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Kade: Armed and Dangerous

Page 20

by Cheyenne McCray

  Trent pushed a bright yellow truck over to his dad. “You run the dump truck and I’ll fill it with dirt that I dig up with the backhoe.” Memories of his own childhood came back in waves as he spent time with his son. When he was a kid, he would dig in the dirt, build forts in the mesquite bushes, or ride his bike. His biological father had never taken the time to play with him, and by the time Kade was Trent’s age, his dad was long gone.

  The day Kade had learned Lorraine was pregnant, he vowed he would be there for his child. As often as possible, he would attend Trent’s Little League games, school recitals, 4-H competitions, and birthdays. He would take him to the county fair, play catch, and play in the dirt. He’d hoped to have more children—brothers and sisters for Trent—but he’d never found a woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

  Until Kelsey.

  “Say, Taz. What do you think of Kelsey?” Kade asked as he guided the truck to the mountain of dirt and dumped its load.

  “She’s cool and lots of fun.” Trent used the little backhoe to dig more earth and lifted it into the back of the dump truck when Kade pushed it into place. “When you’re not here, sometimes she plays games with me and I show her all kinds of stuff.” He looked up at Kade and squinted. “Can we keep her?”

  Kade chuckled. “That’s a great idea. But I think that’ll be up to Kelsey.”

  Trent jumped up and brushed his dirty hands on his even dirtier jeans. “Let’s ask her.”

  “Now hold on.” Kade grabbed the boy’s arms. “Don’t say anything to Kelsey, okay?”

  “Why not?” Trent frowned. “I want her to stay here, with us.”

  Kade paused, trying to think of a way to explain it to his son. “She lives where Aunt Dara does, which is far away.”

  Trent scrunched his eyebrows as he thought about that. “In San-frisco?”

  “Yes, San Francisco. That’s Kelsey’s home,” Kade said, “and she may want to go back there when she’s finished with her job here.”

  Trent screwed up his face in thought. “We could ask her to stay with us.”

  “What if she misses where she lives?” Kade pushed the dump truck toward a mound Trent had piled up. “She might not like living here, so far from her home.”

  “Oh.” Trent eased off his dad’s lap and stood. “What should we do?”

  “Leave that up to me.” Kade patted Trent’s shoulder. “Kelsey’s supposed to be here another week, so for now, promise that you won’t say anything about keeping her, yet. Okay?”

  His son had a dejected look. “If she leaves I’m gonna really, really, really miss her.”

  Kade stood and hugged his son. “Yeah. Same here.”

  With the aid of Marnie Perez as interpreter, Kelsey spent the afternoon interviewing two illegal migrant farm workers. The men explained how poor their families in Mexico were and how the money they earned in the United States helped to keep their relatives from starvation.

  Kelsey learned from their point of view how badly the smugglers treated them, yet the men were willing to accept it as a means to sneak into the United States and better their families’ lives.

  When she finished the interview, Kelsey thanked the men and Marnie and headed back to the ranch in the waning light. The sun was setting low behind the mountains, crimson and tangerine streaking across the western sky. Her customary energy had vanished and she felt so tired that all she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep. Hugging Kade.

  While she drove, gentle warmth filled her as she recalled waking up in Kade’s arms that morning. She couldn’t get enough of the man.

  That was going to make it all the harder when it was time to go back to San Francisco.

  Kelsey sighed and tried not to think about leaving him, but it was impossible. Less than a week now. Just days until her flight was scheduled to depart from Tucson. Originally, she’d considered changing her flight to stay and interview for a position with the Tucson magazine. But now she wasn’t sure she could be that close to Kade and not be with him.

  One day at a time. She would cherish whatever time she had with him and then get on with her life, no matter how lonely that life would be without him. It took some effort, but she reminded herself again that she wasn’t ready for a permanent relationship. Her heart and soul had been so badly bruised by her ex-husband and her hard-hearted father that she couldn’t help think that Kade was too good to be true.

