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Taken: His BFF - The Forbidden Fruit Erotic Romance Collection: Naughty Bareback Adventures

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by Rowena


  Includes three steamy friends-to-lovers erotic romance shorts:

  1.Taken by Surprise

  2.Taken for Granted

  3.Taken by Storm

  18+ only*

  *NB: The story depicted here is intended for mature audiences. It most likely contains coarse language and highly graphic depictions of sex acts meant to titillate and excite the reader. All copulating characters are 18 years or older and are absolutely NOT blood-related.

  Copyright © 2014 by Rowena

  All rights reserved.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.



  TAKEN FOR A RIDE (coming soon!)

  **Check out Rowena’s Amazon Author page for the latest!**












  Cover photo by Slava_14.

  Eromantica Publications

  First Edition: October 2014


  Nicolette knows she shouldn’t fantasize about her boyfriend’s sexy best friend, Jacob, so she keeps her crush a secret until her boyfriend’s troubles land him in jail, and Jacob makes it clear that he wants her, and intends to have her.

  Jacob can’t stop the dirty, lusty thoughts he has of his best friend’s girl, and now that he has a chance with the young hottie, he’s going to take it—hard.









  I can concentrate on nothing in this seedy bar but the delectable Nicolette as she plays a game of shuffleboard with Andrew, Anna and Sarah—my old high school friends. Nicolette looks amazing tonight, and I am stirred.

  Shit, who am I kidding? I am more than stirred—I have a raging hard-on for her, and I have to do everything in my power not to find some way to press it against her. Who knew what I’d do next if I did? And how would she react? I can’t risk it—yet. But I will find a way inside of her somehow.

  She is deliberately teasing me, too—I know it. Is there any reason to bend down the way she’s doing over that shuffleboard table, offering a healthy peek of her luscious, full breasts in that low-cut top? Seriously? She’s fucking lucky I’m a loyal friend to her boyfriend—at least I was.

  I try to make sure not to stare at her too long or let her catch me, but it’s getting harder and harder. Hell yeah, I’m talking about my cock, too.

  God, I want to bend her over so badly; she has no idea how much danger she’s in being around me like this. She is unprotected. Vulnerable. Her boyfriend is locked away in jail for…who knows how much longer?

  Soon, the other girls will take off and it’ll be just her, me, and my roommate, Andrew. I consider inviting her back to the apartment with us to continue hanging out for the night—a movie or something—since Andrew and I live just fifteen minutes away. And then maybe Andrew will do me the favor of taking off at some point. It’s Friday—surely he can find some other place to spend the night? Maybe he’ll get lucky here at this bar and meet someone. Then, he’ll have to drive me home since he’s the DD, and then meet up with his new friend after. Andrew hasn’t dated anyone for the past two months, so fat chance he’s going anywhere but home tonight, but I can dream, can’t I?

  But let’s just say this is Andrew’s lucky night after all, and some chick comes on to him with an invitation…Damn it, no doubt the lovely Nicolette would take off whenever Andrew did. I’m only her boyfriend’s best friend after all, not hers. I know she trusts me since she’s been around me for a while, but she strikes me as a bit jumpy—or perhaps I should say cautious—and with good reason; I’ve been drinking after all, and drunk people can be unpredictable, right? Especially me, apparently—my friends have told me all sorts of crazy stories of what I’ve done when drunk, and I don’t remember any of them.

  So, say I get her to come home with us back to the apartment and Andrew disappears—maybe she won’t be able to leave once it’s just the two of us, and once I get more alcohol in me, I won’t be responsible for my actions.

  “Did you say something?” Nicolette’s beautiful wide brown eyes are suddenly on my face. I know she hasn’t heard me, but I am thrown, nonetheless. Maybe she caught a strange look on my face. Maybe she felt my thoughts, or sensed my raised testosterone levels at the sight of her in that damned easy-access skirt, and the swell of her boobs visible over that top.

  God, I can’t wait to slip my cock inside of her. But I need to be more careful—I can’t scare her off.

  “Nah,” I answer, shaking my head slightly. “Can’t compete much against this.” I indicate the loud bar. I can’t even guess how many people are in it, or name one song that had been sung in karaoke the whole time we’ve been here. Nicolette keeps grabbing my attention, and with her cute, round face and those juicy-looking lips, glistening with painted red, turned in my direction at the moment, I had to make a conscious effort to look away.

  I decide to turn my eyes to my drink.



  I pretend like I haven’t noticed, and I don’t think any of the girls did, but Jacob is really wearing everything on his face tonight. Our old buds, Sarah and Anna, are probably clueless as usual, but Nicolette is more perceptive than those two, and there’s a good chance she has caught some of Jacob’s glances her way.

