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Elijah's Quest (Finding Magic Book 4)

Page 12

by Blair Drake

  Home. GCA. Zoe. He could remember slamming back through the portal and landing flat on his back on the ice rink, of all places. Making his way to the headmaster's office to demand the truth about what had happened, he'd been confronted by Headmistress Lalane and the Grauster.

  He could barely remember the churn of events. Only that he'd hugged the Grauster, before they'd sat him down and told him the truth.

  About the magic. About the quests.

  By the time he'd staggered out of the headmaster's office, he'd felt like he was wrung in knots. All of the missing students had the potential of magic, but they'd needed to discover it for themselves, to face the mysterious threat against the school. The mist hovering off the coast of GCA. Whatever that meant.

  Nobody had even missed him. Barely a couple of hours had passed between the time he'd left earth and the time he'd returned. But so much had changed.

  He needed to find Zoe.

  Swimming through the crowd, Elijah looked for her distinctive curls.

  "Hey, watch it," someone said, as he shoved past.

  Time seemed to slow as a trio of girls walked around the corner of the hallway. The one in the middle was tall and lean, with her navy blazer perfectly pressed, and stockings highlighting those slim calves. She'd flat ironed her hair, and for a second his breath caught in his chest as if someone had punched him.


  All of his attention locked upon her. Their eyes met, and Zoe's steps slowed. Elijah found himself walking toward her, pushing people out of the way as he searched her face. It felt like it had been years.

  Her eyes widened.

  "Zo." He couldn't help himself. He grabbed her by the face, and kissed her.

  Soft lips met his. Elijah groaned under his breath as Zoe's spine bent and she melted against him. One of his hands slid through her silky hair, and he cupped the back of her head and kissed her as if he'd never let her go.

  "Woohoo!" yelled one of the guys behind him, and a small insistent hand pushed against his chest.

  Elijah broke the kiss breathlessly, seeing the shock in Zoe's eyes.

  "Eli," she breathed, and then she pressed a hand to her mouth, as if everything was starting to flood back now she was thinking again. "What are you doing?" He could almost hear her thinking, we broke up, remember?

  "Please," he said, going to one knee on the ground in front of her. "I am so sorry for everything I said. I was jealous of how much time you were spending on everything else, including LARP. It scares me to think you don't see me when you picture the future. Because I always pictured you in mine. I'm an idiot, but I love you, and if you'd give me another chance...."

  "Elijah," she whispered, looking around at all of the suddenly interested school kids. Her cheeks flushed a pretty pink, as she asked in a strangled tone, "What are you doing?"

  Committing social suicide. He didn't care.

  "Go for it, Davies!" That was Stilts.

  "Maybe it's for the best if you don't do this. I love you, Eli, but sometimes I wonder if we're too different." She looked miserable.

  "Do you want to be with me? Yes or no?"

  Zoe's eyes flashed to his. Yes. He saw it there.

  Elijah took a deep breath. "I want to go to your next LARP weekend."

  "What?" Jessica drawled.

  Elijah held a hand out, stalling her. This was between him and Zoe.

  Zoe's arms curled tightly around her schoolbooks. "You didn't want to go to the last one," she said in a small voice, "so what's changed?"

  "Me. I've changed." Elijah staggered to his feet, pins and needles skating through his right calf as he clasped her arm. "You are not going to believe the week I've just had. I want to meet your friends. And I really want to meet the guy who runs Legends of Orynthica, because I have more than a few questions for him, and how he knows so much.... But that can wait. I want to wear the costume you made me. But I have thoughts on a new one. Fur vest. Black leather breeches. Kick-ass boots. And I have this nifty amulet to really set it off. You're going to love it. I look hot. By the way, I'm playing a mage."

  Zoe stared at him as if she didn't know who he was. "You want to play Legends with me?"

  "Quiz me about Orynthica," he said abruptly. "Let me show you just how much I mean this. Ask me about the Black Keep, and the Keeper, and the Book of Eloa. Oh, and Turning Points, and tributes. I am so all over that shit."

  "Have you been studying this?" Jessica sounded impressed. Maybe she wasn't the enemy.

  "Ask me what the broken city of Thanasi is called," he said.

