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Page 8

by A. F. Crowell

  “You’re right.”

  “Wait, what was that? I’m right?” I sat tall and cocky.

  “Don’t let it go to your head, smartass.” He rolled his eyes, climbed out of bed and went to the shower.

  Ten minutes later, Jaxon strutted out of the bathroom, wrapped in just a towel. Oh my…Merry Christmas to me. “Is that my present wrapped up in that towel?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Babe, if we are gonna make it through the next couple of weeks not having sex, you can’t say shit like that.”

  I crossed my arms and pouted. “This sucks. The second trimester is when you’re all horny and want it all the time.”

  “Not helpin’ babe. You’re makin’ my dick harder with each word.” He pulled on tattered Levi’s and a tight black T-shirt. He smiled. “It’s only a few weeks and the end result will be more than worth the wait.” He rubbed my belly. “Have you started thinking about names?”

  “Not really. You?”

  His eyes closed briefly and his face softened. “You want my input?”

  I scooted over to him and wrapped my arms around his broad neck. “Of course I want your input honey.” I pulled back. “I mean, you still want to raise her with me, right?”

  “You know I do. Never doubt that.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead, then held me against his chest. “No matter what happens, I’m here with you. Things won’t always be perfect. We’ll have fights, that’s a given, but I’m not going anywhere.” He pulled back and looked at me. “I love you Leila. Nothin’ will ever change that.”

  Hormones took me hostage, tears streamed down my face. “Oh Jaxon.” I was terrified to say it because of what happened with Brody, but Jaxon was nothing like him. He was honest, loyal and devoted to me and the baby. He has been since the first minute I told him I was pregnant. It dawned on me that whether I wanted to be or not, I was in love with him. And I told him a half second before I launched myself into his arms. His hand tangled in my curls as he gripped the side of my head, kissing me.

  We were torn apart by the sound of the front door shutting.

  “I guess I need to get on the road. Are you sure you don’t want me to just stay here with you?”

  “Jaxon, we’ve talked about this. It’s only twenty-four hours and you need to see your parents. It’s Christmas.” Was he trying to make this harder for me?

  “Exactly, it’s Christmas. I wanna spend it with my woman and our baby girl. In bed.”

  My heart soared. “Go see your mom. I’ll be right here waiting when you get home tomorrow.”

  Barb strolled into the bedroom. “Hey y’all. Merry Christmas.”

  We all exchanged greetings before Jax kissed me, then grabbed his pack and left. I did good and held it together until I heard the door shut. “Damn these stupid hormones, I don’t even know why I’m cryin’.”

  Barb jumped in bed with me. “Cheer up, I brought you a present!”

  I sniffled once. “Can you go downstairs to the tree and get me yours?”

  “Yeah, or we could get ya outta bed, get a shower and move ya downstairs for the day.”

  “You always know just what I need. Thanks honey.”

  Barb started the shower and gathered clothes for me to put on once I got out. She ran downstairs and made us breakfast while I rejoiced in the hot water. I got dressed and made my way carefully down the steps.

  “You should’ve waited until I was there to help you.”

  “Okay, that’s enough.” I was annoyed at everyone’s hovering. “I’m not ninety years old, I didn’t break my leg and I’m certainly not an invalid. It was just one episode of bleeding. Y’all need to stop all this.” Changing my tone I added, “I appreciate y’all taking turns to sit with me, but I am fine to walk down the steps alone Barb.”

  “I’m sorry, I know it’s gotta be hard to have everyone fussin’ over ya. I’ll try to relax a little. Now eat your breakfast young lady.” She smiled like the smartass she was.

  We exchanged Christmas presents, ate, watched TV, took naps and sat around most of the day. Jaxon called to let me know he made it to his mom and dad’s safely. About 5:00 p.m. Barb got a call on her cell from someone at work who was trying to make her come in. A bunch of people were out, myself included, and they desperately needed nurses. She tried to explain she was with me and I couldn’t be left alone, but after a minute of arguing, she relented.

  “Damn, I have to go to work. Put your shoes on, you’re coming with me. Miller said you could stay in one of the ER beds, so you’re not alone. I need to steal a pair of scrubs.” She went upstairs and came back down a few minutes later.

  “I’m not going, I’ll call Drew.” I grabbed my cell and called him.

  “Merry Christmas little sister. How are ya feelin?”

  “Merry Christmas bro. I’m feelin’ okay. Hey, listen, Barb is with me today and tomorrow because Jax went to see his parents. She just got called into work and I need someone here with me in case I start bleeding again.”

  Before I could even ask, he cut me off. “I can stay with you. I’m out with a friend getting dinner, so it’ll be about thirty to forty-five minutes.”

