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Positive/Negativity Page 16

by D. D. Lorenzo

  T Seven Devils – Florence & The Machine

  TT Queen of Pain – Devil Doll

  “Okay. That’s a wrap. Thanks for doing a great job everyone!” Jonatan said as the photo session had come to an end. I approached him as he was removing his camera from his neck.

  “Thanks for making the session go so smoothly,” I said as I slapped him on the back.

  “It was all you, Dec. When Marisol started in with the smart comments, I thought all hell would break loose, but you and Aimee kept it together. She was baiting you both, and you didn’t let her get to you. I don’t know if I could have done the same,” he said.

  “We’re used to her, and we both just wanted to do our job. She has a different agenda, you know?” I shrugged my shoulders as I asked him.

  Aimee approached us.

  “I’m going to go change, guys. Thanks for the session,” she said, giving us both a kiss on the cheek.

  “She’s a sweetheart,” Jonatan said.

  “You won’t get an argument from me.” I shook my head. “I wish there were more like her.”

  Changed and ready to go, I ducked into a room for privacy to phone Aria.

  “Hey, baby. Aimee and I just finished up. How’s everything coming with the renovations?” I asked.

  “Couldn’t be better!” She said excitedly. “We’re running ahead of schedule. I’m so excited to see the changes taking place, Declan. It looks wonderful. It’s been a long four months, but I’d say that, with another month or so, it’ll be all finished.”

  “Sounds good, babe. I’m going to get together with Aimee and plan some time to put out the word about the studio and to start scouting. You know, make a plan; then I’ll be on my way back to you. I feel like I’ve been away from you forever, and I can’t wait to hold you,” I said; then added softly, “I miss you, Aria.”

  “I miss you too, bear…and I can’t wait to be held,” she said with a sultry promise in her voice.

  “See you soon, baby,” I said; then I hung up the phone.

  I grabbed my bag and called Aimee on her cell to tell her I wanted to meet her for coffee to go over the plan. As I was walking to meet her, Marisol intercepted me. T

  “Leaving so soon, Declan?” she asked, wearing a sinister smile.

  “Yes, Marisol. I have plans,” I brusquely answered.

  She blocked my way.

  “Want to have dinner with me?”

  “No, thanks. As I said, I have plans.”

  I didn’t want to engage her any longer, and I was attempting to make that clear.

  “What have I done that has offended you so?” she asked, acting wounded. “You never pay attention to me anymore. We never go out for dinner or to parties, and you don’t even stay around to talk to me after the photo sessions. I’m beginning to think that you don’t like me.”

  “I’m beginning to think that you just don’t get it!” I spat out at her in a curt tone. “I don’t believe that I’ve ever led you on. We were never more than friends, if that.”

  “Friends with benefits,” she said in a tantalizing tone.

  “That’s bullshit, Marisol! I’ve never touched you!”

  “You wanted to!” she shouted at me.

  “I never said that!”

  She was moving me to violence.

  “You never had to. I saw the look in your eye at the party that night.” She moved closer and looked up at me, attempting to lure me with a seductive tone, “You wanted to sleep with me.”

  “If I had slept with you, then it would have been because I had drank way too much, and you were ‘a hole for my pole’. Nothing more; nothing less,” I insensitively said to her.

  “I would have made it more! I could have made it more,” she desperately pleaded to me, trying to grab ahold of my sleeve as I was attempting to walk away from her.

  “You’re right,” I acknowledged. “You could have and would have made it more—in your own twisted mind.”

  “Twisted?” She cackled. “You’re the one who’s twisted. You have a twisted perception of what a beautiful woman is. I’ve seen that gordita.”

  I refused to hear her malign Aria.

  “Don’t let me hear one more word about Aria come out of your obnoxious mouth. You’re a sick and malicious bitch, and I’ve spent enough of my time on you!”

  With that, I walked away from her. I could hear her stomping her feet. She threw something that whizzed by my ear, but I refused to let her think that it affected me, so I kept on walking to find Aimee.

