Irish Seduction

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Irish Seduction Page 6

by Ann B. Harrison

Richard took stock of his words and the questions tumbled from his mouth in a rush. Jasper held his hand up to stop the flow of words. He put his arm over his friend’s shoulder and guided him out of the stables. They walked together until they were away from the castle and in a small clearing bordering a stand of trees. Jasper leaned against one and pinned his gaze on Richard.

  “They were very apologetic, Richard,” he said picking at a small patch of bark. “They even went so far as to offer me one request. Anything that I ask for, I shall have. Unfortunately if can have nothing to do with Edrith,” he added with bitterness. Her name alone left a nasty taste in his mouth.

  “Anything at all, Jasper?”

  “Aye, anything and they cannot refuse me. It must be something that will benefit all of us, especially those that have lost someone or something because of this senseless battle with the neighbors.”

  “Do you have any idea what you want?”

  “None at all,” Jasper lied, pushing aside the face of the women that he loved. “I want to erase the last couple of years and get back all we have lost, but that is not possible. I have seven days and nights to work it out. Might I ask for your help?”

  “You know the answer to that. I have always been there for you and you for me,” Richard said. “You may be my lord but apart from that you have always been my best friend.”

  “I know, but what we are sharing could have far-reaching repercussions on all that we know and love for the rest of our lives,” said Jasper. “I just want you to know what you might be getting yourself in for.”

  “Since when has that stopped us?” Richard laughed. “I think I know what you need, Jasper. A workout with the swords will get rid of some of that tension you have. Who knows, we might even come up with some good ideas with a clearer head. Shall we?”

  Jasper let a small laugh escape his mouth. He stood from where he was leaning on a tall tree, headed to the house, and retrieved his longsword. He hadn’t had a training session with Richard since before the last attack on their neighbors and the anticipation made the blood pump through his veins.

  They were both excellent sword fighters who had been trained by Jasper’s father when they were still children. First they trained with wooden wasters and then they progressed to the real sword. Forty-eight inches of sharp, deadly, cold steel that fit snuggly in his palm. And nothing could please him more at this point in time.

  It took some time to soothe his mother’s fears that all was not amiss with the gods and he had not upset the balance of power just yet. Jasper took his sword down from its holder above the fireplace before he returned outside. Richard was standing out in the garden talking to one of the scullery maids. When she saw Jasper approaching, she dropped a quick curtsey and raced toward the kitchen, blushing furiously.

  “What’s this, Richard?” Jasper watched him avert his gaze.

  “Nothing to be concerning yourself about,” he replied, a twinkle in his eye. “Ready when you are.”

  He took his stance and waited. Jasper lunged at him, the noise of the swords clashing loudly in the quiet country garden. The men lunged and struck, pivoted and parried, neither getting the better of the other. They had played this out many times and they would battle until one of them disarmed the other or drew blood.

  Richard pushed and headed Jasper toward the stone wall surrounding the kitchen garden. Keeping his face blank, Jasper let himself be led. He turned on Richard and attacked him from behind just before he was trapped, thus changing the direction of the two men when they were almost against the wall. Jasper smiled when Richard realized how he had been out maneuvered.

  “Well done, Jasper,” Richard said, the hard glint of determination brightening up his eyes. They continued to try and outsmart each other until they began to tire.

  It was then that Jasper’s mind strayed to the mission at the forefront of his mind and the woman that he wanted in his bed. Richard struck his sword from his hand and pinned the tip of his cold steel at Jasper’s throat.

  Jasper lifted his hand and pushed the blade away with a small chuckle. “Points to you, my friend.” He was dripping with sweat and his hair stuck to his face. He raked his fingers through the damp locks and tied it back with a leather strip that he had in his pocket.

  The choice he had been given was a massive weight on even his broad shoulders. If he made the wrong decision, there would be no going back for another shot. He knew deep in his heart what he wanted to petition the gods for, but it would benefit him alone. That he could not do to his people.

  “What ails you, my friend?” Richard asked, leaning his arms on the cross of his sword, the tip buried in the soil at his feet. “It wouldn’t be of the female breed, would it?”

  Jasper could feel himself getting uncomfortable under his friend’s gaze. He was not an innocent, neither of them were. They had both had their share of tumbles in the hay loft. This was different; he knew it was. Before he met Leona, he would have happily spoken to Richard of his conquests and vice versa. But he was not ready to tell him about Leona yet. She was his and his alone until he could sort out their future. That was if they even had one.

  “No, nothing ails me. I have a lot on my mind of late.” Jasper averted his gaze. “Now we have this to deal with and I am at a loss wondering what my decision should be.”

  “How do you plan on making up your mind then?”

  “I really have no idea.” He turned to face Richard now that he had assumed control of his emotions. “I would like you to come and join me in the library later. We can discuss it with my mother and see if she can advise us.”

  “She was always the one that sorted out our problems when we were but lads. I see no reason to doubt that she will be wise again with this. What time would you like to meet?”

  “About seven would be good, if you have nothing else planned, my friend. You can take supper with us.”

  “Aye, that would be fine. If you have no need of me for now, I will go and see to the men then.” Richard looked around the garden.

