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The Bachelor Duke (The Bachelor Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Cecilia Rene

  Livie stared at both her cousin and Lord Heartford in shock. Not only did her cousin’s words make it sound as if they were in need of husbands, but the marquess insinuated that she would marry the Duke of Karrington.

  “I was going to suggest we all take a walk to Hyde Park, but now that the other gentlemen are gone, perhaps I can escort both ladies?” Lord Heartford asked before there was a knock on the door signaling another visitor. Everyone stood to welcome the newcomer as their butler, Thomas, entered with none other than …

  “The Duke of Karrington, my lady.”

  Although she was very much hoping he would come as he had said, seeing the duke in her parlor was still a jolt. His presence caused her to let out an audible gasp, causing all eyes to turn to her.

  Her mother raised a perfect eyebrow before turning to welcome her new guest. “Your Grace, what a pleasant surprise. The marquess was just telling us of your acquaintance.”

  “Ah, yes, I’ve had the unfortunate pleasure of being one of his closest companions,” the duke said, causing all the ladies, except Livie, to giggle.

  The marquess laughed. “Here I thought I was the unfortunate one.”

  Livie stared at the two old friends, astonished by their camaraderie. She noticed how relaxed the duke was in his company compared to how he acted in front of Baron Bromswell and the rest of society.

  A shiver ran through her at the thought of the baron and the previous night’s incident. Her upper right arm had a bruise where the baron grabbed her roughly. No matter how she tried not to think of it, it still haunted her. She was only happy that the duke came along when he did.

  “Please be seated.” Her mother waved to the only available seat, which was the chair closest to Livie’s side of the chaise.

  “Lady Hempstead, your parlor is lovely.” The duke’s voice was sincere as he looked around the room.

  Livie followed his gaze, feeling a sense of pride in her home. It was theirs before her father had become the earl. She had spent the first seven years of her life running around the townhome free and happy. Her parents didn’t have a care, her father happy as a solicitor. He enjoyed handling all of the legal matters for their ancestral home, and that way, there was no fear that someone would take advantage of the estate.

  “Thank you. We’ve had this townhome since we were first married. It’s where Lady Olivia was raised until we moved back to Yorkshire.” Her mother looked over at her tenderly, her voice full of love.

  “How splendid to have such memories,” the duke stated before turning his blue eyes to Livie. “And how are you today, Lady Olivia?”

  The room became unbearably hotter with his attentions focused on her. Livie cheeks flamed against her will at the memory of their near kiss filled her mind.

  Her mother cleared her throat rather loudly, causing Livie to jump. Looking around the room, she noticed that everyone was waiting for her reply. Clearing her own throat, she gazed at the duke. “I-I am well, Your Grace.” She smiled gracefully, taking a moment to try and compose herself. “Did you enjoy the ball?”

  “I enjoyed it very much. Usually, occasions such as balls and parties rarely hold my attention for long, but I suppose I did not have much of a reason to enjoy them until now.” His voice was rich and full of meaning. It transported her back to the night before when he declared himself to her.

  She felt so much power in that single moment when he told Baron Bromswell that she was his intended, and then they almost kissed.

  “Your Grace, the marquess was going to escort the ladies around Hyde Park. It is lovely out. Perhaps, you would be so inclined to join them,” her mother said, giving the duke a pleasant smile.

  “Splendid, the fresh air will do me some good. Would you allow me to escort you, Lady Olivia?” He gave her a questioning gaze.

  “That would be lovely.” Livie stood, followed by Julia.

  “We shall return momentarily. We must prepare for the weather.” Julia grasped her cousin by the arm smiling at the two gentlemen standing before them.

  “I will find Abigail to escort you.” Lady Hempstead rose as well. “If you will excuse us.”

  Livie followed her mother out of the room to Julia’s subtle but hard pinches at her side. She discreetly tried to swat her fingers away but to no avail. Once they were out of the parlor and finally alone, Livie swatted at her cousin’s hand.