  As I reached outside, I saw her waiting.

  “What took you so long?” she asked.

  “Marisol had a meltdown, and I had to walk right through it. She seems to think that she and I were either going to be a couple, or were a couple.”

  A worried look crossed Aimee’s face.

  “Dec, I’m not sure you should blow her off so easily. I think her mentality is crossing some lines, like borderline psychotic. Maybe it isn’t all temper.”

  “I’m not concerned about her, Aimee. I barely see her except for jobs.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Decs. Before, I thought she was just a little pissed at you, but now I’m beginning to wonder if she has a psycho loose screw somewhere in that snobbish head of hers. The way she obsesses when she sees you isn’t normal. You and Aria have been together for a while, so she should have been over it by now.”

  I tried to ease Aimee’s mind.

  “Don’t be so intense,” I said, taking her hand in mine. “I’m okay, and so is Aria. Stop worrying so much,” I tried to reassure her. “Let’s talk business,” I said, changing the subject.

  “Okay,” she said, but she still looked worried.

  “Hey, babe, I’m on my way now.” “Yep.” “Aimee and I finalized our plans.” “Six weeks from now.” “Yes.” “I was thinking we could multi-task.” “I have a shoot scheduled then with Aimee.” “When we’re finished, we can spend the weekend at the lake.” “I’ll meet you there.” “Aimee can drive there with me, and you drive your car.” “We can just drive one car back to the beach, and Aimee can drive the other; then she and I can work out our plan at the new building when we get to the beach. Sound good to you?” “Yes, those are the dates. Would you call Carter and Lacey and see if those dates are good for them?” “Thanks, beautiful.” “Love you.” “See you soon.”

  What the hell is wrong with him? Marisol thought as she watched him leave the coffee shop. TT

  She learned of the business that Declan and Aimee were going to have, but why didn’t he ask her? She was a much prettier model than Aimee, Marisol thought. She was in much higher demand and much skinnier. Declan didn’t like doing much with her anymore, and the more he excluded her, the more she wanted to be included. She didn’t like him doing anything without her. The more she didn’t know about what he was doing, the more she wanted to know. She was even beginning to think that the private investigator wasn’t getting enough information. Maybe she needed to hire two private investigators, or three, or maybe she needed to start her own surveillance. She thought that by now Declan would have tired of his little dalliance with the beach girl. What was it about her that he found attractive? She just didn’t understand. She wasn’t pretty, she wasn’t skinny, and she didn’t even wear the most fashionable clothes or accessories. All of the things that Declan loved, this girl didn’t have. So what was it? She surely couldn’t be good in bed; she had too much fat to jiggle all around. The thought disgusted her. She didn’t think she’d ever understand why men like girls with all those curves on them. They just weren’t appealing.

  So Declan and Aimee were going to scout new modeling talent. The thought made her laugh. Declan couldn’t even pick someone for himself, and he thought he could pick beauty for the world to see? Crazy! Aimee was just a piss ant in the world of beauty. Women like her were everywhere. She was a filler model, and she’d never reach the standards that Marisol set for beauty. How could she ever think she could assist Declan and help his
company succeed?

  The one part of their conversation that Marisol listened to intently was about how Declan should take Marisol seriously. Aimee was right to fear her. Of course she was afraid. Maybe she and the beach girl were friends. Maybe Aimee would tell the beach girl to be afraid. Yes, that would be good. The beach girl should be afraid!! She was standing in Marisol’s way, and Marisol didn’t like her; in fact, she hated her. She wouldn’t say just how much she hated her because she wasn’t sure how long the beach girl would be around. That thought brought an evil smile to her face.

  As she brought her cup of espresso to her lips, she was forming a plan. The speculation of incorporating herself into Declan’s private life and business life was forming itself with each sip she took. With the plan taking form in her mind, Marisol decided that both Aimee and the beach girl were becoming nothing more than a nuisance to be discarded. It would make her life easier if they were gone…and wasn’t it about what Marisol wanted?

