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Their Fairy Princess (Office Intrigue Book 7)

Page 19

by Nicole Edwards

  Everly leaned back against me, her hands covering mine, urging me to tease. The whole point was to give Dante a show, so we did. I slid my hands over Everly’s breasts, releasing the fabric and allowing her warm skin to fill my hands. She inhaled sharply, her desire apparent. I continued the same treatment down her hips, moving to the zipper on the back of the skirt. I slid it down, allowed the black silk to flutter down her legs and pool at her feet. She stood there in all her naked glory and I could see the approval in Dante’s eyes.

  “Your turn,” Everly rasped, turning in my arms. She glanced at my mouth briefly, then walked around me, a seduction playing out in broad daylight.

  I didn’t bother hiding my reaction to having her hands on me. I’d thought about it plenty of times. I wasn’t a prude. And though Danny never understood my sexual desires, I knew that wasn’t the case here. They wouldn’t ostracize me for it. In fact, they would embrace it. Me.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” Everly whispered, her words only for me.

  Her praise warmed me from the inside out. When her arms came around me, her soft hands cupping my naked breasts, my knees wobbled only slightly.

  Yeah. This was happening. Not because someone was directing it, either. It was happening because somewhere deep down, Everly and I wanted it to happen.

  I didn’t have to see them to know Ian and Isaac were watching. I could feel their eyes on us, taking it all in, seeing how it would play out. They were the puppeteers, putting this in motion, but it was our desires that would shape the role. It was a high I’d never experienced, one I’d never even considered.

  And while nothing would convince me that this was something I could enjoy day in and day out, in this moment I was able to indulge myself, to let loose.

  My skirt fluttered to the concrete and I looked up at Dante. He was watching us, his eyes slowly raking over Everly from head to toe. His attraction to her was potent. In fact, all the males in this house were quite transparent when it came to Everly. And while I didn’t want their attention, per se, I did find myself craving someone’s. My thoughts drifted to Prince Charming, as I’d come to refer to the man who’d graced the bookstore a few times. Truth was, I didn’t know his name, but I’d been lusting after the guy for quite some time. He was shy, though. As I tried to picture him in this scenario, I smiled.

  Everly cleared her throat, yanking me out of the fantasy.

  “I think it’s your turn, Mr. Novak,” I told Dante, taking Everly’s hand and walking toward him.

  He got to his feet as we approached. I took his front, Everly his back. We worked slowly, efficiently to get him out of the T-shirt. I allowed my hands to glide over his hot, smooth skin. Over his well-defined pecs, the rippling lines of his abs. He was beautiful. I’d always thought so. Slightly damaged but still beautiful. Inside and out.

  Since I knew where his true interest lay, I eased myself out of the scenario, allowed Everly to take over from there. As she crouched before him to work his shorts down his legs, Dante’s eyes lasered in on her, hot, fierce.

  But Everly didn’t tease him, choosing to casually brush her hand over his long, hard length before standing tall once more.

  “I think it’s time to cool off,” he said softly, leaning toward Everly, his mouth inches from hers, their bodies swaying as though gravity was drawing them together.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she whispered.

  He took our hands, padded over to the pool, then led the way down the steps. The other day, we’d come out here, laughing, splashing. Friends enjoying an afternoon in the water. This time, we were lovers. A slow seduction born from role-playing set up by two wicked Doms.

  My gaze scanned the back windows of the house, pausing on the two men standing in the kitchen, observing as it all played out. I wondered if this was how they’d envisioned it going or if they’d had something else in mind.

  Knowing they would change the course if and when they saw fit, I decided to let it play out until then.

  Everly dipped beneath the water, slicking her hair back when she surfaced. Dante reached for her then, pulling Everly into him as he waded into deeper water. His eyes were hot, focused on her mouth. I was awestruck by the sight of them. Even as Everly dipped beneath the water again, surfacing moments later. Before she could take one full breath, his mouth slowly covered hers. The kiss was soft, sweet, but the underlying passion was unmistakable.

  Dante pulled back, his thumb brushing over her cheek as their eyes locked. “You’re beautiful, Everly.”

  Yeah, I longed for the day a man said that to me. And meant it.

  While there was a hint of envy coursing through me, I wasn’t bothered by it. In fact, I was glad to see these two coming together. They’d been fighting it for so long. And after everything they’d endured, I figured they deserved it.

  Just when I thought they would separate, Dante’s hand cupped her butt, jerking her to him as though he couldn’t resist any longer.

  The kiss ignited, a passionate blaze that the water had no chance of dousing. Dante held Everly’s body in that moment, but there was another part of her that Dante held even if he would never understand it. A part of Everly that belonged only to him. As a friend, a lover. It didn’t matter. He was special to her in so many ways, and this moment, this opportunity they had to explore was far past due.

  So while they made out, I settled for admiring them. Happy for my friends.

  And secretly hopeful that I’d find my own happily ever after one day.



  “No mistaking their chemistry,” Ian mumbled from where he stood beside me.

  “Or how much they care about one another.”


  Hands in my pockets, I stared out the window into the sparkling blue pool, observing the two submissives who’d embraced the scene better than I’d expected.

