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The Structure of Evolutionary Theory

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by Stephen Jay Gould

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  Illustration Credits



  p. ii

  From Filippo Buonanni, Ricreatione dell'occhio e della nell'osservation delle Chiocciole (Rome, 1681).


  © Elio Ciol/CORBIS.


  © John & Dallas Heaton/CORBIS.


  From Scilla, 1670.


  From Scilla, 1670.

  Part I

  From Filippo Buonanni, Ricreatione dell'occhio e della nell'osservation delle Chiocciole (Rome, 1681).


  From Scilla, 1670.


  From Lamarck, 1809.


  From Lamarck, 1815.


  From Lamarck, 1809.


  From Spencer, 1893b.


  From Darwin, 1859.


  From Stauffer, 1975. Reprinted with permission of Can Press.


  Drawing by Laszlo Meszoly.

  4.02r />
  Drawing by Laszlo Meszoly.


  Drawing by Laszlo Meszoly.


  Drawing by Laszlo Meszoly.


  Drawing by Laszlo Meszoly.


  Drawing by Laszlo Meszoly.


  From P. H. Gosse, Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot. (London: John Van Voorst, 1857).


  From author's collection.


  From Goethe, 1790.


  From author's collection.


  From Geoffroy Saint-Hailaire, 1830.


  From author's collection.


  From Owen, 1849.


  From Owen, 1849.


  From Owen, 1849.


  From author's collection.


  From Gould, 1977a.


  From Gould, 1977a.


  From Hilgendorf, 1866.


  From the collection of Invertebrate Paleontology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univeversity.

  [Page 1389]




  From Gould, 1993e.


  From Gould, 1993e.


  From Gould, 1993e.


  From De Vries, 1909a, Plate III.


  From De Vries, 1909a, p. 655, fig. 149.


  From De Vries, 1909a, Plate I.



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