell … how is this professor still alive?” I glance up pressing my lips tight together. Brady chuckles, “So, you are scared tell him.”

  “I didn’t say that! I just don’t want to bother him with something so unimportant.”

  “I am sure he wouldn’t find it unimportant. Listen, you don’t have to explain it to me but if you need some help, let me know. I may not have your husband’s money, but I do have some connections that could make your life a little easier. Not to mention, an attorney friend that would be more than happy to make a call for you to the president of the school and explain the law to him.” I smile. “There it is. That’s the smile I have been waiting for. Now I know we are friends.”

  “No, we aren’t. Not until you have finished all of your asshole recovery classes and I want to see documentation that you completed every class.” I laugh with him until Jesse comes running in all smiles. She kisses my cheek before she sits down and waits to be introduced. “Jesse, this is Detective Simone.”

  “Brady, nice to meet you.” He says shaking Jesse’s hand. “Well, it looks like you have some important things to talk about with your friend here so I will catch up with you later. Call me when you get a chance. I like our new friendly arrangement.” Brady kisses my cheek with a brotherly messing of my hair before leaving.

  “Well, he is cute. I bet Nick doesn’t know about him.” Jesse said resting on her elbows. “What’s wrong? Did things not go well with Professor Rollins?”

  “Jesse, he wanted me to have sex with him to get a better grade. Did you tell him I wanted to do that- that I would be willing to do that?” I asked her as she sits back in shock.

  “Absolutely NOT! I swear, Kayla, I would never suggest such a thing. All I asked was that he give you a break because you have been so sick lately. I asked if he could find some extra credit work or something. That I was sure that you would be willing to do it.”

  “Well, he heard the do it part alright, but he said something about me stripping. Did you tell him about that?”

  “No, I don’t know where he would have heard that unless he overheard us talking or something. Maybe he saw you there once.” She said primping in her little pocket mirror.

  “We have never talked about it, because I have never said anything to you about it.”

  She shrugs. “That is strange, Kayla. You better be careful, he may be some kind of a sick stalker or something. I would talk to him again. Maybe at the end of the day when you have more privacy. I will go with you and make sure he stays in line.” I glance her way before excusing myself with a sharp tone.



  While wrestling with myself about calling Brady for help, Nick comes home. “Hi, Princess,” he said kissing me with a purr, “Everything okay? You still sick?”

  “A little but I think I am getting better.” He begins looking at the mail as I battle with what the right thing to do is. All I can think is that Nick is going to kill him and now that I have told Brady about it, the first person they are going to accuse is Nick.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re trembling.” He said. I open my mouth but nothing comes out and before I can try again, Luke and Jesse walk in laughing and cuddling each other.

  “Nick, let’s get this over with. Jesse and I have reservations at that little Italian place on Bertrum Street.” Luke said.

  “Hold on. I think Kayla has to tell me something.” Nick said as everyone in the room looks my way.

  “Ummm, no. It’s not important.” I said backing away.

  “It’s okay, Kayla, you can tell him. I already told Luke anyway.” Jesse said as Luke nods.

  “Nick is going to kill that fuck. I can’t believe that bastard had the balls to do something like that.” Luke said sitting down casually with Jesse.

  Nick takes hold of me and looks me in the eyes with concern, “What happened?”

  “It sounds worse than it was …” I said already seeming to apologize for bothering him.

  “How can a guy propositioning you for a better grade sound worse than it was?” Luke laughs.

  “Who the fuck did that?” Nick snaps as I close my eyes, feeling ill all over again.

  “Professor Rollins, he is our economics professor. Asshole gave her a failing grade and then expected her to bend over for him in his office today.” Jesse said cuddling with Luke, not realizing the fire she is starting.

  “Nick, don’t …” I said gripping his arm.

  “Don’t what?” He said with darkened eyes.

  I caress his hands and try to calm him, “Don’t do anything. I can take …”

  “Did you show him your arm?” Jesse said causing both Luke and Nick to stare at me hard.

