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Love at First Kiss: Love Comes First Book One

Page 2

by Turner, Olivia T.

  I sigh as I take the dress from her. It is very beautiful and so soft. And I like the—$5,500!?! What the fuck?!

  “Don’t worry about that,” Brooke quickly says as she yanks the price tag off.

  I nearly have a heart attack. She can’t return it now…

  “Try it on. Let’s see how you look.”

  I suck it up and try the dress on. Someone paid $5,500 for it, the least I can do is slip it on.

  “Wow,” Brooke says when she looks me up and down. “Julia Roberts has got nothing on you. If you starred in that flick, they’d have to retitle it to Pretty Fucking Hot Woman.”

  I chuckle as I head into the other bedroom. Alyssa has a full-length mirror nailed behind the door.

  “Whoa!” Alyssa says when I walk into the room. She lowers the magazine she’s reading on her bed and stares at me with a wide-open mouth. “Hot date?”

  “Something like that,” I mutter. I still haven’t seen a picture of Brooke’s brother. I’m expecting a really nerdy business type who has milky white skin from never leaving the office. Who cares? It’s a thousand dollars, I remind myself. I would go out with Jeffery Dahmer if he was paying a thousand dollars to take me to dinner. I’d just make sure I was eating vegetarian.

  “Wow,” I gasp when I pull the door closed and finally see myself. Carolina Herrera really killed it with this one. It’s an elegant, yet sexy evening gown with an open back and more cleavage than I’ve ever shown in my life. Luckily, I have the big rack to fill it up.

  I turn from side to side, looking at my big hips from all angles. Normally, I find them too large, but in this dress, it looks like I have a Marilyn Monroesque hourglass figure. They look good. Even my ass looks presentable in this thing.

  “What did I tell you?” Brooke asks when she creeps into the room. “Stunning.”

  “Stunning,” I whisper to my reflection. I really didn’t know I could look like this. I look beautiful.

  Suddenly the nerves are replaced by a bit of excitement.

  “I also have some jewelry to lend you,” Brooke says as she reaches into her purse. “I brought you a necklace, but I don’t think you need it. We don’t want anything to distract from your huge tits.”

  I feel my cheeks start to redden as Alyssa giggles from the bed.

  “But these diamond earrings will look fabulous on you.”

  I start to wonder just how much money Brooke’s family has as she hands me earrings with an excessive amount of diamonds on them. You need sunglasses to look at them without hurting your eyes.

  I put them on and Brooke claps with a squeal. “Perfect! Now, let’s go into the bathroom and I’ll do your hair and make-up!”

  She darts from the room and I let out a deep breath as I look at my nervous reflection in the mirror.

  A thousand dollars, I repeat to myself over and over again. A thousand dollars.

  I just wish I had the money and the night was already over.

  * * *

  As the limo pulls up, I wonder if I’m the only virgin escort on the planet.

  That doesn’t even happen in rom coms. Even in Pretty Woman, it wasn’t Julia Roberts’ first time around the block.

  I’m extremely nervous.

  The limousine looks so long and shiny. I’ve never even been in a limo before.

  What the hell am I going to say to a bunch of millionaires? What do I have in common with CEOs and hedge fund managers? Oh man, this was a bad idea. I wonder if it’s too late to get out of it.

  Yes, it’s too late! The limo is already here!

  My hands are all sweaty and I nearly chew myself out when I catch myself wiping my clammy palms on my $5,500 dress.

  The driver opens his door and gets out as I timidly approach the limo like it’s a black dragon about to devour me.

  Before he makes it around to my side, the back door flies open and a man in a tuxedo explodes out of the vehicle.

  “Oh,” I say, taken aback as he towers up in front of me. He’s… gorgeous.

  This is Brooke’s brother? How is he single? How is that possible??

  I was expecting a computer nerd and I got James Bond.

