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Their Fairy Princess (Office Intrigue Book 7)

Page 23

by Nicole Edwards

  “Oh, don’t you worry. After what that asshole did to Danny, I won’t go anywhere near it.”

  “What about your car?”

  “Shit.” Heaven’s gaze shot to Ian’s.

  “Ask Isaac to take you by there. He can follow you to your sister’s.”

  Heaven actually clapped, as though that was the best news she’d heard all month.

  She grabbed me then, threw her arms around my neck. “I’ll see you soon, right? When this is over, you and Dante’ll be back home?”

  “That’s the plan.” Though I didn’t really know what the plan was at this point.

  Heaven squeezed me once, then released me before hugging Ian. “Thank you again for everything. I really appreciate it. I had fun.”

  “You promised to grace us with your presence,” he said.

  “As long as I don’t have to cook.”


  Then she was gone, out the door, down the steps. Ian and I stood there, staring after her for the longest time. My body warmed at his nearness, though I wasn’t sure why he was there other than to get Heaven.

  “I’ve always loved this room,” he said absently, walking over to one of the bookshelves.

  “I do, too.” I walked over to the recliner, sat on the edge of the cushion, waiting to see if this was going somewhere.

  “You know what would make me love it more?” he asked, turning slowly to face me.

  I waited, knowing he would tell me.

  “Your mouth on my cock.”

  Heat swam through me, making my fingers tingle. I swallowed hard, met his emerald-green gaze.

  Some people might consider his request crude, but my desire to pleasure him was so great, it was the best opportunity I’d been presented with lately. I couldn’t explain the ache I had for him, the need that had yet to be sated. I’d tried to figure out a way to broach the subject, to see if there was the option of spending more time with him, but the timing never seemed to be right.

  He was clearly waiting for me to say something, his black eyebrow lifting.

  “It would be my pleasure, Sir.”

  He crooked his finger, a silent order for me to come to him.

  “Bring a pillow.”

  I snagged one of the throw pillows from the recliner, dropped on the floor at his feet.

  Ian leaned over, kissed me. It was a gentle kiss, unexpected and it took hold of my heart and twisted. I wanted to spend the rest of the day right here, in his arms, his lips locked on mine. Unfortunately, he stopped too soon for my liking.

  “Strip,” he murmured against my mouth. “Do it slowly. Let me watch you.”

  I was almost certain that was a plea in his tone.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I stepped back, slowly discarded my T-shirt and shorts, placing each piece on the checkerboard after I peeled it off. My bra and panties followed. All the while, his hot gaze raked over me, moving sensually as though he was memorizing me for later.

  God, how had this distance come between us? I couldn’t help but wonder if Heaven had been the reason Ian and I had yet to connect. But then I would think about the distance he kept with her. None of it made sense.

  “Beautiful.” He patted the edge of the desk.

  Slightly confused about the direction this was taking, I hesitated a second before walking over to the desk and scooting up onto it. My butt squeaked on the shiny wood, my eyes shooting to the cushion he’d had me place on the floor. I lifted my gaze to his, saw the heat there.

  “Lie back,” he ordered.

  I did.

  “Grab your ankles. Hold on to them and spread your legs.”

  I did this, too, my body trembling with excitement as my most intimate parts were opened for his perusal.

  His fingers slid through my slick folds. “Such a pretty pussy.”

  I moaned low in my throat. “Thank you, Sir.”

  Ian took his time, making me wait as he stared at my pussy, using his fingers to make me melt. He rubbed my clit, pushed one finger inside me, pulled it out. Over and over, not nearly enough attention on any one spot to get me going, but enough to make me yearn.

  “No plug.”

  “No, Sir. I’m to wear it three hours a day. One hour at a time.”

  “Did you meet your quota yet today?”

  “No, Sir. I’m going to wear it before dinner.”

  He looked up at my face. “Good girl.”

  His fingers teased me again, making me sigh.

  “I have to say, I haven’t had nearly enough time with you since you got here.”

  At least we were on the same page there. “I agree, Sir.”

