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Mail Order Bride - Westward Bound: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 3)

Page 17

by Linda Bridey

  One crack in Marcus’ heart began to knit together as he smiled at Dean. “Yeah. I can forgive you.”

  Dean thumped his shoulder. “Thanks, little brother.” Dean rose and said, “Now I expect to see you first thing tomorrow. We’ve got a last hay crop to bring in and I need your help. And put some clothes on, for God’s sake.”

  As Dean walked towards the trail, Marcus’ warm laughter followed him.


  Claire lay in bed watching the shadows on the wall from the oak tree outside. The wind was blowing, and it seemed as if another storm was on the way. She was just getting drowsy when she heard something outside. It sounded like a bird. The sound came again and Claire bolted up in bed. She had to be sure. The third time she heard it she got out of bed and ran to her window.

  Marcus stood beneath the window gazing up. He must have seen her because he waved and then gestured for her to come to him. She didn’t bother putting anything else on besides her nightgown. She was in too much of a hurry to get to Marcus. Carefully she went down the stairs, trying not to make any noise.

  When her feet touched the parlor floor, she ran to the door, opened it quietly, and shut it behind her. When she turned around, Marcus was right behind her. Claire jumped at the sight of him, and he put a hand over her mouth to stifle any noise that might come from it. He smiled at her and let his hand drop. He looked down at her feet and silently asked why she didn’t have any shoes on.

  Claire thought it was an odd thing to be worried about and shrugged. He rolled his eyes and made walking motions with his fingers. Claire just shrugged again. Marcus frowned at her and then shrugged, too. He picked her up and carried her down the steps to where Rosie and Arrow stood. He put her up on Rosie and then mounted Arrow.

  He motioned for her to follow him.

  She whispered to him, “Yes, Marcus. I know to follow you. I’m not going to sit here on this horse in the drive all night.”

  Marcus leaned over and muffled his laughter in Arrow’s mane. He started the horse out and Claire had trouble stifling her own laugh. When they were a safe distance from the ranch, Marcus dropped back to ride beside her.

  “Hi, Claire,” he said.

  “Hi, dummy,” she said.

  He laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone using ‘dummy’ as a term of endearment before.”

  “So what do you want, Marcus?” she said.

  “You. I want you. I want ‘us’ back. Claire, I love you so much. I’ve never cheated on you and I never will. You’re the only woman I want to be with. You’re my wife and the mother of my baby and hopefully more to come. Can you forgive me?” he asked.

  Claire looked at him as the wind caught his hair and the moonlight glinted off his eyes. “Can you forgive me for not trusting you enough?”

  “I already have.”

  “Me, too.”

  Marcus’ brows drew together. “You’ve already forgiven yourself?”

  “No! You! I’ve forgiven you,” she said.

  He laughed. “I knew what you meant.”

  “It’s good to hear your laugh again. Your laugh. I didn’t like the other Marcus. He’s scary,” Claire said.

  Marcus nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t like him much either. It sure didn’t feel good being him. I’m sorry he scared you. I don’t ever want him to come back again.”

  “Me, neither. Although, I wouldn’t mind if you wore his clothes. He looked very delicious in them. Especially standing there in the rain like that,” she said.

  No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Marcus hauled her off Rosie and sat her in front of him on Arrow. His mouth covered hers and his hands were everywhere. She enthusiastically reciprocated his actions. Arrow wasn’t sure what was going on and shifted on his feet. Marcus barely stopped kissing Claire as he slid off the horse and pulled her with him.

  He picked her up again so her bare feet wouldn’t get hurt by the stones in the road. Marcus ran off the road into the field on the other side. Claire giggled as he laid her down on the grass and started undressing. Her laughter grew as the buttons of his shirt fought him.

  “I hate clothes!” he shouted, and ripped it open.

  “If you keep doing that we’re going to have to get you more shirts or more buttons. I’m not sure which,” she said.

