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Their Mating Triad [Paranormal Protection Unit 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 21

by Honor James

  Cin came and gave Slade a hug, kissed his cheek, and whispered, “I know my mom was here. I feel her.” Pulling back she added, “Nope. We brought several vehicles. Could you imagine all of us in one?” She rolled her eyes. “And Quincy, Maya, and the little one will be here soon. They are going to slide in,” she said with a laugh.

  “As long as he does it outside I’m good with that.” He grinned at her. “She said to wish you a merry Christmas and to let you know she loves you. She’ll chat with you later I’m sure.” Hugging her, he stepped back and took her jacket. “Get in, folks. Snacks are all in the kitchen, so go, see Parker and Rayne, eat, and I shall await the rest of the guests.”

  Cinnamon nodded and herded everyone into the kitchen where Rayne and Parker’s laughter flowed happily.

  Watching them all go he turned back as he heard another car and grinned. “Hello, twinlets,” he called and scooped up Aiden’s kids and kissed their cheeks. “Goodies are in the kitchen,” he whispered, setting them on their feet and snagging their jackets. When Allister’s twins raced up he leaned in for hugs. “Snacks in the kitchen,” he told them, too, and took their jackets. “Come on in,” he said to Aiden, Allister, Jackie, and Lina, leaning in to kiss the ladies’ cheeks and take more jackets. “Food and the others are in the kitchen,” he directed them. “The others should be here any time now so head in and grab a beverage.”

  Coming out of the kitchen Cinnamon walked to Slade’s side. “How? Why? Why did Mom give her sight back? Not that I’m upset because I’m so freaking happy for you guys that it’s not even funny but why? I didn’t think Mom could muck into things that deep, that, well, defining.”

  Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he hugged her close. Slade grinned. “Because she’s a pure soul and, even with all she was forced to do, she didn’t let it change who she was. That’s about all I know,” he murmured softly to her.

  “She really is. Inside and out that one is pure. If I didn’t know better I would swear she was an Angel because of just how pure she is.” Other than the love and carnal thoughts she had for her bond-mates Parker was just about as pure of a soul as one could get. “When do you think Rayne will figure out she’s pregnant?”

  “Hell if I know,” he muttered, shooting a look to the kitchen. “I still can’t believe that I managed to figure it out before he did. He’s got the super sniffer of a changer and yet he’s acting all dense and unknowing. Really, if I didn’t like him so much I’d probably get him tested by a doctor to see if he’s really all there or not.”

  Cin grinned and shook her head. “Either that or my mother told you. Which was it?” she teased him. “Because really, for him to not see it, smell it? Even Talon looked at me as did Allister and Aiden and they aren’t her bond-mates, so the pregnancy is obviously more than a couple weeks along, so why hasn’t he said anything?”

  “No clue, but he has been doing some work around here so it could be something that’s irritating his sniffer. Or he’s just too close to her to see the forest for the trees as the saying goes,” Slade pointed out. “I only figured it out from the change in her eating habits and her sudden ‘cravings’ of things she normally only picks at. I didn’t know there were twins, or that there was one of each.” That made him smile wider.

  Cin grinned and shook her head. “My mother’s doing no doubt.” She sighed and whispered, “I just wish that one day Zaidu would forgive her and allow her into their lives again. I understand why he’s upset, but it really does break her heart. I know he doesn’t think that she cares but it honestly affects her. Silly I know, but it does.”

  “You have to see it from his point of view, too, Cin,” Slade said quietly. “I get why he’s so mad at her and why he’ll likely never forgive her. She screwed around with his life, with his bond-mate’s life and both of their free-will. She was yanking them around like marionettes, Cinnamon. If she did that to me, Rayne, and Parker, do you honestly think we’d forgive her? Or if she’d done that to Talon, do you think he’d ever go back to the Council Chambers let alone acknowledge she existed?”

  “No. I understand it. I truly do,” Cin told him softly. “I really do because it would have pissed me off in ways that you couldn’t even believe. Now then, here comes Quincy and Maya, and be warned, their little one is teething.”