  “Don’t forget to tell your latest conquest that she won’t be seeing you tonight.” Jasper laughed, punching him on the shoulder.

  “Always time for the ladies.” Richard pulled himself up straight and drew his sword from the ground. He returned the shoulder punch and sauntered off past the kitchen where the maid was waiting. She was throwing quick hopeful glances his way while trying to look busy.

  The smell of roasting pheasant wafted through the kitchen when Jasper headed in for dinner. He went upstairs and changed into clean clothing before meeting his mother in the library.

  They were talking about the gods when Richard arrived. He crossed the room and bent to give Lady Ellen a kiss on the cheek with a flourishing bow.

  “Oh, be away with you, Richard.” She laughed, obviously delighted by his attention.

  “There will never be another woman for me while your tender heart beats,” he said to her, his hand over his chest. He winked at Jasper and took a seat in front of the fire and accepted a small glass of port.

  “What do you think of Jasper’s last visit to Upper Therrus?” Lady Ellen asked, getting down to business.

  “Quite interesting. I was very disappointed to hear that they wouldn’t give us any help with Edrith O’Reilly. We have been dealing with her for years anyway, so carrying on with her is really no major hardship. I must say, though, that I am intrigued with the offer of any one thing they have promised to grant to Jasper for payment in kind. The question is—what do you ask for?”

  “That is the reason for this meeting, Mother,” Jasper explained. “We need your input. You were always the one that helped us sort ourselves out when we were young and undecided. Now, more than ever, we have need of your knowledgeable ways to help us decide what will benefit us the most.”

  “It must not be anything to do with Edrith O’Reilly, is that right?” asked Richard.

  “Apparently,” Jasper replied bitterly.

  Lady Ellen glanced at her s
on, her eyes not giving away what she was thinking. “Tell me again of the discussion you had with them. Refresh my memory, if you will.”

  He took his glass of port and stood in front of the fireplace, facing his mother and best friend.

  “Edrith was banished to the Americas because of some indiscretion they refuse to discuss with me. They thought that she was far enough away from them to not cause any trouble. Her powers were stripped from her and it would appear that she has been calling upon the dark side to regain them. Helan said that they would not help us with her because they had already punished her. Now that she is in our world, she is subject to our rules and we have to deal with her.”

  “Rather a one-sided way of looking at things if you ask me,” Lady Ellen said.

  “I agree. But what choice do we have? They make the laws and we have to deal with it.” Jasper was getting depressed by the whole one wish deal.

  “Why don’t you tell us what you want most, Jasper,” Richard said. “I know there is something going on with you. You should probably get it off your chest.”

  “No, you have it wrong, Richard. There is nothing going on that you don’t already know about.”

  “Tell him,” his mother said. “You know he will get it out of you in the end anyway. He always does.”

  Richard beamed at her with a beautiful smile and turned to Jasper. “Give,” he said, in a tone that brooked no argument.

  Jasper proceeded to tell all of what had been happening to him over the last few months. Richard listened with disbelief on his face when Jasper told him that he had made love to the god’s daughter and had taken her virginity.

  “Do you have any idea what they will do to us when they find out?” he cried, a mixture of anger and fright making his voice tremble. “Did you stop to think what you were doing, man?”

  “No, I did not and now I have to live with that. Believe me when I say that none of this was planned. I would never do anything intentionally to hurt my people, you know that.”

  “Well, it looks like you have done just that, Jasper,” Richard replied with scorn in his voice. “How could you let your dick think for you?”

  “Don’t tell me that you have thought everything through before you bedded a maiden, Richard,” Jasper yelled. “I have seen you many a time leading a willing female into the barn for a quick rumble in the hay. I can guarantee that you didn’t think of the consequences before you pulled up her skirts.”

  By now the two men were standing face to face, hands on hips. They both let go of their frustrations on each other, something that they had been doing since childhood.

  “I think that will be enough of that language for now, both of you,” Lady Ellen said.

  They looked at her, suddenly remembering that she was in the room and that their conversation was not fit for a lady’s ears.

  “Mother, forgive me,” Jasper said. “I let my anger and frustration get the better of me. Richard, I apologize. This is not your fault, it is on my shoulders and I will have to live with whatever the gods hand out to us.”

  “Since when have we not shared our problems?” Richard watched the internal war going on in his friend’s head. “Is this not why you asked me to dinner tonight, to find a solution to your problems?” He moved over to the fireplace and looked at the flames before turning back to face Jasper. “Just because you couldn’t keep you pants on doesn’t mean that I don’t want to help you. It is just such a shock to find out who your latest bed partner is.”

  “Do you seriously think that I planned this? At first I thought it was just a dream and I enjoyed every minute of it, any red-blooded man would. It wasn’t until the morning after she gave herself to me completely that I realized that it was no dream, it was real.” Jasper ran his hand through his hair and shook his head. “Can you imagine my shock when I met her in the flesh? My mind was reeling. I had no idea what to do.”

  “Could you not have told her there and then that you could not see her again?” asked Richard.