  Nick pulls back my sleeves until he finds a light, bruised handprint. Luke jumps up to see and looks back up at me laughing. “This fuck is dead!”

  “No! Nick, let me take care of it. I am going to talk to the Dean, the president of the school and get him fired.” I said.

  “Fired! You think that’s all he deserves?” Nick yells tensing into colors I never like to see. I rush to him caressing him even more to calm down. “What’s his full name?” I shake my head. “What’s his name, Kayla?”

  “Nick, I don’t want you doing anything. I don’t want you to get into trouble.” I plead.

  “Oh, Nick won’t get into trouble. He knows how to make things happen without anyone seeing or knowing a thing.” Luke said proudly.

  “Nick, no. I have already said something to Brady. If you go and do …” I said calmly until Nick stares at me hard. “He stopped by the coffee shop where I was meeting Jesse and we got to talking and it had just happened so ... I was upset and he offered to help.”

  Backing away from me, “He just happened to be there?” Nick asked. I nod surprised to see him look at me as if I am hiding something from him.

  “Oh, Nick, don’t be so jealous. I was there it was completely innocent. She couldn’t have been there alone with him for more than a few minutes. He said good-bye, kissed her, and left.” Jesse said with an innocent smile in my direction.

  Nick leans into my face, “Nice kiss, was it?”

  I push back, “What is wrong with you? It was a kiss on the cheek- quick and nothing. This should be a conversation between us and not for the whole fucking world to hear!”

  “Why not? Apparently the whole fucking world knows about it before your husband does! I want to know this professor’s full name and I want you to stay away from Simone. You see him coming, you go the other way. Do you hear me?” He growls at me.

  “No, no I won’t! And I will be damned if you are going to speak to me this way and think it’s okay. I will be friends with whoever I want to and I will handle my own problems. If I need your help, I will let you know.” I said step
ping away from his snarling expression.

  “I am going to take care of this, Kayla. What’s the professor’s name, Jesse?” Nick asked. I look over at her and shake my head.

  “Its … sorry, Kayla, but I mean you really shouldn’t have gone into his office alone like that. It is never a good idea. Especially since he had already been making passes at you and leaving you those disgusting notes. I did ask you to wait for me.” Jesse said looking up at Nick sympathetically. “I don’t know why she plays those games with people. It really is dangerous.” I look at Nick and watch him begin to shake with anger.

  “You fucking lying bitch! Get out of my house and don’t ever come back!” I yell at her.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are, Kayla? I knew you were trouble. You are lucky you are still alive!” Luke yells at me as he closes in on me.

  “You don’t know what the hell you are doing, Luke. This bitch has done everything she can to weasel her way into this house and push me out. She is using you to get at Nick, you fool!”

  Luke waves his hand in my face, “Shut up, Kayla!”

  Nick pushes Luke away and leans down to look me directly in the eyes, “I am going to take care of this …”

  “NO! NO, Nick! I swear if you …” I said watching Nick suddenly eye Luke. I turn to look at him too quickly and become dizzy.

  Luke pulls out a gun, “I’ll take care of him, Nick.”

  “NO!” I scream swaying backwards. With a step sideways, I look back up at Nick and collapse.

  “Kayla!” Nick yells. My whole body floats away as he calls out to me but I just want him to be quiet and let me close my eyes until the world stops moving. When I open my eyes again, Nick is hovering over me and screaming out orders as he puts me into bed. “Kayla?”

  “I’m okay.” I mumbled.

  “Relax, Kayla, I’m calling the doctor for you.” Nick said looking stressed but much calmer than previous. I try to sit up in protest but Nick holds me down. “I said relax.” The doctor had Nick ask me a list of questions and decided that he would like to see me first thing in the morning. Before I could even think of protesting the idea, Nick confirmed a time for me and hung up. If not for one of the doctor’s questions, I would be a little worried about my so-called illness, but now my reality suddenly seems clear. Thankfully, Nick, in his already ill-tempered mood, hasn’t even considered the possibility.


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