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Their Fairy Princess (Office Intrigue Book 7)

Page 7

by Nicole Edwards

  “Very. Thanks.”

  “Why don’t you get plates and forks,” Ian suggested.

  “I… Yeah.” Heaven’s gaze slammed into mine, a hint of what could only be described as confusion reflected there.

  As though breaking from her weird trance, Heaven began to hum, sliding between them to reach for plates and silverware. They worked around her, patting her ass when she moved by. A couple of times Heaven’s eyes shot to mine and I could tell she wondered whether I had noticed.

  Did it bother her?

  Ian and Isaac didn’t seem to notice. Every so often, one of them would brush against my leg, another’s hand would slide over my thigh. As though this was a completely natural situation.

  “Two minutes,” Isaac said. “We’ll eat on the back patio. Could one of you get the coffee? The other can go get Dante.”

  “Of course, my Liege,” I said quickly.

  Ian’s gaze shot to mine and I smiled at the approval I saw there.

  I hopped off the counter, then turned toward the coffeepot as Heaven did the same.

  “I’ll … uh… I’ll go get Dante,” she said quickly, before racing out of the room.

  I stared after her, unsure what was going on.


  “Dante said he’ll skip breakfast,” Heaven informed us when she returned a couple of minutes later.

  “I’ll talk to him,” Everly offered.

  “No,” I said firmly. “I will. You three go eat.”

  Isaac glanced my way briefly, nodded before helping the women carry the food outside.

  I headed toward the wing of the house I’d put Dante in. When I’d chosen the room for him, I hadn’t done it to separate him from the rest of us. I had sensed he’d needed space, time apart. And by doing so, I had given him some privacy. I had to wonder now whether that had been an ill choice.

  His door was closed, so I rapped my knuckles on it but didn’t bother waiting for a response before I stepped inside.

  “Morning,” I greeted.

  He wasn’t asleep, but he was sprawled on the bed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling, the sheet pulled up to his navel. “I’m not hungry.”

  “Good,” I said, keeping my tone hard. “Because I didn’t ask.”

  That got his attention.

  Dark blue eyes shot toward me. In them was something I was used to seeing from true submissives, those who sought a full-time Dominant in their life. There was need there, a desire for something I suspected had been lacking from this man’s life for far too long.

  I moved across the room, took a seat in the chair in the corner.

  “Come here,” I ordered.

  Dante got to his feet slowly, his hesitance evident. He hadn’t shaved, the blond scruff on his face, along with the squared lines of his jaw, a good look for him.

  “Now,” I added, wanting to see the way his eyes dilated with pleasure.

  When he approached, I pointed to the floor at my feet. “Kneel.”

  Without hesitation, he lowered himself to his knees. This man was eager to prove his obedience. That much was obvious.

  “Do you know who I am?”

  “Yes, Sir. I do.”

  “Who am I?”

  “You’re the Dominant Everly plays with at the club.”

  “One of them,” I admitted. “What has Everly told you about us?”

  “That she trusts you.”

  That revelation hit a spot inside me that took me by surprise.

  I admired him for a moment, the way he kept his head lowered, hands resting on his thighs. He was wearing shorts and had yet to pull on a shirt, so I had the distinct pleasure of admiring his musculature. He was healthy, probably a runner if I had to guess. His muscles were defined but not bulky, and right now, every rigid line was visible, the tension coursing through him intense.

  My gaze snagged on a few scars on his upper arms. They looked like burn marks. Like someone had put a cigarette out on him a time or two. I had to wonder what foster care had been like for him and how he’d ended up there. But that was a subject I would tackle at another time. Right now, I needed to get down to business.

  “You don’t have a Master.”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Have you ever?”

  “No, Sir. Not a permanent one.”

  “You’re a member of Inferno. For how long?”

  “Three years.”

  “Is that where you met the man who wants to hurt you? Do not look at me,” I barked when his head began to lift.

  “Why do you think I know him?” Dante countered.

  “Because you do. He’s not interested in Everly or Heaven, but he’s willing to hurt them in order to keep you in line. How am I doing so far?”


  “Am I correct, Dante?”

  When he spoke, his words reflected a deeply disturbing remorse. “Yes, Sir.”

  I sat there for a moment, watching him. He was still as stone, his breaths slightly elevated. He seemed to know how to sit to please a Dominant, the appropriate reactions to show respect. But he was completely closed off. I could practically see the rope he’d lassoed around his emotions, pulling them in tight to himself to ensure no one got close.

  “So you know who attacked Everly?”

  “I suspect who it is, Sir,” he said softly.

  “Who is he to you?”

  “No one.”

  “Seems kinda harsh to attack an innocent woman for no reason at all. Who is he to you, Dante?”

  His muscles tensed but it was almost impossible to notice. Had I not been looking for it, I would’ve missed it.

  “He’s a Sadist at Inferno. I’ve refused to play with him, but he doesn’t take no for an answer.”

  “Has he cornered you?”

  “Yes, Sir,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Forced you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  The anger at his admission surprised me. It made me want to strangle the bastard with my bare hands. That was one thing I didn’t tolerate. Consent was key. It was the only thing that mattered in my world.

