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Tempted By Fate

Page 20

by Cynthia Eden

  Ramiel was still on the ground. His savaged wings and his feathers were all around him. “I knew…she was the key…just had to push you hard enough.” He pointed at Leo. “I see you now. So does she. Everyone will see…”

  “See you die?” Leo pushed Mora behind him. “Right. Because that’s about to happen, it’s—”

  “Lord of the Dark. I see you.” Ramiel’s smile split his face. “My visions weren’t wrong…” Pain roughened each word as he shoved to his feet. “She was wrong…everyone else…wrong…You weren’t meant to r-rule…angels…”

  Leo looked down at his hands. Stained with blood. Tipped with claws. He felt the darkness inside of him, a hungry beast that wanted to destroy.

  And behind him, he heard Mora’s soft voice as she said, “Everyone assumed Luke was meant to lead the dark ones…”


  “But it was you, Leo,” she told him, her voice so husky and weak. “All along…it was supposed to be you.”

  He shook his head but…

  Ramiel was staring straight at him. “You know.”

  Leo took one step toward the Fallen. Another. “You think I didn’t feel my own darkness?” He’d carried it all his life. But he’d kept it chained up, locked away deep inside. “Someone is supposed to rule the light. There has to be balance!”

  “I killed those humans…I did it all…because you are wrong,” Ramiel cried. “I saw…in my visions…” His body shuddered. “What you will do…the vamps bowing to you…the werewolves circling you…You, not your brother! You fooled the others, but you didn’t…fool me.” He lifted his hands to the sky. “Now, they will all see…everyone will see you…for what you are…”

  “They’ll see you for what you are, too,” Leo promised him savagely. “A bastard who got tainted by his own evil. An angel who killed—”

  “Some had to die, for the righteous to reign.” Ramiel stumbled, but managed to stay upright, barely. “You would have turned on the humans eventually. You have to be…stopped. The others will see…you’ll be destroyed…”

  “No, you will be.” And he was done with the bastard’s lies. With his tricks. In an instant, he was right in front of the angel. Leo pressed his hand to Ramiel’s chest. Fire began to spread from Leo’s fingertips.

  “I’ll die for my cause,” Ramiel whispered. “The world has to see you…for what—”

  “Stop!” Mora grabbed Leo, her hand tight on his arm. “You kill him…and Dax will stay in the fire.” She gave a hard shake of her head. “That can’t be Dax’s end! I won’t let it be!”

  Leo let her pull him back. Because…it was her. Mora. The center of his fucking world. He would let her do anything…

  She left me for a few moments. She was dead. And the world was dark. And I went mad. He knew it. The darkness in him had taken over, finally…when Mora was gone. When he knew she was gone.

  And he thought of other times in his life…when the darkness he kept chained so tightly had broken free…when his control had slipped…when he’d put others in danger…

  Were those all times that Ramiel had targeted Mora? Was he the one pushing me to the edge?

  Mora was his weakness, Leo knew that.

  She was also his greatest strength. So he let the fire hovering over his fingertips die away.

  “Thank you,” Mora murmured.

  “I would give you the world.” She needed to understand that. But I will be killing this bastard. So get your information from him, fast.

  Mora squared her shoulders and faced the Fallen. “You’ve made my life hell.”

  “I’m only getting started…” Ramiel swore as blood trickled from his lips. Deep lines of strain and pain bracketed his mouth. His bloody feathers floated in the breeze. Without those feathers, he’d be battered by every emotion in the world.

  Pain. I hope you like it, bastard.

  “You used Dax,” Mora accused. “You made him attack me.”

  Ramiel inclined his head. “Turned out…his father was one of my hellhounds. On a mission to stalk you…the guy took a side trip. Got Dax’s mother pregnant. And just like that…for the first time in centuries, I had a…hellhound walking the earth.”

  “No, you had a human,” Mora shot back. With each word, her voice seemed stronger. “Dax didn’t become a hellhound until he died, and I know you engineered that, too, didn’t you? The way you like to…whisper words to people.”