  “Okay. I don’t care. More shirts, buttons, whatever,” he said as he was finally free of the hated garments. He lay down beside her, drew her hand to his hair, and said, “Pull.”

  And she did.


  At the end of October, Dean walked Sadie down the aisle of the church. Tucker Foster watched his young bride get closer. He was a good-looking young man with dark hair and blue eyes. Tucker fidgeted as Sadie got closer, but his eyes never left her. As he escorted Sadie, Dean remembered the day he’d found out Sarah was pregnant. They had been overjoyed at the news that they were going to have a baby.

  Images of Sadie growing assailed Dean. Her birth and the first time he’d held her rose in his mind. He’d been happy and terrified all at once. Then the next thing he’d known she’d been a toddler and always on the move. He remembered first teaching her to ride a horse and later on, to drive a buggy. She’d become a competent cook and knew all about childcare. She was skilled at domestic pursuits and had absorbed a lot of educational knowledge from Tessa and Marcus. Dean was incredibly proud of her.

  He looked over at her now and saw Sarah in her and knew that Sadie’s mother was with them that day. When they reached the altar, Dean gave Tucker that look that all fathers seem to instinctively know how to give that says, “If you hurt my daughter in any way, shape, or form, I’ll kill you.” Then he handed his little girl over to the young man. He kissed Sadie’s cheek and went to sit down with Tessa.

  His wife took his hand and squeezed hard. He looked at her and saw that she had tears in her eyes, too. Dean kissed her and bent to kiss little Catherine’s head as she rested in her mother’s arms. Then he turned and looked at Seth, who held D.J. He motioned for Seth to hand his son to him. Seth shook his head. Dean shot him an insistent look, but Seth still refused.

  A hand came from behind Seth and smacked him in the head.

  “Give the man his son,” Marcus said.

  Seth looked around his wife at his brother, who just smiled at him and motioned with his head to do as he’d instructed.

  Maddie whispered, “Will you two behave? Give the baby to Dean.”

  Seth frowned but handed his nephew over. Dean smiled and turned back around. Seth gave Marcus a Lakota hand signal that was not very nice. Marcus sent back one of his own and Seth smiled. Marcus grinned, but somehow refrained from laughing as Pastor John began the service. Marcus felt Claire’s hand on his arm and turned to her. He’d expected to see a look of reproach on her face, but instead saw that she was laughing silently.

  He envied her ability to laugh like that. She made no sound but shook so hard that the pew bench creaked a little, and that made it even harder for Marcus not to laugh. He wanted to tell her to stop it but knew if he opened his mouth, his laughter would erupt and Dean would disown him again for disrupting his daughter’s wedding ceremony. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to hold it back.

  Maureen heard the creaking and looked back to see what was causing it. She saw Claire laughing. Claire stopped instantly when her mother gave her a stern look. Then Maureen looked at Marcus the same way and he winked at her. She gave him a tiny smile and then she turned back around.

  Everyone’s attention became focused on the altar. As the young couple said their vows, Dean and Tessa remembered their own wedding and how scared they’d been. Dean hadn’t known he was in love with Tessa at the time, but looking back, he realized that he must have been or he would never have married her.

  Tessa had been smarter than him and she’d told him on more than one occasion that she could tell that he loved her by the way he said her name or smiled at her. Dean had learned from personal experience that saying it
and showing it was the best way to get the message across. That way there could be no mistake. He’d also been taught that listening and reserving judgment was a good course of action. When he’d had his talk with Tucker, he’d used his newfound knowledge and had heard the young man out. Therefore, he had been able to have a good conversation with him. Tucker’s devotion to Sadie and their unborn baby had impressed him, and Dean was glad he hadn’t gotten angry.

  Tessa had learned that following your dreams, even if it meant stepping into the unknown, could reap incredible rewards and that not giving in to doubt could lead to a lifetime of happiness. She looked in turn at all five of her children, whom she cherished, and wondered where the years had gone.

