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Their Mating Triad [Paranormal Protection Unit 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 6

by Honor James

  “We’ll figure something out for you, Parker,” Rayne told her quietly. “We don’t want you ever feeling trapped or stuck if we’re not around. I’ll get Q to do some digging tomorrow and see what he can find out for us.”

  “Thank you for that. It would be nice to have one again. They were great snugglers,” she admitted. “And very good for a person as well. So yeah, definitely I would like to have another one if possible please.”

  “We’ll work on it, Parker,” Slade murmured as he shut the door. “Peek into Rayne’s mind for the layout of the house. He built it so he knows every nut and bolt. Plus the fact he knows where all the furniture is, the dishes are, and so forth.”

  Parker nodded and moved so that she could put her hand on his cheeks and pulled him closer. Forehead to forehead Parker closed her eyes and whispered, “Will you let me in, Rayne?” She never pushed, would never push, but she was curious as to what he saw when he saw the home. “Show me our home?”

  Wrapping his arms around her Rayne pulled her in close and opened to her, letting her see the layout of the house. Luckily there was only one floor other than the basement. He showed her the living room that went into a dining room with the kitchen off that at the back of the house. On the other side of the house he showed her the games and media room, office, and library. Then to the wings where the bedrooms were. East wing was all guest space and the west wing was the master bedroom plus two smaller, empty bedroom or whatever spaces.

  She nodded. Her nose rubbed against his. “And where am I sleeping and where will you guys be?” she asked softly. “So that I know where we will all be,” she murmured. “And I don’t need a media room or library. The office will be lovely because of the computers.”

  “Not for a while yet,” Slade told her quietly. “We don’t want any of Nate’s men possibly tracking and finding you.”

  “You’ll be sleeping in the main bedroom,” Rayne told her, stroking his hands down her body slowly. “Right with us, always.” He looked to Slade. “If I let the candy thief move in, that is,” he grumbled at the Sorcerer.

  Parker smiled and rubbed her nose against Rayne’s once more. “I would like that a great deal. I’ve never slept with anyone before and would very much like to know what it’s like to feel the two of you sleeping with me, well I take that back. I slept with you both on the flight, didn’t I?” Her hands moved up and down Rayne’s chest and under his shirt. “I think you should let him sleep with us, too.”

  Pressing into her hands slightly Rayne brushed his lips over her cheek. He gave a low growl. “You going to talk me into it?” he asked curiously. “Because I’m kind of interested to see just how you go about it, little darling.”

  She felt the growl as well as heard it and smiled. “I really think that you should kiss me. In fact I know that you should kiss me.” She rubbed her nose to his and touched her lips to his. “Kiss me,” she whispered. “Kiss me and feel me, Rayne. Feel me and know that I need Slade with us as well.”

  Pulling her in closer to him Rayne slanted his mouth over hers in a slow, deep, and intense kiss. He wasn’t going to deny her Slade or Slade’s access to their mate. He was mostly just yanking her and the Sorcerer’s chain. A little teasing, a little play.

  So bad, but so good, Parker whispered in Rayne’s mind and kissed him back. Pressing in closer to him she let her hands move over his shoulders and tug him closer. I really do want more, Rayne, please. I don’t think that I want to stop, ever.

  Lifting her up against him slightly, he sucked her lip into his mouth before thrusting his tongue into her mouth in a slow imitation of sex. Dragging his lips from hers he sucked in a breath. “This is a bad idea, Parker,” he whispered. “You need to get sleep tonight, tomorrow is going to be a long and very rough day, darling.”

  “Sleep tonight but the kiss was so very good, honey,” she whispered and looked up at him and licked her lips. She couldn’t “see” him but she could feel him. “I think that we should do that more often and one day, hopefully, we can finish whatever pleasure we have just begun?”

  “Soon,” Rayne promised her quietly. “Not tonight though. Tonight we will get you to bed and we’ll all sleep. We will reevaluate tomorrow night after we return home.” He already knew that Slade would be moving in. It was the best plan. And it had been discussed back when they’d learned the prophecy and figured it was them. “Come on, darling, let’s get to the bedroom and you can have that hot bath Talon was talking about if you’d like.”