  Ramiel leaned forward. “Heard that part, did you? And here…I thought you were…dead to the—”

  Her hand slapped against his chest and immediately, Mora started shuddering. Leo grabbed her, wanting to wrench her back because he knew she’d just gotten caught in a vision.

  “No, have to…see…” Mora argued, fighting against Leo’s hold. “Does Dax…come back?”

  “Only if I call him,” Ramiel snarled back. “Have I? Did…I?” Then he was laughing. “The others are coming…called them…already planned…so much. This time, they’ll drag you back…too.”


  Leo pulled Mora way from Ramiel. He stared into the eyes of the man he’d trusted.

  Ramiel’s chin was up. His shoulders back. And his wings were on the ground. “Can’t kill her…but they…they can hold her there…It will work…the final push for you…when she’s gone, your darkness will reign. You can’t be controlled then.”

  Leo put his hand on Ramiel’s shoulder. “This is for Merius. For Trina.”

  “With Mora gone, you’ll destroy—everyone. Everything. I’ve seen it. Your brother will have no choice but to…stop you.”

  Leo ignored Ramiel’s words. “It’s for the humans you killed.”

  “Luke will win…even Mora knows that. And he will run the Light. The true one to rule—th-the angels will win then, the angels will—”

  “You’re not on the side of the angels. You’re just on the side of death.” His hold tightened on Ramiel. The fire raged and burned inside of Leo. “Mostly…this end is for Mora. For what you did to her.”

  And the flames leapt out. They took Ramiel, burning him, destroying him in an instant until the only thing that remained was the dying echo of his scream.

  Ash littered the ground.

  Leo stood there, staring at the ash as it darkened the feathers that had fallen. He’d killed an angel.

  “There is no going back from this.” Mora’s quiet voice had him stiffening. “You know that, Leo.”

  He knew. He turned. Caught her hand. Threaded his fingers with hers. “How long did you know?”

  She was staring at the ground. “Know…that you weren’t the one who was supposed to rule the angels? That you weren’t the real Lord of the Light?”

  He couldn’t fucking wrap his mind fully around her words. He’d suspected that truth for a long time, had felt the darkness in himself, but… “The angels bowed to me. The shifters and the vamps—they followed Luke’s commands.”

  “That’s because you both have good and you both have darkness inside. For a time, the scales changed. They changed just enough for you to rule the light.”

  He caught her chin in his blood-stained hand and tipped up her head, making her stare into his eyes. “Then I lost you.”

  She wet her lips. “No, then you met me. Just meeting me…it changed you. I could see what was coming. But then when I left your life, the darkness took a deeper hold on you.”

  “I…tried to fight.”

  Mora nodded. What could have been sadness flashed on her face. “I know you did.” She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him. “And I tried to stay away, because I knew I would be the one who pushed you over the edge.”

  His arm curled around her waist. “You’re the one who keeps me sane.” It was more than that. “You’re the one who makes me feel whole.”

  Her body was so warm and soft against him. And her voice was sad as she told him, “The hellhounds are going to come for me. Ramiel…I don’t think he was lying. I couldn’t see the beasts taking me when I touched him beca
use I couldn’t see past his own death. But he was a powerful angel, and if he has been controlling the beasts for centuries, then he could have figured out a way for them to take me. He probably would just need a few powerful components for his spell…”

  Leo stiffened. “What’s more powerful than my blood?”

  Her head lifted. “I…I don’t understand.”

  But Leo did. The bastard had used Leo’s own blood in his final spell. “They won’t take you.” No matter what he had to do. No matter what deal he had to make. “I swear, Mora, I will fight for you.”

  “And I’ll fight for you.” Her lips curved but the shadows never left her eyes. “It’s what I’ve been doing for centuries.”

  Chapter Twenty

  The island was nestled among the Florida Keys. A small slice of paradise, surrounded by crystal blue water. The waves crashed against the beach, and the scent of salt air filled Mora’s nostrils as Leo lowered them toward the sand.

  He’d flown her to the island—to Luke’s private island. They’d moved so fast that she knew no human eyes had seen them. Even if the humans had caught a glimpse of Leo’s wings, he would have been so far away from them, the mortals would have just dismissed him. Made up some excuse about him being a trick of the light.