  He’s staring at me like he can’t believe his eyes. At first, I think he must be disappointed by the choice his sister made for him, but then I realize there’s desire in his hungry gaze.

  Thank you, Carolina Herrera. You outdid yourself this time.

  “Hello,” I say shyly.

  His dark blue eyes travel up and down my body, stopping for a long moment on my chest. I can feel my nipples hardening and I get a warm shiver as he shamelessly admires my cleavage.

  I never thought I’d be attracted to a man in a bow tie, but holy fuck, this guy has my breath quickening as I look him over. His black tux and white shirt is all crisp and clean-cut against his firm muscular body. I force my hands to stay by my sides to prevent them from reaching out and touching the soft material like they desperately want to.

  But the well-groomed hottie wearing the suit looks anything but soft. His eyes are dark and full of… something as he looks down at me like he’s going to steal me and lock me away.

  His eyes are mesmerizing. Everything about this man is captivating. From his perfectly styled brown hair, to his jaw that has just the right amount of stubble, to his lips that look so unbelievably kissable.

  How does this man have to pay for a date? How is there not a line-up of women wrapped around the block waiting for their turn to drape their arm around his big round bicep?

  “You must be Brooke’s friend,” he says in a deep voice that leaves a trail of warm shivers as it teases through my body.

  I have to clear my throat before I can talk, and even then, my voice comes out all scratchy and broken. “Yes. I’m Arya Hendrix.”

  “I guess my little sister knows me pretty well,” he whispers under his breath. I’m not sure if he’s talking to me or to himself.

  “So, we’re going to a charity gala?” I ask nervously as his heated eyes bore into me.

  He doesn’t answer. I’m not sure if he hates the dress or maybe he thinks I’m showing too much cleavage?

  “What kind of charity is it?” I ask as my nerves start taking over. It’s incredibly unnerving to be standing in front of this gorgeous man as he stares at me in this dress.


  Apparently, he’s as abrupt in real life as he is in his texts.

  “Oh,” I say, swallowing hard. “Cool.”

  “Should we get going?” the chauffeur asks. I jump, not even realizing he was standing there.

  He holds the car door open for me, but Nolan elbows his way in and grabs it from him. “Go back in the car,” he grunts. “Keep your eyes on the road. Not on my girl.”

  My cheeks start getting very hot as the chauffeur quickly rushes back to the driver’s door. I guess we’re already starting the charade.

  “Thanks, honey,” I say with a bright smile as I climb into the limo.

  Holy. Shit.

  It’s crazy in here. This is the first time I’ve been in a limo and I really hope that it’s not my last.

  I’m busy checking out the bar when Nolan slips in and closes the door. He looked big outside, but he looks even larger crammed inside here.

  “Are these drinks free?” I ask as I pick up a cute little bottle of Vodka.

  “Are you twenty-one?”

  I smile as my heart pounds. “In three months!”

  He sits right beside me to the point where our legs are touching. I get a whiff of his cologne and it sets a fire between my legs. He takes the bottle from my hand, touching my fingers with his, and takes out two glasses.

  “Not too strong for me,” I say as he pours the vodka out between the two. “I’m a lightweight.”

  He adds 7-Up and some ice, and then hands a glass to me.

  I take a sip, but he’s too busy staring at me to take his own.

  “So, how is this going to work?” I ask as the bubbles tickle the inside of my nose.


  “The date. Have we been dating for a while or did we just meet? Also, the money?”

  “The money?” His voice is deep and serious, but he’s got a hint of amusement on his lips as he watches me squirm.

  “Yeah, um… Brooke said that I was going to be paid to be your girlfriend for the night. Oh god, that sounded so wrong!”

  “It sounded pretty right to me,” he rumbles in a low gravelly voice that does something fierce to my lady parts. “How much are we talking here?”

  “A thousand,” I say and then instantly feel awful. That’s way too much money for a night. “But that’s what Brooke offered. I mean, we can talk about it. I’m not set on that much. I mean, if you want to negotiate, we can.”