  She shivered. “I can’t believe that he’s Nate’s father,” she whispered softly and allowed Rayne to lead her into the house and toward what she assumed was the bathroom. “And yes, a nice hot bubble bath with lots of bubbles does sound wonderful.” With all that she had gone through, with all the pain, she was ready to simply lose herself for a time. “And some aspirin would be wonderful as well please.”

  “Got it,” Slade called after them as he listened to them talking softly on their way to the bathroom. Moving to the kitchen he found the first-aid kit and the little box of drugs every member of the Teams kept in their homes. It was all just in case of a medical emergency or in case they were needed somewhere fast without a chance to prep. Not that it happened, ever, but one had to be prepared and since that was Talon’s motto in life they all had to live by it.

  Digging out the aspirin he got a glass of cooled water and headed for the main bedroom. Hearing the water running he walked into the bathroom to see Rayne filling the tub and Parker sitting on a stool to one side looking tired. “Here you are, little one,” he murmured, stepping in close. “I have pills and water,” he told her so she could hold out her hands.

  Lifting her hand toward the golden glow that was all Slade she smiled and closed her hand over the pills when he placed them there. Lifting another hand she accepted the water and took the pills gratefully. “Okay, boys. Show me where the shampoo, soap, towel, and washcloth are and then get out.” Because she wasn’t so sure that she was ready for them to see the extent of the damage to her body.

  Taking the glass back from her, Slade helped her up so that he could show her everything. “Tub.” He started there. “The towel is on the toilet lid with a cloth on top of it which is right in front of your current position, vanity directly to the left with the sink closest to the door. Soap is to your right in the tub on the wall, about halfway end to end and the shampoo is on the rim right next to the taps which, with how you are facing now, will be dead ahead if you step into the tub as is.” Looking at her he brushed a finger to her cheek. “You sure you’ll be okay?” he asked her softly.

  “I should be.” She smiled at them and nodded. “Just leave the door open a bit? That way if I need you, well you will know.” Chewing her lower lip she added, “And maybe something to sleep in if you have something? That would be really lovely. Even if it’s only a long T-shirt maybe?” She didn’t know how her body looked, but she felt the scars every single day of her life and knew how deep they ran. “Also could I get some lotion? I need to ensure that I put some on after the bath.”

  “I’ll grab you a shirt,” Rayne told her, slipping from the bathroom.

  “Lotion, lotion,” Slade murmured as he started to search the various cabinets and held one up. “Dry skin, unscented, for baby-soft skin,” he read off the label. “That should work for you, darling.” He smiled at Parker and set it on the vanity near the wall. “It’s near the sink braced up against the wall when you want it.”

  “Sounds perfect, thank you.” Parker smiled and nodded. “Thank you both.” They were both being so very kind to her, so wonderful to her. “Just don’t…” She hesitated and bit her lower lip. “When you see me, just don’t let it turn you away from me?”

  Rayne walked back into the bathroom and set the shirt on the vanity. “Darling, you are ours, that’s all that matters to us,” he told her quietly. Leaning in he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Give a shout if you need anything, one of us will be hanging close but we won’t interrupt your
bath time.”

  Parker nodded and smiled. “Thank you.” She touched her hand to his chest and ran it back up to touch his cheek as she did so. “For everything, Rayne.” Leaning against him once more she gave him one more hug and pulled back. When she heard the door moving slightly she began to get undressed. Since she couldn’t see she had no idea if they were in the room with her or not. Humming lightly under her breath Parker used her hands to “see” and got into the tub, sighing happily as she leaned back in the heated water and bubbles.

  Both men had paused and waited to ensure she was safe getting into the tub before they left and both had seen. Going to the hall Slade looked at the Dragon. “Whoever did that wasn’t merely pissed. They were trying to do as much damage as possible,” he murmured. “I know that you guys can control the Dragon Fire. That looks sadistic.”

