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Stepbrother Romance Complete Series

Page 11

by Ava Grace

  I continued swaying to the music, but my pulse was racing. The costume had fooled everyone else, but would it fool Josh? We’d lived together for the past twelve years—he knew me inside out. Would he recognize me at first glance? I hoped not because I was determined to get my kiss. I hadn’t figured what would happen after I got it, but I’d just have to cross that bridge when I came to it. One step at a time.

  Even if I could never kiss him again, I would know that it had happened this one time. I didn’t want to live with the kind of regret I’d get from never having experienced him kissing me—life was too short.

  I was plucking up the courage to approach Josh when he glanced my way. He froze, the beer can halfway to his mouth. Nothing moved but his gaze which traveled the length of me and the heat that had been present in his eyes the first time he’d seen Lucy in the costume returned tenfold. I shivered. It was the first time Josh had looked at me with such unadulterated lust in his eyes and it sent a thrill of excitement through me. It lessened considerably when I remembered that he thought he was looking at Lucy. I tried to push the unwelcome thought from my mind and danced seductively to the music as if I was dancing just for him. Which I suppose, I was.

  Marco leaned in and said something to Josh, nodding in my direction and whatever it was made Josh seriously pissed because he turned and glared at Marco, saying a few clipped words to him in response. Afterward, Josh put down his beer then strode in my direction. Actually, it was more of a prowl and as he neared, I felt exactly like I imagine cornered prey would feel. My pulse was racing as I looked around for an escape route. I took a step back even though my body craved to be nearer to him.

  Josh’s familiar grin slid into place as stopped in front of me.

  “Hey,” he drawled. “I’m glad you could make it.”

  I shrugged then pointed at my throat, just as I’d done to everyone else who’d come to talk to me. “No voice,” I mouthed. I was amazed I was able to play it so cool when deep down I was a nervous wreck.

  Josh’s eyebrows rose as if he was surprised by my answer, but then his grin returned, growing wider. “Good thing talking is overrated.”

  His hands landed on my hips and he drew me to him in a quick, smooth move. I gasped as the bottom halves of our bodies came into contact. I managed to hold in the moan that had been threatening to slip out. Despite the fast beat of the music, Josh moved slowly, seductively. I followed his lead until our hips swayed in perfect synchronicity. Everyone else in the room melted away so that if felt like it was just the two of us alone together. My heart was beating in time to the pulse of the music. Josh’s scent was like a drug I knew I’d never get enough of. The charged energy between us built until I was almost dizzy from the thrill of it all. That one little dance with Josh was by far the most erotic experience of my life.

  When Josh trailed his nose down my neck, I tilted my head to the side to allow him access, wanting to feel the scrape of his teeth or wet rasp of his tongue against my overheated and sensitive skin.

  “I think we should take this somewhere private,” he said against my ear.

  Oh, God.

  I closed my eyes as my breathing sped. His nearness was overwhelming. What he’d just suggested should have been a dream come true. Part of me was elated at what was about to happen, but another part of me—a part I wasn’t sure how I was going to ignore, was furious at myself for allowing this to continue. I was deceiving him and I didn’t want to do that. Besides that fact, in every fantasy I’d ever had that involved kissing Josh, I hadn’t been pretending to be someone else. I wanted him to want to kiss me, Taylor, not Lucy. I didn’t want him to be tricked into being with me because he thought he was with her.

  My heart sank. As I mentally talked myself out of the plan, Josh grabbed my hand then pulled me out of the room. My stomach lurched. I couldn’t go through with this. I was going to have to tell him who I was and pretend it was just a joke or…something.

  In my mind, I went over how best to tell him the truth, but before I could get the words out, he pushed open a door then dragged me into a room. It turned out to be a small, half bathroom. He closed the door behind us then locked it.

  Josh put his hands on either side of my head, caging me in and just as I opened my mouth to blurt out the truth, he leaned down and kissed me. Hard.