  Yeah, she looks super pretty tonight—by far the most attractive girl in the room—but it isn’t just appreciation I caught on Jacob’s face.

  I know it’s none of my business, but I know my friend. And I definitely know how complicated this situation is: our friend, Mike, is in jail for a few months because of his second DUI, and although Jacob and Mike have been friends forever, it’s clear as fucking day that Jacob wants to bang Mike’s girl. Nicolette has been hanging out with us for over three years now, since she started dating Mike—although more with Mike and Jacob than with me, so I guess Jacob has had more time to get to know her or whatever.

  Jacob has never said anything to me about lusting after her or anything, but he sees this whole thing as an opportunity, I know it. He’s not thinking straight, and alcohol is only making it worse. I have to intervene—to
protect all of us.

  “Hey, bud,” I say as I reach him, leaning against the round-top table.

  I let out a light chuckle, and then lower my voice. “I noticed you, um…you’ve been watching her. A lot. In a certain way. What’s up?”

  “Watching who, and how? Just say it, Drew; no need to beat around the bush.”

  I sigh, and then lower my voice even more. “Nicolette. You’ve been looking at her like…like you want her. You get my drift? And I don’t think I’m the only one who has noticed.”

  Jacob turns his eyes to me. “Yeah, well, I do want her, Drew.” His eyes turn back to Nicolette. “I want to squeeze my stiff cock between those sexy-ass tan legs of hers. I want those legs—one on each side of me, bent as I thrust into her, and then at some point, on my shoulders. I want to flip her over and plow her from behind, and watch my cock disappear and appear, glistening with her. I want to grab ahold of those juicy breasts…”

  “Jesus Christ, Jake!”

  I was blown away, so that’s all I could say in the moment, while Jacob calmly took a sip of his drink, looking like he hadn’t just said all that shit. His blue eyes still follow Nicolette, and I glance over at her just as she bends forward and sends her puck gliding down the shuffleboard table toward Anna, while Sarah heads to the bar.

  The moment allows me to recover from the shock of his words, and to tell you the truth, I don’t blame him for being so distracted by Nicolette; he sure as hell wasn’t the only one in the place checking her out. She’s not my type—I like ‘em tall and blonde—but even I can appreciate Nicolette’s dark and beautiful femininity.

  Finally, I turn to Jacob and say, “What has gotten into you? You can’t be so sloppy about this—you do realize she still belongs to Mike, don’t you? He could be out in a few weeks or so—at most, maybe another month or two. You can’t seriously be thinking of sleeping with his girlfriend? He left you to protect her!”

  Jacob doesn’t respond, and his eyes stay on Nicolette.


  I know that look—he is beyond aroused, and he means business. I know my friend has every intention of going in for the kill, if given the right chance. Heck, I’m not even sure he’ll wait for another chance—he might corner Nicolette tonight.

  I wonder what Nicolette’s plans are for the rest of this evening, after we’re all done with the bar?

  I watch her for another moment, and I figure the way she’s laughing during that shuffleboard game, she clearly has no idea what’s coming. She might have noticed Jacob’s intense stare, but probably brushed it off, thinking there’s no way he’d come after her; like I said, she has the attention of most dudes in the bar, so no big deal if Jacob’s one of the oglers, right?

  Jacob’s my friend—one of my best friends—but the shred of decency I pride myself in retaining as a human being tells me I should at least warn Nicolette; Jacob’s coming for her like a train.

  I pull Nicolette aside at the first opportunity, despite knowing Jacob’s eyes are probably on me now, too. Whatever. He probably won’t even remember any of this tomorrow.

  “Can I talk to you for a sec?” I ask her.

  She flashes me a brilliant smile. “Sure, Andrew, what’s up?”

  I let out a breath. “I mean outside,” I say. “Let’s step out for a second.”

  Nicolette’s smile disappears, but she walks in step with me into the crisp outside air.

  “I don’t really know how to say this,” I begin after a few seconds of silence, “But I have to, somehow, or else my conscience…” I let out another breath.

  “Okay, you’re worrying me a bit. Can you just say it? What’s this about, at least?”

  Shit. “Um…I don’t want to worry you, but I do want to warn you. To be careful. Around Jacob.”

  Nicolette’s eyes arrest me. “Be careful? Why?”

  I scratch my head as I try to get my thoughts together.

  “You haven’t had a chance to see it,” I say, “so you don’t know, but he gets blackouts sometimes. If he drinks enough, his personality changes a bit, and he, um…let’s just say his logic is compromised, and he can get a bit more aggressive.”

  Nicolette lets out a short giggle, like an amused scoff. “Yes, you’ve named some of the usual effects of alcohol. Are you about to tell me he might stagger a little when walking, too? That he should not be left to drive?”