  “It was,” Rayne said very, very quietly. “I’ll get extra pillows and then make something to eat.” Neither man had eaten anything for a time.

  “I’ll start dinner,” Slade offered and grinned at the look he got. “I promise, no spells, just simple cooking, a little chopping and such.” Taking Rayne’s growl as permission he headed for the kitchen.

  After a time Parker pulled up and out of the tub. She waited until the water was out to start it again to rinse the suds from her body, hopefully. After she was fairly sure she had all the suds out she reached for the towel and dried her body by patting the skin dry. Reaching for the lotion she began to rub it into her skin, pausing here and there and doing all that she could to get as much of her body as she could reach. Sadly she couldn’t get her back but that was all good.

  Using her hands only she touched the counter and once she found the shirt she put it on, hoping it was the right way facing since it was one of those tagless shirts. The hem of the tee fell just above her knees so she felt confident walking out of the door. “Can I get my stick back please?” She felt helpless and she hated that feeling.

  Rayne pushed off the wall and walked to her. “Here.” He held it out to her and placed it into her hand when she reached out. “Slade’s making dinner, I think. Did you want anything before we all get some sleep?” he asked softly.

  “I could use some food,” Parker said with a grin. “Then again I think that it’s been a day and half since I ate.” It wasn’t so much that food was withheld from her so much as she had no appetite because she knew how many deaths she had caused.

  “Well, I can’t promise it will be tasty but there will be plenty of it,” he said quietly. Reaching up he stroked his fingers lightly down her cheek. “Shall we go and see what he’s done to the kitchen with his latest in cooking fiascos?”

  “I think we should.” Parker leaned into his touch and sighed, closing her eyes as she did so. “I really and truly do very much like to have you touching me,” she whispered to him. “I love having both of you touching me honestly but I really do think that you should touch me often.”

  “Any time at all, Parker,” he assured her, moving closer to cup her cheek. Leaning in he kissed her lightly. “Lead the way, little mate,” Rayne said, taking a step back to let her slip past him. “I shall follow your delightful bottom if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all.” She had her white stick in her hand and began to move. Letting her nose lead the way toward the kitchen she tap, tap, tapped her way toward where she could smell the lovely scents coming to her. Inhaling deeply she sighed happily. “Oh that smells so very, very good.”

  “Finally,” Slade said with a grin, “someone that actually will appreciate all the work I put into a meal. Come in, my dear, would you care for a beverage before dinner?”

  “Just because it smells good doesn’t mean anything,” Rayne muttered behind Parker as he halted to survey the kitchen. All was tidy, in its place, and only what needed to be out was. Interesting, obviously Slade had learned not to be a slob somewhere along the line.

  “I would just like water please. Perhaps after dinner I will take a soda but right now with the meal, just water.” She loved to taste things fully, to be able to live in the senses she had left, and eating and drinking as those things.

  “Here you go.” Slade held out a bottle and put it in her hand when she reached up. “Dinner will be ready in five if you both want to grab a seat I will bring it all to the table. Go, sit, relax, I promise, five minutes tops.” He turned to collect plates and started dishing up.

  Parker grinned and turned. Bottle of water in her hand and cane in her other, she made her way to the table and sat after a moment. “Does he normally not cook or something?” she asked Rayne when she felt his hand touching hers there at the table. “Because you both sound so unsure of it all.”

  “He’s been taking ‘lessons,’ rather suspicious since he won’t tell anyone where,” Rayne told her. “So we’ve all been a little concerned about just what he’s been learning wherever he is learning it.” Leaning back a little as Slade put a plate before him and another before Parker he frowned. “You sure you made this?”

  “Of course I did,” Slade snorted at him as he plated up for himself and then joined them. “It’s fairly simple I know, but I only had a few minutes. It’s a mock shepherd’s pie, Parker,” he explained so she’d know just what she was in for.

  “Ah.” Reaching out Parker touched the plate and then let her fingers dance across the table to find her fork. Using her hands and fingers to be able to see she took the first bite. Closing her eyes she smiled, chewed, and then told them, “This is actually really very good. Thank you.” She took another bite and then paused to ask, “Why are you boys not eating?” She couldn’t hear the utensils moving, couldn’t hear them eating.