  It was better than anything I’d ever imagined.

  I needed to push him away so that I could confess my deception, but I wanted him with a need that bordered on desperation. The need won out. This was actually happening. I was finally kissing Josh. Before I could think about what I was doing, I’d threaded a hand through his hair and with the other, I pulled him to me roughly, opening my mouth wider and deepening the kiss. Josh groaned into my mouth and the sound set me alight, cranking up my need for him to mammoth proportions.

  Pressing me into the wall, Josh had one hand at the small of my back, holding me to him and the other he ran up my side then cupped my breast. I needed more. The kiss was so good, it made me feel light headed. I could have kept on kissing him for an eternity. I wanted to, but then I remembered that this was all a lie.

  Josh pulled back, breathing heavily. “Jesus Christ.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. Jesus Christ was right. What the hell was I doing?

  “Probably best if we don’t stay in here all night,” he said, his voice a low rasp. “We don’t want to give people the wrong impression.”

  I nodded my agreement, but I stayed silent. I couldn’t have spoken even if I’d known what to say. I was in a daze, my brain fogged up with lust.

  “Have you seen your brother tonight?” Josh asked.

  I drew my eyebrows together, confused. When I realized he was talking about Aiden, a deep sense of shame washed over me. I shook my head.

  “Huh. Not at all?” he persisted.

  I shook my head again. I needed to get out of there. The room suddenly felt too small, too claustrophobic. I could hardly catch my breath. Josh cupped my cheek then trailed his thumb over my bottom lip.

  “Funny,” he said. “Because when I left your house about fifteen minutes ago, you were with him. He seemed pretty damn pissed at you too, you know, on accounts of you giving him strep.”

  My stomach heaved when the implications of what he’d said hit home. Josh had just left Lucy’s house which meant he knew she was at home ill and not here at the party. Humiliation heated my cheeks. Josh pressed the tip of his finger to my nose.

  “Someone’s been telling fibs, haven’t they, Taylor?”

  My breath left me in a rush. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, not knowing what else to say to him.

  I closed my eyes, unable to look at him for a second longer, but when I heard his low, throaty chuckled, I couldn’t resist snapping them open again to see what he was laughing about.

  “Did you honestly think you could fool me?” he asked with a wry smile on his lips. “I knew it was you from the second I first saw you shaking your ass in there, but the fact that you tried to lie to me is revealing, don’t you think?”

  It was? I frowned and couldn’t resist asking, “What does it reveal?”

  The lazy grin on his lips made my heart skip a beat.

  “A few things, actually. It tells me that for some, crazy ass reason, you think I’m into Lucy. Isn’t that why you pretended to be her? Isn’t that why you let me bring you into this bathroom? Because you thought that was the only way I’d kiss you? Do you think that I want to be with her and not you?”

  “Do you?” I blurted.

  Josh shook his head. “Silly girl.”

  He took hold of my hand then dragged it down his stomach until I reached the front of his costume. His erection felt hot and heavy through the stretchy material.

  “What does that reveal?” he asked.

  I took a deep breath. I know what I wanted it to mean, but I was too afraid to think it let alone say it. I didn’t want to be wrong. I stuck out my chin defiantly.

  “It reveals
that this Catwoman costume turns you on.”

  Josh chuckled. “You’re right. It does. But you know what turns me on even more?”

  I shook my head.


  The elation I felt at hearing his admission was unparalleled. “I do?”

  “Jesus, Tayl.” He slid his arms around my waist, holding me close. “You could be wearing a burlap sack and you’d still turn me on. Because it’s not about what you’re wearing, baby, it’s about you.”

  I held my breath as he leaned in so that his face was even closer to mine. There was no hiding from him unless I closed my eyes which I didn’t want to do. Josh was an open book, his emotions displayed clearly on his face and I didn’t want to miss a moment of what his expression might reveal. “Don’t you see that?” he went on. “I don’t want Lucy or anyone else for that matter. I want you. I’m in love with you, Taylor.”