  Humans didn’t want to see the supernatural world around them…so, they didn’t.

  And speaking of things people didn’t want to see… Mora winced. “Your brother isn’t going to be happy that you just dropped in on him.”

  Leo grunted. “Too damn bad. Luke can deal with me.” He laced his fingers with hers and began heading up the beach.

  They hadn’t gone too far, though, when they heard the growl. Growls.

  A big, black panther appeared in their path, its eyes glowing and fixed with deadly intent, and right behind him, coming up fast on the giant cat’s six, was a snarling wolf.

  “Relax.” Leo squeezed her fingers. “These are Luke’s shifters.”

  She knew that—she knew so much more than he realized. Sorry, Leo, I have more secrets.

  “They’re his inner circle, if you will. The cat is Julian Craig, and the pissed-off looking wolf is Rayce Lovel.”

  The wolf bared his fangs a bit more.

  “If you want me to kick your asses,” Leo announced clearly, “I will. But I am not leaving this island until I see my brother.” He paused. “Didn’t realize Luke was the type to hide behind his animals.”

  The panther leapt forward, claws coming to swipe, and Mora flinched because she remembered all too well what it felt like when her body was slashed open by—

  “Stop.” A deep, rumbling voice. A voice very much like Leo’s. Only…it wasn’t. The voice belonged to Luke.

  Luke Thorne. The man who’d been thought of as the Lord of the Dark for centuries.

  The panther ignored Luke’s command and hurtled right at Leo, but Leo just grabbed the beast and tossed him into the air. The panther let out a low, echoing roar, and he bounded back to his feet, immediately racing for Leo once more.

  Before the panther could strike, Luke stepped into his path. He put his body right in front of Leo’s. “Look, Julian, I get that you have a grudge against the guy.” Now Luke was annoyed. “But I said stop.”

  Leo laughed. The sound held no humor. “Sorry, brother, but that trick won’t work any longer. You don’t control him. You don’t control any of the dark ones.”

  Luke peered back at him. “Bull.”

  Mora cleared her throat. “We…really need to talk.”

  Luke’s gaze locked on her, and the guy looked extremely less than pleased. “You and I have already talked. Don’t see how there is much more to say.”

  Leo moved protectively in front of her. “First, watch the damn tone with Mora. And second, we have plenty to say.”

  The panther immediately growled.

  “Shut the hell up,” Leo ordered him. “I don’t have time for your shit, Julian. Mora is in danger, and she is the only thing that matters to me now.”

  The panther stopped growling.


  Mora peeked over Leo’s broad shoulder. Luke’s gaze had landed on the panther and his expression…oh, boy. “Figuring it out, huh?” Mora raised her voice so that she would seem more confident and not nearly as terrified as she felt. “Things have changed, and that’s why we have to talk.”

  The panther transformed. The snapping of his bones made her wince and then the wolf started shifting, too—she looked away because she knew they’d both be totally naked when the change was finished.

  The transformation was always brutal as the beast vanished and the man emerged. But then, shifters lived a very brutal life. A life in which they battled the savagery within every single day.

  “Why can Leo control a panther?” Luke’s voice held a definite edge.

  She cleared her throat. “Probably for the same reason that you can heal an angel. Nothing in this world is constant. Everything changes. Sometimes, those changes come about slowly. Sometimes, they happen fast—ah!” Her words ended in a startled gasp because suddenly, Luke was just right there, at her side. He grabbed her wrist and yanked her toward him.

  “You did this,” Luke accused as a muscle jerked angrily in his jaw. “You played with our fucking lives!”

  A low snarl vibrated in the air, a sound so distinct with fury and intent that Mora’s mouth went dry. Her gaze slanted back toward Leo—a Leo who had glowing eyes and rage etched on his face as he glared at his twin.

  “Get your hand off her.” Leo’s voice was guttural.

  Luke raised his brows. “You don’t see it, do you? I thought you’d manipulated her years ago, but the truth is—she’s the one who has been playing the games. She’s been playing with our lives—”

  Leo shoved his hand against Luke’s chest and hurtled his brother in the air—a good ten feet.

