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Kade: Armed and Dangerous

Page 16

by Cheyenne McCray

  A raindrop landed on Kelsey’s ankle and soft splatters hit the canopy above. When she started talking again, her voice was flat. “After the accident he was always around. A few months after I lost my family Davis stopped by my apartment and found me crying. He fixed me a glass of wine and said it would relax me. Next thing I knew it was morning, and we were in bed, naked.”

  Kade made a sound like a low growl. Rain pattered harder, but Kelsey continued, knowing she needed to tell him everything. “I couldn’t remember a thing. I freaked out, but Davis said I drank the entire bottle of wine on my own, then pleaded with him to stay.” Memories twisted in her gut like a serrated blade. “He insisted that I begged him for sex and told him I didn’t want to be a virgin any longer. He said we should get married because he loved me, and in case I was pregnant.

  “I thought I was in love with him. I trusted him.” She curled her fist. “I was so stupid. I really thought he loved me.”

  Kade caught her chin in his hand and made her look at him. “Stop beating yourself up over the guy. You were young and innocent, and the bastard took advantage of you.”

  She reached up and kissed him. “You’re so good to me.”

  “You’re so good for me.” He brushed his lips over hers and she shuddered, every nerve in her body raw with desire. “Think anyone would notice...”

  “Out here?” She gave him a horrified look.

  “I’m just teasing you.” He kissed her again. “Though I find the idea appetizing.”

  Rain began pouring down and a barrage of lightning split the sky. Thunder rumbled, an unearthly sound that made her heart pound.

  “We’d better get inside.” Kade scooted her off his lap. “We’re sitting on a metal swing, and that’s not a smart thing in a thunderstorm.”

  He grabbed her hand and they raced in the rain to the house. They reached the porch just as brilliant lightning flashed again, the crash of thunder immediately following. They were still laughing, still holding hands, when they walked into the house.

  When she saw Trent, Chuck, and Sadie, she tried to pull away, but Kade wouldn’t let go.

  “How come you’re holding Kelsey’s hand, Dad?” Trent’s face twisted as if in thought. “Is she your girlfriend?”

  Kelsey blushed, but Kade nodded, his face solemn. “Yes, she’s my girlfriend.”

  Trent bounced up and down. “Cool. Can I have a little brother or sister?”

  Chuck and Sadie burst out laughing, and Kelsey wanted to hide.

  Kade smiled and looked at her. “One step at a time, Trent. One step at a time.”

  Chapter 20

  “Damn straight I’m upset about what those illegals did.” John Stevens scowled around his toothpick in response to Kelsey’s question.

  They were sitting in the office of the former sheriff’s sprawling ranch home. After asking the rancher’s permission, Kelsey had gotten out her cell phone that was, as usual, set on record. She checked her list of questions as they talked.

  “Exactly what happened?” Kelsey kept her expression professional, but her pulse beat a little faster at the heat in Stevens’s words.

  He narrowed his hazel eyes, his scowl deepening. “A group of ‘em passed through the east pasture. Instead of climbing through the barbwire fence, they cut it with wire cutters. Hundreds of my cattle got out.” Stevens clenched his fists and his face reddened. “My herd got into some bad feed and it killed ‘em all. We’re talking thousands of dollars gone to hell.”

  Before Kelsey could reply, a phone rang. Stevens withdrew a cell phone from the breast pocket of his plaid shirt and checked the display.

  “ ‘Scuse me, ma’am.” He shifted in his seat and glanced toward the doorway. “I’ve got to take this call.”

  “I’ll wait in the hall until you’re done.” Kelsey stood and wandered out of the ranch office as she heard Stevens answer the phone, speaking fluent Spanish.

  As she waited for him, she studied framed photographs and newspaper articles on the man’s walls. Apparently the rancher was active in local politics. He and Mayor Montano shook hands in one shot. In other clippings, Stevens had posed with men and women who were local politicians and businessmen, according to the various captions.

  A few minutes later, Stevens came out to the hall to let her know he was done with his phone conversation, but he’d have to cut their interview short. Kelsey followed him into the office, sat down, and hurried through the remainder of her questions. In some ways she was glad for the earlier interruption. The rancher seemed more relaxed, even jovial, after the phone call, as if he’d received good news.

