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The Devil's Eyes

Page 29

by Jennifer Loren

  “Yea, I guess he is the only blood I have left.” Ryan said before getting up and leaving the room. Sometimes I forget that he lost a brother.

  After I put Nicky down for his nap, I find Ryan sitting quietly on the patio. As soon as he sees me, he threatens to get up and leave but I somehow talk him into staying. Slowly, I put him at ease and begin telling him a story about Nick. I tell him about the time I tried to kill Nick and how Meagan ended up trying to shoot me instead. After he laughs at me for some time, he finally admits something to me. He tried to mimic Nick by buying a suit he thought matched one of Nick’s, but when he showed up to a meeting with Nick and some others, the stitching of the suit lighted up from the lights of the club and he looked like an Armani patchwork quilt. He said Nick was the only one that didn’t laugh, but it was difficult even for him to keep a straight face. Ryan said that was when he realized he had to figure out who he was and not try to be Nick. We spent the rest of the day and on into the night talking about Nick and ourselves. By morning, I woke up lying in his arms in the same place we spent the night talking. It was awkward waking up with him but we managed to look each other in the eyes again after a few days.


  After three weeks straight of rain and storms, even Nicky seems to be going stir crazy in this house. We play games, watch every available movie and count every crack in the ceiling before we end up challenging each other to races around the house: who can run from the kitchen to the top of the stairs first, who can get from the front door to the back door on one leg first, who could balance an egg- walking backwards- or with one eye closed without dropping the egg or falling. That one ended in a tie, I fell and Ryan ran into a wall breaking his egg. We played toss the baby until Nicky had to go to bed. Ryan decided to take this opportunity to check on the news from home.

  “Kayla!” Ryan begins yelling for me. I step into the doorway, irked by his yelling for me with Nicky asleep. Ignoring my attitude, he points to the computer screen, “Listen to this. Dawson Reynolds is claiming that Nick agreed that in the event of his death and if no other blood relative can take claim to his estate, then he, Dawson Reynolds, is the rightful heir.” Ryan watches as my jaw drops and I rush over to confirm what he is reading.

  “How can he claim that?”

  “He says he has paperwork that he and Nick both signed so Nick could get Dawson to work for him.” Ryan huffs, “He said he managed Nick’s money and business assets for him- more than doubling what he had before Mr. Reynolds took over. Yea right! He has gone to a judge and if nothing is claimed within ninety days then everything will be changed over into Dawson’s name, including the house. The jerk. I know what he’s looking for, he is so desperate to get at Nick’s money he will do anything to find Nick’s books.”

  “His books?” I asked curiously.

  “Yea, the details of his operations so they can take over everything he had and get at his accounts where he is hiding his money.”

  “They aren’t going to let Dawson have everything, are they?”

  “Of course they are. The bank will get more money this way and the state doesn’t want to deal with his attorneys forever, it is too much money. It is easier for everyone this way. Besides, outside of you and Nicky, both of whom are presumed to be dead, Nick doesn’t have any other living blood relative on record.” Ryan said, still shaking his head and cursing under his breath.

  I sit down looking up at Ryan, “I know where the books are. I know everything. In fact, I brought it all with me.” I said as Ryan’s jaw drops to the ground.

  He gets up smiling and picks me up spinning me around in circles in his arms, “This is great! We have all the control then, Kayla. They will never find it. They will never have any of it.” He smiles overjoyed. “I wish you had told me, but I don’t care about that right now. Where did you put them?” I shake my head not knowing what to say. “You’re not going to tell me? You trusted me enough to tell me that you have them, but not enough to tell me where you hid them?”

  “It is not about trust. It’s about keeping the information safe and keeping you safe.” I said looking away from his judging eyes.

  “Bullshit! Don’t tell me then. I don’t care.” He said walking away from me in a huff.

  “Damn it, Nick, come back here!” I yell at him. Ryan stops dead in his tracks.

