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Their Mating Triad [Paranormal Protection Unit 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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by Honor James

  Paranormal Protection Unit 11

  Their Mating Triad

  Parker Michaels's world has been dark for the last years of her life. Her vision taken in a horrific attack, she is now at the mercy of a madman. His greatest desires? To kill the potential bond-mates of his enemies and claim the throne on which his birth father currently sits. And her role is to help him even as she tries everything to stop him.

  Rayne Crimsonwing and Slade von Trustian are unlikely allies in the war raging under the humans' noses. But more than that they are bond-mates to the woman helping their greatest enemy. Torn between duty and what fate has given them a chance to finally have they must make the hard choices in a battle that only one side can win. And they are not going down without a fight.

  Time is running out as alliances are forged and love discovered. They will only have one shot, and death is breathing down their necks.

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 73,460 words


  Paranormal Protection Unit 11

  Honor James


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage and More


  Copyright © 2013 by Honor James

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-700-0

  First E-book Publication: June 2013

  Cover design by Viola Estrella

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  This has been such an amazingly incredible journey. Becoming an author has been a dream of mine for such a long time. I have to dedicate this novel to the amazing fans that I’ve gained over the course of this journey. So, like so much of what I do, this novel is dedicated to you, my fans, to my Dear Ones that are such a part of my life.


  Paranormal Protection Unit 11


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Nervous hands twisted and fretted. Outside the wind whipped and the storm drew closer as if drawn to the unstable emotions of the woman sitting in the darkness. Reaching a shaking hand out she grabbed the long thin rod and unsnapped it into a five-foot length.

  Shifting and rising from the chair that she was in, there was a distinct tap-tap-tap as she walked toward the desk in her room. Knowing that no one would disturb her for a very short time she opened the desk drawer and pulled out a small mini tablet. After powering it on she closed her eyes and focused.

  Whispering very, very softly she commanded the tablet to do as she wanted and needed it to do. “Find me the one who is trying to find the people that are holding me.” Her hand began to warm as information began to do as she demanded. Even though she was sightless she was far more than she appeared.

  When the tablet gently buzzed under her fingers she once more commanded it. “I’m the one who has the information on all of the bond-mates. If you do not want this information to be given out you need to come for me now. Make me stop. Please. I have far too much blood on my hands now. Stop me, I dare you.” She was desperate for them to stop her. She hated what she was being made to do but she knew that the only way that she would be able to ensure that she was found quickly was by taunting them.

  When she was certain that the message had made its way to where it needed to go she placed the tablet back into the desk, the GPS on and ready as she did so. When the floor down the hall from the room she was held in squeaked, she moved quickly from her desk and settled back on the bed.

  Folding her white cane she placed it softly on her nightstand and closed her eyes as she lay back as if she were sleeping. When the door opened with a soft sigh of a sound, a sound that most people wouldn’t hear, she didn’t flinch or move. She acted as if she were sleeping and was rewarded with the door closing once more.

  From outside her door she heard, “We need to check the sensors outside of her window because she’s sound asleep. I think that it was just the heat kicking on and blowing the curtains. Make sure that gets done tomorrow morning while she’s at breakfast.” A pause. “Yeah. Yeah. All right. Can do, boss.” The soft sounds of rubber connecting with wood moved away from her door and she sighed.

  Adjusting her body once more she sighed. Moving the pillow slightly so that the rough edges were away from her scarred face she allowed herself to fall asleep finally. Her plan of action was in play. Now it was up to the men that were scouring the internet to try to find the humans that were hunting the women down and killing them. She just hoped that they would be swift in killing her because she knew she deserved to die.

  * * * *

  Nine years earlier…

  Turning her face up to the skies Parker laughed. “Goodness it’s such a beautiful day today.” She loved the blue skies, the fluffy white clouds, and the feeling of the ocean breeze pushing her long midnight-black curls from her round cherubic face.

  “Parker, you crac
k me up,” Henry Beatty said with a laugh. “You always have had the ability to see the best in everything.” Lifting his mimosa he took another sip and leaned back in his chair to soak up more sun.