  Zoe's eyes were as wide as they could go. "What is it called?"

  "Agramorh. It's got this enormous keep with broken towers, and the gardens outside hold the Well of Sorrows. It's guarded by wyverns and ice wolves, and nobody goes there anymore because they eat people."

  Nope. Her eyes could actually widen further.

  "Ask me about ice trolls," he said.

  "What do you know about ice trolls?" she whispered, but he could see the ice melting in her eyes.

  "The people of the Ice Fang clan call them trull hyggen, and they can't be killed by conventional weapons, because their hide is too thick. They're about twenty-five feet tall, and the only way to kill them is by fire or magic, though there's hardly any magic left in Thanasi, because they kill mages on sight." He pointed a finger at her. "But you can drown trolls if you're really, really clever."

  "What is even happening here? He almost knows more than you," Jessica whispered. "And I thought you were a Grade A nerd."

  A crumpled piece of paper sailed out of nowhere and hit Elijah in the head. "Loser," someone called.

  "Can I get some privacy around here?" he snapped, looking up and seeing dozens of students watching brightly. He focused on Stilts. "Come on, man. Get them out of here. I'm trying to get my girl back."

  Stilts gave him the thumbs up and began herding everyone away. "Come on, people. Nothing to see here."

  Someone groaned.

  The flash on an iPhone captured the moment, and he was pretty sure someone else was snapchatting the whole damned thing.

  "Jessica," he added, looking at Zoe's friend.

  She looked at Zoe, then back at him.

  Zoe's cheeks burned as Stilts and Jessica managed to clear the space. "I can't believe you just did that," she hissed.

  "Are you mad?"

  "No." Zoe's eyes softened, and a sheen of tears gleamed in her eyes. "I can't believe you just blurted that out in front of everyone. You are going to get so much shit, Eli."

  "Worth it," he grinned, clasping her hand in his. Then he sobered. "Or is it?"

  Zoe bit her lip. Then she threw one arm around him, her schoolbooks crushed against his chest. "Yes!"

  The world began to buzz around him, the lights in the hallway flickering in and out.

  Elijah squeezed her hard, knowing his time with her was slipping through his fingers. "I have missed you so much. So, so much. I love you, Zo. I'll always love you. And I'll come back to you, one day soon. I promise. No matter what I have to do."

  "Come back?" she looked up at him, as the lights flickered faster and faster.

  Elijah kissed her one last time, as the world around him began to fade.

  And then he was gasping as he surged through the goo and caught the lip of the well in Yasmene.

  Chapter 14

  Hope. Funny what it could do to a guy.

  Elijah slumped on the edge of the well, dripping goo out of his boots. It would vanish soon, he'd come to learn, but until then....

  One by one, his companions surfaced and he saw the effects of the well upon them too. He was pretty sure Yeorfac brushed tears from his eyes, though the swarthy hunter would most likely claim it was Current juice. And Zora's eyes were shining, a smile on her lips as Zandui helped haul her out.

  They stood in a courtyard lined with stone of a sandy rose color, with vibrant flowers splashed against the wall. Sweat already sprang down Elijah's spine, and he could see the sun risi
ng on the horizon. Hot already. He'd glimpsed a map in the Black Keep, and knew Yasmene was hundreds of miles to the east and south of Thanasi.

  The warm welcome didn't last long.

  The doors to the courtyard slammed open, and a dozen paladin guards jogged out, their steel jolting as they ran. Spacing themselves evenly along the walls of the narrow courtyard, they all turned at exactly the same time, and slammed the butts of their spears down with a sharp crack.

  "Do you think they've practiced that a lot?" Elijah stage whispered.

  "It looks quite impressive," Zora whispered back, just as loudly. "But that one on the end was out of step. I'll bet he's going to find himself with extra practice time tonight."

  "Welcome," called a voice, and all of them turned, focusing on the man who breezed through the gates at the end of the courtyard. His dark hair was heavily streaked with gray, and flowed over the collar of his turmeric colored silk robe. His mustache had been dyed blue, and Elijah was pretty sure the guy had waxed the ends of it—either that or he spent a lot of time twirling them.