  I should’ve known. Everly was one of the few submissives I’d ever wanted for more than a single scene. At the club, it never mattered what we asked of her—within her limits, of course—she was always willing and eager to oblige. It wasn’t an act on her part. I’d seen it with some submissives. They were more than willing to pretend they’d go as far as a Dom wanted, but when it came down to it, they balked, tried to top from the bottom.

  Not my sweet fairy princess. She was the real deal, which likely helped to explain the powerful feelings I’d developed for her.

  “He’s opening up to her,” I mentioned.

  “Finally. I wonder just how long they’ve been playing this game.”

  “Too long.”

  “We haven’t been fair to him. We’ve held back.”

  I could hear the disappointment in my twin’s voice, felt his regret. “Maybe. But now that we know, we can give him everything he needs.”

  Ian chuckled. “Right now, I think he needs to have Everly bouncing up and down on him.”

  It hadn’t surprised me that Everly and Dante had focused on one another. Even Heaven had recognized the passion they shared. I’d seen the moment she accepted it, stepped back to allow them to explore. Quite frankly, I was surprised she was participating. But not at all disappointed. In this particular scene, the more the merrier.

  I grinned at Ian’s crude remark. “I’m certainly looking forward to watching.”

  “Think we should go out there?”

  I shook my head. “We’ll wait for them to come inside. Dante won’t take her out there.”

  “No?” Ian looked over at me.

  I kept my focus on the three of them. “No. He wants us with him. Needs our verbal instruction. Our permission.”

  Dante understood us on some level, the same as we understood him.

  “Everly told Heaven to consider this a going-away party. I’m curious to see just how far this party will go.”

  By that, I knew Ian meant he was hoping to see the two women together. No doubt it would be a delicious encounter to witness. More so because I didn’t think Everly would
ever consider it with anyone else.

  “They’ll explore. And it won’t require our intervention.”

  I’d watched them undressing one another. There was interest there. An almost innocent allure. They wanted to explore, and here, they knew they could pursue it without repercussion.

  “If this … turns into something more—”

  “No if. It will. It already has,” I told Ian.

  “Fine. When this turns into more, how do you see that working?”

  By that, I knew my brother was referring to the fact that we’d never considered taking a male submissive. Certainly not one who needed his space.

  “It’ll work itself out,” I told him.

  I wanted Everly with every ounce of my being. Her whole heart, not only pieces of it. However, I knew her heart was big enough for me to share with Ian and Dante. Beyond love and affection, her soul had connected with mine. It belonged to me and me alone. I would cherish that, ensure that she knew it, too.

  “I do enjoy watching his hands on Everly,” Ian muttered. “The way he touches her, as though she’s a gift.”

  It was the way Dante saw everything, I figured. He had all the reason in the world to have built hatred around his heart, to have used the anger at what had been done to him to do harm to others. But he hadn’t. Beneath all the wounds, there was a pure soul that needed what we could give him. And I had no doubt, it would take all three of us to keep him whole.

  “Care to predict where they’ll go from here?” Ian inquired, his tone lighter.

  “Living room,” I said without having to think about it. “They’re exhibitionists. They want us to watch.”

  Especially my fairy princess. She wanted me with her, even if I wasn’t right there.

  “Thoughts on dinner?”

  “Chinese. We’ll let them eat when they come in.”

  “Ah, naked dining in the living room. I like how your mind works.”

  I chuckled, turned to him. “It works exactly like yours does.”

  “That it does.”

  Ian sauntered off to place the food order, but I remained where I was, observing. I was a voyeur by nature, and this was the playground I’d always dreamed of having, never truly believing I would find it. There’d been no coaxing on my part. Or Ian’s. This had come together on its own and I intended to do everything in my power to ensure it remained intact.

  Everly turned in Dante’s arms, her back to his chest and I could feel her. She knew I was here even if she couldn’t see me. This was as much for me as it was for them. Tonight, I would have her all to myself, and even if my brother didn’t agree with it, I intended to show her exactly what she meant to me.

  An hour later, the food was delivered. A few minutes after that, the frolicking threesome came inside. While we remained out of sight for the moment, I could see everything they were doing. Heard Heaven’s excitement that there was food. As a way of encouraging the outcome, we’d put it in the living room, hoping they’d follow the lead.

  “Feeding us, Mr. Novak?” Everly teased, curling into the sofa, a carton of food in her hand, chopsticks her method of both eating and animating her conversation.

  “Have to ensure you have the energy to”—he smirked—“keep up with me.”

  I admired the blush that heightened his color. Dante was a spectacular man, there was no doubt about that. And I was falling. Hard.

  “Oh, I don’t think that’ll be a problem,” Heaven rasped.

  As they sat there, eating and talking, I watched Dante. He was relaxed, smiling, something I hadn’t seen much from him. Yeah, Ian was right, we hadn’t been fair to him. However, there’d been too many missing pieces and the last thing I ever wanted to do was inflict pain when there was the potential to avoid it. Had I taken him without knowing his history, I would’ve done more harm than good.

