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Their Fairy Princess (Office Intrigue Book 7)

Page 28

by Nicole Edwards

  I looked directly at Dante. “Are you opposed to the idea?”

  He set his fork down, wiped his mouth, sat up straight. “No, Master.”

  “You?” I asked Everly.

  “No, my Liege.” Her voice was soft, but I could hear the emotion churning.

  She was showing more emotion than any of them, so I waited her out. A second later, she didn’t disappoint. My fork clattered to my plate when Everly threw her arms around my neck, buried her face there.

  I held her closer, pressed my lips to her cheek. “I love you, fairy princess.”

  “I love you, too, my Liege.” She leaned forward, pressed her lips softly to mine.

  Not allowing too much time to pass, I looked at Dante, waited until he met my gaze. “I love you, too.”

  His eyes widened. I had yet to reveal that to him, hadn’t intended to do so in such a public forum the first time, but I didn’t want to wait.

  Dante swallowed hard. “May I … uh… May I be excused?”


  His surprise was etched on his face.

  “I’m not asking you to say it back,” I told him. “I simply want you to know how I feel.”

  “I love you, Dante,” Everly chimed in. “I hope you’ve always known that.”

  “I have,” he said, meeting her gaze. “I love you, too.” As he said the words, his eyes slid to mine. I knew he was including me, but he didn’t address me directly. I would give him a pass because I fully intended to discuss this in detail later. Privately.

  “Well, now that we’ve got that out of the way,” Ian joked, “arrangements can be made.”

  “Arrangements?” Dante asked.

  Ian’s full attention shifted to him. “I’ll schedule someone to clear out your house, bring all your things here.”

  Dante shook his head. “I’d like to do that myself.”

  “Not an option right now,” I told him.

  “Then we’ll wait until it is,” he said firmly.

  I patted Everly’s hip. “Would you please excuse us, fairy princess?”

  “Of course, my Liege.”

  When she reached for the plates, I put my hand on her arm. “It can wait. Go on up to the library. Don’t get dressed.”

  “Yes, my Liege.” Everly quietly slipped out of the room, giving us the privacy I’d requested.

  I tipped back the rest of my drink, set the empty glass on the table, then pushed to my feet.

  “Basement, Dante,” I said over my shoulder as I walked out.

  Ian followed, as did Dante.

  When we gathered in the seating area, I pointed to the center of the rug. “Kneel.”

  I took a seat on one sofa. Ian took the other.

  “Now we can discuss this openly,” I told him.

  He lifted his gaze. “I don’t want pity.”

  “Good,” Ian said. “And we’re not in the market for blatant defiance.”

  There was a hint of emotion in Dante’s eyes. I figured that was what Ian was going for. Dante was obedient, he wanted to be, but that didn’t make him emotionless. There were times when it was necessary for him to work through the issues, discuss what was bothering him.

  Now was one of those times.

  “Never mind,” Dante said, dropping his gaze.

  I glanced at Ian, nodded. He got to his feet, walked over to the storage closet.

  When he returned, Dante hadn’t moved. I stood, took the item from his hand while he went back.

  “Hands and knees,” I instructed. “Spread your knees wide, slide your arms beneath you, hands between your thighs. Shoulders and head on the floor.”

  Dante didn’t so much as look at me before he positioned himself accordingly. This was the part he understood. For whatever reason, in all the years he’d endured, he had come to need this. In fact, I got the feeling it settled him, somehow, allowed him to release the emotions he kept bottled up.

  I sat on my haunches near his ass, attached the spreader bar to each ankle. It would keep his legs wide. I then connected his wrists to the restraints on the center of the bar, clicked the locks in place.

  I stood, admired him as he lay there, completely at our mercy, his balls dangling delightfully, his asshole on display. Despite the nature of our conversation, Dante had no way to disguise his arousal.

  I took a seat, observed as Ian rolled over the machine we’d purchased specifically with Dante in mind. We’d made quite a few purchases in recent days, toys, tools, things we’d get a lot of use out of. Some pertained to disobedience, others pure pleasure.