  When she finished the interview, Kelsey gathered her cell phone and laptop, and thanked the rancher. The phone rang again as she was leaving, and she told Stevens she’d see herself out.

  As she drove the SUV along the dirt road leading from the ranch, she passed a vanload of people heading toward Sweetwater. The van was traveling so fast that a cloud of dust rose around it, and the driver almost swerved into Kelsey’s vehicle. She bit her lip as she gripped the steering wheel.

  The man driving the van barely spared Kelsey a glance, even though he’d almost run her off the road. She clenched her teeth. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have a license.

  In the Turners’ study, Kelsey sat before her laptop computer. She typed in John Stevens’s responses to her questions as she transcribed the recorded conversation.

  When she came to the part where she’d left the room and the rancher began to speak in Spanish, she started to fast-forward. She hadn’t even thought about the fact she’d left the phone on record when he took the call. She paused when she recognized one word.

  Not a word—a name. Gordo. The same name Dee Carter-Reynolds had mentioned.

  Was Stevens speaking to or about someone named Gordo? Or was he talking about something else altogether?

  Kelsey’s cell phone rang, indicating a call was coming in and interrupting Kelsey’s train of thought. When she glanced at the display, she saw that it was her editor and put the phone to her ear. “Hey, Theresa.”

  “How’s my favorite reporter and shopping bud?” Theresa’s pleasant voice flowed over Kelsey, making her homesick for her friend.

  “Wonderful.” Kelsey smiled and sighed. “Couldn’t be better.”

  “Mmmm-hmm. You sound awfully satisfied. Does that mean you’ve found yourself a decent man?”

  Warmth crept up Kelsey’s neck, and she tried to keep her voice from betraying her. “What in the world makes you say that?”

  Theresa snickered. “You can’t fool me.”

  No use trying to keep anything from Theresa—talk about an investigative reporter. She’d been one of the best. The woman definitely could scent anything out of the ordinary.

  Kelsey settled in the office chair and eyed the door of the den. “His name is Kade and he’s the most incredible man I’ve ever met.”

  “Way to go.” Kelsey could picture Theresa’s devilish grin. “So, how’s he in bed?”

  A wave of embarrassment swept over Kelsey. “Theresa.”

  “I want details. Come on, give it up.”

  “Well.” Kelsey glanced at the door again and lowered her voice. “The man is amazing.”

  Theresa’s throaty laugh was so loud that Kelsey had to pull the phone away from her ear. “ ‘Bout time you found a real man. You deserve better than that loser you were married to.”

  Kelsey picked at a loose thread on the hem of her blouse. “I’ll only be here a short time more.”

  “You’re having fun, aren’t you?”

  Smiling, Kelsey said, “He makes me feel beautiful.”

  “You are beautiful,” Theresa said. “I’ve been telling you that for ages. You should never have listened to a damn word the jerk ever said.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Even though Theresa couldn’t see her, Kelsey brushed off the comment with a wave of her hand. “How’s Calinda? Keeping you company since I’m not there?”

  A phone rang in the bac
kground as Theresa spoke. “We’re having lunch tomorrow.”

  “Tell her hello for me.” Kelsey spun around in the chair. “Did you call just to chat?”

  “Of course.” The sound of crinkling paper came over the line, probably Theresa shifting one of the many piles on her desk. “Well, that and I thought I’d check to see how your feature is coming along.”

  Kelsey stuck out her tongue as she would have if Theresa were there. “Knew it—you had an ulterior motive.”

  “That and to see if you’d found a man,” Theresa said with a laugh.

  “Ha.” Kelsey rattled off a summary of what she’d learned so far.

  “You rock, girl.” Theresa’s voice sounded more than pleased. “I’ve got one more question.”

  Kelsey raised her eyebrows. “What’s that, dare I ask?”

  “Even though you hopped in the sack with that hunk named Kade,” Theresa said with obvious mock-seriousness in her voice, “you’re still coming home on the eighteenth.”

  Kelsey rolled her eyes. “What do you think I’m going to do? Park myself here permanently just because I met a man who’s incredible in bed?”

