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ROMANCE: Unexpected Love Series (Military Bad Boy Billionaire Pregnancy Romance) (Young Adult Alpha Taboo BBW Contemporary)

Page 6

by Wanda Edmond

  “You believe me right?” His voice cracked, “About Melissa?”

  “For now I will,” She nodded and sipped the drink, “she has to prove it after all right?”

  Alex seemed saddened by her response, but nodded in understanding. There was no real way at the moment to prove the truth after all, but he knew that eventually it would come out that he wasn’t the father. He caressed her cheek with his strong warm hands and grinned, admiring the way the stars seemed to shimmer in her eyes. She was the most beautiful and loving woman ever to cross his path and Melissa was making an attempt to come between them. Whatever it took to prove the truth he would do. He leaned in and kissed her softly, savoring the sweet tastes of her lips. His tongue found its way into her mouth and began to slowly dance with hers, the temperature in the room rising around them both. He clasped her cheeks with both hands, taking her sweet mouth deeply into his own. She could feel the desire welling up inside, her body crying out for him to take her once again. As if in response, he scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom, setting her gently onto the soft satin sheets of his new bed. She gazed up through hungry eyes, watching as he stripped the tight clothes from his body revealed his solid chest to her. His erection stood ready to take her, thick and strong like his body. He leaned down atop of her and kissed her deeply once more, yanking the baby doll tee over her head and fondling her soft breasts. The massaging sensation ran deep into her body, sending waves of lust through her. Monica let out a gasp of desire as the wetness spread between her thighs. With a swift motion he mounted her, looming just about her shivering body with his strength and enjoying the look of need in her eyes.

  “You are the only woman in my life now,” he growled down towards her as she waited anxiously, “The only woman I want to be inside.”

  “Yes Alex,” She cried out and dug her nails into his backside, “I am yours.”

  With a grunt he thrust deeply inside of her and began to pound at her body mercilessly, Monica enjoying every moment of the sudden attack. His hands grasped tightly to the bed beside her and he continued to rapidly press his cock deeply into her wet body. His hips smashed into her thighs and she tilted her head back to savor the sensation. He continued to thrust as the moans escaped from Monica lips, the hard feel of his cock filling her deeply was quickly surrounding her with incomparable pleasure. Alex was like a wild animal, wanting to fill her with his manhood. He leaned down as he continued to pump harder and nipped at her soft skin, growling like a beast into the night air. Monica could no longer contain it and unleashed her cum onto his shaft as it pounded away. She cried out, allowing the waves of pleasure to rush through her body and tingle in her quivering mound. Alex growled again and titled his head to the ceiling, releasing his hot cum into her in a haze of emotion and satisfaction. He shook a moment, then looked deeply into her hazel eyes, his filled with only love and a desperate need for her to want him.

  “I love you Monica,” He panted and rolled over to his side, his gaze still fixed on her, “I hope that all of this proves it to you.”

  She rolled over with a sigh and gave him a warm smile, “I am proud of you for all you have accomplished, and it’s great to see you getting your life on track.”

  “Hmmm,” He bit his lip, “Why do I sense a, but in there somewhere?”

  “I’m trying is all I can say,” she caressed his cheek with the back of her delicate hand, “It’s still part of your lifestyle and I did feel more welcome tonight. Just give it more time. But I do love you deeply Alex.”

  Satisfied with her answer, he pulled her near to his naked body and closed his eyes, holding her while he fell fast asleep. She was right, the world he came from was very different from that of an innocent college woman, but that was no reason to call their love quits. His friends had promised to give her a chance and kept to their word, welcoming her at the celebration with open arms. He was content that, at least for the moment, things were looking up for him in his life and with his one and only love. Soon he was fast asleep as Monica lay in his arms. She gazed up at the bright full moon out his bay window and smiled sleepily. It was a beautiful and still night, and the light basked the white beach below it in an illuminating shadow that almost seemed to glow. Perhaps Panama Beach wasn’t as bad of a place as she had first considered it, when the college kids were gone of course. She could get used to this world very quickly, knowing to avoid the beaches during the spring break. Soon she too was fast asleep, in a dream-filled world of life with her love.