  Heaven bounced to her feet, taking their discarded cartons to the kitchen. Rather than set them out of the way, she disposed of them appropriately, ensuring the kitchen was clean before she joined them once more.

  “Come here,” Dante told her when she returned.

  “I took care of cleaning up, Mr. Novak. Wouldn’t want you to get in any trouble.”

  And there was our cue.

  “Trouble?” he laughed. “What makes you think I’d get in any trouble?” He motioned around the room, pulling off the arrogant rich boy persona to a T. “I’m the king of this castle.”

  Ian stepped into the room. “Is that right?”

  As though she’d really been busted by some authority figure, Everly squealed, covering her nakedness with her arms.

  Heaven tried to slip behind Dante, her eyes wary as she watched Ian walk toward them.

  “Who is he?” Heaven whispered loudly, speaking to Dante.

  I joined my brother, keeping my hands in the pockets of my slacks and scoping out the scene.

  “Who are you?” Heaven asked, her eyes darting over to me.

  “You want to tell them, Dante?” I prompted. “Or should I?”

  His eyes glazed. “They’re my Masters.”

  Heaven pulled back from him, glaring. “Your what? Who says stuff like that?”

  God, she was cute.

  “I think the more important question is, who are you?” Ian asked. “And what exactly are you doing naked in my living room?”

  “We… We were … uh…” Everly played the demure virgin. “We were working, Sir. Uh … then we took a break.”

  “Working?” Ian glanced back at me before returning his attention to her. “Are you whores?”

  “As if,” Heaven snapped. “We’re maids. We were cleaning.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Cleaning what?”

  Everly’s eyes cut to the pile of clothes on the floor. “We should … uh … probably be going.”

  “Are you finished with the job?” Ian asked.

  “No, Sir. Not yet. But we can finish,” she said in a hurry, putting one foot on the floor as though she was going to make a beeline for her clothes.

  I removed the temptation for her, kicking them out of the way.

  “Since you’re keen on being naked, perhaps you should finish the job like that.”

  She got to her feet, not quite sure how to cover herself completely. Her arms crossed over herself once, twice, then she gave up and dropped them to her sides. With her cute little chin tipped up, she walked over to the feather duster, picked it up.

  I took the spot she had vacated on the sofa while Ian walked around, gripped Heaven’s arm, and gave her a gentle nudge. “Go on. Pretend we’re not even here.”

  Dante moved to the center cushion, sitting stiffly between us, his hands covering his erection.

  “Decided to have a party while we were gone, huh?” Ian asked him.

  “No, Master. It was… We were…”

  I kept my eyes on Everly. “Does your employer know you offer naked cleaning services?”

  She swallowed hard. “We don’t, Sir. We… This is the first time.”

  “Is that so? And we’re the lucky ones to watch you work?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Well, I’d like to see what I’m paying for.” I motioned toward a lower shelf. “I think you missed a spot.”

  Her cheeks turned a perfect rosy pink. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Slowly,” I instructed.

  In a sassy move, Everly bent at the waist, spread her legs and took a generous amount of time to swipe the imaginary dust from the bottom shelf, her pretty pussy on full display.

  “Very nice,” Ian crooned. “And you? Care to show us what we’re spending our money on?”

  Heaven covered her breasts with her arm. “Actually, Sir. I… It’s not really in my job description.”

  “Neither is seducing our property,” I bit out.

  Her eyes widened. “Your property?” She frowned. “How can you let them call you that?” Her eyes shot back to mine. “I can’t believe you could degrade him like that.”

  I shifted, crossed
one ankle over my knee. “Degrade? How is that degrading?”

  “You don’t … own him. No one can own him.”

  “But we do,” Ian said simply, as though no explanation was necessary. “And since we’re paying for this … extra service … perhaps you should do your job thoroughly.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” Heaven said. “I’m not sure I understand.”

  Ian raked his gaze over Dante. “He looks like a dirty boy to me.” His eyes returned to them. “Perhaps you can use your talents to clean him up.”

  Everly swallowed hard, her nipples puckered. “If that’s what you’d like, Sir.”

  She was trying to remain in role, but she craved this part, wanted us to take the reins.

  “It’s exactly what we want,” I assured her, speaking nothing but the truth.


  From the instant they stepped into the room, my blood started a heavy churn in my veins, heat pooling between my thighs. I’d enjoyed the role-playing so far, loved making out with Dante in the pool, but this … this was what I’d been hoping for all along.

  “What are you waiting for?” Ian snapped. “Move the table out of the way.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I said timidly, sticking to the role.

  I hurried over and, with Heaven’s help, moved the heavy coffee table to the far side of the room.

  Isaac tossed one of the throw pillows toward the middle of the room. “Lie down,” he commanded Dante. “On your back.”

  Dante’s dark eyes were glazed over, his chiseled features reflecting the enjoyment he was getting from this scene.

  “You,” Ian snapped at Heaven. “Start with his cock.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” she asked, haughtily. “That is most certainly not in my job description.”

  “It wasn’t a request.”

  Her eyes widened, but she moved toward Dante.

  “No. Stay on that side. I want to watch every move you make, see every flick of your tongue.”


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