  “I’m not Nick, Kayla! Stop calling me Nick! My name is Ryan!”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I look into your eyes and I see him. I am used to arguing with him too.” I said, falling against the wall. “If you want to know, I will tell you everything. It is not that I don’t want to, it’s that I don’t feel that I have the right to. Nick didn’t exactly tell me about them.” I look up into Ryan’s eyes, “I searched until I found them. It is all held on a computer and then backed up onto an external drive hidden …”

  “In the fireproof safe you demanded we bring?” He asked sighing after I nod. “Well, I guess your snooping paid off this time.” Ryan lifts my chin and smiles. “I’m sure Nick would have forgiven you, so I guess I can to.” Smiling, I reach out, wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging him tight, and enjoying the feel of him doing the same.


  Ryan never bothers to say a word to me about what I know but he does look at me with obvious questions swirling through his head. I wonder what to say to him as I lie in bed wide awake listening to the storm nearing us. The storm presses hard against the old house, beating it down with threatening winds. Restless, I get up and go check on Nicky and rock him back to sleep when he is awakened by a loud roar blowing through the nearby trees. Dozing off while I rock him, I decide it best to go back to bed. I put Nicky in his crib and shuffle my way in the dark back towards bed.

  “Nicky wake up?”

  I smile looking into his dark eyes, “Yes, baby, but he is fine. Let’s go back to bed.” I said, kissing him before I realize where I’m at. I open my eyes wide, watching Ryan stand awkwardly in front of me.

  “You thought I was Nick again, didn’t you?” He asks while I twist awkwardly in place. “Never mind, I think I already know the answer to that. The weather service said there might be a tornado coming our way. I will keep an eye on the weather by myself, you obviously need to go to bed.” Without saying another word, I rush into my room and crash between my covers with embarrassment.

  As the storm outside becomes more unruly, Ryan wakes me up and hustles Nicky and I to a safer place in the basement. Nicky eventually falls back asleep while Ryan and I stay awake with uncomfortable glances towards each other. I begin to fall asleep when I hear the back screen door slam open. Ryan and I both jump and I look at him as he halts me from speaking. Settling back into my makeshift bed, I assume it is only the storm but Ryan remains uneasy for some reason. “I locked that door, Kayla.” He whispered.

  “It could have been broken by the wind.” I said as he shakes his head. Ryan pulls out his gun and moves us further into a dark corner. I begin to think he is worried for nothing when we hear footsteps above us. Gasping, I step back into the wall as Ryan shields us. My heart beats so loudly I think I can hear it over our breathing. When the basement door starts to creep open, I grip Ryan’s shirt and hold him back from running out to meet whoever it is. A large dark figure eases down the stairs with exceptional care. I want to close my eyes, but I also want to run and get my gun, but I can’t do either. Ryan raises his gun and waits as the figure takes the last step off the staircase. Suddenly, the loud roar of the thunder breaks to a bright lightening strike, lighting up the room.


  “Dwayne?” Ryan yells out.

  “Oh shit, you scared the hell out of me son.” Dwayne said putting his gun up and sitting down on the stairs. Breathing again, I step out of the dark following Ryan.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Ryan asked.

  “Looking for you. You guys need to get out of here. Estrella is looking for you and I am sure he is right on my heels.” Dwayne said taking out his pho
ne. “Hey, yea. In the basement.” He said before hanging up. “Reggie and I have been searching for a couple of weeks for you.” He said as Reginald heads downstairs soaking wet, nodding towards both of us. “You guys remember Reginald Blackstone, don’t you? He used to work for Connor until Nick hired him away. Like I was saying, you guys need to get out of here now. There is a video of you being chased by a goat that went viral. It wouldn’t have been a big deal, but the video expert also recorded Kayla a few times during your … whatever it was you were doing with that goat.” Dwayne said watching Ryan raise his arms above his head frustrated.

  “What are we supposed to do now?” I asked, watching Ryan for a solution. “Ryan?”

  “I don’t know. It was easy to relocate you when they weren’t looking for me but now … FUCK!” Ryan yelled, waking Nicky. I huff trying to calm him back to sleep. “Sorry. Listen, Kayla, they are not going to give up until they have Nick’s books.” He says as I glare at him.