  His eyes met mine, held, and there was so much emotion reflecting back I wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  “I thought you were spending time with Heaven,” I said on a heavy exhale when he pushed a finger inside me.

  “Not as much as you’d think.”

  “May I ask why not?”

  His eyes lingered on my face, but he didn’t answer, instead redirecting. “I think you deserve a reward.”

  I gasped for air when he bent over and licked me.

  “Don’t drop your ankles. No matter what. Understood?”

  My voice quivered. “Yes, Sir.”

  Ian proved exactly how skilled he was with his tongue. Skilled and sadistic, driving me out of my head but never giving me the chance to come. When he stopped abruptly, I was panting and moaning.

  He, of course, was smiling. “Kneel.”

  I climbed down onto trembling legs while he freed his cock. With one hand on my head, he guided himself into my mouth, held me there. His eyes were locked on me as he fucked my mouth. I sucked, licked, but he controlled my movements, all the while maintaining that eye contact, as though he was trying to relay his feelings that way.

  “Tilt your head back.”

  I did.

  He angled his cock, pushed down into my mouth, all the way to my throat. I breathed through my nose, fought my gag reflex. I knew Ian loved this part. It was the only intimate act I’d performed on him at the club. Only him. Isaac never let me touch him, but they both always ensured I came.

  “Swallow,” he said when he pushed in again.

  I swallowed, knowing it would make my throat tighten around him.

  “Good girl,” he whispered, pulling out, pushing in again.

  He used my mouth for long minutes, his breaths becoming raspy. All the while, he stared at me as though he wanted to say something. No words ever came. When he pulled out the last time, he reached for my arm, tugged me to my feet, then ordered me to kneel on the recliner.

  While he was ripping open a condom, I crawled into the chair, grabbing the headrest with both hands seconds before I felt him moving behind me, his warm hand curling over my hip, urging me toward him. I bent forward and a second later, he plunged inside me.

  There was a litany of words in Irish, but I knew none of their meaning. However, his body was speaking to mine in a language of its own. I cried out with every punishing thrust, not caring who heard me as he fucked me relentlessly.

  I was soaring, and a breath from going over before I stopped myself.

  “Good girl. Don’t come yet.”

  Gripping my hips, he drove into me, filling me with purpose. It was exquisite and exactly what I’d come to love about him. And Ian was right, we hadn’t spent nearly enough time together. I wanted more of it, but I wasn’t even sure how to go about asking for it. Not without hurting Isaac in the process.

  I whimpered. “Please, Sir. May I please come?”

  “Not yet,” he grunted, driving into me again and again, his fingertips digging into my hips as he held me in place.

  It was intoxicating.

  Ian never held back with me. He took what I freely gave him. I would likely have fingertip bruises on my sensitive flesh, but it would only remind me of how thoroughly he fucked me.

  He grunted, groaned, his fingertips digging in deeper.

  “Ah, littl
e fairy. Such a sweet little pussy.”

  I moaned, suddenly terrified that I would come without permission. It was so easy to do, but when he spoke like that, it was like his finger was on the trigger.

  He jerked me back, driving in deep, making me scream with the pleasure that threatened to earn me punishment in the very near future.

  “Such a good girl,” he groaned. “Come for me, little fairy. Come all over my cock.”

  With his permission, I gave myself over, screaming his name as I rocketed into the ether.

  He wasn’t far behind, slamming into me again and again until his hips thrust forward one last time before he came on a long, strangled growl.

  “Thank you, little fairy,” he whispered as he leaned over me.

  I turned my head, met his lips with mine. “Definitely my pleasure, Sir.”

  He grinned, just like Ian always grinned.


  Never thought I’d be sitting in the kitchen, listening to erotic screams sounding from above, but that was exactly where I found myself.

  As I downed a sandwich at the kitchen island, I could hear Everly crying out, begging Ian to let her come. His answering grunts seemed to echo through the room.

  I found myself smiling and I wasn’t even sure why.

