Irish Seduction

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Irish Seduction Page 7

by Ann B. Harrison

  Jasper watched him go, disappointment dulling his mood yet again. Maybe his mother had come up with some more ideas. He would speak to her at dinner and see what she thought.


  “That could work, Jasper,” Lady Ellen said when he discussed Richard’s latest idea to her. She sat beside the fireplace with her sewing on her lap and a tray of tea by her side.

  “How could that possibly benefit our people, Mother?” Jasper asked, angry still.

  “Because the gods look out for their own, that is why,” she replied. “If they were made to acknowledge the fact that they lived and loved amongst us, instead of being sly and secretive about it. Imagine the benefits for the community at large if just one of the gods married into it.”

  “Have you not seen their world, Mother?” Jasper asked, the scorn in his voice making her cringe. “Why would they leave the perfect setting that they have to live in a share cropper’s house?”

  “Love, Jasper. Sometimes that is all you need to make your world perfect. Not everyone wants castles and servants, or to live in a world above us where they want for nothing. They just want love. And that can be found in the most unexpected spots. You are well aware of that.”

  He stopped pacing to look at her and was astounded at her logic. Could this work? Jasper could imagine the response that he would get from Helan. How could he put such a request forward without getting hurt in the process? They could not refuse him, Elena had said so.

  “See, Jasper. Even you think that the idea has merit now.” His mother smiled at him. “I can almost see your brain working it out.”

  “Aye, Mother, I am sure you can.” He imagined having Leona by his side and in his bed permanently. “But they already live amongst us now. Making it official would change nothing.”

  “They live amongst us, yes that is so, but they do it under cover,” his mother said. “They do not let on who they are, usually surrounded by a cloak of secrecy. This is what must change and it is what will benefit our people. No longer should the gods have it all their own way. If they wish to live as one of us, they must give us the grace of their protection, especially those that they marry. That would benefit our people, Jasper.”

  “I cannot believe that they would leave the world they have to join ours. To be part of the struggle of everyday life when everything that they desire is theirs in their own land,” Jasper mused. The hardships that faced his tenants and even his own family were not always joyous.

  “You sell yourself short, my son. You who has a goddess in his bed, questions that there is more in life than living up there,” she gestured with her hand to the sky, “having everything at their beck and call. True love does not always exist in only the finest things, Jasper. You can find love in the poorest house. Just look around you. Not all of our people are rich in gold. What they lack in material things, they make up for in passion; a passion for their partners and their families.”

  “You are right again, Mother.” He laughed nervously. “I find it hard though, to acknowledge that requesting the alliance of the gods will ultimately help others more than it will help me. I feel it is a selfish request, designed to improve my life and not the lives of others.”

  “Think about it,” Lady Ellen said. “Do you not still have a few days to mull it over?”

  “Yes, yes I do. If I can think of nothing else, I will make that request before we lose the right to ask for anything at all. That would be a tragedy.”

  “I agree. Now, help me in to dinner and you can ponder over the idea all you want when you retire for the night.” She held her hand out to him.


  After a quiet dinner, he retired to his room, only to pace back and forth arguing with himself over what was to be the only request that they could come up with that had any merit.

  Jasper sensed her arrival, seconds before her perfume reached his nostrils. He turned and saw her standing beside his bed. His heart raced and he wanted to rush to her side, but he hesitated. Would his request ruin the relationship they had? Or would it be the thing that brought them together? How was he ever going to let her go?

  Leona smiled at him, her eyes gleaming when she sighed his name. He wasn’t sure who moved first, but they were in each other’s arms before he could reply. He held her close, his arms wrapped around her, his mouth on her hair, he whispered to her.

  “Mo ghra, this is torture,” he said. “Your mother gives us grace to have one thing that can make the difference to our lives and it is the hardest decision that I will ever make. I do not know if I can do this and risk losing you.” He held her away and gazed into her eyes, his breath hitching in his throat when he thought of what could be. Running his thumb over her lips, he looked for a sign of her love waning.

  “Tell me what you have decided on, my love,” she said, taking his hand, leading him to sit by the window.

  He sat on the chair and pulled her onto his lap, his face nestled into her neck.

  “This is not set in stone yet, I may change my mind. Although it has been hard to come up with this idea and I can’t see me thinking of anything else that would benefit my people and give us a chance.”

  “Just tell me and we can talk it through together.” She ran her fingers through his hair, tucking it behind his ears, then let her fingers play with his earlobe.

  “Well, we know the gods often live amongst us, although I know that they try to keep it a secret. What we thought of was this: make it known to us, not keep it a secret so that they can use their powers to help the people that they live with. Make it so that they can marry and live a normal life, but they must protect those they choose for their mate. For so long the knowledge of their identity has been hushed up and kept between just a few. Make it legal if you will, for them to marry a normal human.”

  “But would that not put them at risk? For that is the reason that they have kept it quiet for so long. Father will try to refuse you, I can see it now.”

  “But why would they be in danger and from whom?”