  “Why do you keep going back?”

  “Because … I need it,” he said, his voice full of torment and self-loathing.

  Yeah. That was a lie. Or at least not the complete truth. However, I decided to continue down the path he’d taken.

  “You need him to force you?”

  This time his eyes shot up, met mine. “No, Sir. I need to submit.”

  I knew that, but I’d wanted to hear him say it.

  “And you understand this should not be forced upon you?” I asked.

  “Yes, Sir.” His gaze lowered, he sighed.

  “How long has it been?”

  “Three months. I haven’t been back to Inferno in three months. Haven’t been to any other clubs.”

  “Have you tried to go to Dichotomy?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Why not?”

  He didn’t answer right away, and when he finally did, it was on a frustrated exhale. “Because I don’t want to go through a training class.”

  “Understood.” It was a requirement at Dichotomy that all submissives who were new to the club attend the training class, unless they were accompanied by a Dominant who was already a member. I could see for an experienced submissive that might be off-putting.

  Pushing to my feet, I moved to stand behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders, kneading the muscles there. He moaned softly and I could feel the friction beneath the skin. He was on edge.

  “Stand up.”

  I kept my hands on his shoulders as he stood.

  “Face me.”

  He slowly turned, his eyes meeting mine.

  “I want this man’s name.”

  “I need to talk to him first,” he said in a rush.

  “No.” It was as simple as that.

  His eyes widened, his mouth opening then closing.

  I stepped closer, gripped his jaw firmly. “I’ll talk to him. You’ll do wha
t I say. And everyone will be happy.”

  Dante’s chest rose and fell, but he didn’t move away from me.

  “Give me his name and I’ll look into him,” I told him. “For a couple of days, you’ll stay here, keep the bastard wondering where you disappeared to.”

  “It won’t matter,” Dante stated. “He’ll find me. Or them.”

  “His name,” I demanded.

  “Roger Cherlish.”

  I locked the name away in my memory, staring at the sexy man before me. I wasn’t sure what drew me to him, but I wasn’t going to pretend I didn’t have a deep-seated desire to dominate him, to give him what we both needed.

  “Isaac and I will take care of it,” I assured him. “In the meantime, I want you to stay here. Pretend it’s not an option if you’d like.”

  His jaw flexed beneath my fingers when he replied with, “Why?”

  I opted for the truth. “Because I want you here.”

  That seemed to settle him.

  “I won’t hurt you,” I told him. I wasn’t attempting to make him feel safe, I was being truthful. I wasn’t a Sadist. Pain wasn’t my thing. If he needed it, I wouldn’t give it to him. Couldn’t.

  “I don’t want you to.”

  “Good. Then we’re on the same page.” I released his jaw. “Call in to work. At least through tomorrow. We’ll see where we are then.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You’ll come eat breakfast, then I want you to take a shower. And if you want to scene, I’ll meet you in the basement at two o’clock. There’s a rug in the TV area. You can kneel, wait for me.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed, his eyes flared, and when he said, “Yes, Sir,” I knew exactly where I’d find him at two o’clock.



  Although I’d wanted to hide out, I had followed Ian’s instructions, joining them for breakfast.

  Everly’s expression had revealed her concern, and I made an attempt to shrug it off, then felt guilty for it. Not enough to break down and tell her everything, but enough that I’d spent the morning with her and Heaven, watching TV while Ian and Isaac went down to the basement to work.

  At one forty-five, Isaac returned, his eyes scanning the three of us where we sat on the sofa, me on one end, Heaven on the other, Everly curled up between us, her head on my lap. It was a position familiar to us, one we gravitated toward at the house. When Heaven wasn’t with us, I would often spoon behind Everly, resting my head on a pillow and watching TV over her while she snoozed. I think it was my instinctual need to protect her. What brought out that instinct, I didn’t know, but it had always been there. Only with her, though.

  “How long’s she been asleep?” Isaac asked.

  “An hour,” I told him. “Maybe two.”

  He nodded, then, with minimal effort, slid his hands beneath her and lifted her up. He held her as though she was fragile, and it consoled me somewhat. He wasn’t going to hurt her, I knew that much. He cared about her, and though Everly hadn’t gone into detail about her relationship with Isaac or Ian, I knew they were important to her. She’d mentioned them a couple of times, told me about the scenes she’d done with them. I’d always noticed the wonder in her voice, as though she couldn’t quite believe they were real. However, she had always used words to belittle what they had: temporary, fleeting, fun. There was more to this than that, I could already tell.

  Isaac’s eyes met mine before he turned. “Ian’s waiting for you downstairs.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  His gaze turned to Heaven, but he didn’t say anything.

  I wasn’t sure what dynamic was forming here, but it was interesting, to say the least. These two Dominants were definitely interested in Everly, but their attraction to Heaven was evident, as though she was a bonus.

  What their intentions were with me, I didn’t know. But I certainly wanted to find out.

  When Isaac left the room with Everly in his arms, I started to get up.