  A strangled sob ripped from my throat unbidden. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, couldn’t believe it could be true. Could he really feel that way about me?

  “I’ve bided my time,” Josh said. “I didn’t want scare you away. But when I saw you dancing for me in that costume earlier, I couldn’t wait any longer. You’re mine.

  “It was only a matter of time before I claimed you. But now that I know we’re on the same page, why wait? It’s time for us both to admit what we want and after this little charade of yours, I think I know what you want. And now you know what I want. You.

  “So are you good with that, baby girl? Are you good with being mine?”

  As a sense of euphoria rushed through me, I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him long and hard. When I finally pulled back, I was breathing heavily and unsure how steady my voice would me, but I had to answer his question. It was important.

  “I’m good with it,” I said against his lips. “All of it.”

  He kissed me again—all teeth and tongue and pure, unrestrained need. The kiss was wild, frenzied. The hunger that built between us wouldn’t be denied. Josh ground his hips against me, making me gasp. He was so hard for me and with each moment that passed, I was getting wetter for him. That sounded like a pretty good combination.

  “You gonna let me inside that sweet little pussy of yours, Taylor?” Josh asked. “Let me show you how much I want you to be mine?”

  There was nothing I wanted more. His words lit a fire within me and the burn felt incredible. There was no answer I could have given him other than, “Show me, Josh. Show me how much you want me.”

  Chapter Seven

  After I’d grabbed my coat from the other room, we headed out to Josh’s car. The nights were humid still, but I hadn’t been brave enough to get in the cab dressed as Catwoman so I’d worn the coat to cover up. This time, I didn’t care. I threw the coat over my arm and owned it. Josh held my hand as we walked along the sidewalk and I felt, for the first time in my life that I had all the confidence in the world. It was like I was a different person—a new me, or at least a stronger, bolder version of myself.

  When Josh opened the car door for me to get in, I didn’t want to let go of him because it felt like his hand was the only thing keeping me grounded. But as soon as he’d put the car in drive and set off towards home, he reached for me again. When his fingers linked with mine, I breathed a sigh of relief. His touch had a calming effect and I needed that. I wasn’t nervous exactly, but this was a big deal to me. I took a few deep breaths as I stared out through the passenger window and we shared a few minutes of comfortable silence.

  I was still reveling in my unbelievably good luck when something occurred to me and my good mood started to go south. “Everyone in school is going to think you hooked up with Lucy tonight, aren’t they?” I said, the revelation making me suddenly despondent.

  Josh groaned. “Don’t remind me. Your disguise was too damn good.”

  “The news probably wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone but Lucy,” I mused.

  “Considering she wasn’t there,” Josh added.

  I let out a long sigh. “Lucy practically begged me to go to the party so that I could keep an eye on you and make sure you didn’t hook up with anyone.”

  “No kidding. Really?”

  “Yeah. She even told me to wear her costume so as soon as the rumors reach her, she’ll know it was me you were with.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Josh squeezed my hand reassuringly. “I’ll sort it. I’ll set everyone straight when I see them in school on Monday.”

  I nodded, marginally appeased. “What are you going to say?”

  He indicated left and after he’d turned onto our road, he looked over at me, his expression open and honest. His shoulder lifted in a half shrug. “I haven’t figured it out. I’ll tell people that we’re together now, I guess.”

  I stared at him, unable to hide my surprise. “You’re going to tell everyone about us?” I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Until about fifteen minutes ago, there was no us. I still couldn’t believe that Josh had feelings for me, let alone that he wanted us to be an actual couple. I needed time to get used to the new development. How would everyone react? Would they be open to seeing us as a couple or would they think it was somehow perverted? Would we become social outcasts?

