The Devil's Eyes

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The Devil's Eyes Page 27

by Jennifer Loren

  “I am happy now.”

  “I mean …”

  “I know what you mean, but, Kayla, they are never going to let me leave. They will hunt me down until they find me- hunt us down. And it will only be that much worse when they do find us.”

  “Not if they have everything they are after.”

  I hold her face in my hands so she will look at me, “Yes, they will. They will fear that I will come back and they won’t want to be constantly watching their backs waiting for me.”

  “Nick … please.” She cries suddenly tearing me apart. “We can hide. You know how. I know you do.”

  “You want to live like that?” I asked her wishing she had never brought it up.


  “You want to hide out all the time? Worried about who might be around the corner? Worry about Nicky having to grow up like that?” I asked her shaking my head.

  “We will figure it out. You are so smart. Nick. I know you can figure it out. You can figure out exactly what we need to do. Please, Nick.” Her teary eyes take hold of me.

  “Kayla, I’m not sure you know what you are asking for.”

  “I do know and I know you can make it happen. Don’t say no, Nick. You need to do this for us. You need to do this to protect your son.” I try to speak but she fists my shirt and begins to cry, “Please!” She cries over and over.

  “Okay. Okay. We will leave tomorrow. Let me make some calls, transfer some money in the afternoon, and we will sneak out tomorrow night.” I lift her head from my chest and wipe the tears from her face, “Everything is going to be fine. I don’t want you to worry about it anymore. I will take care of everything. All you have to do is pack.” Her smile returns as she kisses me through her tears. “Now that we have that settled, let’s get back to what we were doing.” It takes her a few minutes to regain her composure but eventually she makes her mouth available to me while crossing her leg over mine. Reaching down, I caress her leg and run my hand up her thigh, rubbing it hard as we begin to heat up. Kayla opens my shirt, kisses down my chest, and reaches for my belt looking up at me with a wicked smile that causes me to laugh, but I still move her off me. “No, Princess, this is my night. I want you to dance for me. Seduce me, Kayla, and I will give you what you want.”

  “Everything I want?” She asked biting her bottom lip in anticipation.

  “Don’t I always?” Laughing, she gets up and changes the music to a tune she prefers. Sitting back, I watch as she moves provocatively in front of me, stripping her dress off, fondling herself through her bra and panties before easing each of them off. I stop blinking not wanting to miss a thing. Kayla stretches her beautiful legs out in front of me before turning and letting me feel her ass, kissing the places my hands don’t touch. Turning again she sits down on me and works me into the hardest of erections, leaning back, and displaying her tits perfectly for me. I grip each of them, sucking and fondling until I can take no more. I drop my hand down low and push my fingers up into her, receiving the moan I was wanting. She moves against them making herself wetter with each pass. My mind is about to explode when I pull her into my arms and carry her to the bed. Spreading her legs out wide, I take a single taste causing her to squirm backwards, so I pull her back down to my mouth and take what I want sending her into a moaning mess. She grips my hair so tight I am sure she is going to pull every hair out of my head if I don’t finish her soon. With a final push of my fingers, she comes and I enjoy it until the last before stripping naked and working my way slowly up her body. My dick twitches between her legs, teasing her with every touch it makes. I take one last taste of her tits and find my way inside her, gasping as her body takes hold of me tight. Kayla arches her back and I take full advantage, feeling the tightness inside her until I feel her body quiver and mine tense. Taking hold of my head, she brings me down to her lips, sucking on each while rubbing the back of my head, down my back, and to my ass- squeezing me down into her more. I roll us over and she sits up on me instantly taking control, moving her hips on me, and smiling as I grip the bed frame behind me- groaning out her name. I feel up the front of her, taking hold of the back of her neck, and spinning her back down on the bed, “I love you, Kayla Jayzon.” I whispered against her ear as I send us both over the edge. Coming together, groaning, until we are shivering in each other’s arms.


  Today everything changes forever, I sneak out of our bed trying not to wake Kayla. I need to avoid her questions as much as possible. I leave Tanner behind and drive myself to meet Ryan in our secret place. He shows up right on time and I give him the last minute instructions, which he expectedly protests.