  “I think that’s as good a reason as any,” Theresa said.

  Letting out an exaggerated sigh, Kelsey said, “You’re incorrigible.” Theresa gave a wicked laugh. “Before you return home, just come up for air every now and then, okay?”

  After Kelsey said goodbye, she punched off the phone, set it aside, and wandered into the kitchen. She was still smiling when she saw Kade’s mother. “Need help with anything, Sadie?”

  “If you’d like, you can help me with dinner, but I won’t be starting it for at least an hour.” Sadie grabbed her gardening gloves off the counter. “I’m going to gather a few squash, tomatoes, and onions out of the garden.”

  Trent tore into the room and almost smacked into Kelsey. “Hey, Kelsey. Wanna come outside and play with me in my hideout?” Kelsey looked from Trent to Sadie. “Sure, if your grandmother doesn’t need me in the garden.”

  “You two go ahead.” Sadie picked up a wicker basket from the table. “It’ll give my ears some rest.”

  Trent took Kelsey by the hand and dragged her through the orchard to where his hideout was hidden in the windbreak. His hand felt small and warm in hers.

  Through the trees, Kelsey could see the dirt landing strip where Kade kept his plane, and she shivered. Beyond that, stubby mesquite bushes seemed to go on endlessly to the foot of the mountains. One thing she’d noticed about this part of Arizona was how she could see for miles and miles in the valley. No trees or hills blocked the view, other than those planted around the ranch house.

  When they reached the playhouse, she scooted in after Trent and sat cross-legged on the floor.

  “Wanna play chess or checkers?” Trent snatched a game board from a pile beside the toy box. “Dad and Grandpa taught me how to play both of those games and I’m really good.”

  Kelsey laughed. “You’d probably destroy me at chess, so how about checkers?”

  Trent set up the board in record time, and proved to be a great checkers player. She was amazed at the mature strategy he used to beat her.

  When it became too dark to play anymore, they packed up the game and went back to the house. As soon as they walked through the door Kelsey saw Kade, his hair wet from his shower. Her pulse picked up and butterflies filled her belly.

  “Dad.” Trent ran up to Kade and hugged him. “I beat Kelsey three times at checkers and she only won two times and then it got too dark and we had to come back into the house.”

  Kade ruffled his son’s hair. “You’ll have to challenge her to chess next.”

  “I did but she said I’d destroy her, so we played checkers.” Trent whirled and headed for the kitchen. “I’m so hungry I could eat ten peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I’m gonna ask Grandma what’s for dinner.”

  When Trent raced around the corner, Kade grasped Kelsey’s waist and kissed her long and hard. “I’ve been wanting to do that all day long.”

  “I’ve missed you.” She settled her head against his chest, her hands resting on his shoulders, allowing herself to feel wanted in his embrace. “How was your day?”

  “Great, now that I’m home, and you’re in my arms.”

  Chapter 21

  When the house was quiet, and after Kade was sure Trent was asleep, he went to Kelsey again. Rain fell from the eaves outside her bedroom window in soft patters.

  She was waiting in one of his western shirts, the snaps undone to where he could see the curve of her breasts. After he locked the door, he turned to her and she slid her arms around his waist.

  “About time.” She tilted her head up to smile at him. “I’ve been dying to get my hands on you.”

  He kissed her hard, letting her feel all the passion built up inside him. When he pulled away, his breathing was already ragged.

  “I almost said to hell with waiting.”

  Kelsey led him to the bed. “Yesterday I promised to kiss you all over, but we were a little, ah, rushed last night,” she said, remembering how they could hardly wait to tear off each other’s clothes once everyone went to bed. This time she wanted it slow, wanted to pleasure him in the ways that he had pleasured her.

  Kade helped her pull his T-shirt over his head and his lips quirked into a grin. “You were quite the little wild thing. Not sure I can wait, though.”

  She ran her fingers through the hair on his chest and smiled at the teasing note in his voice. “Well, you’re just going to sit back because it’s my turn,” she said as she ran her fingernails lightly over his flat nipples.