  He just grins as he watches me rambling incoherently. I take another big sip of my drink to help calm my shaky nerves.

  “I want you to be my girl. I don’t care how much it costs.”

  “Well, a thousand dollars will get you a smiling talkative date for a night!”

  He reaches into his laptop bag that’s on the seat and I quickly check him out. His jacket is open and I can see his hard skin through the openings between the stretched buttons of his shirt. I’m suddenly very aware of my pounding heart when I see what looks to be sculpted abs.

  My eyes roam further south and then my heart really starts hammering when I see the long thick outline of his erection. It’s running across his muscular thigh. Far across his muscular thigh.

  I shut my gaping mouth and swallow the saliva building inside as he sits back up with his checkbook in his hand.

  Is he really going to pay me a thousand dollars?

  He starts scribbling on the check and then hands it to me with a hard stare.

  My mouth falls back open when I see the amount written on it.


  “You accidentally added a zero,” I say, not believing that this can be true.

  “You’ll be my girlfriend for a thousand,” he says as he touches my hand and pushes the check back to me. “I want to see what happens for ten.”

  I open my mouth to answer, but nothing comes out but a gulp.

  Is he expecting sex? Because I’d do that for free…

  Before I can ask him, the limo starts moving and we’re headed to the gala.

  As pretend boyfriend and girlfriend.

  Chapter Three


  I’m watching this enchantress in red, but I can’t stop picturing her in white. The image is stuck in my head on repeat—Arya standing in front of me as she vows to be mine forever. As she takes my last name as her own.

  I’ve never been affected by a girl like this. Never.

  The ice cubes in my glass are rattling as I take a sip because my hands are shaking. Shaking! I’ve sat across from billionaires and negotiated nine figure deals and my hands never shook.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  The air in this limo is thick with tension. A sexual primal heat that I feel choking me as I stare at this angelic beauty that my sister set me up with.

  I want to touch her again. I don’t ever want to stop touching her.

  I reach out to lay my hand on her—just to see if she’s real, just to make sure she’s not a mirage coming to taunt me—when she starts talking and I yank my hand back.

  “You really didn’t have to pay me that much,” she says. I don’t know if it’s her nerves, or if she’s always so full of energy, but she’s speaking so fast. “You can take it back if you want to, or I can keep it. I really don’t have a problem with that. Student loans are a killer, you know.”

  I don’t know why I gave her ten grand. It wasn’t for sex even if it came across that way. I would never pay her for sex. I’m going to make her fall for me. I want her to spread her legs for me because she wants to do it, not because she’s being paid for it.

  I just wanted to see her smile. To see her excited. I wanted to give her everything. I would have written another couple of zeroes on there if I didn’t think it would have scared her off.

  “And New York City is so expensive! But it’s my dream, you know. Got to pay to play, I guess. Acting school is not cheap. Did you go to school?”

  I watch her luscious lips as they touch her glass and I swear my dick lets out a heavy groan. What would it be like to have that mouth wrapped around my aching cock?

  “I did. Harvard.”

  “Wow,” she says with a gasp. She has an ice cube between her straight white teeth and I shiver when she bites down on it. I’m mesmerized by her mouth. The things I want to do to it…

  “So, you must have a ton of student loans,” she says, continuing to ramble on nervously. “Oh, no. You’re rich. I mean, I’m assuming you have a lot of money. Is that rude to say? How much money do you have?”

  I can’t help but grin as I watch her.

  “I’m nervous,” she continues as she starts fanning her face. “I’m hot. Are you hot? Do these windows open?”

  She starts hitting every button she can see, which turns on the speakers, then the strobe lights, then the intercom.

  “Can I help you?” the driver asks over the speaker.

  “No,” I grunt and then turn it off. I know it’s his job, but I don’t like anyone taking up my time with Arya. She’s mine alone tonight.