  This machine, however, would be used as a way to torment our submissive, to show him there was no reason for this blatant disregard for his own safety.

  “Care to ask what our intentions are?” I taunted Dante while Ian set the fucking machine in place, adjusted the large dildo, lubed it liberally.

  “No, Master,” he said smartly.

  “Well, then.”

  Ian remained in place as he turned the machine on, angled it toward Dante’s ass. He made a few adjustments, clicked the remote so that the dildo moved toward Dante’s ass. The machine was powerful enough to push past his body’s natural resistance, gliding right into his asshole.

  Dante didn’t move, didn’t grunt, groan. Not a sigh. Nothing.

  Once Ian was satisfied with the setup, the depth of penetration, he returned to his seat. For a few minutes, we focused on the machine drilling slowly into Dante’s ass. His cock had hardened, despite his refusal to make a sound.

  I had a feeling this was about to get really interesting.


  At Isaac’s nod, I decided to take over the conversation. More accurately, I was going to turn Dante’s lack of concern into something he could no longer ignore.

  “Do you enjoy having your ass fucked?”

  “Yes, Master,” he said through gritted teeth as the dildo slid out of his ass.

  “Do you like that we’re sitting here watching you being fucked by a machine?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I watched for a moment, waited for the dildo to penetrate him again. The movement was excruciatingly slow, probably driving Dante out of his mind right about now.

  “Are you at all concerned about the threats that bastard made last night?”

  “Of course I am,” he growled.

  I clicked the button, turning the machine up a notch. It moved faster, pushing in, retreating. Not fast enough to bring him to orgasm in the near future, but it was a start.

  “Are you worried what he might do to Everly or Heaven?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I clicked the button, slowed it back down. Isaac got up, moved over to his desk, and sat down with a huff, clearly exasperated by the back and forth.

  “What about yourself? Are you worried what he might do to you?”

  “No, Master.”

  I stopped the machine when it was fully dislodged from his ass.

  “You want to rethink that answer,” I growled, ensuring he heard my disappointment.

  “My only concern is for…” His words trailed off, his body relaxing as though he was too weak to hold himself up.

  “Talk to us, Dante.”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to any of you,” he said quickly.

  I turned on the machine, let it drill deep into him, retreat.

  “You don’t think, by putting yourself at risk, that you’d be affecting us also?”

  “Yes. Of course I do.”

  I turned the machine up a notch.

  “Go on.”

  He was silent for a moment, but I noticed his chest expanding, his breaths becoming choppier. Not from the fucking machine but from the emotion building inside him.

  A minute passed, then another. When he said nothing more, I turned the machine back down.

  “You can stay right there,” I told him, pushing to my feet and nodding to Isaac. “Enjoy yourself, Dante.”

  I walked over to my desk, not saying anything to my b
rother. No way would I leave Dante alone, but I wasn’t above turning my back to him for a bit, allowing him to think it through.

  I opened my messenger window, typed in Isaac’s name.

  Ian: Suggestions?

  Isaac: Did you make the call?

  Ian: I did. Waiting for a call back. I also heard from Ransom this afternoon. He said he’s got something he’s working on.

  Isaac: Did he elaborate?

  I looked over at my brother, gave him a look that said, what do you think? I wasn’t going to put the information in writing, though.

  He nodded.

  Isaac: I don’t care how you handle this, but I want Dante here. I want him to want to be here. He needs to know how we feel. Needs to accept it. He’s fighting because he’s scared.

  Ian: I know that.

  Isaac: Then it’s time you use those interrogation skills to get him to understand.

  I lifted my head, nodded.

  Isaac pushed to his feet, walked up the steps, and closed the basement door, sealing us down here together.

  I took a deep breath, walked over to Dante. He was fighting it. All of it. The emotion, the pain the incident had caused him.

  I remembered how Heaven had let go so beautifully when I had spanked her. It had drawn the emotion to the surface, given her the opportunity to let it all go. I went to the storage closet, retrieved a crop.