  “Do you know who did this?” Heaven whispered. “Attacked Everly?”

  I couldn’t look her in the eye. “I don’t know for sure.”

  “Why would someone think she was me?”

  That was the million-dollar question, one I didn’t have an answer for. Roger Cherlish only knew I had two roommates. I hadn’t given him any details about either of them. So any information he had, he’d dug up on his own.

  “Whoever he is, he’s an asshole,” she muttered.

  I smiled, couldn’t help myself. “He is.”

  “How do we stop him?”

  I shrugged. It had been the same question I’d asked myself a few dozen times in the past year. Ever since that asshole showed his true colors.

  Before I could slip out of the room, Isaac returned. “Heaven, come with me. I’d like to show you something.”

  “Sure.” She popped to her feet, a hint of uncertainty in her tone.

  Realizing I was only minutes away from being late to my scene with Ian, I hurried to the basement stairs, trotted down. He was sitting at a desk, his full attention on the laptop screen in front of him. With his instructions clear in my mind, I headed for the small seating area at the far end of the room.

  The basement was decked out as nicely as the house. Furniture was expensive and plentiful. From the desk areas that were structured as an office, to the small kitchenette with stainless steel appliances. There was a game section with a pool table, dart board, and a high table with two chairs. The seating area had two plush leather sofas facing an enormous television mounted on the wall.

  They spent a lot of time down here, obviously.

  Not looking back at Ian, I went to the center of the rug, eased down to my knees, and waited for him to join me.

  With every passing second, I could hear my heartbeats increase, anticipation building, making it easy to drift in my head. Dozens of questions appeared: Why was I here? What did I want from this guy? Would it even be possible to find a Dominant who would take on someone like me? If and when I did, would he understand me? Get that I only wanted to please in whatever way possible?

  Ultimately, that was what I needed. Probably more than I needed love. I needed to serve, to feel appreciated. Maybe one day I’d feel loved in a way that mattered, but I didn’t hold my breath thinking about it.

  “Tell me something about yourself,” Ian said when his feet came into my field of vision. “Something most people don’t know.”

  “My mother was fifteen when she had me,” I said easily. There were millions of secrets stored in my head. While I felt they were better left there, I didn’t think Ian would agree.

  “Fifteen, huh?”

  I heard the familiar creak of leather when he took a seat on the sofa. “Our mother was nineteen. What about your father?”

  “He was not fifteen.”

  “Ah. And how old was he?”


  Which, yes, meant he had been having sex with a minor. That wasn’t the worst of his transgressions, though. Not by a long shot.

  “Did they get married?”

  “No, Sir. My mother left me with him when I was two, said she was too young to have a baby or a husband. Or at least, that’s what my father told me.”

  “Just you and him, then?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Do you love Everly?”

  The question took me by surprise, but I hid it the best I could. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I can tell.” He was quiet for a moment before he added, “She loves you, too.”

  It wasn’t a question and I wouldn’t have known how to respond if he’d asked it.

  “She doesn’t know how deep that love runs, does she?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Why haven’t you told her?”

  “Because … it’s complicated,” I admitted. “It wouldn’t change things between us, so I figure it’s better left unsaid.”

  “Complicated how?”

  I should’ve known he was going to give me
the third degree. “I’d rather not get into it.”

  “Fine.” I could hear him moving. “You can go back upstairs then.”

  “No, wait,” I blurted when he began walking toward his desk.

  He stopped, pivoted.

  When I looked up at him, I saw his disappointment. He wasn’t angry, which didn’t surprise me. The man was completely controlled.

  “You’re finished talking,” he stated. “Seems like the conversation is over.”

  I didn’t want it to be over and I told him as much.

  Ian stepped closer until he was standing directly in front of me. I stared up at him and a tremor danced down my spine. It was an intimidating stance, one that generally put me on edge.

  Unlike with most men I’d encountered in my life, I didn’t feel threatened by him. It was such a strange feeling, I wasn’t even sure how to process it. And because of that, I needed this, needed him. So, if he wanted to talk, I couldn’t see any reason not to tell him everything he wanted to know.

  “Stand up,” he commanded.

  I rolled to my feet, keeping my movements smooth.


  Swallowing hard, I heeded the command, stripping off my shorts and T-shirt, setting them on the sofa cushion before resuming my spot in front of him.

  “Turn around, face the sofa.”

  I did.

  Ian moved around me, returning to the sofa and taking his seat.

  I didn’t fidget, didn’t so much as flinch. I knew the purpose of being naked in front of a Dominant. It was my vulnerability he was after.

  “Do you run?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Look at me, Dante.”

  I lifted my gaze to his face.

  “Very nice. I like to see your eyes. I’m a runner also,” he admitted. “Isaac and I usually do five miles each morning. Perhaps you’ll join us.”

  “If you like, Sir.”

  “I’d like a lot of things from you.”

  His admission had warmth coursing through me.

  “Now tell me how your relationship with Everly is complicated.”

  With my eyes locked with his, I decided to confess. “I love her. Have for a long time. But what she wants and what I want are too similar for it ever to work between us.”

  “And what do you both want?”


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