  Monica awoke suddenly to the sound of clatter on the staircase. Her body froze with tension and fear, momentarily losing her breath as her wits came about her from the deep sleep she was in. She listened fearfully into the darkness, another clatter as if someone was on the metal staircase outside. She clasped Alex’s arm tightly and shook him awake. He grumbled and she hushed him motioning for him to listen. The two lovers lay still in the dark, listening for the sound once again. Suddenly Alex could her someone fumbling with his door handle and he flung to life in a rush of fear and adrenaline. He tossed on his jeans and reached into the closet, pulling out a metal baseball bat. Monica scrambled to her feet, the sounds of the door growing louder and more restless. Whoever was outside was trying desperately to get in and Monica suddenly feared for her life. Is it a robber? Her heart pounded wildly. As Alex crept slowly from the bedroom, she fumbled with her clothes, managing to find her baby doll tee and underwear strung about the room. She peered out into the darkened living room, watching in horror as he inched closer to the door and wiggling knob. Alex glanced back towards her with a vague attempt at a reassuring grin and then back at the door. He could hear hushed whispers and muffled voices on the other side and couldn’t help but fear what was waiting outside his door.

  With a swift motion he flicked on the porch light, and swung the door open wide, holding his baseball bat high as if ready to swing at a moment’s notice. A woman’s voice squealed in fear, noticing the bat and murderous look on his face as he stood ready to face an attacker. He paused as Melissa’s face came into view, behind her stood one of her friends. The two had been trying to get into his apartment. Monica inched back in the door to the bedroom so as not to be seen right away and listened, wanting to know why this blonde would be clamoring around on her love’s porch in the middle of the night. She was clearly drunk from the way she swayed in the breezed and slurred her words.

  “Why did you lock the door Alex?” She stammered to stand up straight.

  “Because I wasn’t expecting company at three o clock in the morning?” He snapped and lowered the bat just slightly, “why are you here?’

  “I wanted to talk to you when that little wench wasn’t around,” She giggled, “I don’t know why you would lock me out. We used to have so much fun in bed remember?”

  “We are over,” Alex blocked her entry with his muscular body, “we have been a long time. And don’t you think a woman in your condition should probably give the partying a rest?”

  “Yeah?” She tripped over herself slightly, “Well you know it’s yours Alex. I am going to prove it to you. That uptight little prude isn’t your type anyway, I don’t know what you see in her. Why don’t you come to bed with me tonight and I will remind you what your type of woman can do?”

  A fire rose up in Monica she never knew she had before and she burst from the room, stomping towards the open door where Melissa was now running her finger along her love’s naked chest. She pushed past Alex and found herself face to face with the beautiful blonde, her eyes bloodshot and as full of hate as they were earlier at the bar.

  “Now you listen to me you tramp,” Monica shouted, her voice echoing out over the quiet beach, “You are going to leave my Alex alone now do you understand. He doesn’t want your kind anymore, can’t you see that? So you and your jealously can take a walk now.”

  Before anyone could protest she slammed the door hard in the woman’s face, rattling the photos on the wall as it shut. S
he stood shaking, her fists clenched tightly into fists and stared at the wooden door angrily. Alex couldn’t help but laugh, having never seen this brute side of Monica before. Truthfully neither had she. He whirled her towards him so that their eyes met and smiled, cupping her chin with his warm hands. Her breathing steadied slightly and she forced a smile, still fuming over the unwanted intrusion by his jealous ex. He kissed her deeply, calming her body down from its fit of rage. Outside the door she could hear the woman still shouting.

  “This isn’t over Alex,” She called out in a slur, “for you or your little goody two shoes college girl. I will be back and you will be sorry.”

  The two listened as her friend helped her back down the stairs carefully, as she could barely walk straight on her own. They sped off in her friend’s red firebird, squealing the tires as they left the lot. Alex locked the door and the two headed back for the bedroom, though neither was going back to sleep anytime soon after that sudden shock in the middle of their slumber. They lay together, savoring one another’s company. He caressed her soft arms and flushed cheeks, smiling down at her with a look of love. Thinking back to the look on her face as she stormed up to the intruder he laughed again and kissed her cheek.