  “That’s fine,” Slade said and let her go with another kiss to her cheek. “Hello Mage-kin,” he teased with a grin. Hugging Maya he took her jacket. “Snacks and drinks are in the kitchen,” he told them. “We’re still expecting a few more so go in and gather with the others. I threw a teething ring in the freezer if you need it,” he said with a wink to the frazzled parents.

  Maya hugged Slade once again. “Thank you. He’s teething and nothing seems to work, no I take that back. Him chewing on mine or Q’s fingers works but only because we use just a tad of magic to make sure to dull the pain the little one is feeling. Thank you,” she repeated and took their son from Quincy with a smile. “You can stay and catch up if you want you know.”

  Watching her head off Slade looked at Quincy and took the Mage’s jacket. “You look tired, Q, and like you need a good drink.” Looking past him up the drive he grinned. “Looks like the dark ones are arriving, too,” he teased. Glancing to Quincy he frowned. “Skittles, man, you look worried about something, what’s up?”

  “He just won’t sleep more than an hour, two tops at a time. I swear it’s me who’s done something wrong along the way.” Quincy ran his hands through his multi-colored hair and added, “And his hair’s coming in as rainbow as mine and it’s giving Maya fits. God dammit, who ever said that being a father was something that was easy? Whoever it was needs to be beaten.”

  Chuckling softly Slade punched his arm lightly. “He looks just like you, Q. He’s going to be a handful when he’s older. But hell, Maya had to have a clue what she was getting into when she hooked up with you. And him having your hair shouldn’t be giving her fits.” Slade frowned. “Why is it giving her fits?” he asked in confusion. Lifting a hand when he saw Davyn’s pale hair he waved the Wraith family in but knew that Dav would wait for Mikhail just to ensure the Vamp didn’t reverse out of there.

  “Because the other moms think that she’s doing it on purpose, coloring his hair. Fucking child services keeps coming to our place and the poor woman is ready to have a heart attack.” Lifting his hand he waved at Davyn and Dahlia and their little girl and smiled. “My boy’s going to be happy to see her, the Dragons as well. God help us all.”

  “Aiden’s little girl will be thrilled not to be outnumbered so much,” Slade said. “Have you told the child services assholes yours is a natural quirk of your genetics so his is, too? Hell, yank a few strands and have them test it for chemicals. They won’t find any, Q, and it will easily prove that it’s all natural and then Maya can shove it down the busybody mothers’ throats.”

  “I know. I just hate it when Maya’s upset.” Rubbing the back of his head he added, “And adding to it the fucking Magical Throne. I’m ready to beat the fuck out of someone.” He grumbled. “But that’s neither here nor there. For now let’s party and have fun.”

  “Good plan.” He grinned at Quincy. “Go on inside and I’ll get these guys sorted out and then we can start this party. I know some of the Dragons are planning on popping by later for dinner but we’ll all have some drinks, give the kids a gift to open to keep them occupied and then we’ll do dinner and the rest of the openings after. So go and get a drink, Quincy. You’re off the clock for tonight, enjoy it.”

  Quincy smiled and nodded. “So you have lots of babysitters here?” he teased but didn’t listen for the answer. Instead he went inside in search of his wife, his heart.

  Dahlia and her little girl walked up to Slade. Grinning she gave him a small hug and then said, “Go ahead, darling, show Uncle Slade what you can do now.” She looked to Slade and added, “She’s so totally her daddy’s daughter.” When the little girl lifted her hand and sparks of gray shadows appeared she lau
ghed. Not walking, not talking, but could pull the fucking shadows around her. Yep, Dahlia’s life was special and she knew it.

  “Wow,” he said, taking her little hand and turning it one way and then the other. “How’d you do that, darling?” he asked her and got a big grin and giggle. Chuckling he pressed a kiss to her fingers. “Drinks and snacks are in the kitchen along with the hordes. Go on inside, and if you need anything for her, ask Rayne. We have a little bit of everything here to accommodate the kids as much as possible.”

  “Thanks.” Dahlia winked at him and moved away from him with her little one giggling right along with her.

  Mindy stormed in, her eyes angry, and she looked to Slade. “Talk to him because I swear to God if the man doesn’t pull his head out of his ass I’m going to kill him myself.” Holding up her hand, she said, “I’m pregnant but it doesn’t mean I want him to stop fucking feeding from me, if only a small bit dammit. So talk to him so I don’t have to freaking kill him.”

