The Devil's Eyes

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The Devil's Eyes Page 28

by Jennifer Loren

  I lean forward curiously, “What kind of information?” Ryan rolls his eyes and turns to watch a pretty girl pass. “Fine. Don’t answer me. I will find out anyway though. You know I will.”

  “Are you finished? I would like to get back before the game comes on.”

  “Let me go to the bathroom first. You don’t mind watching Nicky for me while I’m gone do you?” Ryan looks down at Nicky as Nicky looks up at him, neither seems excited about the opportunity to get to know each other better. “Thank you.” I said running off before either of them can throw a fit. Once I round the corner, I wait for the right person to pass and know I have found him when he looks up at me and blushes. “Hi.” I said stopping him, making sure to touch his arm as I take hold of his hand. “My name is April and I was left here by my now ex-boyfriend. He took off with my purse, my money, and my cell phone. Is there any way I could borrow yours to call someone to come get me?” I asked trying to match his shyness.

  “Uh, April, right?” I nod. He laughs nervously, “I’m Ralph.” He said letting me shake his hand. “You know, I could take you home if you need.”

  “You are so sweet to offer, but I couldn’t put you out like that and … I don’t want to come off as ungrateful, but I did just meet you. But, if you let me borrow your phone, I will be happy to leave you my number in it. When I get mine back, maybe we could talk and get to know each other better.” I said swaying slowly in place while he watches, seducing him into what I want. He laughs again and happily hands me his phone continuing to watch me. “Thank you, I will be right back.” I go into the bathroom before he even realizes what I said. Making a mad dash to a stall, I shut the door and dial the club, knowing someone will answer but hoping Exie is somewhere nearby. A new person answers the phone but luckily is able to get me to Exie quickly.

  “OH my God! Are you alright?” She yells into the phone.

  “Yes, I was supposed to runaway with Nick, but he sent me away with Ryan instead. I am not sure where he went.” I asked frantically.

  “I know where he’s at … he’s here.” Exie said.

  “WHAT!” I yell.

  “Whoa! Easy on the eardrum, sister. Yea, I saw him last night- although he did seem to be saying goodbye before he left. He made sure I understood how to handle the club without him and told me the combination to the safe.”

  “Open it.” I said without thinking.


  “Open the safe, Exie. Open it now!”

  “Okay …oh wow. OH WOW!” She yells.

  “You better start talking right now.”

  “He signed the club over to me. He gave me the club and cash, lots of cash. Why did he do that?” She asked.

  “He is still leaving. I have to get back there before he goes.”

  “Where exactly are you?” She asked.

  “I’m not even sure. I am going to wait until Ryan falls asleep tonight and then I am going to take the car to the airport. I will call you when I get there, but you have to come get me.”

  “I hate being involved in your scheming, Kayla.”

  “Help me, please!” I begged annoyingly until she gives.

  “Okay … oh, but don’t look for my old car, I am sure I am going to be driving a new one within the next couple of hours.” She said happily. Laughing, I hang up the phone and run out of the bathroom tossing the phone back to Ralph as I pass, thanking him with half a breath.

  “Ready to go?” I asked Ryan with a smile. He gets up, looking at me suspiciously. I pick up Nicky and suddenly realize I am going to have to leave him with Ryan tonight. I stop at the store on the way home and buy Ryan his favorite snacks and beer, having to pretend to be interested in all the same things when he growls at me. As soon as we get home, Ryan gets comfortable watching his game, while I continuously make sure he has a fresh beer. I would slip him something to help him sleep, but I can’t have him not hearing Nicky. This is going to be difficult to pull off. After I put Nicky to bed, I wait up watching another game with Ryan. This man is be able to stay up forever. “I think I am going to go to bed. Are you staying up?” I asked yawning and fluttering my eyes as if they are too heavy to hold open.

  “As soon as this game is over.” He said barely looking in my direction. Once in my room, I grab my packed bag and throw it out the window. I feel like a kid again, trying to sneak out of the house. But if I don’t leave soon, I am never going to get out of here tonight. Tiptoeing out into the living room, I check on Ryan who is starting to doze off. While his eyes are closed, I softly pick up the keys to the car and shove them in my pocket. “What are you doing?” Ryan said sitting up wide awake.

  “I think I left something in the car so I was going to go check.”

  “What did you leave?” He asked.

  “The toothpaste I bought today,” I said, proud of myself for thinking quickly.

  “You didn’t buy toothpaste today.”

  “I did so, you just didn’t see it.”

  Ryan jumps over the sofa and comes at me, quickly throwing me over his shoulder. “You’re not going anywhere, Kayla.”

  “Put me down! You can’t hold me here against my will … it's illegal! I will call the police!” I yell, while kicking and punching him.

  “We don’t have a phone- or at least you don’t.” He said as I fight him all the way to my room. “You can have the bag you threw out the window back tomorrow.” He throws me on my bed and blocks my exit as I try to run out again.

  “Ryan, you don’t understand. I have to stop Nick from leaving.”

  “I told you, he already left.” He said huffing in my face.

