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Irish Seduction

Page 4

by Ann B. Harrison

  They drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms. When Jasper awoke in the morning he was not surprised to find himself alone again. If that was the only way they could be together, he would accept it for now, but only for now. He had to find a way to make her his bride without incurring the full wrath of her father. In the meantime, he had to act in the capacity of her teacher and nothing more. Easier said than done when each time he saw her, his cock reacted with a mind of its own.

  Jasper threw back the sheet before he eased himself out of bed. He walked over to the window and looked out. The sounds of early morning activity reached his ears. Children scampered through the yard, cattle were being herded to the outside paddocks, and the gardener was already picking vegetables for the castle kitchen.

  His hair fell around his face and he brushed it back behind his ear. There was a knock and the door opened. Patrick walked in with a jug of warm water, and put it on his washstand.

  “My lord,” he said bowing his head, before turning away to leave.

  “Thank you, Patrick.” Jasper heard the door close behind him.

  Jasper poured water into the basin and reached for his washcloth. He lathered the cloth with the bar of soap and slowly washed the smell of his night of passion from his body. He slid his hand down and cupped his balls, the memories of last night fresh in his mind. Longing for her touch, he ran his other hand down his cock before shaking himself from his dreams.

  Jasper took a towel from the rack and dried himself off before reaching for his clothing. Dressed, he headed downstairs to breakfast in the kitchen.

  Chapter Three

  The morning was filled with jobs around the castle. There was always someone in need of special tonics and potions, be it animals or humans. He headed for the barn to see to the horses.

  Jaspers favorite mare was due to give birth and he kept a close eye on her while he tended to other stock. When he checked on her again after lunch, he took her a small sweet apple. She sniffed it delicately, blew hot breath over Jasper’s face, and then nibbled it out of his fingers. He ran his hands over her swollen body and down her legs, checking her general health.

  “It will not be long, Mathew; tonight or tomorrow,” Jasper said to the stable hand that was hovering at the barn door. His fingers stroked the spot between her eyes. He spoke to her gently and she rubbed against his hand.

  “You’ll make a fine mother, my darling girl. Yes you will,” he soothed. “Call me the minute she starts to pace and paw at the floor. You will know, lad, when she is ready.”

  “Yes, my lord,” Mathew replied, his eyes never leaving those of the master that he worshipped. He was young and keen to learn. Jasper took the time to teach him all he could pass on about the animals and their care. He showed him how to mix basic potions for their health and wellbeing. This would be the first equine birth that Jasper had let Mathew attend and the stable hand was keyed up with excitement.

  “Come in and bring a soft brush, lad,” Jasper instructed. “Watch what I am doing and then you can take over.” He ran the brush over the horse’s black glossy coat, gently massaging her skin. She gave a soft whicker. Jasper handed the brush over to Mathew and stepped back, watching the boy’s face light up when he took control. Jasper leaned against the wall, arms crossed and one foot tucked back behind him against the rough wood. The sounds of the stables surrounded his head, but it was the memories of last night’s lovemaking that filled his mind.

  He snapped back to the present with Mathew prodding his arm.

  “My lord,” he said. “Should I fill her water and hay now?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” Jasper moved back to stroke the horse’s head, murmuring nonsense to her before leaving the stall to look in on the other animals.

  It was dinner time before he made it back to the house. After a quick wash and change of clothes he joined his mother in the library. She looked up when he approached her, a smile on her face.

  “Come and tell me about your day,” she said, indicating the chair beside her.

  He kissed the top of her head and sat. It was the first time since his father’s death that he had seen a sparkle in her eye. He told her about the horse due to give birth and filled her in on the rest of the happenings at the castle, keeping her entertained until a servant announced dinner was ready.

  Jasper stood and offered his mother his arm and led her to the dining room where the long table was set for two. He seated his mother and took his place at the head of the table.

  They were almost through their meal when Mathew appeared at the door, his face flushed with excitement.

  “My lord, I think it is time,” he said, the words tumbling from his mouth in a rush. “Windamere is sweating and pawing at the ground.”

  “Excuse me, Mother.” Rising from his chair, he threw his napkin on the table and strode from the room.

  Jasper grabbed a torch from beside the kitchen door and ran to the stables. A small group of excited men had gathered outside the horse’s stall. They were taking wagers on the sex of the foal.

  “What do you wish for, Jasper?” Richard asked.

  “I think she will have a filly.”

  “Care for a small wager?” Richard got a dig from one of the other men.

  “How much is everyone putting in?” Jasper asked, keeping an eye on his mare.

  “Just a few coins, Jasper, the men can’t easily afford more than that.”

  “Count me in then. I will collect my winnings later tonight.”

  The men laughed and watched him go in and check on his mare. Mathew joined him and stood back while Jasper tried to soothe her. She pawed at the hay and Jasper rubbed her body gently, keeping his hands on her at all times. His healing energy relaxed and calmed her as the labor progressed.

  Near midnight the mare’s pacing changed. She walked around the stall, dropped to the ground, and strained to give birth. Jasper was behind her, ready to help when the nose and forelegs emerged. He grasped the small hooves and the foal was pushed into the world to land on the clean hay of the stable floor. He dug his fingers into the membrane around the foal’s nose and pulled it away, then he rubbed its body with straw to get it breathing.