  As someone who’d been so impatient to start her future, Tessa had learned that patience was best in some instances. She’d had the patience to wait to hear those magic words from her husband and to see him through a difficult time, even when she didn’t approve of his choices. She’d waited and watched him figure out what she’d already known he needed to do.

  Though Seth appeared to be a big, tough cowboy most of the time, Dean was right that he was a softie when it came to women or kids. When he’d been hurt, Seth had been taught that letting his softer side show wasn’t a sign of weakness. During his recovery in Pittsburgh, he’d learned what true courage was when he’d told Maddie that he loved her and asked for her hand in marriage even though he’d been scared to death. Her refusal had hurt him more deeply than he’d thought anything ever could.

  Maddie had learned that sometimes you had to rise above your fears and go after what you wanted if you wanted to be happy. There were times when it paid to throw caution to the wind and chase your dreams. She’d followed Seth halfway across the country to get her man and beg his forgiveness. Seth had learned another lesson in courage when he’d granted it. They were even happier now than they’d been the day they’d married. Seth looked down at Maddie’s growing stomach and into her smiling eyes. Then he reached in back of her and patted Marcus’s shoulder.

  Marcus leaned back and met Seth’s eyes. Seth sent him the Lakota sign for “thanks”. Marcus shrugged since he didn’t know what Seth meant. Seth signed “baby” and Marcus signed “you’re welcome.” Then they turned back to the service again.

  A smile played around Marcus’ mouth as he thought about how he still didn’t know Claire’s middle name. The day they’d said their I-do’s and he’d uttered the phrase from his “touching and funny” proposal was the day he’d realized that somehow he’d fallen in love with her. He’d recently learned that being stubborn and not doing everything in one’s power to resolve conflict could rob one of all happiness and turn them bitter. He’d had to learn his own lesson in forgiveness.

  As Marcus took her hand, Claire looked at her husband and responded to the wink he gave her with one of her own. Before she’d come to Dawson the second time, she’d been too serious; now she had learned how to laugh and have fun. She’d also learned that communication and trust were the most important elements of any relationship and without them there was no chance of joy or hope. Aiyana began to babble and Claire smiled at their daughter. She wasn’t sure yet, but she thought those baby-making things had worked for her and Marcus and hoped they’d have another little one the following year.

  Sadie had watched all of this carefully over the past six and a half years and learned all of these lessons from the adults in her life. As she looked into Tucker’s eyes and said her vows, she knew that she would use those lessons to help make her and Tucker’s life together one filled with happiness and love. They would help get them through the hard times and keep them moving forward until the good times returned.

  Jack had learned that if you knew how to cook for yourself, you could eat any time you wanted and that you didn’t have to wait for someone else to do it for you. Since he’d learned to cook, he’d also learned that if you were good at it, other people always wanted you to cook for them. Since his mother or Uncle Marcus wasn’t always available anymore, he was the one his Uncle Seth asked, “Are you cookin’?” when he was still hungry in the morning.


  Sadie’s reception was beautiful and touching. Geoffrey and Seth did not dance together because they knew the Fosters wouldn’t have understood the meaning behind it. However, Seth teased Geoff mercilessly about becoming a great-grandfather. Marcus danced often with Maureen and told her she was too good-looking to be a great-grandmother.

  Since all of their daughters and family were in Dawson, Geoff and Maureen were lonely in their Pittsburgh home. After careful consideration, they decided that Geoff should sell his lucrative business interests so they could move out west to be with the rest of their family. They figured that they would spend their golden years learning a new way of life and helping raise all the little ones that were already in their lives and the ones yet to come.

  Tessa and Dean watched their daughter and son-in-law dance together for the first time as the Montana moon shone its approving light down on the community center in Dawson. As the family inside celebrated the new marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Foster, each of them knew they would never forget all of the lessons they had learned. And all of it had been started by one letter sent from the East to the West.