  Kelsey skated her fingers down his hard abs to the waistband of his jeans. She unbuttoned them, her knuckles brushing his cock with every movement. His erection seemed to grow harder and longer, and she smiled when she saw Kade grit his teeth and clench his hands at his sides.

  She took her sweet time as she pushed the jeans to the floor and then he stepped out of them. Before she pulled down his boxers, she ran her hand over the length of his erection, tracing the outline with her fingertips, teasing and taunting him.

  “I can’t get over how big you are,” she murmured.

  Flames roared in Kade’s gut at her every touch, her every word. The approval in her eyes was obvious as she gazed at his naked body and especially his cock, which jutted toward her.

  She pulled his boxers slowly down to his feet. “I plan to kiss you everywhere.”

  “Everywhere, huh?” He kicked off the boxers, then sat on the bed. He settled on his back, his hands behind his head. “I’m all yours, darlin’.”

  Kelsey traced an outline on the skin around his cock. “That’s what I want.” A rumble rose in his chest when Kelsey eased onto the bed and straddled him.

  “I want all of you,” she said in a voice that sounded like a purr.

  His shirt looked so damn good on her, and he could see the dark circles of her nipples through the opening.

  He groaned, wanting to roll her onto her back and thrust into her hard and fast. To hell with it. He wanted to take her now. “You’re gonna torture me, aren’t you, woman?”

  “Yeah.” She trailed her fingers through the hair on his chest to his waist and back, but avoided his cock. “I love your body.”

  Another rumble rose within his chest and he ached to stroke her. He slid his hands under the shirt and felt nothing but the satin skin of her hips. Blood gathered in his groin and he gritted his teeth.

  Honey-gold hair fell across his face as she brushed her mouth against his. She ran the tip of her tongue over his lips, then slipped into his mouth. She tasted of mint from her toothpaste. He clenched her hips in his hands as he drank her honeysuckle scent.

  Her lips met his nose in a kiss as light and fleeting as a butterfly. Slowly she moved her lips to each eyelid, softly kissing each one. When she trailed her tongue to his ear, she murmured, “I love how you sound like a rumbling mountain lion when we’re together.”

He reached under the shirt and captured her breasts, then traced her nipples with his thumbs. With a small gasp she arched her back, pressing her hips closer to his. She pulled at the snaps of the shirt until it was completely undone, and then let it slide from her shoulders.

  Rain continued to pound on the rooftop in time with the beating of his heart. In the low lighting of the Victorian lamp, Kade could clearly see every curve, the way Kelsey’s breasts rose firm and high and the way her nipples jutted toward him. She was silk and satin, heat and fire, and he wanted her in ways he’d never imagined wanting any woman.

  Kelsey lowered her head and scooted farther down his body. She flicked her tongue over his Adam’s apple, then kissed the hollow at the base of his throat. With slow strokes of her tongue, she worked her way over his collarbone and down to his pecs.

  She bit softly at one of his nipples before trailing her way across his muscular chest to his other nipple. Lower and lower she moved, licking, biting, and kissing until she reached the curling hair between his thighs.

  His breath hissed out. “You’re about to make me lose my mind, woman.”

  “Good.” She looked up at him, a wicked glint in her eyes. “That’s what you do to me.”

  The corner of his mouth curved into a sensual smile. “Witch.” She gave a soft laugh. “I want to taste you again, like you’ve tasted me.” He groaned as she licked his cock like an ice cream cone, swirling her tongue over the head. Then she slid him into her mouth, raking him softly with her teeth. He grabbed her head between his palms and clenched his hands in her silken hair.

  Her head bobbed up and down as she slid her mouth along his erection and Kade guided her. He raised his hips to meet her, enjoying the sight of his cock thrusting in and out of her hot mouth.

  When Kade couldn’t take any more without climaxing, he grabbed a foil package from the top of the nightstand. “I’ve got to be inside you, honey.”

  Kelsey smiled and took the condom from him. She eased it onto his cock, her tongue leading the way, like fire licking at his soul. After the protection covered him, she moved up to straddle his hips. She grasped his cock with one hand and placed it at the entrance to her core. She slid down on him, taking him deep, as deep as it could reach, until it hit her G-spot.


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