  The mare sniffed at her new foal and licked the rest of its face clear. The gathered men watched with wonder as the small, long-legged animal rolled over to sit on its own. The mare pushed at it until it struggled to stand, falling over in its attempts to gain its feet. The crowd laughed nervously. It stumbled before falling, only to struggle to its feet again and again until it managed to remain standing. A cheer rang out once it was stable and moving hesitantly on its own. Its small tail fluttered and it found its way to its mother’s nipple.

  Jasper wiped a hand over his brow. It had been a long but fruitful night.

  “Looks like you owe the men some coin, Jasper,” Richard said laughing. “If I’m any judge of horses, you have a wee man there.”

  Jasper slapped his friend on the back. “I will pay gladly. He is a fine wee thing, is he not?” Jasper smiled. He was proud of his mare and the foal that she had produced. One more fine beast to add to his stable.

  “Will you be keeping him, my lord?” Mathew asked, sidling up to Jasper and leaning comfortably against him.

  “We will have to see lad. Would you be wanting to take care of him till we decide?” Jasper asked.

  “Can I, really?” The boy’s eyes were alive with excitement.

  “Aye, lad, you can.” Jaspers face turned stern. “But take heed Mathew. If I find that you have not been giving her and her foal the care that I would, it will be back to tending the vegetable gardens with your mam. Understand?”

  “I’ll not let you down, my lord,” Mathew said.

  “Home with you now, and be back here early. You have a stable to muck out and two horses to care for and I’ll not have you bleary eyed when you do so.” Jasper pushed the boy from the stables with a quick ruffle of his hair.

  He turned to his men. They were grinning at him. Jasper ha
d grown up with these men, most of them sons of his tenants and his father’s soldiers. Richard and he had been inseparable since they first started to walk.

  “Why do you look at me like that? You would do the same in my position,” he said. “Padrick died protecting this castle and all those in it. I promised I would help raise his son, Richard.”

  “Aye, that you did.” Richard eyed his friend. “But he is my nephew and I will always look out for them. You don’t have to Jasper. It is time you had your own sons to watch out for.”

  “All who live within our boundaries are my responsibility and they will always remain so. But I must admit that I do have a soft spot for the child. As for having bairns of my own,” he heaved a great sigh, “that will have to wait for now.”

  Jasper clapped Richard on the shoulder and said goodnight. He walked out of the stables relieved that the foal was healthy. Now he could rest easy. Looking toward the heavens, his eyes took in the stars twinkling in the dark sky. Tomorrow he was to start lessons in Upper Therrus with the Lady Leona. Gods, that was going to be a trial in itself, just keeping his hands off of her.

  He headed indoors and upstairs to his room to grab what sleep was left before dawn pulled him out of bed to start another day. His bed was his alone this night and he woke from a deep sleep, feeling that part of himself was missing.

  He bathed and dressed with care for his lesson before he headed down for breakfast.


  Jasper made his way to the headland. Once there he walked into the portal. Lady Leona was waiting for him when he arrived.

  “My lord.” She gave a small curtsey in front of him. He could see the smile tipping the corners of her mouth and his heart raced.

  “My lady.” He bowed to her. “I trust that you are well?”

  “Yes, my lord, very well.”

  “Where would you like to start your lessons?”

  Leona came and put her arm through his and they started to walk. “I thought that we could go down to the lake,” she replied. “We should get some privacy there, my love, away from prying eyes.”

  “We must be above reproach here.” Jasper was determined that there would be no loving overtures in the god’s lands.

  Lady Leona fluttered her lashes at him, keeping silent. They strolled arm in arm to the lake where they sat on a stone bench. Jasper held her hand when he explained the element spells to her and the control that he hoped she would learn with his guidance. It wasn’t until the day had nearly ended and the sun was hovering in the horizon that Jasper walked her back to the great hall and made ready to leave.

  Helan and Elena were sitting on the dais upon their thrones and stood to receive him. Mari, Leona’s older sister was seated at her father’s feet and watched her sister and Jasper approach with guarded eyes.

  “How did your first lesson go?” Helan, beamed indulgently at his youngest child.

  “Well, I think,” Jasper replied. “Your daughter now has a good understanding of the elements. It should not be too long before she can manipulate the wind which is the element that I have chosen to start her studies with.”

  “I do hope that Leona has been courteous. She is a willful child and sometimes forgets her manners.” Elena lifted her eyebrow in her youngest daughter’s direction.

  Jasper looked at the floor. He felt Leona stifle a giggle beside him and he pushed his embarrassment down. “She has been a gracious hostess, thank you.”

  “Take supper with us before you leave, Jasper.” Elena indicated that he should sit with her.

  Leona squeezed his arm and guided him to the table. She signaled for a server and sat on the other side of Jasper, passing him food and a goblet of rich red wine.