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  Click a link below to read the next book in this series: Westward Destiny #4

  Westward Destiny #4 USA

  Westward Destiny #4 UK

  Westward Destiny #4 AU

  Westward Destiny #4 CA


  Jamie Collins doesn’t have much to live for in Walhalla, North Dakota. Her husband passed away two years ago and she has been working as a housekeeper on a ranch. Jamie’s employers are difficult people to work for and she dreams of getting away from them and Cypress. She has a history with men and is ostracized by many of the townspeople. Jamie wants a better life but has no way to make that happen.

  Jamie comes across an ad in The Walhalla Press for mail-order-brides. She jumps at the chance to find a good man and secure a happy future. Ever the realist, she knows that the chances of making a love-match are slim, but she’ll settle for a good man who is a good provider. She finds an advertisement from a younger Montana ranch hand that catches her eye and she sets her sights on him. It should be easy to wrap him around her little finger.

  Luke Samuels has had a rough couple of years. He’s been jilted by the girl of his dreams and laid off from his employment with a local Dawson County, Montana ranch. His cousin Dean Samuels hires Luke on as a ranch hand. Luke sees how happy Dean and Tessa are together and wants that kind of happiness for himself. Even though he’s painfully gun shy about the opposite sex, he’s willing to take a chance to find a bride who’s a sure thing. Leaving nothing to chance, he enlists the help of his cousin Marcus Samuels to help him write the perfect ad that will entice a willing female to come to Montana.

  When they meet, Luke is bowled over by the beauty with the emerald green eyes and auburn hair, but is instantly tongue-tied. Jamie is not sure how they’re going to develop a relationship when he can barely talk to her, but she sets out to seduce the handsome man with the soulful brown eyes and sweet smile. A game of cat and mouse ensues and Jamie finds out that marrying Luke is easy, but capturing his heart is going to be harder than she anticipates.

  The End

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  Linda’s other books

  For Westward series books, click on a
link below

  Westward Winds (Montana Mail Order brides Book 1) FREE BOOK

  Westward Dance (Montana Mail Order brides Book 2)

  Westward Bound (Montana Mail Order brides Book 3)

  Westward Destiny (Montana Mail Order brides Book 4)

  Westward Fortune (Montana Mail Order brides Book 5)

  Westward Justice (Montana Mail Order brides Book 6)

  Westward Dreams (Montana Mail Order brides Book 7)

  Westward Holiday (Montana Mail Order brides Book 8)

  Westward Sunrise (Montana Mail Order brides Book 9)

  Westward Moon (Montana Mail Order brides Book 10)

  Westward Christmas (Montana Mail Order brides Book 11)

  Westward Visions (Montana Mail Order brides Book 12)

  Westward Secrets (Montana Mail Order brides Book 13)

  Westward Changes (Montana Mail Order brides Book 14)

  Westward Heartbeat (Montana Mail Order brides Book 15)

  Westward Joy (Montana Mail Order brides Book 16)

  Westward Courage (Montana Mail Order brides Book 17)

  Westward Spirit (Montana Mail Order brides Book 18)

  Westward Fate (Montana Mail Order brides Book 19)

  Westward Hope (Montana Mail Order brides Book 20)

  Westward Wild (Montana Mail Order brides Book 21)

  Westward Sight (Montana Mail Order brides Book 22)

  Westward Horizons (Montana Mail Order brides Book 23)

  For Dawson Chronicles series books, click on a link below

  Mistletoe Mayhem (Dawson Chronicles Book 1)

  After the Storm (Dawson Chronicles Book 2)

  Spirit Journey (Dawson Chronicles Book 3)

  For Echo Canyon Brides series books, click on a link below

  Montana Rescue (Echo Canyon Brides Book 1)

  Montana Bargain (Echo Canyon Brides: Book 2)

  Montana Adventure (Echo Canyon Brides: Book 3)

  Montana Luck (Echo Canyon Brides Book 4)

  Montana Fire (Echo Canyon Brides Book 5)

  Montana Hearts (Echo Canyon Brides Book 6)


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