  “It wouldn’t matter. Estrella wants Kayla. He is obsessed with her.” Dwayne said.

  “Me? Why?” I asked.

  “Reggie has been working for him and has been privy to some important information. That’s how we knew to come get you. We have been working with each other since Nick died. I have been trying to find Nick’s books before they do so I can destroy them, but I can’t find anything so they must have them already.” Dwayne said. “Reggie has been waiting for Estrella or Dawson to screw up and say something about them, but instead all he hears is Estrella yelling about wanting Kayla. He clearly has a thing for her and wants to romance her or some shit. I don’t know. Either way, it isn’t just Nick’s books he’s after.” Dwayne glances at Reggie and he nods silently.

  “Well, this is great. Nick went to all that trouble to hide you and Estrella was after you the whole time. I have no idea what to do.” Ryan said.

  As the three boys stand around and debate it with each other, I come up with a plan of my own. “Take me back.” They all three stare at me silently. “Take me back home, I want to take claim to what is rightfully mine.” The three faces stare at me, dumbfounded. “The way I see it, I’m in charge now, boys and from now on, what I say goes. And I say we take down Estrella and Dawson and take back what is ours.” I work my way to the center of the three men and boldly take my claim, “For Nick.”



  Every Sunday Joseph Estrella has brunch on the patio of his favorite restaurant. He never strays from the place or the time. He comes in the door with his bright white smile and an air of complete confidence. He doesn’t think to look twice at the tables around him as he sits, folding his napkin perfectly in his lap, and taking a sip of the drink that already awaits him. His guards stand back thinking nothing of the patrons that eat their meals with proper manners and polite conversations. Joseph takes in the view from the patio with pride, smiling joyfully, before he reaches for his glass again, only this time his eyes open wide. “Good afternoon, Joseph.” I said, raising my glass from a table in front of him. Joseph sits back in his chair with a slight smile but obviously curious about our chance meeting. To put his questions to rest, I walk to him and take a seat at his table once he offers it to me like a gentleman. “I hear you have been looking for me?”

  Joseph hesitates before responding, “I was worried about your well-being and I wanted to make sure you and your son were alright.”

  “Well, no reason to worry. We are both doing fine- outside my husband’s death of course.”

  “Of course, I am sorry to hear about Nicholas. I was quite astonished when I heard the news.”

  “I am sure you were.” I said watching him closely.

  “I assume you are here to see to Nicholas’s interests.” I smile with a slight nod. “Well, I like a savvy businesswoman, so I will be willing to make you a fair offer for it all.” Joseph said taking out his checkbook and pen.

  “Oh, I am not here to sell you anything, Mr. Estrella.” Joseph sits back with an inquisitive smile. “No, I’m here to offer you an opportunity.”

  “You’re here to offer me an opportunity? Well, I have to say I am curious.” Joseph leans towards me, placing his hand on my leg. “I can only imagine that this offer leads to something good for both of us.”

  Removing his hand from my leg, I lean into him, “I don’t think you understand my intentions Mr. Estrella. I’m not here to try to get into your bed. I’m here to allow you to peacefully hand everything you own over to me.” I said sitting up in my chair and taking a sip of my tea.

  After sitting quiet for some time, Joseph sits up straight in his chair with a light chuckle, “And why, sweetheart, would I ever willing hand anything over to you?”

  “Because, Joseph, I am going to take it whether you give it to me or not. It is your choice on how I do it.” With a fleeting smile, I breathe in deep and exhale his death warrant in his ear before leaving with my guards at my side.


  Since arriving home, I have been so busy that this part of the plan never bothered me- until now. I glance up at Ryan and take a deep breath before walking through the doors. We walk into the coroner’s office and request to see the person in charge. “Can I help you?” A woman comes out with a puzzled expression.

  “I am Kayla Jayzon and I am here to claim my husband” I said with a sudden shakiness.

  “Jayzon?” She questioned fiddling with her glasses and looking down at her paperwork.

  “His name was Nicholas Jayzon.”

  “I know who he is, I am just surprised to see you. I was told no one would be claiming him. Not knowing, we went ahead with his cremation. It has been awhile since ...” She said still seemingly nervous that I am going to make a fuss of some sort.