  “Aye, I tried man, believe me I tried. I am afraid that I cannot deny her. My heart takes over when my head tells me it is all wrong. I love her and she feels the same. I know it is a relationship that is doomed for disaster, but I cannot help how I feel about her. I will take whatever punishment Helan dishes out to me when he finds out. My only concern is for my people.”

  “This will be bad, Jasper. I know it will,” Richard said, shaking as though a shiver had run over his skin.

  “Why don’t we concentrate on the main reason for this meeting? My affair with a goddess is something that I will face after this wish is granted. For now we have to come up with something that will serve our people well for we will not get another chance,” Jasper said.

  They talked long into the night, often arguing, and sometimes consoling each other. The ideas came thick and fast and behind each suggestion, Jasper tried to find a way to bring in a resolution that would ease the need and pain that tore at his heart.

  Long after his mother retired for the night, Jasper sat by the side of the dying firelight with Richard, trying to come up with a solution. Each idea had been stretched to its limit while they tried to find the best possible answer. At the edge of dawn, they admitted defeat and crawled off to find some solace in their beds before the sun called them to another day.

  Chapter Six

  Jasper opened his eyes when he heard his bedroom door creak. His manservant entered with a jug of warm water for his morning wash. He poured the water into a bowl and bowed before leaving the room.

  Jasper struggled to rise. His body screamed out for more sleep, but he could not indulge himself. He had a farm to run, people to look out for. Personal needs came second behind those of his people and his commitments.

  The lack of sleep had done nothing to ease the turmoil in his mind. Jasper struggled out of bed and splashed cold water over his face in an attempt to wake himself up. He ran the washcloth over his body, more by routine than intention. When his hands made contact with his genitals, his cock twitched and he sighed with frustration. Leona had not come to see him and he missed her greatly. Already he was becoming used to having her in his bed. Apart from the lovemaking, he enjoyed her company. She was a bewitching young woman. Her body held him in awe as did the woman herself. She was beautiful and clever, bold and loving. Just the perfect mate for him. Apart from the fact that they could never be together, everything was just peachy.

  He threw the washcloth down in disgust. Jasper turned to his wardrobe and wrenched open the doors, then pulled out some trousers and a work shirt and tugged them on. He sat, pulled on his boots, and stormed from his room.

  His mood had not mellowed by the time he had finished his breakfast and headed for the stables. He went from horse to horse, finding complaint in each stable. Mathew cowered in the corner while Jasper vented his anger on the stable hands. The boy’s eyes filled with terror when Jasper approached Windamere’s stall. The sight of the lad cowering from him brought Jasper to his senses.

  “Oh lad, forgive me,” Jasper said roughly and pulled him close. He ruffled the boy’s hair and sighed deeply. “You are not at fault, believe me. I am sorry to take out my anger on you. It is nothing that you have done, Mathew. It is something that I must deal with on my own.”

  Windamere put her head over the gate of her stall. She snuffled and nipped at Jasper’s clothes, looking for her apple. Jasper let go of Mathew and turned to stroke the horse’s soft muzzle. He ran his fingers around her forelock and ears, leaning his head against hers.

  “If only life was so easy and all we had to worry about was where the next treat came from, girl,” he sighed.

  Mathew nudged him and held out his hand, showing Jasper the apple he held in his hand.

  “You give it to her, lad.” Jasper moved out of the way for Mathew to hold the apple up to the mare. She took it from his fingers and rolled it around in her mouth before she crunched it and chewed with delight clearly showing in her eyes.

  Jasper hel
ped Mathew groom the horses and was on his way back to the house when Richard sauntered toward him. He looked tired but immensely pleased with himself. It didn’t take Jasper more than two seconds to work out the reason for his demeanor.

  “Don’t tell me, you scored again,” he said.

  “What can I say,” Richard replied. “The ladies know a good thing when they see it.”

  Jasper laughed, but inside, his heart plummeted. How he wished that his love affair was simple and uncomplicated. How could he possibly rectify what he had started with the gods?

  Richard stopped grinning and placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Have you thought of any way that you can help your people and yourself at the same time, Jasper?” he asked.

  “I cannot ask for myself, Richard. Surely you can see that,” Jasper said. “My loyalty lies with our people, not my cock.”

  “There may be a way,” Richard said, his eyes darting away and back to Jasper again.

  “That I doubt, but I do thank you for trying to make me feel better.” Jasper heaved a great sigh and started walking away again.

  “Stop and listen for a moment. Why can’t you ask for a truce of some kind between us and the gods? Make it possible for us to interact with them the way they do with us.”

  Jasper froze. He let Richard’s words race around his brain. The gods lived among them when they chose to, it was true. Most were unaware that the one they loved was not a normal person. The gods loved and mated with the human race, living a seemingly normal life. If he could ask for the same, would it benefit his people in any way or would it bring joy to only himself?

  “What do you see such a request doing to benefit our people?”

  “Well, let me think.” Richard rubbed his hand over his jaw.

  Jasper watched him try to find a benefit that did not include himself in Richard’s latest idea. It had merit to a point, he thought, especially for him. But he would take more convincing before it got to be more than a passing fancy.

  “Nothing coming to mind, Richard?”

  “I’ll think of something,” he said before he walked away.


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