  “No, he didn’t! He is still at home and I have to get to him.” I said confidently.

  “How do you know that?” He asked eyeing me. “Son of a Bitch! Did you fucking call someone?”

  “Yes, but I used a stranger’s phone.”

  “WHAT?! Oh well, that is just great! Fuck, Kayla! You may have screwed us here.” Ryan stomps off, flailing his hands all around him.

  “I did not. Stop overdramatizing.”

  “Who did you call?” He asked watching me carefully.

  “My friend.”

  “And who is your friend?”

  “Exie. She works at the club.”

  “Nick’s club?” He yells.

  “Yes.” Ryan begins fisting his hair and stomping around groaning. “Would you calm down? I didn’t do anything that would jeopardize your plans. Exie wouldn’t say anything.”

  “How do you know? And you know what? It doesn’t matter! I am going out of my way to protect you and your son when all you do is give me hell everyday and try to ruin all the work I have done. You are the most ungrateful woman I have ever met.” Folding my arms, I force my lips together and stomp away from him. “Don’t you walk away from me!”

  “You know you should try to be a little more understanding. You did kidnap me from my home and away from my husband.”

  “Kidnap you? More like I was forced to take you away. Nick is probably grateful to be rid of you!”

  “You take that back. You know that is not true!”

  Ryan laughs nodding, “Do I? I bet Nick is at home kicking his heels up with a couple of women and loving life right about now. He got rid of you on the cheap.” I punch him quickly. “OW! Motherfucker …Bitch!”

  “Don’t yell. My son is asleep.”

  “You hit me.” He grumbles.

  “You deserved it, you ass.”

  “You …you …” He said stumbling over his words. I stand tall against him waiting for him to say something else. Ryan holds up his hand pointing at me and shaking his head, “No. No I’m not doing this. No favor is worth this much trouble. I would rather Nick shoot me himself than deal with this.”

  “Good, then call him and tell him the deal is off.” I agreed joyfully.

  “I will!” Ryan yells with certainty.

  “Do it. Or are you scared? I bet you are. That’s it, isn’t it? You’re scared of Nick.” Ryan shak
es his finger at me again before turning around and returning to the living room. I follow him quickly as he grabs his cell.

  “You think I am going to be in trouble. He is going to be pissed off at you even more little girl.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not scared of him.” I said happily.

  Ryan dials while cursing me under his breath. He holds the phone to his ear waiting, “Hello! Who is this?” Ryan asked.

  “Is it Nick?” I asked, trying to listen, but he holds me back with one hand.

  “He is … a close friend. Why? Where is he?” Ryan turns pale, glancing at me with a serious expression. “When did this happen? Ummm, no. I don’t know where she is. No, I haven’t seen either in some time. Yes, yes, thank you.” Ryan hangs the phone up.

  “Who was that? You called Nick, right?” I asked watching him closely. “Who did you call?”

  “I called Nick’s phone, but he didn’t answer.” Ryan said with a serious expression.

  “Why … not?” I choked out. Ryan pulls me to him and tries to hug me but I fight him. “No! Why, Ryan … why?”

  “It was the police answering his phone. They are trying to find out where you and Nicky are. Nick’s dead, Kayla.”

  “NO!” I scream as he holds me tight to his chest. “No, Ryan, it has to be a mistake.”

  “He had it all figured out. He left the house by himself. He was supposed to leave for the airport. Nick figured they would assume that you two would be with him and never think to come looking for you anywhere else, they would spend all their time chasing him down never realizing. He sent Tanner ahead, hoping they would follow him and he could get away undetected. He didn’t. They found out he booked a private plane and searched for him until they saw him getting onto the plane. Nick tried to rush the flight, but the plane was badly damaged during the gunfight to take him down. The plane made it up but came right back down and crashed … no one inside survived. They believe Tanner tipped them off. He has already left the country with quite a bit of money, apparently.”

  “Maybe he got out- or maybe he…”

  “Kayla …” Ryan holds my face his. “The coroner has already confirmed that Nick was one of the bodies found in the wreckage.” He said trying to hold onto me, but all I can do is scream my way into silence. “I’m sorry.” He cries, pulling me in close. “I am so sorry.” I collapse against him forcing him to pick me up. Ryan puts me to bed, leaving me briefly, before returning with Nicky, who is crying as well. Ryan wraps us up in a blanket and lies down beside me trying to comfort me throughout the night, but all I can do is grieve for my husband.



  Every night I go to bed and every night I see Nick. If not for Nicky I’m not sure I would ever bother getting out of bed again. Opening my eyes, I am blinded by the sunlight and quickly jump up and slam the shade back down. Nicky isn’t crying yet and I am not getting up until I hear him. Closing my eyes I bury my face into the pillow.

  “Kayla.” Ryan calls out to me. “Kayla!”

  “What?” I yell.

  “You need to get up. Nicky has been up playing for the last three hours.”

  “If you’re already taking care of him can’t you just let me sleep a little longer? I’m not feeling well today.” I said burying myself deeper into the bed.