  “What? It is a beautiful day.” She turned and lifted her hand to shade her eyes, taking a moment to look over the beach that they were on, and frowned. That’s when she saw the men approaching them. “Hen, I think that your friends are coming.” She had seen Henry talking to them before, had even seen them leaving his home at odd hours of the night.

  “Fuck,” Henry muttered and dropped his drink. Shooting to his feet he looked toward the men approaching.

  What happened next was such a shock, such a surprise that Parker hadn’t realized what was happening at first. The men grabbed Henry, shook him, and began to scream about him being one of the fucking monsters. She then watched as Henry shifted, honest to God, shifted from a human form to a fox. A squeal of a sound came from Henry’s mouth, snout, what the hell ever you would call it, and he shot across the sand.

  The two large men turned to her then, both of them growling and snuffling. One of them grabbed her, began to shake her, and then, to her horror, blew fire out of his mouth in a vicious stream.

  Screaming, she was covered in flames. When the man let her go she dropped to the sand and began to roll but the flames simply didn’t seem to want to go out. She heard screams from the others on the beach, heard sirens, and then her life went black.

  When Parker woke from her coma three months later her vision was gone along with her hair, but there was something else that was active and alive inside of her from that moment, something that had been deeply hidden. An ability that morphed and grew from what it had been intended for.

  Treatment had been hell, the nearly constant surgeries, the grafts that she still had to undergo, and then there was the whole process of learning how to “see” once more. It was nearly another year before she was released from the hospital. However, by that time she had caught the notice of a man who had begun to visit her randomly, a man she didn’t know but swore he knew her. Nathaniel Silverwing.

  He had been there visiting another patient when he heard her whispering to her therapist. “I can see,” she had told him. “I don’t understand it but I can see an outline. It’s a woman and it’s like there is this line of light from her to the two men with her.” She had whispered so that if she was just having aura hallucinations she would be able to keep it to herself.

  “Honey, no one is glowing in here,” her therapist had told her but hadn’t continued with the shock that she had noted. There had been a woman with two men following closely who had come into the hospital.

  “Oh,” Parker had replied and that’s when he came to her and began to woo her.

  On the day of her release she had been set up with a live-in sighted helper until she would be able to be given a sight dog. Being an only child of a very wealthy family had gone very, very far in gaining her all that she had needed in life, and for that she was thankful. Granted of course her parents simply couldn’t “bear to see her in her damaged state,” again she was still thankful that she had their financial support.

  Waiting outside of the hospital for her hadn’t been her sight support person but him. He had sweet-talked her into allowing him to take her home. He had been so caring and had already insinuated himself into her confidence while she had been healing so she had gone with him. Worst. Mistake. Ever.

  She had realized that over the next year but it really hit home to her when he realized that she could just touch a computer and pull anything she wanted from it. No matter how obscure, no matter how hidden it was, the information begged to come to her fingertips and into her mind. That was when her imprisonment became something made of a horror show. It was when he killed the first couple before her that she realized that this man was nuttier than a fucking ten-year-old fruitcake.

  That was the first time she tried to escape.

  It took her two months to recover from the beating she had gotten because of it.

  The second time she tried to escape she had been made to listen as he viciously killed her sight dog.

  It took her another two months to recover from that beating as well. He had kept count of the bones he broke. He had rejoiced in breaking them as well. At the end of the torture he had said, “So we are up to one hundred and fifty-two bones broken. You have fifty-four more that I haven’t broken yet, my hideously ugly little bitch. I suggest you don’t try again.”

  Parker had agreed. She didn’t have it in her to try again. She could, however, try her damnedest to steer this psychopathic bastard from as many innocents as she possibly could and leave bits and trails for the people who were out there trying to help these women. She just prayed that they would be able to stop him soon.

  Chapter Two


  Quincy stared at the screen for a long time and then blinked slowly. Rubbing his eyes he leaned in, reread it, and then grinned. He’d found the rat-fink bastard who’d been outing their people, the mates, to those lying, conniving assholes. Shooting up from his chair, arms raised as high as he could, he yelled, “I am the king of hackers!” Turning he dropped his arms slowly, and not a soul was there to witness his greatness.