  “Away from our own world, our powers are weakened. We still have some, that is true, but not enough to make us feel entirely safe. It would be leaving ourselves wide open for attack from the demons that troll the earth for any chance to down a god.”

  Jasper closed his eyes, his chin on her shoulder, his body sagging in defeat. It had seemed too easy. The thought of having Leona live with me openly as my wife is never going to become reality.

  “But,” she continued, her eyes shining with mischief when he met her gaze, “there are ways to protect the gods and those they choose to live with. Father will not tell you how, but I will.”

  She smiled at Jasper, triumphantly reciting the spell from the Book of Shadows that had been passed down to her from her grandmother. She told him what he had to do to convince her parents that it was possible. Even though Helena could not refuse him, it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared.

  The next morning, after breakfast, Jasper made his way to the stables and sought out Duncan in the farrier’s room. The heat engulfed him when he stood next to the fire, explaining what he wanted him to make.

  “Aye, Jasper. I can do that for you. How many sets do you want?” he asked.

  “Just two for now,” Jasper replied. “Let me know when they are ready. I will need to charm them before they are used.”

  He returned to the house, eager to tell his mother what he had found out during the night in his conversation with Leona.

  “That is perfect, Jasper,” she said when he told her. “I knew it would work out sooner or later. That young lady has you in her sights and is not going to take no for an answer.”

  “It all seems too easy,” he replied, running his fingers through his hair. “Why could they not have done this years ago instead of hiding who they really were?”

  “Maybe Helan didn’t want to lose the control that he has over us,” she mused. “Gods do not give easily lest we take some of that control from them.”

  “But look what he
has done to us, Mother,” Jasper said, frustration once again getting the better of him. “If they were on our side, the troubles that we are having with Edrith would be non-existent. Life would have been so much easier for all involved if they just stood up and took it on the chin instead of hiding behind the cloak of secrecy that they prefer.”

  “Let us hope that what you are doing will change all of that,” Lady Ellen said.

  “I will wait for Duncan to fashion the armbands and then take them upstairs to charm them. It needs to be done under the full moon and that is not until tomorrow eve. We have just enough time before I return to Upper Therrus. Leona told me of the spell that was passed down to her from her grandmother. Her father will not be happy that she has shared that with me, and I fully expect him to try to deny me what I ask of him.”

  “But he cannot, Jasper. Elena has offered you anything. He would not deny you. He could not.”

  “But he will not give it to me without a fight, Mother. This I feel in my blood. Before this ends, I may have a powerful enemy,” said Jasper.

  The next day, Duncan handed over the arm bands that he had fashioned out of silver. Each was delicate and strong at the same time. Wards, protection spells, had been carved around the outside of each of them, surrounding the surface and leaving no blank spaces on the beaten silver.

  Jasper marveled at the craftsmanship of his man. There was nothing that Duncan could not make from the forge in the stables. He turned his hand at anything from horse shoes to the most delicate silver for the table.

  “Thank you, Duncan.” Jasper ran his fingers over the carvings. “These are perfect.”

  “Anything to help, my lord,” Duncan replied, a smile of satisfaction on his craggy face. He turned and left Jasper alone.

  Jasper took the bands upstairs to his workroom and shut the door. He placed them on his workbench and started to arrange his herbs and tools. When he had everything ready to his satisfaction, he covered it with a cloth and headed back downstairs. It would be a few hours before sunset and then he had to let the moon peak in the sky before he started the process that would charge the bracelets with the protection he was offering to show the gods.

  He headed for the stables and checked on his new foal, happy with the way Mathew was taking care of him and his dam. He caught up with Richard and filled him in on the choice he had made.

  “Did I not tell you that my idea had promise?” Richard said, pleased with himself.

  “Yes, you did and thanks to Leona, we know how to put it into play. You know that Helan is going to fight us on this, Richard.”

  “How can he? They are the ones that gave you the wish, Jasper. Don’t let them push you to change your mind, my friend. You know it is a good choice for all of us. You get your lady and we finally get some help from the gods without them losing face.”

  “I know all of that. But I also know that even though they promised me anything that I wished for, they will not take kindly to what we have come up with. I am also worried about what will happen to Leona when her father finds out that we have been together.”

  “Does he have to know?” Richard moved to lean over the stable gate and caressed the mare’s head.

  “I don’t know if we can keep it between ourselves for much longer,” Jasper replied. “They are not stupid. They will know that there is something going on.”

  “You can always bluff your way through for now. Set your heart to cold and be determined to sort this out before you show your hand to them. You can do it with your enemies so why not them. Tell her or not, your decision. Just make it work or there is no future for you.”

  Jasper knew that he was right. He had to keep the affair with Leona a secret or he risked destroying everything. He didn’t want to deny his love for her but his people came first, they always would. They could lose everything he and his family had worked for centuries for if the gods got a wind of the love he felt for their daughter. He berated himself for the position he had put them all in. He doubted if he could be cold enough to tell her they were over. Jasper knew she wouldn’t believe him anyway. He headed back to the house to eat and think about his choices before the moon rose high in the evening sky.