  “Hopefully she won’t come back now that she knows you stay over here,” He sighed, “Seriously I haven’t seen her in months. It’s like she is doing this on purpose.”

  “Alex?” Monica had to ask him, “Are you sure the baby isn’t yours?”

  He paused, looking slightly offended, then sighed, and “Yes I am positive. Trusting in love remember?”

  She nodded without another word and curled up close to his body, listening to his heart still beating wildly as she attempted to fall back asleep. This woman was definitely going to cause them problems, at least a while longer.

  Chapter 6

  The following week went by in a blur. Her parents drug her out to different points of interest on their time in between visits to her father’s old friend, as the family began to get used to their surroundings. She would still have to return to school for her senior year, but it made sense to begin getting a feel for the places around her as soon as possible. They browsed a local shopping plaza, locating clothing and accessories as they went. Monica couldn’t help but find herself growing fond of Carrie too, as she was in love with her only son. She knew someday soon, if all went well with Alex, she would have to tell her of the love affair between them if they ever wished to be free to enjoy one another in life. The remainder of her time she spent with Alex, riding on the back of his bike from bonfires to days out at the marina. The shared a love for the environment and aquatic life as well, basking in that shared caring as a way to bond even closer. Though there had been no sign of Melissa since her unwanted intrusion at the apartment, Monica knew it would only be a matter of time before the jealous woman resurfaced for more drama. Alex’s business grew in popularity as everyone from locals to passing bikers stopped in the shop. His reputation was growing among the tattoo community as well, and soon he found that people were making appointments rather than just stopping in. Wild Nights Tattoos was becoming an overnight hit and Monica couldn’t help the feeling of pride welling up in her heart.

  With nearly two weeks left of summer vacation, Alex had planned a secret surprise for her during their picnic on the beach. Monica read the text message, asking her to meet him in the cove where they had first made love in spring and to bring a blanket. She smiled and changed into her bikini top and a pair of cut off jean shorts, sneaking from the hotel room unnoticed. She headed out over the hot street and across the white sandy shores of the beach. Turning left, she headed for the secluded cove as the hot sand filled her toeless sandals. The sun was beating down on her shoulders, making a dip in the ocean seem welcomed and elected to take a swim before he arrived. She checked the message again, squinting in the sunlight. He said noon. She repeated and checked the time. It was already nearly noon by the time she arrived and set about laying out the checkered blanket on the ground. Monica sat down onto the softness and gazed out at the deep blue waters that seem to stretch on for miles, smiling at the beautiful view and reflecting on her last encounter here.

  “Well, well,” A woman’s voice shattered her peacefulness and she turned to find Melissa standing at the entrance to the cove, hands on her curvy hips, “Look what we have here.”

  “Are you stalking me?” Monica rose to her feet quickly, kicking up sand as she went.

  “No,” Melissa shrugged, “I saw you walking and thought I would see which man you were trying to steal now. You don’t belong here college girl and you need to head on home before you get hurt.”

  Monica stood speechless in her anger, her fists balling up once more until her knuckles were white. She stood glaring at the woman, wanting nothing more than her to be gone from her life. She may have been beautiful on the surface, but the more she knew of her, the more Monica realized how ugly her personality really was.

  “Not so tough without my man around to protect you huh.” Melissa began to inch closer towards her and Monica’s heart leapt in anxiety. She wasn’t a fighter and at the moment felt like a caged animal, trapped in the cove.

  “He’s not your man anymore Melissa and you know it,” She stood her ground despite her fear, “Now leave us be and go find another victim to harass.”

  “Oh he’s my man,” She inched even closer and Monica could now see the fire in her eyes, “He was mine first and he belongs to me. He and I are going to raise this baby together and there is nothing you can do to stop it.”