  “We were just waiting on you,” Slade said with a smile. “Besides, Rayne’s always suspicious of my cooking and likes to wait for someone else to try it first. It really shows a serious lack of trust on his part, I have to say.”

  “You weren’t the one that couldn’t feel his tongue for a week after that last fiasco,” Rayne said, taking a cautious bite and chewing slowly. He had to admit, it was good.

  “I apologized.” Slade groaned. “Profusely I’d like to remind you. It’s not my fault the translation software had a glitch on it. And no, we’re not discussing what it was,” he added, seeing the interest on Parker’s face.

  “Oh come on, really?” she asked with a smile. “You really and truly don’t want to tell me? You are killing me here,” she teased him with a smile. “I would really love to be able to know just what it was that happened, know what it was so that when we have it again I will know to be slightly cautious.”

  “It is never to be mentioned and will never be made again,” Rayne told her and warned Slade all in one shot. “Let’s just say that Slade managed to find one weakness of Dragons that none of us ever knew and about killed me in the process.”

  Putting her utensils down once more she reached out blindly toward where Rayne was and placed her hand on his to give him a squeeze. Smiling to him, she said, “All right. No more chatter about it then. We will instead just simply enjoy this meal together, okay?” She licked her lips and smiled. “And I wouldn’t be at all upset with you if you wanted to kiss me to get over your agitation you know.”

  “I’m not agitated,” Rayne said but leaned in to kiss her gently. “Eat your meal, Parker, and then you need to get some sleep. I will clean up after the meal since Slade cooked. Tomorrow after we are done with everything on base we should go shopping, pick up a few more things since you’ll both be here.”

  Parker smiled. “I just wanted an excuse to have you kiss me again,” she admitted to him. Leaning back from him, she blindly moved toward her utensils once more and lifted them to begin to eat. “This actually really is very good, Slade, thank you again for making us a meal.”

  “It was nothing,” he told her with a shrug. “Thankfully Rayne had some things here to make it work. Otherwise it would have been a lot less warm and filling. He is right though. We do need to make a
shopping trip. We should likely figure out what you like to eat and what your allergies are before we get too far though,” Slade pointed out.

  “No allergies and I love all food. I’ve always loved food and it’s been so long since I’ve had truly good food that I’ve forgotten just how pleasurable it is to eat,” she admitted to both men. “I love good, hearty meals, ones that fill you up. It makes me all kinds of happy.”

  “Good to know,” Slade told her. “I’ll figure out a meal plan of sorts and any leftovers we have we can freeze for those nights none of us feel like the effort of cooking. Quick and easy to just pull out and heat up,” he said to Rayne as well. “Plus if we ever have the munchies for something, we’ve got a few options.”

  “I think that sounds wonderful.” Parker grinned. “Maybe we should also get some of those freezer meal things for when you guys are at work so that I can still feed myself something hot instead of just cold foods.” Since she had been held captive she hadn’t learned how to do the little things she should have learned such as how to cook for herself, and such. Some things she had self-taught. Other things she had been taught by the one and only kind person, a maid that Nate had later fired because he found out that she was teaching Parker how to dress herself, how to care for herself in her new blind state.

  “Those things will kill you,” Rayne said honestly. “But if we get some of those containers that are freezer, microwave, and dishwasher safe then you could just grab one of them and heat it up. Especially if it’s fresh cooked, we’d all know what was in it. I think we can get a label maker from the base so we can identify them. Do you read braille?” he asked Parker curiously.

  “Yes, I was taught braille while in the hospital before Nate took me. That’s one thing that I can do.” Thankfully. “So if you have a label maker that will create braille that would be great. If not I’m sure that we will figure something else out.”

  “Quincy can easily modify one of the ones we have there,” Slade told her. “Fix it up so that we can switch it between English letters and braille. That way we’ll all know what’s in the containers.” He grinned at Rayne. “Not that the Dragon will eat anything I cook without having tested it at least once.”


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