  "Grand Master," Zandui greeted, going to one knee. "I am Zandui, Guide of the Ice Fang clan. The kingdom of Thanasi sends its greetings, and its questers for the Ascension. Her highness, the Princess Ismene, sends her personal regards and wishes you the best of health. She cannot wait until she has a chance to thank you in person for the kind words upon the death of her parents."

  He held out a scroll, and there was a hint of challenge in Zandui's eyes.

  Elijah felt like he was missing something.

  The Grand Master's eyes flickered to it, as a half dozen brightly robed servants flooded into the courtyard behind him. All of them held silver platters, with an array of decadent fruits, or polished goblets filled with what looked like wine. All of them knelt, holding the platters steady.

  They'd practiced that too, he'd bet.

  "I hope you have the chance to thank her highness for her regards," the Grand Master said. "My heart bleeds for her loss, and at such a young age too. Such a strong-willed young girl, to mount her throne so soon. I wish her the best of luck."

  Dude is smooth. That's the most polite threat I think I've ever heard.

  Something was definitely going on.

  "May I present the questers of Thanasi," Zandui said, gesturing to the side. "This is Yeorfac, mightiest Hunter of Clan Ice Fang; and this is our Warrior, Zora, who defeated the best of her people to win her place here; and finally, our mage, Elijah Davies, of Vancouver."

  He'd spent a good ten minutes drilling Zandui on the correct pronunciation. Nailed it, he winked at Zandui.

  Several of the servers looked up, and a couple of the guard's heads turned. The Grand Master's head turned sharply, focusing on Elijah for the first time. He took a second, longer look, as if startled by the sight of him.

  "What, you haven't seen a mage before?" Elijah joked.

  The Grand Master recovered first. "Not from the Kingdom of Thanasi, not for a very long time. Elijah," he breathed, as if savoring the name. "What a strange turn of events. Of earth, I presume?"

  "It's the accent," Zandui muttered.

  "I think my nephew, Ezra, is going to be very interested in meeting you, Elijah of Vancouver. He is the Pasternakian's greatest mage, and he will be competing against you in the Ascension tomorrow," the Grand Master said, and a smile dawned on his face so brightly it ought to rival the sun.

  Elijah had a bad feeling in the pit of his gut.

  "Is anyone else a little shook by the way the GM was eyeballing me?" Elijah muttered, as they were sequestered in their rooms.

  The main room had several bedrooms sprawling off it, and a balcony surveying the gardens outside. A breeze stirred the sheer curtains in the arches of the balcony. There were no windows here. Probably no need. The sun had barely risen and it was already hotter than Hades. Elijah discarded the fur vest on the daybed.

  "He was surprised," Zandui said, surveying the apartment. "Nobody would ever expect the Kingdom of Thanasi to send a mage."

  "It was more than that," he said, scrubbing the back of his neck. "It was like he was happy to see me. I feel like a meal, and his eyes just ate me alive."

  "Sweet blessed Eloa," Zora called, leaning over the balcony rail. "Look at this place."

  Perfume floated in the air, as Elijah joined her. Acres of gardens sprawled below them, lush palms sprawling the green lawns and vibrant flowers crawling up the walls. The architecture lended itself to that rose colored sandstone, and arches, and painted frescoes.

  "I feel like I'm staring at Eden," he said. "It's beautiful, but I'm certain there's got to be a snake around here somewhere. I don't think I like this place."

  The back of his neck itched.

  Zora ignored him, trailing her fingers along the balcony as she moved into one of the bedrooms. The bed was an enormous four-poster draped in silk scarves. Rose petals wilted underfoot, and he could see a bathing chamber through an arched doorway. Light drenched the room from the intricate star-shaped cutout in the ceiling.

  "A bath," Elijah breathed. There'd been streams along the way, and water basins left in his rooms at the Black Keep, but to actually submerge himself? To wash off all the grime of the past few days? To sink into water?

  "Dibs," he said, drawn toward it like a starving man toward a mirage of a dessert buffet. He desperately needed to shave, and he wanted to breathe in the scent of soap. Thanasi soap tended toward an odd scent—rendered fat, someone had told him—but he knew, without even smelling it, that the soap in Yasmene would smell exotic and hint at the gardens beyond.