  “Up here,” I say as I hit the button for the sunroof. Her innocent youthful face lights up when she sees the tall New York skyscrapers through the opening in the roof.

  “I’ve always wanted to do this!” she squeals in delight as she jumps up.

  I’m light-headed as I watch her enthusiasm and lust for life.

  I can feel my obsession with this angel growing with every second I breathe in her scent. It’s already taking over my body. It’s conquering my thoughts. It’s dominating my every breath. It’s consuming me whole.

  The top half of her disappears through the sunroof, but I don’t mind. Her perfect ass is right in my face.

  It takes everything I have not to bury my face in it. I take one slow breath after another, trying to remain steady and trying to calm the beast growing inside of me. The beast that wants to devour this tempting girl alive.

  I hear her hollering and shouting hello to people as my hands grip her bare calves, like I’m holding her for safety in case she falls. God, her skin is so soft and I know it’s just going to get softer the higher I go up.

  I can’t seem to stop myself. This girl is testing every bit of strength and restraint that I have. I can feel my resolve stretching to the breaking point.

  When my hands slide up to her knees, my restraint cracks. My cock is throbbing in my pants. I’m so wet with pre-come. I’ve already made a wet mess that I want her to clean up with that sexy mouth I’ve been admiring.

  I slide my hand up another inch and my breathing stops. Her silky red dress is bunched up on my wrists as she turns around to wave to someone on the other side of the street.

  Her pussy is an inch in front of my face and I inhale deeply so I can smell her. But I can’t. There are too many layers between us. The intense longing and need to rip every shred of her clothing off and bury my face between her legs cuts through me and makes me groan.

  “That was amazing!” she says as she climbs back down with a smile on my face that makes my heart swell two sizes too big for my chest.

  I can’t physically take my hand away from her thigh, so I just keep touching her soft milky skin as she sits back down beside me. She has a flush to her cheeks that wasn’t there before.

  Her dress is hiked up her legs and she doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t even seem to notice that I have a possessive palm on the inside of her thigh.

  My jaw is clenched tight. My balls are achingly full of come and desperately need some release. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the night in public with this girl.

  I didn’t want to go to the party in the first place, but now, I really don’t want to go. I want to head straight to my place,
get this girl naked, and maul her ripe body.

  “We should practice getting comfortable as boyfriend and girlfriend,” she says as she rests her hand on my wrist. She doesn’t try to move it or anything, so I just leave my hand there where it feels so right. “Should we be holding hands all night?”

  “I would never stop touching you if you were my girl,” I say.

  She glances down at my hand on her leg and swallows hard. “I can see that,” she whispers. “Your girl would be a lucky one.”

  She finishes the last sip of her drink as I study her gorgeous face. Her light brown hair falls in curls around her jaw and the sight is better than any painting I’ve ever seen or any photograph I’ve come across. She was made for the big screen. She was made for me.

  “You want to be an actress?” I ask her.

  She nods with a shy smile. “I know, it’s silly, right? Everyone says that it’s unrealistic, but I just—”

  “It’s not unrealistic,” I interrupt. “And it’s definitely not silly. I just met you and I could spend the next hours, days, or weeks staring at your breathtaking face. You’re the most interesting and beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. You can do whatever you want.”

  I just wish I could do whatever I want to her. Hopefully, by the end of the night, I’ll be able to.

  She turns and stares at me with new eyes. I can see the desire in them, just like she can see it in mine. Our eyes are locked for a long heated moment. My hand feels like it’s touching fire against her skin.

  “So,” she says with a frog in her throat, “to pretend… We should probably be holding hands.”

  I nod as the heated tension between us thickens.

  My skin gets all tight and tingling with every long second that passes with us like this.

  “And maybe…,” she shyly adds, “kiss?”

  She licks her lips and the sight of her wet pink tongue gliding over those plump juicy lips makes something inside of me snap. Her big tits are heaving up and down behind that dress as her sparkling blue eyes drop down to my mouth.


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