  For the past two nights, Ian had instructed me to be in his bed for thirty minutes each night. I’d followed through, pushing past the anxiety. Admittedly, it wasn’t as difficult as I’d thought it would be. Just the two of us in the dark. It wasn’t even awkward when Ian had pulled me in close, falling asleep with his arms around me. I might’ve almost fallen asleep last night.

  Although I wouldn’t admit it to anyone.

  Oddly enough, I’d slept soundly both nights after those events. Back in my own bed, alone, all the lights off. Dreamless sleep, too. No nightmares, no memories of hell invading.

  A crescendo of cries came from upstairs, drawing my eyes toward the stairway leading up. It didn’t sound to me like Everly had any problems being handled by the opposite twin.

  In truth, I’d always thought Everly had a thing for both of them. However, since we’d gotten here, it seemed she’d spent the majority of her time with Isaac. Then again, I’d thought Ian and Heaven were going at it like rabbits, but I’d learned that hadn’t been the case. Heaven and Ian had slept separately every night, even after the erotic encounters the five of us had endured.

  My phone vibrated on the counter. After nearly dropping my glass, I set it down, snatched up the phone.

  The Devil: You can’t avoid me forever. Remember that.

  I’d been getting the texts throughout the day and night for the past week, ever since we’d come to Ian and Isaac’s. I hadn’t bothered to tell anyone about them, and I never responded, not giving Roger—or whatever the fuck his name was—the pleasure of hearing from me.

  I figured I needed to get a new phone number. And I would, once I went home.

  While we couldn’t stay here forever, I wasn’t making a big deal about wanting to leave, either. I wasn’t a prisoner, knew I could go whenever I wanted, with or without Ian’s or Isaac’s permission, but I’d realized I wasn’t here anymore because it was for my safety.

  I was here because I didn’t want to be anywhere else.

  Eight days ago, I’d been coming home from work, ready to fall into bed, fearing whatever hell I might encounter if and when the devil showed his face. Now I woke up, breathing easy, no exhaustion from watching the shadowy corners of the room all night and day. No, I didn’t have a job anymore, but I could find something. I wasn’t above any job, didn’t care if I needed three to make ends meet. I would take care of myself. Had been since the day I turned eighteen.

  I turned on the barstool when Ian and Everly came downstairs. He patted her on the butt, sent her to her room to shower and rest. A second later, he joined me in the kitchen.

  “Isaac took Heaven to her sister’s,” he said simply. “Not sure if you knew it or not.”

  “Yeah. She came to tell me goodbye.”

  Ian’s eyes instantly dropped to the phone I’d left out. I reached for it, but he beat me to it. My eyes met his.

  He held it out. “Unlock it.”

  Without hesitating, I typed in the passcode. He could see every number, would likely not need me to give it to him again. I honestly didn’t care. I had nothing to hide from anyone, certainly not the two men who had somehow given my life meaning.

  “The devil.” He grunted.

  I dropped my head.

  “For fuck’s sake,” Ian hissed. “Dante, look at me.”

  I jerked my head up at the vehemence in his tone. He was squeezing the phone in his big fist.

  “Why didn’t you tell us he was texting you?”

  “I didn’t think it mattered, Master.” It wasn’t an argument, a simple statement.

  Ian took a deep breath, let it out, stared at the phone screen. “Son of a bitch.” His eyes lifted, met mine again. “That bastard is vicious. Is this how he’s always treated you?”

  “Yes, Master.” Only that was nothing compared to some of the shit he’d said or done during the time I’d known him.

  Ian was still reading, and my tension was rising. I’d never deleted the text thread, so it went back for … however long the phone would go for the past few years. I tried to think about the things he might find.

  “Oh, shit.” I jumped to my feet, swallowed hard. “Please, Master. Please don’t … I don’t want you…”

  Ian’s eyes lifted, the emerald green filled with anguish. He’d read it.

  I could feel my heart breaking. I didn’t want him to know about the evil that I’d lived through. And Roger had always enjoyed reliving those moments in text, describing in horrid detail all the ways he had hurt me. My Masters knew some of it, things I hadn’t even known, such as Roger/Vernon trying to buy me. That had been news to me, but not surprising. However, until now, I didn’t think they’d fully understood the magnitude of the man’s evil.