  “Will you stop it!” Livie whisper-yelled, still feeling the effects of the last pinch to her side.

  “Girls! Do not fuss. Now go prepare.” Her mother rushed off, leaving the two alone in the foyer.

  “Admit that I was right.” Julia crossed her arms, glaring at her cousin.

  “I won’t give you the satisfaction.” Livie turned away and started up the long staircase.

  Julia was directly on her heels. “Fine, don’t say it, but I was right. He fancies you. The question is, my dear cousin, will you accept him?”

  Livie stopped cold, watching as Julia sauntered away to her own room. Would she accept the most sought-after bachelor in all of London?

  She exhaled deeply, a tingling sensation running through her, as she considered the question. She knew the answer without a shadow of a doubt.


  “For God’s sake, stop staring at me as if I have two heads,” Remington snapped, standing up to walk around the room. He knew his friend had never known him to show interest in a lady as a wife.

  “I’m wondering if you’ve gone mad.” Heartford followed suit and walked behind him.

  “Whatever could you mean?” Remington feigned ignorance.

  “Do not play coy. You do know what this looks like?” Heartford retorted, his voice low to avoid being overheard.

  “What exactly does it look like?” Remington asked before walking over to the chessboard by the large window. A game was currently in progress.

  He momentarily wondered who was playing. One person was clearly winning, two white rooks had become queen and the white king was in a position of checkmate. His fingers itched to make a move.

  “It looks as if you plan to marry her. I beg you, if you are playing a game—” Heartford started but stopped.

  Remington put the full dukedom behind his glare. “I do not play games, and as my friend, you should know I would never play with a lady’s feelings.”

  The chatter in the hall alerted them that they were no longer alone.

  No, Remington did not play cruel games with young ladies, that was what Baron Bromswell did.

  “I’m sorry, but I care for Lady Julia, and she loves Lady Olivia as if she were her own sister. I just want to ensure her well-being.” Henry’s voice was rushed and low.

  “I assure you. I only have her well-being in mind—” Before Remington could say more, the ladies reentered the room in their pelisses and bonnets ready for a walk.

  “Ladies, you look well prepared for the weather.” Henry gave them a dashing smile, causing Lady Julia to giggle.

  Remington cleared his throat, trying not to think of the awestruck couple that just left the room. He offered Lady Olivia his arm and raised an eyebrow in question.

  Tilting her head, she pondered for a moment before asking, “They’re rather sickening, aren’t they?” Her lips were twisted to the side in an adorable question.

  Unable to help himself, Remington gave a rich hearty laugh. “Indeed, they are.”

  Lady Olivia giggled, biting her bottom lip as she wrapped her arm around his proffered one. He flexed his muscle, securing her arm.

  Looking down at her, their eyes locked. “You can be rather naughty when you want to, can’t you?” he questioned teasingly, grinning at her beautiful face.

  His heart started beating faster. His hand itched to touch the porcelain skin of her cheek, wanting nothing more than to kiss her like she’d never been kissed before.

  Remington watched as she opened and closed her mouth several times. A red bloom spread across Lady Olivia’s cheeks until it traveled down her neck.
  “I-I want to be naughty,” she whispered.

  Her words shocked him, and he roughly wrapped his free arm around her waist pulling her closer to him.

  “Oh—I’m sorry, I meant, I don’t … don’t mean to be … naughty,” she corrected herself quickly, looking around frantically.

  Her eyes widened as his grip on her waist increased, and he wanted nothing more than to crush his lips to hers. Having her so close to him was driving him mad with desire. Her power over him was growing by the second.

  “Livie! What is taking so long,” Julia yelled before coming into the parlor.

  Remington released Lady Olivia and took a step back. He tried hard to ignore the fact that he practically accosted the lady in her father’s home.

  He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to compose himself before he did something that might cause Hempstead to want to duel.

  “I’m coming. I was just fixing my bonnet,” Lady Olivia informed her cousin as she waited for Remington at the door.