  “It’s more than that, Nicolette. Listen, yes—drunk people sometimes lose their usual inhibitions. The thing is, when it comes to you, there’s another consideration.”

  I try to figure another way to say what I need to without betraying my friend. But would I really be betraying him? Wouldn’t I be helping him, saving him from himself in a way? Jacob could get in so much trouble if he goes through with seducing Nicolette.

  “Wow, this is harder than I thought.”

  “Andrew, please, just say it.”

  “I wouldn’t let myself get in a situation with him alone if I were you, especially if he’s had something to drink,” I finally say in a rush, as if my nerve would fail again if I took time to measure my words.

  “What, you think he’d try to seduce me?” She is grinning like this is some joke.

  “Try, Nicolette? I think you’d have a hard time fighting him off if he decides he’s going to have you, is what I’m saying. Be careful.”

  I head back into the bar with her following quietly behind me.

  I did what I could do.



  I can’t say I don’t know why Andrew was acting so weird and concerned—Jacob had desire in his eyes all night, but so what? I really dressed myself up today. Plus, I’ve been acting all fun and giggly, letting myself enjoy the time with these old schoolmates of the guys I’ve come to sort of know over the years. Besides, it’s nice to get out of my lonely place and just relax, and not think about my stupid boyfriend behind bars.

  Jacob wants to dominate me so bad, I can feel it. And I’ll admit, I love teasing him—I’ve pretty much been doing that for the past few years, slyly, silently. I’m around him somewhat often, and I like the attention—he seems to really appreciate looking at me even though I’m not standard-issue hot—and there’s not a goddamned thing he can do about it but take it and suffer, since I’m with his best friend. I know I infuriate Jacob, and I know it kills him that I’m just out of his grasp.

  What can I say? It feels good to be wanted by someone other than the person you’re with; it’s not like I planned to ever do anything about it, even though I only make things worse by teasing him. I like knowing I drive him crazy, but I also know that if he ever got the chance to have his way with me, he’d make sure I don’t forget who’s really in charge, and the idea of him finally taking what he wants thrills me a little.

  I won’t lie, I’m more than a little mad at my boyfriend for what he did. After his first DUI and all the costs involved with getting it dropped to a Wet Reckless charge, the classes he had to take, and the legal fees, plus getting his license revoked for a while…you’d think he’d be a little more careful. And this last time, he actually hit someone! Thankfully, they didn’t die, but who knows how long Mike will be in jail? The lawyer said he’ll be out in less than a year, despite his sentence—but whatever. What am I supposed to do in the meantime? I’m usually a faithful girl, but I’m horny as hell, and Mike screwed everything up.

  Plus, Jacob is steaming hot—his body is strong, muscular, and capable in so many ways as a result of his military career, and it has crossed my mind to take him up on his silent offer a few times, but I know better than that, and so does he. We might be panting for each other, but I think we both have the sense to realize that this situation is a lot more complicated than some lusty feelings. Besides, to tell you the truth, I’m a little afraid of Jacob—I can’t put my finger on why, but I know I probably shouldn’t tangle with him, no matter how curious I am. I might like his domination a little too much.

  In any case, in my observati
on, he’s a good friend to his bros, and he is bound to respect his friend’s relationship with me, so I don’t really have anything to worry about.

  I had such a good time with everyone at the bar yesterday, that when I get a text from Jacob, inviting me to come over and hang out with the group at the apartment he shares with Andrew, I didn’t think twice about it.

  He said anytime between seven and eight p.m. is good, so when the time nears, I shower, perfume, and throw on some jeans and a cute, casual top. I leave my hair free, and I put on some light makeup.

  When I get there, I wonder what board game we’ll end up playing, or what kind of movie we’d end up watching. I plan to leave by midnight.

  Jacob must’ve heard my car pull up as I parked because his tall, muscular frame fills the doorway as I head up the pathway toward the door.

  I get a feeling in my stomach, but can’t identify what it is. Whatever it is, it slows down my steps and I end up stopping in front of Jacob at the door.

  “Come in,” he says, gesturing backwards into the apartment as he moves aside to let me in.

  Something in his blue eyes grabs my attention, and I realize that his eyes are not at all as light and friendly as his voice. Of course, that should have served as a warning to me, but that look was not at all unfamiliar; he appeared that way to me more times than not, especially when he had just gotten back from some deployment. Plus, I’m never around him alone anyway, and since others are supposed to be here at his apartment tonight, I know I’m safe.

  Besides, I remind myself, it’s not like he’s some stranger or even a slight acquaintance; I’ve known Jacob for nearly four years. How crazy would it look if I just took off like a bat out of hell because the look in his eyes concerned me? Most likely, he’s just a bit dulled by liquor. No big deal.


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