  The wolf and the panther were men now, and at Leo’s attack, they both sprang toward him.

  But Leo merely waved his hand at them. Clothes instantly covered their bodies…and they stilled. “I have no war with you,” Leo told them flatly. Then he pointed at Luke. “And despite what you may believe, I want no battle with you, either.”

  Luke rose to his feet.

  “Mora hasn’t played either of us,” Leo said, his voice loud and carrying in every direction.

  Mora looked down at the ground, hoping she appeared suitably innocent. She needed Luke’s help.

  “You think I like this?” Leo snapped when Luke was silent. “You think I like knowing that my whole world has changed? A fucking angel was behind this mess—Ramiel did this. He’s been working for years to break me. He said he had a vision that I wasn’t the rightful ruler of the angels. He wanted to break my control, and he did it by going after the one person who mattered the most to me…Mora.”

  Luke laughed. “I’m supposed to buy that you love her? That you actually lowered your guard enough to let a weakness for another person slip in?”

  Mora bit her lip, nervous now. Total lie. I’ve been nervous all along.

  Leo strode toward his brother.

  The two shifters were silently watching this scene unfold, but Mora noticed that both men had their hands fisted at their sides. They’re waiting for a chance to attack.

  “Didn’t you?” Leo questioned when he was in front of Luke. “Didn’t you lower your guard and let someone in close? Didn’t you fall for your Mina? Wouldn’t you do anything for her?”

  “Yes…” Luke gritted out the one word.

  “And if something happened to her…if someone hurt her…what would you do?”

  Lightning flashed overhead. “Kill.” Luke’s immediate answer. “Destroy.”

  Leo nodded. “Ramiel went after Mora over and over again. He’s killed her over the centuries. I could feel it. I knew she was hurting, but I couldn’t find her. It drove me to the brink of sanity.” He exhaled raggedly. “I killed Ramiel. He’s gone, but the bastard had one last taunt for me. Before he died
, Ramiel said that his hellhounds were coming back, and that he’d figured out a way for them to take Mora into the flames with them.”

  Surprise flashed on Luke’s face. “Impossible. That’s bull—”

  “I wish it was bullshit, but it’s the truth.” Leo raked a hand through his hair. “And if I lose her…if I lose her and I have control of the dark ones…” He laughed, but the sound held a touch of madness. “What do you think will happen then?”

  Destruction. War.

  Luke would have to battle him. Luke would have to stop Leo.

  Then…the end.

  The wolf shifter—now a tall, handsome man with blond hair and gleaming, green eyes—shook his head. “I’m sorry, but could we all back up a bit. Did you just say hellhound? What the fuck is a hellhound?”

  Mora nervously tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “It’s a powerful, very, very old shifter. They stay in the fires—”

  “The fires of hell?” The panther cut in. He was in the form of a man, too. Broad-shouldered, square-jawed, with his dark hair falling over his high forehead.

  “Yes.” Mora straightened her spine. “They were sent there long ago because the hounds…they were the first shifters to walk the earth. They could become any beast. But their hunger for bloodlust grew too strong. So they were punished—sent to the fire. Only those beasts were so powerful that even the fires of hell couldn’t kill them. Instead, the flames became just a prison. And the hellhounds stay in the fire, waiting to be summoned back here.”

  The panther—Julian Craig—widened his eyes. “How do you know that?”

  Oh, well…“Let’s just say that maybe I was around when all the madness first started.” And she’d learned other details over the years.

  The wolf—Rayce Lovel—took a step forward. “Are you really Fate?”

  “I am.” And I know your fate, Rayce. I know all about you and the angel you love. Just as I know about Julian and the vampire he craves.

  Most people had no clue—they didn’t understand how hard it was to keep up with all of the lives out there. To see the futures that could be…and to work to make sure that chaos didn’t reign.

  “I can’t die,” Mora continued doggedly. “At least, I can’t permanently die.” Her hand rose to touch her neck. “Though Ramiel has certainly tried his best to eliminate me. But since he realized I just keep rising, it seems he has come up with another way to get rid of me.”


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