  “No, Nick!” Ryan yells back at me.

  “Don’t argue with me, Ryan. You said you would do whatever I asked and this is what I want!” I demanded.

  “Are you insane? I can’t believe you would give up what you have worked so hard for.” He demanded.

  “I am not discussing this with you. Either you are going to do this for me or I am going to find someone else that will.” I said with no give in my voice. Ryan grumbles for a while but eventually agrees.

  With one task down, I check some final notes and make sure my money transfers have been successful before taking care of my son. Nicky is wide awake and ready to go today already. As soon as I enter his room, he reaches out for me. “There’s my boy. Daddy is going to feed you today.” I look at him as he smiles at me, “Can you say Daddy, Nicky? Say Daddy.” He giggles hard as I try to get him to say it at least once. I have been trying for a week but he is no closer than the first day. “I know I am crazy to think you will talk this early.” I feed him his breakfast, change him, and play with him as long as I can before Kayla wakes up. She comes into Nicky’s room, quietly sneaking up behind me and kissing me and Nicky both.

  “I didn’t hear you get up.” She said.

  “I know you didn’t, but that’s okay.” I said with an easy smile.

  “Did you take care of everything already?” She asked nervously.

  “Most of it. I have a few tasks left to take care of.”

  “Well, if you are taking care of him, and if you don’t mind, I am going to go get ready myself.” I nod, kissing her once more before she leaves. Left alone I pick Nicky up, fighting the pain that is creeping in. “I love you so much. Be a good boy, okay? Take care of your mother and do what she says. She is a smart woman and knows what’s best for you.” My voice cracks and my eyes begin to fill up. All I can do is press my lips hard to his head and hope that he knows I am doing what’s best for him. I have to go before I can’t. I set him down in his crib and walk out with the lump growing in my throat and go to make my last good-bye. Kayla has finished her shower and has clothes draped all over the place as she packs up. “You almost done?”

  “I don’t know. I am not sure what to take.” She said with a giddy anticipation.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it, you can always buy something new when you get there.” I said leaning against the wall to help hold up my shaky legs.

  “When … WE … get there.” She said waiting for me to nod.

  “Pack light, it will be easier. Take only what you can’t live without.” She smiles, prancing around the room with no worries. “I need to go.” I said needing to take a deep breath. “I’m going to go now and get the last minute tasks done.”

  “Okay. Do you want me to pack for you?” She asked, barely acknowledging me as she decides on two different pairs of shoes.

  “I already did.” I said with a forced smile. She kisses me gently and goes on about her business as if nothing is out of the ordinary. “Kayla, come here.” She turns, looking at me sweetly at first but begins to fear my hesitation. “Don’t worry. I only want to tell you how much I enjoyed last night with you.” Her smile returns as she hugs me, only I don’t let go. I kiss her hard and hold her as long as I can. “I love you.” I said hiding a tear into her hair.

  “I love you too.” She said. With one last kiss, I leave them having
to carry my unyielding legs forcefully, every step becoming more numb than the last as I walk out the door.

  I crash into the backseat of the car, holding my heart so it doesn’t explode out of my chest. “Drive! Go!” I yell at Tanner.

  “Are you sure this is what you want to do?” He asked hesitating as he glances at the front door.

  “I have no other choice. They will never give up. Not until I am dead.”

  “You’re right … not until you are dead,” Tanner said. I look up and catch his disapproving glare in the rearview mirror.



  I have been scrambling all day trying to figure out what’s important and what isn’t. In the end, none of it matters, as long as I have my husband and my son. Changing my focus, I concentrate on Nicky’s favorite toys and the special items that Nick has given to me. I have everything ready to go when the sun begins to go down, but Nick still isn’t home. I start to get nervous but when the door opens I jump up excitedly and rush to greet Nick- only it isn’t Nick. “Ryan?”

  “Nick sent me to get you.” Ryan said avoiding my eyes.

  “He sent you? Why doesn’t he come himself?” I asked, stepping away from him slowly.

  “He thought … he thought it would be safer this way.”