  “I would still like to …”I gulped.

  “Ummm, okay. Let me get the paperwork for you. He isn’t here, obviously, but we can process the request to have him delivered directly to you … if you want.”

  “Yes, thank you …” I said looking at her name tag. “Ms. Chambers.”

  “Lena, call me Lena.” She smiled at me.

  “Thank you, Lena.” I said happy to have this part over with. I sign all the necessary paperwork to have my husband returned to me and leave to begin planning his funeral service.


  Dressed all in black and standing near a decorative urn that holds the ashes of my husband, reality hits me hard. The weakness in my legs, blurred vision, and a great need to tell everyone who greets me to fuck off and leave me the hell alone is all supposed to be normal. Person after person comes in telling me how sorry they are but I know none of them care about Nick. Their presence here only means they are interested in seeing if I pick up the pieces and take over where Nick left off- a good sign for our plan, but an annoyance to me right now. However, it is not nearly as annoying as the large number of women showing up crying all over the pictures of Nick I have sitting out. If I take out one of them right now, no one would blame me. Especially the screeching slut in the back.

  The room is filling up and it is almost time to begin when I notice a familiar face in the back. She stands near a dark corner, trying to hide behind her dark sunglasses seemingly to be more interested in the people attending than that of Nick. Curious, I make sure to greet her since she hasn’t bothered to try to greet me. “Ms. Chambers, right?” I asked her as she suddenly notices me standing next to her.

  “Oh … yes. Mrs. Jayzon, I am so sorry for your loss, I hope you don’t mind me being here?” She asked glancing around at everyone but me.

  “Please … call me Kayla. And no, I don’t mind. Did you know Nick?” I asked trying to hold onto Nicky who is intent on getting to this woman.

  “Please call me Lena. Do you mind if I hold him for a second?” She asked taking Nicky and hugging him as if he were her own. Nicky rarely allows anyone he doesn’t know to hold him and he doesn’t make a fuss to get to them. Who is this woman?

  “So you know Nicky too?” I asked, watching him sm
ile at her.

  With a stunned expression, she hands Nicky back to me. “Oh, no. He must sense that I like kids. Children they have a great sense about people.”

  Taking Nicky back I eye her up and down, “How again did you say you knew my husband?”

  “We met when we were kids … he was like a little brother to me. Dealing with his … well, it brought back some nice memories and I felt compelled to come.” Lena glances in my direction uncomfortably. “Maybe it was a bad idea. I am sorry to …”

  “No, please stay. I would like to talk to you later. Learning some stories from Nick’s childhood might be nice to hear.” I start to walk away and then remember something, “Do you know Detective Simone? Brady Simone?” She smiles nervously and that’s all I need to answer my question. Damn you, Brady, using your own girlfriend to spy on me. I walk away from her and take my seat.

  After Dwayne and a few other close friends speak, there are requests from others to have a chance to speak as well. I am astonished at how many people want to take the opportunity to say something about Nick. The self-centered pricks went on forever but at least keep me from crying. It takes me awhile to realize that they are buttering me up, hoping I won’t give up any of their secrets. This is a new position for me- the position of control and power and I’m not sure if I can get use to it or not. I crave a familiar hand. To protect his identity, Ryan sits safely in the back. Luckily, Exie is able to come and sit with me. She takes my hand with a sympathetic expression. The service comes to a close with a prayer by the minister. He begins talking about Nick’s journey and how we are grateful to have at least had the opportunity to share our lives with him while he was here. No matter how wrong that feels, I am still numb to everything around me except Nicky. Nicky begins squirming and whimpering in my lap until I have to sit him in the empty chair next to me, but he continues trying to get me to look at something behind us, pointing and whining, louder and louder. I try to ignore him but he becomes even more persistent. “Daddy!” He yells suddenly speaking his first words. The entire room stops breathing, watching my reaction. “Daddy! Daddy!” Nicky begins clapping and jumping excitedly. I reach out to take him, but my hands are shaking so badly, I am afraid to pick him up.


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