  Watching her storm off Slade turned his head toward the one in peril. “Dude, don’t you know you shouldn’t piss off a pregnant woman?” he asked.

  “She thinks I will risk her health and wellbeing or that of our child.” Mikhail shrugged out of his jacket. “She is insane.”

  Shushing him Slade shot a look to the kitchen. “Seriously? Saying shit like that will have her staking your ass faster than you can move and we all know how fast you can move. Davyn, have a talk with him. He has to know that a couple of drops to keep his bond-mate happy won’t do her or the baby any harm.”

  Davyn snorted. “She’s your bond-mate, dude. Her body is creating more blood than she can handle. That’s why she’s so pissed off. Her blood is literally overflowing her body right now, Mik. I tried telling you that but you wouldn’t listen to me. Maybe now you will though?”

  “I’m very sure you didn’t say that,” Mikhail said, adding a sniff at the end.

  “Oh lordy,” Slade muttered, shutting the door. “You’re lucky she loves you. Given what she was muttering when she stormed in, she has some truly evil and vile plans for you. So go and grab her, make her feel better, and then get your ass back in here for the first gifts for the kids.”

  “You might wanna tell him where they can find a bedroom for a little private time,” Davyn said with a smirk. “Because we both, hell we all fucking know what happens when those two start to do anything at all that has to do with bloodletting.”

  “East wing, far end, completely soundproofed,” Slade told the Vampire and even pointed. “All the beds are made at that end so go and find one, preferably the furthest from all of us so we don’t have to listen in to you and her, ya know.”

  At the Vampire’s grin and the way that he took off and grabbed Mindy, Davyn laughed. “Problem solved.” He put his arm around Slade and then asked, “Have you and the Dragon told your bond-mate she’s pregnant yet? With twins?”

  “Still waiting on the Dragon to even clue in,” Slade told him and held up his hands. “Rayne appears to be completely oblivious to all of it. I don’t get it and the only excuse I have is the renovations he’s doing putting in the sunroom and the hot tub, but that’s all I’ve got.”

  “Wait, you didn’t know?” Davyn asked with a laugh. “Seriously I’m the one who broke the news to you that your bond-mate was pregnant? Oh lord. I’m sorry, man. I just figured that the two of you would have known.”

  “No, I knew, though Gaia thought she was spilling the beans, too. Rayne though still hasn’t clued in.” He shot Davyn a look. “You’re the second person that’s misunderstood me today. Am I slurring or something?”

  “Nope. Not at all.” Davyn laughed. “I can’t wait for you to get to rub this shit into his face because you will and we both know it. It’s going to be crazy and he’s going to lose his damn mind that he didn’t learn before you did.”

  “Yeah,” Slade murmured, still frowning. Shaking it off he led Davyn toward the kitchen and moved toward Parker who was still convincing everyone she could see. Pressing a kiss to her cheek he rubbed his nose to her skin gently before moving to pull out more appetizers.

  “Hey you.” She smiled at him then and sighed happily. “Do you know just how much I love you and how happy I am that you’re mine? I happen to really, really love the fact that we are together in this, the three of us.” She looked up at him again and smiled. “And I can see. Oh Goodness it’s a miracle that I can see,” she whispered.

  Smiling he ran a finger down her cheek. “That’s not the only one,” he murmured. Brushing a kiss to her lips he nipped her lower one and leaned back to look down at her belly. Hopefully she’d get the hint and surprise the fuck out of Rayne.

  “What?” Parker’s eyes went wide and she looked at him. “Oh God, you mean?” She put her hands on her belly and laughed, loudly. “We are pregnant?” Okay so she might have shouted it but that was not important.

  “What?” Rayne asked, looking like a deer in headlights.

  “Yup.” Slade answered Parker with a smile. “Twins as a matter of fact, one Dragon and one Sorcerer,” he said quietly. “Don’t know the sexes or any of that but both are happy and healthy according to my sources.”