  I worried my bottom lip. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Although when I came to think about it, I wasn’t sure there was anything else we could tell people. I had pretended to be Lucy, after all, and we did look so much alike…

  My question made Josh frown. “Why wouldn’t I tell everyone the truth? It’s not like I’m ashamed of the way I feel about you.”

  His statement was said in such a matter of fact way, but its implications were immense. A warm, happy glow settled in my chest and I relaxed, feeling suddenly confident that everything was going to work out for the best.

  “Pull over.”

  His brow creased. “Why? We’re nearly home.”

  “Josh, pull over.”

  He did as I asked, pulling up to the curb about a half a block from our house. He’d barely cut the engine before I unclipped my seatbelt and had scrambled across the seats and straddled his lap. I kissed him with a sense of urgency, pouring every ounce of emotion I felt for him into the kiss.

  Josh groaned against my lips, his hands coming to rest on my lower back to hold me tightly against him. I wanted him so badly—couldn’t wait to feel him inside me. Just the thought of it got me hotter. I groaned as wetness pooled at my core, and ground my pussy against his rapidly growing erection. The friction was incredible, but the barrier of the clothes between us was unwelcome. Josh thrust his hips up into me, growling against my lips. I loved that I turned him on so much.

  He tore his mouth from mine, his breathing fast, ragged. “Jesus, Taylor. If you don’t stop, I’m gonna fuck you right here in the car. And I don’t want you to get arrested, baby girl, even though you’d look incredible in handcuffs. Let’s take this home, okay? I want our first time to be in your bed.”

  I kissed him one more time then reluctantly got off his lap.

  I sighed dramatically. “Fine. Take me home and do dirty things to me.”

  His eyes flared with an endearing mixture of humor and lust. “You got it.”

  “Why my bed?” I asked.

  Josh’s unusually shy smile was about the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  “Don’t know,” he said after a moment’s hesitation. “Your room’s so pink and girlie. Every time I go in there and see your bed with all those frilly throw pillows on it, I think about fucking you there, of dirtying up those pretty sheets.”

  I grinned. “That’s kinda kinky, Josh. You know that, right?”

  He barked out a laugh. “Not really. Not when you consider that it’s only one of a hundred places I’ve imagined fucking you.”

  “Well, then I guess we’re going to have to work our way through the list.”

  His eyes blazed into mine. “I guess we are.”

  It was gone ten by the time we
pulled up into our driveway. Josh unlocked the front door then let us inside. I was tempted to attack him the second the door closed behind us, but I resisted. We had to play it cool. I didn’t want my dad and stepmom to see us in a compromising position. If we were going to do this—to form a serious, lasting relationship then we’d have to sit them down and talk to them about it properly. They deserved that. I didn’t want them to find out by catching us together. That would have been selfish and unkind.

  As it turned out, I needn’t have worried about being caught. There was a note sitting on the living room table, waiting for us to find. Our parents had gone out for the night and wouldn’t be home until late. There were leftovers in the refrigerator if we were hungry.

  We were, but not for food.

  Josh tossed the note then made a grab for me, his lips descending on mine in a rush, his tongue thrusting deep into my mouth. The kiss stole my breath but I returned it with equal fervor. Josh backed me up against the sofa, his hands gliding over the shiny vinyl material.

  “Did I tell you how goddamn sexy you look in this thing?”

  Laughter bubbled up in my chest. “You might have mentioned it once or twice.”

  He joined in with my mirth and the sound was light and carefree—infectious.

  “That first time I walked in and saw it, I thought it was you wearing it. Jesus, Taylor. I was so turned on. Then I realized it was Lucy. Talk about an anti-climax. I was pissed when I realized my mistake.”

  I stared at him open mouthed. “Are you serious?” So that was what that scowl had been about. “You thought that was me?”

  He nodded. “Sure did. But damn, I should have known it wasn’t you. I’ve been ogling this beautiful body of yours for ages.” He put his hands on my hips then turned me slightly so that he could see my ass.


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