  It was dark when she drove up to the ranch. Her pulse picked up when she saw Kade’s truck parked in the driveway. A feeling twisted through her belly, as if she were home. And that these people were family. The thought surprised her. No place had truly felt like home since her family was taken from her.

  Thinking that way was only going to make things harder when she left.

  Roxie bounded up and greeted Kelsey when she climbed out of the SUV, and she scratched the dog behind her ears. Roxie proceeded to slobber all over Kelsey’s shoes and jeans as she returned the greeting. There was just enough light from the porch that she could make her way to the house.

  Kelsey caught her breath as a shadowy figure stepped out from behind the vehicle. When she realized it was Kade, her muscles went limp with relief.

  “Kade,” she murmured, hand to her pounding heart.

  “I missed you,” he said as he drew her close. His arms felt so good around her, she never wanted to leave his embrace.

  “You scared me,” she said against his chest, her heart still pounding. She poked him in the ribs with one finger. “Don’t do that.”

  Chuckling against her hair, he said, “I came outside so that I’d be able to kiss you without an audience.”

  “I’m glad you did.” Kelsey reached up and brushed her lips over Kade’s. “Just don’t sneak up on me again. Got that, cowboy?”

  “Uh-huh.” He grinned against her mouth. “What do you say to a little walk in the dark?”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, and what do you have in mind, mister?”

  With a roguish grin, Kade took her hand. “I want to take advantage of you.”

  A low thrill skipped within her belly as he led her into the dark windbreak and past Trent’s playhouse.

  Excitement flowed in her veins at just the thought of what Kade had in mind. Before she realized it, they were approaching his plane. She tried to stop, fear overwhelming her and replacing her arousal. “I can’t.” She shook her head. “Not in there.”

  Kade gently pulled her toward the plane. “We’re not going to fly anywhere, honey. I just want someplace where I can have you all to myself.”

  Taking a deep breath, Kelsey forced herself to go forward, telling herself it was all right since they were going to remain on the ground. Just the warmth of Kade’s big hand covering hers helped to calm the fear churning in her belly.

  When they got to the plane, Kelsey’s heart was pounding like mad, but she let Kade help her into the back and she settled herself on the edge of the seat as if she might bolt at any moment. It was a little four-seater, not a six like—

  No. Don’t think about it. Kelsey.

  When Kade climbed in he shut the door behind him. He sat in one of the back seats and pulled Kelsey onto his lap. For a long time he held her, just kissing her hair and hugging her close. She smelled that peculiar odor that small planes had along with dust, as well as night air and Kade’s comforting scent.

  Gradually the fear eased and Kelsey relaxed. Instead she focused on Kade. He felt solid and real next to her and he smelled so good, like testosterone and his own elemental scent. The fact that they were in a small plane didn’t seem to matter any longer as she focused on the man who held her so tightly to his chest. She felt safe and secure and she knew that he would never let anything happen to her.


  Kade felt Kelsey’s body relax, and he squeezed her tighter to him.

  She turned her face to his and lightly kissed his mouth. “I’m all right now,” she murmured as her lips brushed his cheek. “And I want you. Right her
e in the plane. I want you.”

  He trailed his thumb across her lower lip and smiled. “Let’s get you out of those jeans.”

  After she kicked off her shoes, Kelsey sat on the floor and Kade helped her shimmy out of her jeans and panties. She tugged off her blouse and tossed her bra aside. In the dim light from the half-moon he could see her voluptuous shape and he couldn’t wait to get inside her.

  Kade unzipped his jeans, releasing his erection. He was still sitting on his seat and Kelsey rose up, sliding between his thighs and grasping his cock in her small hand. She lowered her head and gave a little sigh as she slipped her lips over the head of his cock. She clenched one hand in his jeans and used the other to stroke his erection while she applied light suction with her mouth.

  A groan rose up from Kade as he slid his hands into her silky hair. “You go down on me so good.”

  Kelsey merely replied with, “Mmmmm.”

  Kade groaned again and clenched his hands tighter in her hair. “Your mouth feels so hot and wet on my cock. And what you do with that tongue of yours... damn.”