  Frowning, he sighed. It was always that way, never failed. Another triumph and not a single person there to share in the glory. “I hate you all,” he muttered to those who had obviously abandoned him in the night. Not that he meant it or really blamed them, but still—where the hell were they?

  Shaking his head he sat back down and stared at the screen. How had he found the traitor to their peoples? They’d had sixteen hackers going nearly non-stop, endless amounts of coffee all for more hours than he cared to remember just to track this asshole, and yet Quincy found him in the dead of the night. Something was fishy.

  “All right, my friend, let’s see what the hell is going on,” he muttered, digging into his bag of Skittles and popping a handful into his mouth. Chewing and sucking slowly as he typed rapid-fire, he began to back trace what he’d “found.” He wasn’t so sure he had now, too many hours up making him punchy obviously. Frowning at what he was seeing, he narrowed his eyes. “You found me,” he murmured.

  “Why?” He asked the obvious question in the empty room. Drumming his fingers on the desktop for a moment he hunched over the keyboard again. “Well, you found me, so I’m going to just use your transmission and get a little look-see at you.”

  It took longer than he’d care to ever admit. He hadn’t slept in nearly forty-eight hours, and that was his excuse that he was sticking to, damn it. But he found the computer, no…computers, plural. “What the fuck?” Digging around Quincy slowly began to activate the cameras built in, idiots. Never leave a computer hooked up to the Net with hackers out looking for you.

  Muttering about the idiocy that was overly prevalent on the planet he stopped at the first shot he saw. Leaning in he blew the image up and cursed, loudly. Grabbing his phone he dialed fast. “Bulldog, I have our hacker slash spy, and you’re never going to fucking believe it.” He watched the obviously blind woman move around the space and pause in a shaft of sunlight. She slowly lifted her chin and let out a breath. So did he when he caught a glimpse of her face. “We have a serious issue to boot.”

  Hanging up, he leaned back to watch her. The other cameras weren’t picking anything up yet so he just watched. He knew her, he’d swear he did, but where he just couldn’t place. She looked torn up and, worse, beaten. As he watched she stiffened and turned. Hitting the volume button Quincy heard a door creak, nasty words being passed, and then a tray of something shoved into her hands that she fumbled with but saved at the last moment.

  Waiting until the door was shut and she was alone again he turned the volume down as she moved to the bed. Sitting, she very carefully set her cane to one side and balanced the tray on her lap. Her fingers moved slowly over everything there, bumping the glass slightly and sending the spoon rattling. “Who are yo
u, woman?” he murmured and then shot to his feet. He had to seriously pee.

  Two hours later everyone was gathered and Quincy was relatively sure he had no clue what was going on still. Looking to those that Talon had pulled in for the op he nodded to the familiar faces. Besides Talon there was Rayne—one of T-Rex’s Royal Guards, Allister—obviously Jackie had said he could come, Sully was there, too, and then they had Vargas who was a Wolf, Jester a Jaguar, Treston a Lion, and Slade a Sorcerer. Having Slade there was good. Since Quincy would be running point from the base, having a magic user in the field was a smart plan.

  He knew that a half dozen others would be joining the Team but only as backup and to catch any that ran. They weren’t in this meeting merely because they had only been called in ten minutes ago, right after he’d finished briefing Talon on everything.

  “Lads, sorry to drag you out of your warm beds.” He looked apologetically to Allister and Sully. They had mates and children after all. Quincy glanced to the others. “I found our leak.” Talon had told him to keep the bit about her likely finding them under wraps for the time being.

  “About time,” Sullivan said on a yawn, leaning back in his chair. “Thought we’d never find this bastard,” he added in a grumble.

  Sharing a look with Talon, Quincy nodded. “Yeah, I was getting worried about it, too.” Clicking on the main screen, he pointed. “There’s our leak to Nathaniel’s group,” he told them and from the air being sucked through teeth, the fact it was a female shocked them. “I’ve managed to do some digging on her. Her name is Parker Michaels. Nine years ago she and a friend yet unidentified were on a beach enjoying the day when a group of Rogue Dragons accosted her. One burned her and, as we all know, Dragon’s Fire isn’t exactly the sort that goes out with a good stop-drop-roll routine.”


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