  “Shit Drew, I’m sorry. Just stay there. I’ll be fine here by myself, I have my cell phone. Just come over after you’re finished.”

  “I’ll bring dinner with me. Are you hungry? I could get you something too.”

  “Do you really need to ask?” I was always hungry.

  “Okay, I’ll bring extra. See ya in thirty.”

  “Drew’s comin’ over to stay with you?” Barb only heard half of the conversation.

  “Yep, he’ll be here in just a little while so you can go to work and not worry about little ol’ me. He’ll crash here tonight and Jax will be home tomorrow about noonish.”

  “Okay, but you call me if you need anything or if you get bored.” She hugged me. “I’m going to bring your iPad over and get you a drink before I head out. Anything else?”

  “Nope, I’m good sweetie, thanks.” She took Ruger out, then left for work.

  Ruger came over and put his head in my lap. “My sweet boy, you wanna come up?” I patted the couch and he climbed up. It was few and far between that he was allowed on the couch. He curled up right next to me and quickly drifted off. “Lazy dog.”

  There was a light knock, then I heard keys in the deadbolt. Figuring Drew had his hands full with dinner, I went to the door and opened it. Boy I was so not prepared for what greeted me.

  “Lei, why are you up? Aren’t you supposed to be on bed rest?”

  “Well, hello to you too Brody. Why are you here?” I turned to my brother who I was ready to kill. “What. The. Fuck. Drew?”

  Brody pushed past Drew, slipped his arms under my knees and cradled me to his chest as I struggled against him. “Damn it Brody, put me down. Now!”

  “Not until you lie down. Stop fighting me.” He held me tighter.

  “Would you stop being ridiculous? I am allowed to walk from the door to the couch. Put me down, I need to pee.” That got his attention. Pointing at my traitorous brother, I said, “Drew, I’ll deal with you in a minute.” I was gonna light his ass up for bringing Brody with him.

  I got to the bathroom and my night went even more to shit.

  “Drew,” I hollered.

  “Yeah,” he answered from the other side of the door.

  “I need you to get me a pair of panties and pajama pants.” I was starting to shake as I took a pad out of the cabinet.

  “What’s wrong with the stuff you got on?” he asked.

  “Asshat, just get the stuff. Panties are in the top drawer of the tall dresser and pants in the bottom left drawer of the long dresser.” I took off my wet clothes and wrapped a towel around my belly.

  “Seriously, Leila open the door,” Brody demanded.

  “No, go away. I don’t need…” Oh fuck. I quickly sat down on the floor when I started to feel faint.

  “Lei, open the fucking door.” He sounded so far a
way. I tried to crawl over to the door, but my body was so heavy. I looked down and saw blood.

  “I can’t,” was all I could manage.

  “Leila, are you near the door?” he hollered. I tried to respond, but I just couldn’t make my voice loud enough. “Leila, if you can hear me get away from the door.”

  I heard wood splintering and caught a glimpse of Brody as he broke down the door; Drew was behind him. I must have fallen unconscious, because I woke up in Brody’s arms in the back of Drew’s Tahoe.

  “Hey, stay with me. Keep your eyes open baby, look at me,” he pleaded and I tried, I really did.

  “Drew,” I managed to mumble.

  “I’m right up here sis. We’re takin’ ya to the hospital.” He rolled with lights and sirens.

  “Save your energy, don’t try to talk. Drew called Barb,” Brody explained, “they’re on standby.” He brushed the hair out of my face. “Why didn’t you call and tell me what was going on Lei? I would’ve been here before now.”

  “You…left…us,” I got out slowly. “Jax, call Jax. Please. Drew, Jax.” The look on Brody’s face said it all. I might as well have just gutted him. He’d made his choice, and I had made mine.

  “I will later, right now we need to take care of you and the baby.” Drew put the SUV in park and jumped out in front of the ambulance bay.

  Brody handed me off to Barb, Drake and another nurse I couldn’t make out right away.

  “Barb,” I called out for her. “Jax, I need Jax.”

  “I called him ten minutes ago sweetie. He’s on his way.” She held my hand as they wheeled me into a trauma room.

  A flurry of activity surrounded my bed. I tried to keep my eyes open, but they started to get really heavy. Barb fitted an oxygen mask on my face while Mary started an IV and drew blood.

  I heard Brody yelling as he pushed past and was at the bedrail. “Leila keep your eyes open damn it. Stay with me. Don’t go to sleep. Fight Leila. You have to keep your eyes open.”