  He was so close to coming that he almost lost control. He held her head still as he pulled a condom out of his pocket. In the dim light pouring into the plane, he could see her satisfied smile.

  He sheathed his cock and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her up and over his erection. She sank down on him, his cock sliding into her.


  “You feel incredible.” Kelsey couldn’t believe how she just couldn’t get enough of this man. She braced her hands on his shoulders as he gripped her hips and moved her up and down. “I love it when you’re wearing all your clothes—your jeans and cowboy hat—and I’m naked and you’re—you’re...”

  “Fucking you?” Kade said with a teasing sound to his voice.

  Heat rose to her cheeks and she nodded. “Yeah.”

  “What about making love to you?” he murmured, and more heat flushed over her.

  She didn’t know how to respond, so she just rode him harder.

  Her breasts bounced and Kade licked her nipples and gripped her ass, guiding her along even faster.

  Everything around Kelsey blurred until she felt as though she were flying—that the airplane was gliding and she was riding it out in a storm. But she wasn’t afraid, she was safe with Kade.

  Higher and higher she soared until she came with a shuddering cry that echoed in the small plane. Kade continued to raise her up and down on his cock and she held on to his shoulders for support, too boneless to guide her own moments.

  Several more thrusts and Kade groaned and climaxed, his cock throbbing in her channel. He held her still for a few moments, riding out his orgasm until he was spent.

  With a soul-deep sigh Kelsey relaxed, her naked breasts pressed against his chest, his cock still deep within her. “Ready for another round?” she murmured, and Kade laughed.

  “Anytime, sweetheart.” He kissed the top of her head. “Anyplace.”

  Chapter 27

  The next day, after her interview with Alex Grand, Kelsey drove back to the JL Star. She felt exhausted, although Alex certainly wasn’t the reason she was feeling so poorly. The rancher was sexy in a hard and dangerous kind of way. No doubt it would take a hell of a woman to tame that man.

  Chickens scattered in front of the SUV as Kelsey pulled up to the ranch, and thoughts of Kade washed over her. How did she manage to fall so completely for his charm? To fall so completely...

  No. She wasn’t even going there. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind as she noticed Chuck’s truck was gone and that Kade wasn’t home yet.

  Late-afternoon shadows stretched across the driveway, and when Kelsey checked the dashboard clock, she saw it was after three. Kade could be home soon, or might come in as late as seven at night, depending on how his day went. She parked, grabbed her belongings, and headed for the front door.

  Roxie gave Kelsey her usual greeting, slobbering all over Kelsey’s pants. She’d come to love the rottweiler as much as every person in the family.

  The house was locked, and she opened the door with the key the Turners had loaned her. A note on the fridge said that Sadie, Chuck, and Trent were at the Perez home for a surprise birthday party for Jamie and would be gone through dinner, and that Kelsey was invited.

  After tossing her purse and laptop onto her bed, Kelsey changed into shorts and a T-shirt, and wandered into the kitchen, barefoot. The house was eerily quiet, save for the tick of the kitchen clock. She missed Trent’s chatter, Chuck’s dry wit, and Sadie’s musical laughter.

  And Kade. His presence that filled the room. His touch. His teasing grin.

  Kelsey couldn’t hold back a smile, thinking about the time they’d spent together last night in his plane. She now had at least one positive thing to think about when it came to small planes.

  A sound like a car door slamming came from outside, interrupting her thoughts.

  Kade. Kelsey hurried to the bathroom, ran a brush through her hair, and touched up her lipstick. She smelled Kade’s apple shampoo from the shower, the scent reminding her of him, the feel of his hair under her fingers. She ached to touch him.

  The front door opened and shut, the sound reverberating through the house. She couldn’t help smile as she walked back to the living room.

  He was kicking off his boots and when he saw her he gave her a weary smile. “Damn but it’s good to see you when I get home.”

  Kelsey’s heart skipped a beat. “I’ll bet. You just want some good hard sex.”

