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Trouble Restored

Page 25

by Carolyn Haines

  Trouble’s Double Contest Winner


  I'm a smoky black cat called Reggu and this is the tale of one kitty's quest for finding a forever home and a good life ever after. I believe to be more than five but less than ten years young. My kittenhood is a bit of mystery even to myself. I rather not reminisce those days. Happier times came along when I was taken to a rescue centre from the streets, where I was found wandering alone.

  I had a warm bed and plenty of food, but I was still yearning for a home of my own. One day a nice young lady visited the shelter to look for companionship. Beware of my eyes! I mesmerized her with my stare and off we went. She was an avid Harry Potter fun and named me after Regulus Black, a handsome young man.

  We had couple of lovely years together until the call of her destiny meant that she had to move abroad. That made me very sad, but as luck would have it, I had been looked after from time to time by a dedicated cat lover. She had lost her beloved cat and was willing to adopt me for good.

  The rest is the history as they say. Mummy and I have been together now for over 3 years and love each other to the moon and back. You don't hear me meow, but I'm not a mute cat. I have an expressive purr, soothing like the sound of a trickling brook my hooman auntie says, which is often in use. Sometimes I let out a little squeak to call somebody to play with.

  Mummy mistakenly thinks that my troubled past caused me to lose my voice. As a mentalist I have more subtle ways to communicate with hoomans. My mission is to teach telepathy to Mummy, so she could understand me like I understand her. Just wish she was more natural. Sigh!

  Mummy says that I am kind, modest and loving. I try not to scratch things she likes. Holy Kittens, that really requires a mind control.

  Getting groomed, chasing and being chased, running through my leopard tunnel, meditating on my back and snoozing on top of Mummy when she sleeps, these are the things I love. Birdwatching is always interesting. Observing people is also enjoyable. Hoomans are ever so whimsical.

  My motto is "Silence is Golden".

  You can read more about me on instagram @ecotactiledesign, #RegguTheCat. I'd be delighted if you visit me at

  Paws up, Reggu the Mentalist

  M. Sturt




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