  Offering her his arm again, they walked out of the parlor and the short distance to the London streets where Heartford patiently waited for them to join him.

  “Ahh, there you two are. Shall we go?” He gave them a cheery smile before Julia accepted his arm, and they began walking.

  Following behind the ever-chatting Julia and Heartford, Remington and Olivia were quiet as they walked in the crisp London weather, her maid dutifully behind them, a book in her hand.

  “Thank you for last night. I believe the baron may have partaken too much in the offered claret.” Lady Olivia’s voice wavered, causing him to turn toward her.

  “Yes, well, I don’t think he will bother you again.” His tone was harsh as he remembered the nerve of Bromswell, trying to force himself on her.

  Lady Olivia stumbled briefly, and Remington tightened his arm around her so that she did not fall. The simple stumble made his heart stop. He opened and closed his fist several times to calm himself.

  “Why would he not?” Her voice was timid, so unlike her behavior in the parlor.

  Stopping to let a carriage pass, he faced her and was mesmerized by her gray eyes.

  “Because you will be mine.”

  The Bachelor Duke and Lady O were seen strolling arm in arm through Hyde Park. Is this the end of our beloved bachelor?

  Say it isn’t so.

  Her mind swirled like she was in a carriage moving at an ungodly speed, wondering what it would be like to be his? Would she feel this yearning if she was indeed his?

  Could this perfect specimen of a gentleman really want her, the declared plump miss of society? Baron Bromswell’s words came flooding back. “Once Karrington is done with his game.” Doubt crept back in, squashing the momentary joy.

  A cluster of women whispered behind their parasols, glancing back as they moved toward the park. Their snickers only increased her insecurity.

  “How do you know I wish to be yours?” She glanced at the duke slyly.

  He let out a hearty chuckle, amusement in his blue eyes. The bright reflection of the sun shined on his handsome face and threatened to take away her breath, if she would allow it.

  He considered the question for a moment as they entered the northwest enclosure of the park from Grosvenor Street. The park wall, Kensington Garden, and the Serpentine River surrounded the northwest enclosure. A gate separated horse riders and carriages from walkers.

  A pleasant breeze swept around them as they leisurely followed behind Julia and the marquess. There was a copious amount of distance between them, allowing private conversation.

  The duke turned to look over his shoulder at Abigail, before he leaned in and whispered at the shell of her ear, “Don’t you?” His cool breath fanned the sensitive flesh, sending a delightful shiver through her body like bolts of lightning. An unfamiliar sensation danced a waltz in her belly, causing her to squeeze her abdomen muscles as her womanhood pulsed with need—for him.

  “I haven’t decided yet?” she whispered, gazing ahead at the splendor of Hyde Park.

  A devilish smirk graced his full, pink lips, and at that moment, she desperately wanted to feel them on hers. “That is a fair answer, but you must know that I want you to be mine … most ardently.”

  At his declaration, she stopped walking momentarily, so affected by his admission. From the moment she saw him at her ball, she wanted nothing more than to be his. But she didn’t dare hope, she believed the gossips and the whispers that she was too plump. So much so that she’d avoided Cook’s wonderful biscuits since then.

  But could it really be so simple? Could he really want her, for her and not her dowry to save his estate or because he needed an heir? Did he want her?

  Side eyeing his tall physique, she wondered what sort of husband he would be. Although he had been brooding and oftentimes quiet when he’d been in her presence. He was never unkind toward her or ever made her feel uncomfortable like Baron Bromswell and Lord Lynbrook had. She had heard horror stories of wives in the peerage. Both Abigail and Julia took delight in retelling what they overheard from housemaids or gossip.

  Livie had never witnessed anything but love and devotion between her parents.

  The thought that her husband could be cruel to her was unfathomable. She wanted the type of relationship that her parents had, but she knew that the probability of that happening was low. The only gentleman that she had any desire for had vowed to never marry, and yet here he was standing beside her.