  “Twins?” She was so happy that she could barely contain herself. “We are going to have a baby,” she whispered. “Two babies. Oh God.” She looked at the little Dragons that were running around and grinned. “Oh my, this will be. Oh wow.”

  “What?” Rayne asked again.

  Shaking his head at him Slade sighed. “Seriously, my man, get with the program.” Pulling Parker into his arms he hugged her tight and kissed her again. “Congratulations, Mommy,” he teased with a grin against her mouth.

  Parker smiled happily and held onto him. “I love you, too,” she whispered and kissed him back. Finally she turned to Rayne and grinned. “Well?” she asked in question. “Come on, Daddy, are you happy about this baby?”

  Rayne pulled her close and held her tight. “I love you, Parker, and as long as you are happy and healthy I’m more than thrilled. I just can’t seem to process it,” he murmured.

  Talon chuckled. “Really? Shocker there,” he teased with a grin.

  Parker shook her head. “We are having a baby. Two in fact, Rayne. You need to figure out how to process it within the next”—she looked back to Slade who held up seven fingers—“seven months or else you really are going to have a hard time when our babies are born trying to explain to them why when they drew their first breaths you were still shocked.”

  “I bet he’s still shocked by then,” Aiden said and looked at his twin who nodded. Grinning he shrugged at the other Dragon. “Sorry, Rayne, but you were always a little slow on the uptake about things.”

  Parker patted Rayne’s shoulder and grinned. Laying her head back on his chest she sighed. “Yeah but you’ve loved me from the start, haven’t you, my big Dragon.” And then she pulled back, her eyes wide. “I can see your Dragon now!” Before he wouldn’t shift so that she could touch his Dragon form, worried that the dangerous scales would somehow harm her but now she could see, and she could see him. “Show me.”

  “Not in the house!” everyone yelled at the same time before dissolving into laughter.

  “You are all insane,” Rayne growled at them. “I’d never do it inside anyway. That’s just asking for something else for me to fix,” he muttered. “We’ll go outside, love,” he told Parker, pressing a kiss to her lips before glaring at the others. “And you’re not invited, except Slade because he didn’t say anything like the rest of you buffoons.”

  Unable to stop her smile she nodded. “Then let’s go and you can shift and show me your Dragon and then we will come in here and we will start our Christmas party. I think that sounds like the best idea ever,” Parker told both her men. Happiness filled her. It felt so very, very right to be where she was right now.

  Shaking his head at the rest of their guests Slade followed Parker and Rayne out with a grin. She was in for one hell of a surprise he knew.
Whistling softly he stepped out on the back deck and caught her arm as Rayne kept going. “Stay here for now, love,” he said quietly. “Once he’s through the change you can go closer. Just be careful of the edges of the scales. They are super sharp. It’s part of the defense of the Dragon for those that actually get close enough to bite and slash at them.”

  “All right.” She nestled back into his arms and sighed happily. “I can’t wait to see him shifted,” she said with a smile. “I am so very happy,” she whispered as she nuzzled closer to Slade. “I’m a little on the chilly side though. Can you warm me up a bit more please?” Slade could generate warmth around them and it was so very lovely.

  Rubbing his hands down her arms lightly he breathed softly over her neck and smiled when she relaxed. “Better?” he asked curiously. Watching Rayne he squeezed her arms. “Watch,” he murmured next to her ear as the Dragon began to take over and the man shifted to his much larger form.

  Parker turned her face back toward Rayne and watched in utter fascination. “Wow,” she whispered and moved toward him when he finally was shifted. “He’s…” Reaching out she looked into the eyes of the Dragon, her Rayne’s eyes. “Rayne, you are beautiful,” she whispered. “Can I touch you?”

  Waving his hand before his face when the Dragon huffed out a nasty breath Slade coughed. “He said go for it,” he muttered. “You need to lay off the Mexican food, buddy. Your breath is more like sulfur every damned day.”

  Bite me, he sent mentally to both Slade and Parker as he lowered his head for her to touch him.

  Reaching up Parker laid her hand on his snout and smiled. “You are so very beautiful, Rayne. I love this form as well.” She laid her cheek on his nose and asked, “Will you take me flying one day? Let me ride you in the air?”


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