  Kade’s lips quirked into a grin. “I’d have to say that’s an added bonus.”

  She laughed and went to him, but he held her off with an upraised hand. “Gotta take my shower, sweetheart. Been one of those days.”

  Kelsey gave him a teasing smile. “How about I lather you up real good, cowboy?”

  Kade raised an eyebrow. “I could live with that.”

  After he threw his clothes into the washing machine and he grabbed a condom, they slipped into the bathroom. Kelsey stripped out of her clothes while Kade climbed in under the spray. She followed him and took the bar of soap he was holding.

  She began lathering his whole body, starting with his muscled chest and shoulders and working her way on down. The soap had a clean outdoorsy scent that she identified with Kade. Water streamed over her as she soaped his thighs and ignored his erection.

  “Turn around,” she ordered him after she soaped him all the way down to his feet. He looked a little disappointed that she’d ignored his package, but he faced the spray so that his back was to her.

  Still on her knees, Kelsey was now staring at his tight butt cheeks. She sighed. Yeah, an ass you could just bite.

  A bit of mischievousness rose up inside her and she leaned forward so that her lips were against his wet skin. And then she bit.

  “Hey.” Kade turned his upper torso and pulled lightly on her hair so that she was looking up at him. He had an eyebrow cocked and a spark in his eyes. “Who said you could bite my ass?”

  She grinned. “I did. Now turn around and let me finish the job.”

  “Ass-biting wench,” Kade grumbled in a teasing tone.

  “Now brace your hands on the wall while I take care of you, mister.”

  He obliged and she proceeded to soap the back of his body, up his legs to that fine ass that she was tempted to bite again. She continued on up to the broad expanse of his back and his shoulders. Soap and water streamed down his back and shoulders and water pelted her face and hair.

  “Face me,” she demanded, doing her best to sound forceful.

  Kade turned with his hands up and a stern look, as if he were being arrested.

  Kelsey laughed and started soaping the fine curls around his cock and he lowered his hands, closed his eyes, and tipped his head back in the spray. She sighed at the sight of her wonderful man, his power, his masculine beauty.

  Her man.

  Kelsey shook away the thought and washed his cock, then let th
e water rinse away the soap. She set the bar aside in the soap dish. “I want you to stroke yourself now. I want to see how you pleasure yourself.”

  “You mean jack off?” he said, opening his eyes and raising his eyebrows.

  She narrowed her gaze. “Do it, cowboy.”

  An amused expression crossed his face and he gripped his cock in his big hand. Kelsey watched in fascination as he worked his erection from his balls to the head, his thumb rubbing over the tiny hole at the top before sliding back down his length. He studied her while he did it, and she wondered where her sudden confidence had come from, the way she was ordering him to do things she’d fantasized about.

  She felt so comfortable with him now, like she knew him better than anyone she’d ever known.

  Could he feel the same way?

  She lowered her head to lick the top of his cock. Kade released his erection and moved his hands into her wet hair as she slid her mouth over him, taking him deep.

  She loved the way he felt in her mouth, the way he felt in her hand as she licked and sucked his cock. She loved the way he gripped his hands in her hair and guided her up and down.

  Just as she thought he was about to come, he commanded her, “Stop.” When she looked up at him, he said, “It’s my turn now.”

  Kelsey let his wet cock slide out of her mouth. “Oh?”

  “Yeah.” He took her by her shoulders and raised her, then grabbed the condom he’d left open on the edge of the tub and rolled it over his cock.

  “Put your arms around my neck,” he said as he brought her flush against him. Her folds ached and excitement skittered throughout her when Kade gripped her ass and said, “Hold on.”

  She squealed in surprise as he lifted her up and drove his cock inside her. Kelsey clenched her legs around his hips and hung on tight as he raised her up and down, thrusting in and out of her. Water from the shower poured over her head and face, and it was so like her fantasy that it made her all the more excited.

  The power in his arms, his muscles flexing, and the concentration in his expression undid her. She came so fast it made her head spin.


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