  Yes, it was going to be a very good plan, she wickedly thought.

  Mr. Richards had been a Private Investigator for a long time, but his experience hadn’t included a client such as Marisol Franzi. She was as demanding as they come. He had been employed by her for months, reporting on everything involving Declan Sinclair. Now she wanted him to report on everything he could find regarding Aria Cole and both Carter and Lacey Sinclair. In his line of business, people were usually trying to prove that someone had done something wrong, but for months now, Mr. Sinclair had done nothing more than spend time with Ms. Cole and work. They both spent time with the other Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, but he found that Declan and Carter were brothers. Nothing unusual there. Mr. Sinclair was opening a business at a small, East Coast resort town. Still, nothing sinister. He didn’t get it. Ms. Franzi always acted as if Mr. Sinclair was doing something against her. As far as he could tell, they never encountered each other except for employment purposes. In actuality, he found Ms. Franzi’s behavior to be suspicious. In his former line of work, he would have begun a case file on her. Hell! He didn’t want his thoughts to go down that road. He left the stress of that job behind and took these little investigating jobs for the diversion, but this woman didn’t always behave rationally. If Ms. Franzi didn’t pay so well, he would have dropped her as a client—well, at least he had a weekend off coming up. She said that Sinclair and the girl would be away, so there would be no need to watch them. Marisol said she would watch Sinclair herself; that they would be working together. That was fine with him, but it gave him a good laugh. She didn’t know what she was doing most of the time, her behavior was all over the place. However, he hadn’t had a weekend off in quite a while. If Ms. Franzi and Mr. Sinclair would be working together, he wouldn’t have much to report anyway.

  “Everything looks good on this end, Declan,” I said while rolling my eyes. At least he couldn’t see my sarcasm through the phone.

  “Are you certain, Aria?” We’re so close to finishing.”

  The man was a worrier. We were ahead of schedule, and renovations were complete. There were only a few minor touches left, and then Declan would be ready for business in a few weeks rather than months.

  “Yes, bear. Please stop worrying.”

  “I’m not worrying. I just can’t see what’s going on from here, and I want to be on top of things,” he said angrily. He was exasperating.

  “You’re a control freak,” I told him. “Everything’s fine. I’ll meet you and Aimee tonight, and we’ll have a nice, relaxing dinner and a good weekend. Maybe then you’ll just chill out.”

  “Call me before you leave, baby. It’s a long drive by yourself.” Declan’s tone changed from forceful to concerned.

  “I promise I will,” I reassured. I could hear his care for me in his voice, and it warmed my heart. “Talk to you soon.”

  The last of the men were leaving for the weekend, and the window subcontractor was walking to the door with me when my cell phone rang again.

  “Yes, Declan?” I answered. It wasn’t Declan and the male voice was very formal. “Oh, no, I’m sorry he isn’t. What? Oh my dear God…”

  …and for the next few hours, God helped Aria as she made the drive through the mountains and to the lake…

  T Make you Feel My Love – Adele

  “Lacey’s dead…”

  I heard Carter repeating those words over and over in my head. He continued to speak through his tears but I didn’t retain many of the details. My mind struggled to recall his words as I drove to their home. I didn’t hesitate to go there immediately after the Trooper called as I was already packed to meet Declan there. Once they put Carter on the phone, everything blurred.

  My only reply was, “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  My car was parked outside Declan’s building when I received the call. I tried to phone him, but it kept going to voicemail, and this wasn’t a message to leave in someone’s voicemail. His battery was dead, or he wasn’t getting a signal. At least we were both on our way to Carter, and that was the goal no matter how we got there. Maybe it was better that both Carter and I were unable to reach Declan. He’d learn the tragic news soon enough when he reached the lake.

  I was almost at my destination, and I couldn’t remember having driven that far. Shock must have had that effect on me. I remember doing the same thing when my dad passed away. It was happening now and I just kept repeating Carter’s words over and over in my mind. I knew that I’d learn the details, but somehow, I was hoping this was a terrible mistake.