  Ryan stomps over and raises my shade, “Get up! I have allowed you to wallow long enough. Nick may be gone, but that doesn’t mean you have to chase after him.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “I understand plenty and I know if you don’t start putting your life back together, you’re never going to do it. Nick didn’t let me mope around when I lost my mother and I’m not going to let you do it now.” Ryan picks me up and puts me in the shower, still clothed, and turns on the water.

  “Shit! Damn it, Ryan, it's cold!” I yell at him, hearing him laugh as he leaves the room. I force myself to get cleaned up before walking in on Ryan and Nicky playing. “I’m up. Happy?” I said to Ryan, but alerting Nicky to my presence. His excitement brings a smile to my face and I have to pick him up to hug him.

  “I don’t know about me, but someone else certainly is. Put your shoes on. I’m taking you out. You need some fresh air- and so do I for that matter.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Not telling you, it’s a surprise.” I roll my eyes but put my shoes on anyway. Ryan drives for some time before we arrive at an amusement park. He looks over in my direction and I smile lightly in a silent agreement to try at least. The day begins with a train ride that Nicky is a little unsure about at first, but by the end is clapping with laughter. We walk around mostly eating junk food and nudging each other into passersby. They are not too happy about it but we are having fun. We play some games and take Nicky to the petting zoo where Peggy, the goat, becomes obsessed with Ryan. She follows him everywhere, constantly tugging at his clothes to get his attention. Ryan tries everything to get rid of her: hiding behind me, throwing food in the opposite direction, but Peggy the goat is not giving up. Ryan runs in one direction and she follows. He tries to fake her out but it only makes her more determined. Nicky is laughing hysterically, as is everyone around us, and I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard. Ryan finally makes it safely out of the pen, smiling but tired. “That goat is crazy.” He said out of breath.

  “Crazy for you. You need to dial down the charm a bit, Romeo.” I laugh as Ryan lightly bumps my head with his, something we have suddenly begun doing with each other.

  “Let’s get out of here. I’m exhausted.” He says to which I agree and Ryan puts his arm around my shoulders, “You may have to carry me to the car though.” I laugh as another couple approaches us.

  “That was the funniest thing I have ever seen.” The man said. “I have never seen a goat do that.”

  “I’m not sure what I did to her.” Ryan said.

  “I think she is in love. She probably doesn’t get too many handsome men coming around.” The lady said. Ryan blushes and hides a little behind me. “You sure are a lucky woman.” She said to me as we walk away, taking me by surprise.

  “I think she thinks were married.” I said to Ryan.

  “What? Really?” Ryan said with a soft laugh. Putting his arm around me, he kisses my cheek, “So, wife, how about we get our boy home?” He laughs, but I have a hard time swallowing it.


  Ryan sits across from me scrolling through his phone for the scores of the games he missed the day before. The questions begin swirling through my head as I look him over. The problem is that he has features that remind me of Nick- or maybe that isn’t a problem. His hair is a lot lighter. Still, he is built … nicely … and he has great … full lips ... STOP! What am I thinking? “Ryan, don’t you think this situation with us is kind of strange?” I ask.

  “What do you mean?” He asked, barely looking my way.

  “I mean, we are living together, doing things together like a couple. Are you planning on living with me forever? Don’t you want to meet …”

  “Hell yes! I don’t want to be stuck with you anymore than you want to be stuck with me. As soon as everything settles down and I am sure no one is interested in coming after you, I plan on finding my own place. Do you know how long it has been since I have had sex?”

  “I don’t care.” I said shaking my head and returning to Nicky.

  Ryan starts huffing as he reads his phone, “It’s been so long, even you are starting to look good to me.”

  “Hey, you didn’t have to say that.”

  “You heard that?” He said with a cocky smile.


  “You’re going to talk to me like that in front of you child? Tisk tisk.” He said shaking his head at me.

  “You called me a lot worse the other night.”

  “When? You mean when you beamed that ball at my head?” He said waiting for me to respond but all I can do is giggle. “Laugh it up. It fucking hurt.” I snap my head around and stare at him. “Y
ou tricked me!” He said pointing at me. I hide my smile but catch him looking over at me.

  “Well, I only threw the ball because you refused to listen to me.”

  “You talk constantly, I can’t tell when it is important or when it’s just crap you’re saying just to be saying something.” I stare at him harshly with my jaw dropped. “You do! You talk all the time. I walked in on you cleaning up the living room the other day and you were just jabbering away. … At who? I don’t know!”

  “I didn’t see you come in there. You’re lying.”

  “That’s because I was sure I didn’t want to know what you were talking about. I ducked out before you could see me.”

  “For your information, I was talking to Nicky. I am trying to teach him words.”

  “Oh wonderful!” Ryan huffs. Glaring at him, I watch him lean over to Nicky, “Hey, Nicky, here is a word for you to learn. Sssshhhhh.” He said as Nicky takes hold of his face and giggles. Ryan continues, laughing with him. “I don’t usually like kids but you are alright, Nicky. Kind of cute, too.”

  “You better like him, he is your nephew.” I said watching the reality hit Ryan.


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