  Jasper wiped his brow. The casting spell on the silver bands had been harder than any he had done before. He needed to sleep off the exhaustion swamping him. He was lightheaded and drained. He understood that powerful magic had been called upon to protect the gods so that they may roam in his world without being obvious to the dark side. He hoped that it was enough to convince Helan that his people would be safe.

  He dragged himself out of the workroom and slowly walked to his room. The bedclothes had been pulled back and embers were softly glowing in the fireplace. Dropping his clothes where he stood, Jasper fell on the bed, asleep before his head hit the pillow, only to be woken with a feathery touch tracing down his spine. He rolled over and pulled her down to lie on his chest.

  The thought of making love to her almost overpowered him. He held her hands and tried to explain to her what he had discussed with Richard, adding his own thoughts on hiding their relationship. It was the only way to push their idea through to the end.

  “I have no choice, mo ghra,” Jasper said when she protested. “If your father suspects that there is anything between us, he will deny me what has been promised.”

  Her eyes filled with tears and he watched them slowly trickle down her face. It pained him to insist that they cut all ties until he felt it was safe to announce to her family that they were together. It would take time for the gods to accept that they had been tricked by a mere Wiccan.

  “Is there no way I can convince you that it is for the best?” Jasper asked, distraught at her heartbreak.

  “Marry me and I will wait for you.”

  Jasper pulled away from her in shock. The thought of marriage now was the last thing on his mind. He could not take her for his wife without permission from her father. They would skin him alive. He shook his head, unable to put it into words.

  She grabbed his face and rested her forehead on his. “I’ll not let you go, Jasper. I fear that if I do, we will never be together. At least if I am your wife, I know that eventually my father will have to let me come to you.”

  “But how can I marry you without his permission, my love?”

  “Mari can give me to you,” Leona said thinking quickly. “She is to be queen eventually, so that should be permission enough. Please, Jasper.”

  He took a deep breath. It was being slightly underhanded, but if it was the only way, then so be it. He would do it. There was no way he could let this woman go either, she meant too much to him.

  “Tomorrow night, come to the garden when the moon is high in the sky and I will take you to the chapel. I will arrange for the priestess and a witness. Then you must leave and stay away until I deem it safe to approach your father. We must be strong, mo grha, if we are to be together, I can see no other way.”

  She kissed him and lay back against the pillows, calling him to her with her eyes and seductive smile. He drew his finger down over her throat to her breast, watching her nipple pucker under his touch. Running his hand lightly across to her other breast he flicked her nipple with his fingernail, tweaking and teasing it. Leona moaned and pressed her body up, while grabbing his arms. She pulled his head down to her breast and sighed when his lips touched her skin.

  He took her nipple in his mouth, teased it with his tongue, and listened to her moan beneath him. She moved her body under his, giving her hand space to reach down and wrap her fingers around his cock.

  Sucking in a quick breath, he lifted himself up on one knee to give her better access. The heat pumped through his balls and he shivered with anticipation while her fingers gripped him hard. He slid his hand down to her mound and slipped a finger into her already moist opening. She gasped and her muscles clenched his finger, clamping tight. Withdrawing, he added another finger and slid them both into her.

  Moving up he
r body, Jasper took her mouth with his. She writhed under him and her hand pumped his cock faster.

  “Slow down, my love. I must taste you first before I lose control.” He slid down her body, ignoring her protest when her hand let him go. When he poked his tongue into her silky folds, she cried out.

  “Oh yes, Jasper, yes.” Leona bucked under his touch, thrusting her hips into the air, pushing her clit into his mouth, and he worked her nub with his tongue. Teasing and biting, he drew the small bud of flesh out of its shield moments before she screamed her release. Twisting her fingers in his hair, she cried his name.

  Jasper held her high and lapped her juices. Her breath came in quick gasps and she threw her head from side to side. Still he would not let her go. Once more Jasper brought her to a climax before sliding into her warm depths.


  The following morning, Jasper arranged for the priestess to be ready when they arrived. Next, he took Richard aside and told him what he had planned.

  “It would give me great pleasure, my friend, to stand witness for you.” Richard slapped him on the back and laughed. “I don’t wish to be in your shoes when Helan finds out that you’re already wed though.”

  Jasper grimaced at the thought. He wasn’t looking forward to it either.

  Next, he went in search of his mother. She was elated but also concerned with the risks he was taking. When he told her it was the condition that Leona had set for him, she smiled, shaking her head.

  “You have chosen well, Jasper. Rather, she has chosen well, I think,” Lady Ellen said. “I have something for you. Wait here.”

  She picked up her skirts and hurried from the room before returning a short while later. She handed him a small leather pouch. “This was my grandmothers, now it is yours.”

  He opened the bag and poured its contents into his palm. A small silver ring, wet with rubies surrounding the beaten metal twinkled back at him. His heart hammered in his chest, his throat tightened with emotion, and he thought of what the night would bring him. A wife, and a whole new life was being laid out before him. Would he be able to stand up to the promises that he was going to make this night?


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