  Monica felt the hairs standing up on her neck, knowing this woman was itching for a fight. With her blocking the only entrance and no one around to call out to for help, she prepared herself to have to defend for the first time. Suddenly Alex came into view carrying a basket. He noticed Melissa and right away knew there was trouble, rushing to Monica’s side. His ex-girlfriend had a fiery temper among other things and years of experience in drunken brawls. He pushed himself between the two women and glared down at her. He had tried to keep his patience, but it was wearing thin with the constant attacks on his already uncertain love. He feared that Melissa would drive his one true mate away if the attacks continued.

  “That’s enough Melissa,” He growled, “I have tried to be patient but I am done. Get the hell out of here. I don’t want to see your face around me or Monica ever again.”

  The blonde paused, her gaze changed from being fixed on Monica to looking deeply into Alex’s angry eyes. For a moment a hint of hurt flashed through her baby blues and she turned without another word, stomping along through the sand as she went. The two watched her disappear around the corner and Monica breathed in deeply. Alex turned and looked her over, the concern deep in his eyes.

  “Are you ok? Did she hurt you?” His voice was genuinely fearful.

  “No I’m ok,” Monica eyed the basket in his hands and smiled, “Do you think it’s over now?”

  “Yeah I think that was straight forward enough this time, “He sighed and guided her over to the blanket. The two sat down once more in the soft sand, gazing out at the ocean waves as they sprayed onto the beach.

  They spent the afternoon swimming in the cooling waters, splashing and playing like children in the sun. They shared stories of the past and their hopes for the future. Alex dreamt of turning his business into a franchise, opening more parlors up and down the Florida coast. Monica listened to his plan intently, amazed at how well thought out it seemed to be. From watching the customers piling in, it seemed he had a real shot at success, even if the type of company wasn’t exactly what she had in mind when he said he hadn’t started a business. He was good at what he was doing and a talented artist the like. Her heart slowly began to accept him as he was, despite the leather jacket and motorcycle gang. She smiled at him warmly and gave him a warm kiss as the ocean waters washed over them both. After a nice lunch the two sat watching the sun as it began its decent into the ocean. It was a romantic and loving scene
, the two of them alone in their secret place on the beach. He placed his hand on hers and gave a sigh.

  “Monica?” He rose from his place beside her and fumbled through the basket, “I want you to have this.”

  From the basket he pulled at portrait unlike the others she had seen that lined the tattoo parlor or his home. This was a landscape drawing, etched in black and white and then filled in with a mixture of pastels and deep oranges. It was of the view from the cove where they sat and Monica gasped with a smile. He had captured the sunset perfectly, in all its glory as it spread deep hues of color on the ocean below it. She felt a tear welling up in her eye and hugged him tightly.

  “It’s beautiful Alex,” She glanced down once more, outline the details with her Hazel eyes.

  “It’s so that you never forget us,” He smiled, “or this place while you’re back at school next year. I hope it will make you want to come back to me all the sooner.”

  Monica hugged him once more and returned her gaze out to the ocean. Though reluctant to admit it out loud, Panama Beach and all its beauty had grown on her, just as Alex and his lifestyle was beginning to as well. The seagulls above head cawing and dove into the cooling waters in search of their last meal and a soft breeze began to blow in off the waters. She tilted her head back, savoring the peaceful moment beside her love. She was now looking forward to her move after graduation and spending the rest of her days in this romantic place with Alex by her side. He pushed back a loose strand of hair from her face and smiled, pulling her near to him. His sun kissed skin felt warm on her shoulders as his thick arms wrapped around her tightly. She knew sooner or later they were going to have to make their love known, especially to their parents, but for this moment it was just the two of them alone in their happy world together. As the sun finally disappeared below the waves they rose and headed back for the hotel where most likely her parents had already gone out for the evening. She still had two weeks to spend enjoying the company of her love and the world around her, and hoped that the rest would go better. Melissa had taken the hint and headed off to harass some other unsuspecting male about her pregnancy, leaving the two to finally let their love grow in peace. He stopped at the door to the hotel, grasping her in his arms once more as he always did when dropping her off. He leaned down and cupped her chin, kissing her deeply and inhaling her scent.


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