  “Okay, when are we meeting him?” I asked glancing around the immaculately cleaned house.

  “Soon. He will send me the information when I let him know I have you safely away.” Ryan said walking past me and taking the bags I have packed. He immediately begins packing them into the car while I secure Nicky in the backseat. I glance at Ryan briefly as I sit down next to him and prepare to leave.

  Looking back, I watch as my home gets smaller and begin to shake with fear. “Take me back! I changed my mind, I don’t want to go.” I said but Ryan ignores me, giving me only a glance out of the corner of his eyes. “Did you hear me? I want to go back.”

  “What about Nick?” Ryan said calmly.

  “Call him and tell him to come home.”

  “I can’t do that, Kayla. It’s too late anyway. He is already gone.” Fearing the worst, I tense up and try to imagine any scenario where Nick would leave ahead of us. After hours of driving, Ryan hands me a note.

  “He’s not coming is he?” I said fighting my tears.

  “He explains everything in the letter … I hope.” Ryan said still avoiding my eyes.

  I open the letter and sweep my fingers across his name at the bottom.

  Dear Princess,

  Never in my life would I have expected to fall for someone so incredible or be blessed to have her love me the way you have. Tell my son I am doing this for you both. You have to get away from me, they won’t stop until I am dead and I can’t bear the thought that something might happen to either of you. So, I am sending you to a safe place far away from me- far away from this madness that is my life. Ryan will take great care of you and Nicky. I know you have already figured out that he is my brother, he owes me and this is my final favor from him, to make sure you get away safely. You and Nicky mean everything to me, you will never know what this is doing to me. To think of all the ways you used to dream about getting back at me, make me pay, make me suffer, and now I suffer the worst pain I could ever imagine. Run, Kayla, run far away from me, for your own sake and for our son.

  I love you always – Nick

  To keep from crying out and scaring Nicky I grip Ryan’s hand and scream with no voice. Damn you, Nick!


  “Kayla, are you awake?” Ryan asked shaking me gently. My eyes are still swollen from crying but I am able to sit up and take in the hotel room where we crashed the night before. “We should probably get going.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked sharply.

  “To a place that is already setup for you and Nicky.”

  “Nick set it up?” I asked still hoping for a possibility of being with him.

  “No, I did. He didn’t want to know where we were going.” I look up at him. “Oh, please don’t cry anymore. I don’t think I can take it. You think I am happy about this? Because I’m not. I’m going to miss him too.”

  “And you didn’t even have sex with him.” I say without thinking.

  “Eww, why would you say that? You’re disgusting.” He said shivering with disgust causing me to laugh. “Come on, get ready so we can go. I would like to get there so I can get this drive over with.”

  “I need to get a shower. Will you take care of Nicky for me?” I ask as he glances between us.

  “What do you want me to do with him? He is sound asleep.”

  “If he wakes up, change him, feed him, or play with him until I am out of the shower.” Ryan looks in Nicky’s direction seriously scared. “You will be fine.”

  “Hurry up.” He snaps.

  I take my shower and get ready, only to climb back into the car and drive for four more hours. I try to get Ryan to reveal where Nick may have gone, but after many frustrating conversations that only end in arguments, it is clear he has no idea. We arrive in a small town and pull into the driveway of an old Victorian home with a large yard and curious neighbors. The house is already furnished for us and, though a little dusty, cozy. Ryan rushes our bags in and crashes quickly in the sunroom, listening to the rain fall, and drifting off to sleep.

  While Ryan is asleep, I take the car out and go to the store with Nicky. It is obvious we don’t fit in here. From the moment I walk into the store, people stare at me from every corner. I take notice of the people, trying to take inventory of the proper dress for shopping, but nothing seems that much different. I am not excessively made up, and besides wearing heels with my jeans rather than sneakers I don’t see much difference at all. Clearly this is an incredibly small town that isn’t welcoming to newcomers. I wonder how long it will take before we aren’t “new” anymore. Not sure I want to stay here long enough to find out.

  When I get back to the house, Ryan comes running out in a panic, “Are you crazy? Where in the hell have you been?” He yells.