  “He—” Ian inhaled deeply, his molars grinding.

  “Please, Master.” My voice was guttural, but it didn’t stop Ian from reading more.

  “Christ Almighty.” When Ian looked up, he was breathing hard. The anguish had turned to rage.

  I didn’t know what to say, what to do.

  “I’ll understand if you want me to go,” I whispered, my heart aching.

  “What?” His shocked expression had me stilling. “You’re not going anywhere. Not if my opinion means two shits to you.”

  “It does,” I said quickly. “I don’t… I don’t want to go.” I glanced at the phone. “But—”

  I inhaled, exhaled fast and shallow, choking back the bile that always rose when I thought about what had happened. The memories had been buried. Right up until Roger/Vernon had decided to tell me, a couple of years back, in horrific detail the things that had been done to me. Not at the club. But when I was a child. Not only did he tell me, he sent it via text, again in email, as though he got off on reliving it, seeing it through my eyes.

  “Tomorrow, I’m taking you to the doctor,” Ian said firmly. “Let’s get some tests done.”

  I nodded. “I’ve had them done. Every three months. Last one was right after…”


  “God was looking after me in one area,” I said harshly. “I have no STDs, and I’m HIV negative.” I nodded toward the phone. “I can pull them up. Show you.”

  Ian frowned. “I believe you.”

  “I’m sorry you had to read that.”

  “You’re sorry?” Ian barked. “That fucker…” He exhaled with a rough growl. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

  He looked at me, and I swore there were tears in his eyes. It pained me to know I’d hurt him like that. I didn’t want to think about how Isaac would take the news when Ian told him.

  “Do you remember it?” Ian asked, control masking his features.

  “I didn’t. Not until…” I nodded toward the
phone. “He had installed a camera in my father’s attic. Told me in an email. Said he was so angry when he learned my father was … let’s just say my old man was making a lot of money off me.”

  “Which explains why Vernon wanted to buy you,” Ian mused, his eyes dropping to the island. “So those other men couldn’t have you.”

  “Yeah.” I’d thought about that, too. And it wasn’t because Roger wanted to save me. No, he simply preferred to be the only one to hurt me.

  “How did Roger … Vernon … whatever the fuck. How did he approach you at Inferno?”

  I clasped my hands in front of me. “I’d been a member for about a week, had gone several times but never ended up playing with anyone. A couple of females offered, but I politely declined. I was starting to think they didn’t want me there. I decided on that Friday night, if I didn’t meet anyone who interested me, I wasn’t coming back. That night he approached when I was sitting in the community room by myself.”

  “How did he know you were there?”

  “He followed me.” I shrugged. “Not sure how long he’d been tracking me, but he eventually told me he had always kept his eye on me. I guess he got a membership there after I started going.” I swallowed, continued. “He came across as a nice guy, never mentioned he was a Sadist. Asked if I enjoyed pony play. Told him I wasn’t really interested. He urged me to give it a shot, to let him show me how enjoyable it could be.” I kept my eyes on my hands. “It wasn’t bad. He smacked me a couple of times with a crop, never asked for sex. I thought perhaps it could get interesting if I gave it a shot. So, I met him the next night. We spent the evening talking, then he suggested I try the spanking bench.

  “Again, not terrible. I didn’t care much for it, but he seemed to know what he was doing. Asked me to meet him the next weekend. I agreed. Showed up on Friday night, he was waiting for me. Said he already had a room reserved for us. It was a private room.” I looked up at Ian. “At Inferno, their private rooms don’t have safety protocols. No viewing windows. I didn’t even know that was a thing until Everly was telling me about Dichotomy.” I exhaled my frustration. “He locked us into the room and that night … he was different. Meaner, I guess. He said he’d thought about me all week and couldn’t stop. It made me feel good, I guess. He was telling me he wanted me. I’d needed to be wanted.”


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