  As I pulled into the driveway, I saw Carter and Lacey’s cars, two State Trooper cars, and Declan’s car. He must have heard me approaching the house because, as I turned off the ignition, he walked out the front door and ran toward me.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asked, searching my face.

  I could only nod as my eyes began to mist over.

  “Please tell me that this has been a horrible mistake?”

  His eyes filled with tears of their own as he spoke with a broken voice, “I only wish I could…” and his voice trailed off.

  “Declan, I’m so sorry,” I said as I held him close, and he placed his face into my hair.

  “I was concerned about you driving here by yourself when Carter told me that he’d spoken with you. I was afraid to call you because I didn’t want you to try and answer your cell if you saw that it was me calling,” he said as he looked me over from head to toe as if inspecting me for damage.

  “I’m fine, but I want to go in and see Carter.”

  “Yeah,” he agreed, draping his arm around me as we solemnly walked to the house.

  There was not a speck of joy in this house as we entered. No air of lightness, not even a slight smile. Even Cody didn’t seem her exuberant self as if she knew that something was amiss. She lay curled in a circle by the feet of Carter, and she didn’t get up when I entered the room; she just raised her eyes to me.

  I quietly walked over to Carter and knelt down in front of him, putting my hands on his knees. Looking up into his handsome face, he appeared to have aged twenty years.

  “Hi,” I said very softly.

  “Hi,” he replied; then he reached his hand out to place it on my shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me too,” I said as I squeezed his knee.

  I heard a noise in the kitchen, which made me turn around to inspect its origin. I saw Aimee standing there; then I looked up to address Carter.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay,” he replied.

  Walking over into the kitchen, Aimee put her arms out and we hugged.

  “Hey girl,” she said.

  “Hey,” I said back. It seemed no one was much for words.

  “Hungry? I was trying to make some sandwiches for everyone.”

  “More tired than hungry,” I said. “Has Carter said much?”

  “He’s listened mostly. The State Troopers brought him back after identifying the body. They arrived at the same time we did,”
Aimee said.

  “Yeah, that was who called me and then they put him on the phone.”

  My heart was breaking for Carter. He was so forlorn; his tear-streaked face appeared haggard. Declan didn’t look much better. I returned my attention to Aimee.

  “Thank you for driving here with Declan, Aimee,” I said as I held her hand. “I don’t know if I could have driven here with peace of mind if I had to worry about him driving alone. The drive was difficult enough for me…he and Lacey were very close.”

  “I’m here for you guys,” she reassured. “I’m staying in case you all need anything. Go and be with them,” she said, consoling me.

  I nodded to her and moved into the living room to be with Declan and Carter. As I sat next to Declan, he slipped his arm around my waist.

  “How are you doing, Carter?” I softly asked.

  He raised his red-rimmed eyes to me.

  “I’m never going to do well again, Aria. I can’t imagine a life without Lacey. I don’t want to live a life without her.” Just then, more tears dropped from his eyes.

  Cody moved over to him and placed her head on his knee. He then absent-mindedly placed his hand on her head.

  “The person that hit her never stopped. They just left her and kept going…” he said with a broken voice. “She knew everyone was coming tonight, and she said she was going for a bike ride since it was such a beautiful day. I never got a phone call. One of my friends on the force came to the house to take me to her. Another motorist saw her when they were driving up the mountain road. By the time help got to her, she was gone…” He began to sob uncontrollably and his giant body collapsed into the chair.

  Declan and I had tears of our own. We both loved Lacey, but seeing Carter like this was affecting us even more. How would he ever survive the devastation and loss of such a love?

  “She was always careful when she rode.” He shook his head disbelieving. “She never went out without her helmet. What possible match is a one hundred and twenty-two pound woman against a car!” he said as he threw his hands up in exasperation and choked out the sobs. “How am I ever going to get along without her?” he asked as he turned to look at us. “How? Tell me, please?” he pleaded. “I’ve known Lacey forever. She was my first love. She and I know everything about each other—everything,” he ranted.


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