  “I went to the store to get food, supplies … you know things we need.”

  “You couldn’t wait until I woke up to do that?” He continues to yell.

  “Why does it matter? Am I going to have to be stuck at your side for the rest of my life?”

  “No, but until I get a feel for the area and know that you’re going to be okay here, then I would like for you to stay where I can keep an eye on you.” I sigh walking around him. “Did you just roll your eyes at me?” He yells, wildly causing Nicky to laugh.

  “Yes, I did and you better get used to it if you’re going to say stupid things.” Ryan runs up on me shaking his finger in my face, fighting with his mouth to force out words. “Let me know if you ever come up with a comeback.” I said leaving him behind. After I set Nicky down, I check on Ryan who is kicking and flailing like a crazy person talking to himself. It’s comical, I have never seen anyone act so frustrated openly. “Bring in the bags while you’re out there.” He turns with his lips tensed. “Please.” I said with a smile.

  “UGGGHHH! Nick you owe me big time for this.” He raves.


  After a couple of weeks of being cooped up, Ryan finally agrees to let me get out of the house- although he won’t let me go alone. He forces me to go way outside town to a busy area of the nearby city, a place where he says we will blend in easier. He is determined to make me insane. I am sure of it. The only consolation is Ryan doesn’t seem too happy about having to be here either.

  Desperately needing some information about Nick, I think of everything possible to get rid of Ryan so I can call home. I try to make nice with him and invite him to lunch, all the while looking him over for a weakness. “So, when did you know Nick was your brother?” I asked.

  “Since birth.” He said simply.

  Rolling my eyes, “That’s a beautiful story, Ryan. You should write a book about it.”

  “What do you want? He was my older brother.”
r />   Shrugging, “A little more detail would be nice. How did you two get along? Did you see each other often?"

  Ryan rolls his eyes in my direction with a deep sigh. “Nick was in charge of taking care of me while our Dad enjoyed my mother. The first eight or nine years he always seemed to be around, but then Dad found someone else to spend time with, and Nick got a car so he was always on the go. He would sneak over once in awhile, bringing us ice cream or something- anything in hopes that we would offer to let him stay the night. He hated going home, Mom felt sorry for him, so she would make him up a bed in my room and he would crash. By the next morning, he would be off doing whatever Nick did to get by. It got to where she made a permanent place for him so he could come in at any time of the night. He was a good brother, I guess. Although at the time, I was jealous of him because Dad wanted to spend time with him and wanted to be a part of his life. The insane part is Nick couldn’t stand him. I don’t know why I was so jealous of something that made him so miserable. If he was hanging out with friends, Dad would spend all day looking for him and then demand he come home and study or some shit. He was so proud of Nick, he thought he was too smart and too good for the neighborhood they were in- and he was, but nothing Dad did was going to stop him from getting into trouble. My mother, on the other hand, could get him to do anything. She talked him into staying in school several times. He was so smart. He was too smart to be going to that school, it bored him. Everything was too easy for him. As much as I protested having to share my room with him, I did like having him there. It was a nice consolation since Dad was such a dickhead.”

  “So, you became close growing up? Is that why you are helping him now?” I asked, searching for something I can use to get the information I want.

  “That’s not the only reason, he helped my mother when she was sick.” Ryan stares at me waiting for me to ask but I simply tilt my head and smile. “You’re exhausting, do you know that? She had Leukemia. The doctor she was seeing could only do so much, she was miserable and in pain all the time. I didn’t have time to do anything but take care of her. One time Nick came to visit her on one of her bad days, I tried to tell him to come back another day but she insisted on seeing him. My mother always liked Nick, treated him like her own. She said she felt sorry for him, but I think it was because he looks a lot like our father- because she knew Nick was no saint. About a week after he left, I got a call that the care facility had an open room waiting for my mother- a private room at that. He never would admit it, but I know it was him. He had started working for that guy, Harvey, doing all his dirty business and that was when it all began. I went to him after my mother passed. He didn’t want to let me work for him at first, but then he got this idea to put me somewhere where I could be useful to him. We agreed to keep quiet about being related and I fed him information.”


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