  “We’re going to try this one more time,” I told Dante, sliding the flat leather end over his ass, then smacking him gently. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” He sounded completely defeated.

  I clicked the machine up several notches, watched as it penetrated him. It moved with intent now, enough to excite. Every time it drilled into him, I smacked his ass with the crop. I wasn’t gentle, not hitting the same spot twice. I continued until he was whimpering.

  “Do you want more?”

  “Yes, Master,” he panted.

  I clicked the machine up another notch, smacked his ass harder. It took a few minutes before he was crying out, but it was a start. I doubled the taps, smacking him twice in rapid succession again and again until I could hear him sobbing. I didn’t stop even when I turned the machine off, watched it retreat from his ass. I kept spanking him, listening to the emotion that escaped in deep, ragged breaths, his chest heaving, his shoulders shaking.

  I paused, stripping off my own clothes before picking the crop up again.

  “Do you need more? Or do you understand where I’m going with this?”

  “I understand, Master,” he gasped, choking on the emotion.

  I used the key Isaac had left sitting by Dante’s feet, freed him from the restraints. Before I gave him permission to move, I massaged his wrists and ankles, then took my seat on the sofa, commanding him to crawl over to me.

  When he was kneeling between my thighs, I patted my chest. “Lay your head here.”

  He draped himself over me, resting his head on my chest. I ran my hands over him, enjoying his warmth, relishing the tears that continued to fall. He needed this, needed to let it out. When he settled somewhat, I ran my hands over his hair, soothing him.

  “This isn’t a game, Dante.” When he tried to lift his head, I held it in place, then resumed brushing my hand over his hair when he stilled. “I’m talking about the relationship. All four of us. It’s serious. As serious as it gets. Love shouldn’t be taken lightly. And while I understand your need to protect everyone, I won’t let you do it at your own expense. That’s not how love works.”

  I cupped his cheek, lifted his head. When his eyes met mine, I held the stare for long seconds, willing him to see the emotion I wouldn’t hold back from him. I didn’t say the words immediately, wanting him to feel me. When his face softened, I grazed his cheek with my knuckles.

  “I love you, Dante. I won’t make excuses for it. I’m not going to pretend—not to you or myself—that it’s not there.”

  I could hear my accent thickening, something that always happened when I was driven by pure emotion.

  “I don’t even care if you love me back,” I told him. “The fact is, I love you. And I’ll take care of you, protect you, keep you safe. Last night…” I blinked, swallowed past the lump forming in my throat. “I can handle the destruction. That’s nothing. I’ve got plenty of money. Furniture, walls … all that shit can be replaced.” I gripped his chin between my finger and thumb. “You can’t. I won’t let him touch you again. You can bet your life on that. He won’t touch you.” I stared hard, wanting him to see as well as hear the promise in my words. “I will kill him before I allow that to happen.”

  It was then that Dante broke. His face crumpled seconds before he buried it against my chest, sobbing uncontrollably. The man had years of torment and heartache built up. It pained me to hear it, but he had to let it out. If he ever wanted a true chance at happiness, he had to find a way to let it go.

  “We won’t let him win,” I assured him, soothing him with my hands, roaming them over his back.

  His head turned, his lips pressing against my chest. I knew what he was seeking. Comfort. Something he’d rarely gotten from sex.

  My cock stirred as he trailed his lips lower.

  “You can have what you need,” I told him, sliding my fingers in his hair and holding his head still. “But I won’t let you escape this, Dante.”

  He lifted his head, his eyes full of anguish and pain and need. “I don’t want to run, Master. It’s hard for me to say it, but…”

  “Tell me.”

  “I love you.” He inhaled sharply, as though it was painful to let the words out. “Not only you, but Isaac. Everly. All of you. With everything I am. It’s just…”

  “Difficult,” I completed for him.

  He gave a jerky nod. “Yes. It hurts. And it scares the shit out of me.” He lowered his head, kissed my stomach. “It terrifies me. I’ve never felt this way before. I have a hard time saying it.”