  “Will you speak with my father today?” She glanced nervously at him, unable to stop her thoughts from telling her that it was not true. The tightness of her gown across her middle had her doubting his intentions.

  “Yes, only if you are agreeable to the courtship.” Glancing around, he tentatively reached out to take her gloved hand in his, caressing it with his thumb.

  Warmth spread through her as thoughts of children with the same dark hair and blue eyes filled her mind. The color of his eyes reminded her of the sea in Scarborough, where her family spent their summers.

  “Livie! Look, deer!” Julia shouted very unladylike toward her.

  Livie closed her eyes briefly. Julia never cared for propriety, since Livie’s parents doted on her cousin’s every need and allowed her wildness. She often misbehaved. Livie had hoped it would end once they were in town. Trying to hide the embarrassment of her cousin using her nickname in front of the duke and marquess, Livie walked closer to watch the deer as they grazed near the river.

  There was one large deer that looked to be the mother of the two fawns beside her. Their rich brown coat gleamed in the sunlight. The speckles of white added to their beauty.

  “I do wish I had something to feed them, perhaps carrots?” Livie kept her voice low, not wanting to disturb the deer.

  The duke let out a small chuckle, glancing at her. “Carrots would not be a good choice. They prefer acorns or corn, but I find it is not wise to feed them.”

  “Why ever not?” she asked. The two smaller deer started playing with each other.

  “It’s not wise to feed them our food. They become bothersome once fed. They tend to want it again and will return for more.”

  “Really? I suppose if something I’ve never had before was presented to me for the first time, and I liked it, I would want to try it again and again. It’s like being presented with sweets, one will always want more.” She smiled wide, knowing perfectly well she could never give up sweets.

  The duke laughed, his face transformed in front of her eyes. He looked younger in that moment. “Precisely. Once granted the forbidden, one cannot help but want it, especially if it tastes so sweet.” His gaze lingered on her mouth, causing her to nervously bite the corner of her bottom lip.

  A slight breeze caused the sides of his hair to blow beneath his hat, and she wondered what it would feel like to run her fingers through the strands and inhale his spicy, masculine scent.

  Nervously shifting from one foot to the other, Livie let out a shaky breath
, trying to control herself. He unnerved her a great deal, the way his eyes seemed to look through her, the way his sinewy body towered over her much smaller one, making her feel safe and protected.

  “How are you so knowledgeable about the eating habits of deer?” she asked, hoping to steer the conversation back to safer topics, one that would not have her thinking she was the forbidden fruit of which he spoke.

  “There are a great many on the grounds of my ancestral home, Hemsworth Place. When I was a boy, I loved nothing more than to sneak them the occasional unwanted vegetable. They would often come close to the estate in hopes of receiving more …” He trailed off not finishing his sentence as a shadow overtook his countenance. His eyes darkened and his hands gripped into fists at his side, as if he was fighting a bad memory.

  Noticing that his mood had become mercurial, she quickly filled the silence. “We only have a small number at Hill Manor, and they tend to live more in the woods. Julia and I are always excited when we see deer, especially ones so close.”

  A fawn wobbled to them, away from its mother. Tentatively, she reached out a small gloved hand only to remove it swiftly when the creature’s head jerked suddenly at her proximity.

  The duke bent slightly, placing his larger, stronger hand on top of hers. Her breath hitched as he pulled her closer to him, a closeness that surely looked improper to onlookers.

  Entwining his fingers with hers, he extended their connected arms toward the small deer. Her breathing increased as his warmth engulfed her.

  The animal considered the two of them before inching forward. Slowly, the duke lowered their combined hands, placing hers on top of the fawn. Her fingers moved hesitantly over the small head. She smiled and felt triumphant at the small accomplishment of petting a deer.

  Slowly removing their hands, the duke released her. He lengthened the space between them, and it was then that Livie realized the intimacy of their closeness.

  “Thank you.” Her voice was filled with wonder. She watched the fawn run back to its mother, forgetting them instantly.


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