  "Hold up, mage," Zora said, darting in front of him and pressing a hand to his chest. "I believe this is my room."

  She gestured to the silk robes sprawled across the bed. It was a gown of sky blue silk, with golden embroidery and golden ropes. A bejeweled girdle was laid across the dress, and a pair of pretty earrings winked in the light.

  "Unless you wish to wear my dress? Blue is definitely your color," she said, and then brightened. "I'm certain the outfit left in your chambers will be far more practical. I shall trade."

  Record scratch. Elijah caught her hand against his chest. "Nobody wants to see that. Are all the rooms going to be the same?"

  "Go," Zora said. "Bathe. We have hours left before they shall summon us for the festivities tonight."

  "Festivities?" That was something he could get behind.

  Zora rolled her eyes, and pushed against his chest. "It's a polite way of saying the dinner and fireworks, where the teams all smile daggers and stroll around eyeing each other like hungry wolves. The competition starts tonight, Elijah. Teams have been known to lose members before we are even introduced to the Labyrinth. You shall need a clear head."

  Sigh. "Snakes in the grass. Fine. I'm going to go and enjoy my bath and my last opportunity to actually pretend I'm here for the good times."

  "Where's Zandui?" Elijah asked, buttoning the loose silk sleeves of his tunic, as Yeorfac peered into a mirror and muttered.

  The Guide had vanished sometime that afternoon. There were contracts he needed to review and sign, and gambits to set in play, Zora had said, but it was almost dinnertime, and they would all be expected to join the revelry.

  "I daresay he's slinking about the place, trying to see what sort of traps these Pasternakians have planned," Yeorfac replied.

  "Should he be alone?" He couldn't forget Zora's warning.

  Yeorfac snorted, and touched his beard as if he didn't recognize it. "I should like to see the man who thinks he can sneak up upon Zandui."

  "Might not be a man," he said. "Don't these Pasternakians breed mages like rabbits?"

  "Zandui is protected. He has a medallion that wards away magic." Yeorfac grimaced, and tried to fluff what was left of his beard.

  "Leave it alone, man. It looks good."

  "They cut my beard," the squat hunter said, plucking at his pale blue tunic. "And dressed me in a gown."

  "Hey, I'm wearing the same thing."

  Yeorfac scowled. "You are taller. It suits you better."

  "And the beard looks nice," Elijah protested. "I bet you'll be a hit with all the ladies tonight."

  Jesus. That was a mental image he didn't need.

  "I do not see why I cannot wear my furs," Yeorfac grumbled, as they returned to the common room to wait for the others.

  "Maybe they don't want you dripping sweat all over the floors," Elijah said. "Roll with the times, Yeorfac. We're on show tonight. We've got to mingle and check out the competition, and—"

  Heels clicked on the marble floors.

  Yeorfac's eyes widened as if Elijah had punched him in the gut.

  Elijah turned.

  Zora strode out of her room, looking like something mere mortals had no right touching. The blue gown slit up her thigh, showing a flash of her long, tanned legs, and her hair cascaded down her back in loose ringlets.

  Elijah suffered a flashback to homecoming. He'd been joking about Zoe turning up wearing a faux fur warrior outfit, but she'd worn a red dress she'd made herself, which had almost bowled him over. He'd barely been able to take his eyes off her all night.

  "Wow," he said.

  "I do not know this 'wow'," Zora said, "but since your mouth is gaping, I presume it means you find this gown exemplary."

  It's not the gown. He swallowed. "Definitely exemplary."

  He offered her his arm. The whole night had that prom feel about it, and he was already a little nervous, and responding on instinct.

  Zora arched a brow at the gesture, as if she didn't know what to do with it. Right. He'd probably hamper her sword-arm or something.

  "Are you ready?" Zora asked, striding ahead of him.

  "As ready as I'll ever be."

  "Zandui is waiting in the Great Hall for us," she threw over her shoulder.

  Dinner. Dancing. Polished threats from the other contestants. Everything was proceeding according to usual, according to Zora.

  Elijah leaned on the balustrade of the gardens, as a man swallowed a flaming torch, and then belched fire as he withdrew it. "You seem to be in a good mood."


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