  I forced his head up. “It’s not always about sex.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed. “I know. But I need this.”

  “Need what?”

  I thought for a second he wasn’t going to answer, his eyes so tortured it broke my fucking heart.

  “I need you to love me, to show me. To replace the evil with … love.”

  I fought to breathe even as he dropped his head, trailed his lips down my stomach, his tongue sliding over my cock before he took me in his mouth.

  My head dropped back. I hissed, raising my hips and pushing deep into his throat while I kept my hand twined in his hair, holding him in place.

  As I sat there, Dante worked me over with his mouth. I didn’t stop him, didn’t encourage him, either. I simply enjoyed the warmth of his mouth on me, the slick heat that enveloped me again and again. He never stopped, never asked for more, simply worshiped my cock with his mouth, his tongue, his throat. He never used his hands, only his lips and tongue. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, the feeling so fucking perfect I wanted it to go on for days.

  When the door to the basement opened, he didn’t falter, continued as though it was his only job, to please me.

  I looked up, saw Isaac coming toward us, Everly behind him. He stripped off his clothes as he came over, leaving them where they fell. When he dropped to the opposite sofa, I lifted Dante’s head.

  “Show him,” I urged.

  Dante nodded, kissed the head of my cock once, then crawled over to Isaac while I motioned Everly over.

  “Knees,” I ordered.

  Her eyes were hot, her lips parted as she lowered herself between my thighs.

  And when her soft, wet lips wrapped around my cock, I dropped my head back once more and moaned.


  I crawled over to Isaac, peered up at him, and saw nothing but love in his eyes. His hand came out, cupping my cheek. I pressed against it, then kissed his palm.

  “Let me show you, Master,” I whispered.

  “Show me. Show me how much you love me.”
  “I do,” I assured him, pressing my lips to his wrist, then his stomach.

  I poured everything into licking, sucking. I didn’t rush, didn’t want to hurry. I wasn’t looking to get him off. I wanted this connection, for him to know that I was willing to take care of him the same way he was willing to take care of me.

  Yeah, it was sexual, but it wasn’t about the act. As far as I was concerned, there was no way to be closer to them right now and I was desperate to feel them. All of them.

  Isaac’s hand slid into my hair, gently, firmly, holding me in place as I laved his cock, taking it deep, licking along the vein, memorizing every inch.

  Someone moved my legs and suddenly I was very aware of what was going on.

  Everly was beneath me, on her back, her head between my legs as she took my cock into her mouth. Focus was no longer an option. I peered down my body, watching as she swallowed my cock. Isaac’s hand remained in my hair, soothing as I stared at the beautiful woman whose luscious lips were wrapped around my rock-hard shaft.

  “Enjoy it,” Isaac whispered.

  I’d never felt anything quite this intense. I couldn’t count how many times I’d dreamed about having her sweet mouth on me. I inhaled, exhaled, prayed I didn’t fall over.

  When Isaac’s fingers tightened in my hair, guiding my mouth back to his cock, I went willingly. He sighed, allowing me to take the reins, trusting me to take care of him.

  Minutes passed before Isaac lifted my head, motioned me over to Ian. I swapped positions easily. I couldn’t see behind me, but I heard Isaac crooning to Everly, directing her onto her knees, urging her to take more of his cock in her mouth.

  I didn’t know how much time passed, but Isaac was the one who made the next move. He ordered Everly to join him on the sofa, then instructed me to lick her pussy. Wanting to give her the same pleasure she’d given me, I went willingly, shifting her so that her pussy was in my face, her small body folded nearly in half on the sofa. I was aware of Isaac getting to his feet, but my full attention was on pleasuring Everly, letting her feel how much I cared for her.

  I felt someone move behind me, swayed when the broad head of his cock pressed against my ass. The voice that sounded was Ian’s, the grunt deep as he pushed in, retreated slowly. The leash on Ian’s restraint snapped when he slammed into me. I cried out, unable to focus as he fucked me relentlessly, driving me straight to the edge before I knew what was happening.


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