  Mari sat opposite them beside her father. During the meal she sent silent signals to her younger sister. They giggled between themselves, making Jasper feel uncomfortable knowing he was the subject of their humor. He ate his supper and made small talk before rising to excuse himself. Leona jumped to her feet and reached out to hold him back when her father stood.

  “Perhaps you would like to see Jasper safely to the portal for home, Leona?” he asked.

  “Yes, Father.” She took hold of his arm and guided him out of the great hall.

  Jasper felt his breath finally relax when they walked away from her parents. Laughter bubbled up in Leona’s throat.

  She watched his face. “Oh my love, it was not that bad,” she said, giggling.

  “Not for you maybe, but for me it was hell,” Jasper cried. “Your father was watching me like a bug on a stick and your sister’s eyes were burning into my skin. I could feel every little sizzle each time she looked at me and you found it amusing, mo ghra.”

  “Mari and I are closer than most sisters,” Leona said gazing at him.

  He struggled to understand the bond they shared. Being an only child had its drawbacks. He had Richard and the other castle servants’ children to play with, but even though they were close, there was always the family ties and hierarchy to deal with. Leona had neither of these.

  “I envy you,” Jasper said. “What were you giggling about? Was it me?”

  “Maybe,” she whispered, snuggling into his side.

  They made their way to the portal entry.

  “Is that wise, my lady? You know the penalty that I will face if your father finds out, and trust me, he will one day.”

  She pulled him down onto a seat carved from shiny white marble and turned to face him. Her hand traced the line of his cheekbones down to his mouth and chin. She laughed when he trembled, letting her fingers follow the smooth hollow of his throat. Jasper grabbed hold of her hands. He pushed her away but held her hands captive.

  “No more, my love. Not here where we can be seen. Now tell me. What were you giggling about with your sister? Does she know about us then?”

  “We do not keep secrets from each other. We share our innermost thoughts because we trust each other with everything that we have.” She looked deep into his eyes.

  “Is that wise? Will your father not find out from her?” His heart raced with the thought of the danger that she may have put them in.

  “Never. Mari and I have always held each other’s secrets, from the time we were still in the nursery. She would never tell.” Leona pulled her hands free. “She hides her true love from our father. Not that he wouldn’t approve of her choice, but she must choose well because she is to be made queen when our father decides it is her time. She still has much to learn and must wait a while longer before she shows her hand.”

  “Your sister will be queen. Does she approve of your choice, mo ghra?” Jasper held his breath for the answer.

  “She has not said in so many words, my love, but she will. How could she not, when she sees how much I am in love with you.”

  Jasper brought her hands to his mouth and tasted her skin, wondering if he would ever get enough of her. This woman that had given him all of herself deserved so much more than he had to offer her.

  “I must leave now,” he said, his voice thickening with emotion. “Will I see you tonight?”

  “If my lord wishes it, I shall be there,” she said.

  He shuddered, his body tingling all over in anticipation. He gently pushed her away and stepped toward the portal of light that awaited him.

  “Until then, mo ghra.” He stepped in to the light and returned to his own realm.

  Chapter Four

  Richard was waiting for Jasper when he came down the hill from the portal entrance toward the castle. Jasper hurried forward when he saw the distressed look on the other man’s face.

  “What’s happened? Is it my mother, Richard? Tell me man.”

  “Your mother is fine, Jasper. It’s Noel the cobbler, the farmer nearest the border to the east. He was killed and his house set afire. A runner came in late this afternoon and gave us the news. It was the O’Reillys again.”

  “What of the rest of his family? Did they manage to escape,” Jasper asked, running toward the castl

  “They were in the field and didn’t notice anything until they saw the smoke. Other croppers tried to help but it was too late for Noel. He was near death when they found him. He didn’t regain consciousness before he passed on.”

  They found the runner exhausted, sitting at the table with a large cup of ale in front of him. Jasper dragged what facts he could out of the man while Richard looked on. Then he followed Jasper to the stables and rounded up their soldiers. When everyone was listening, he laid out the plan of attack. They would leave three hours before sunrise and make their way east, bypassing the burning house and attack the O’Reillys at the crack of dawn.

  He was sad and frustrated when he made his way to his bedchamber that night. When would this carnage stop? When I sell out to the O’Reillys. That will never happen. Not while breath still fills my body.

  Even the sight of the beautiful woman waiting in his bed did little to lift the heaviness from his heart. She threw back the covers and made her way on bare feet to hold him tight in her arms.

  “I waited for you, my love. What has happened?” She looked into his face.

  He rested his forehead on hers and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Just let me hold you for a moment,” Jasper whispered.

  He breathed in her warm smell and tried to block the images portrayed by the runner from his mind. He could clearly see how the fight had gone down. Unarmed, unprepared for battle of any kind, Noel had been taken by surprise when the O’Reilly soldiers had ridden to the farm and slaughtered the cattle and then turned on him when he tried vainly to stop them. The only thing that Jasper was thankful for was that his family was out in the fields and not near the house, or they too would have been killed. The soldiers tended to attack randomly, not caring whether they killed adults or children.

  Another woman was now a widow and more children would grow up fatherless. Jasper would see to it that they were brought to the castle if that was their wish and given a home. It was his duty to care for his people.


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