  Struggling against the burn, I kept blinking at him. I turned and looked around the room, then focused back on him. I reached up and pulled the mask down. “No matter what, save her. Promise me, Barb.” I looked over to Barb. “Jaxon…”



  I rushed out of the house in the middle of Christmas dinner, promising to call my mom once I was at the hospital with my woman and child, then hopped on my bike and took off.

  Damn it, if I just would have stayed home.

  I had driven from Greenville back to Charleston in a record two hours and twenty minutes. When I arrived at the hospital, I was told she was in trauma room two. One of the nurses took me back and said that everyone was saying a prayer for Leila and the baby. That’s when I realized it must have been worse than last time.

  I pushed the curtain back and saw her tiny body curled up on the stretcher, wrapped in white and blue blankets. Even sick in a hospital bed, she made my dick twitch.

  Then I saw him.

  “What in the hell are you doin’ here? Haven’t you done enough? Get the fuck outta here. Now.” I roared from her bedside.

  “Fuck you, that’s my kid. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Oh fuck no, that’s my baby. You walked away you motherfuckin’ piece of shit. You left her and this child months ago. You don’t get to come back in here, like you give two shits. She’s told you she doesn’t want to see you.” I realized I was really loud. I looked down at her sleeping peacefully. “Leave now, or I swear to God, I’ll break my promise to her, beat your fuckin’ ass and throw you out.”

  Drew stepped in. “Brody, I think he’s right. You should probably go.” He tipped his head toward the door. “I’ll call you if there’s any change. Thanks for your help.”

  His jaw tightened and he looked at Leila, then back to me.

  “Fucker.” Brody punched the wall as he left.

  I turned to Barb. “Tell me what’s—” Leila squeezed my hand. I looked down at her, squeezing back. “Hey babe, can you hear me? Come on princess, wake up.”

  “Jax,” she said and blinked sluggishly.

  “Yeah, I’m here. Wake up sleepy head.”

  “I’m…” she trailed off and closed her eyes again. “I’m awake. Is she okay? I didn’t lose her, right?”

  I looked at Barb for some guidance, as she smiled and nodded her head. “Yeah, princess, she’s doin’ great. Just like her beautiful momma.” I rubbed her hand and kissed her lips. “How are you feelin’?”

  “Tired. Can we go home now? I just wanna sleep.”

  Barb shook her head no and said, “You need to stay here for a little longer. The bleeding has stopped, but they need to do some more testing. Just go to sleep and we’ll wake ya when it’s time to go.”

  “You won’t leave me, right?” she asked me, her voice small and fragile.

  “I’m staying right here, I’ll be next to ya when ya wake up. Wild horses and a team of mercenaries couldn’t drag me away from you.” I kissed her pale lips. “I love you.”

  She sighed and closed her eyes. “I love you Jax.”

  I turned to Barb. “Why is she so tired? How much blood did she lose?”

  “She didn’t lose much. Thankfully, Drew and Brody were there and broke down the bathroom door. They got her here in plenty of time. This bleed was worse than the last one, but still not too bad.”

  “So why is she so out of it? She wasn’t like this last time.”

  “I think it might be because she didn’t eat enough today. Add on top of that the bleeding, it’s enough to make anyone faint,” Barb reassured me.

  “Oh, thank God. Hang on, you were with her. Why didn’t you make her eat?”

  She stifled a chuckle. “We’re talking about the same person, right? Have you ever been able to make her do anything she didn’t wanna do?”

  “Point taken.” I paced around the room. “Will she have to stay here?”

  The doctor and nurse walked in. “Drew, do you wanna step out into the hallway so we can talk?”

  “You can talk in here.” He walked to the end of her bed.

  “Jaxon, it’s nice to see you again, hate it’s like this though.” He extended his hand to me.

  I took the proffered hand. “Dr.Miller. So what’s going on? Is she gonna be okay?”

  “Yeah, all the tests indicate so. It looks like another small bleed, sometimes this happens as the placenta moves up the uterine wall.” He turned to Barb. “She didn’t eat again today, did she?”

  “She ate a little breakfast, but then she took a nap and I got called in here.”

  “Okay, so what’s the plan? Can I take her home now?” I asked.

  “Yeah, but she has to stay in bed. Up only to use the bathroom and I don’t want her up and down the stairs.”

  The doctor left and the nurse went over discharge instruction. They wanted to wheel her out, but I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to Drew’s SUV, then followed him back to her place on my bike. After we got her situated, Drew agreed to stay with her so I could run over to my place. She was still sleeping when I left.

  Chapter Eight


  I was only gone for a few minutes, but when I got back a gray Venom was parked in front of the house.

  I’m gonna fuckin’ kill him.

  Opening the door with my key, I scanned the room. No one. Then I heard voices coming from upstairs.

  “Brody, please,” she spoke in a meek tone. What the fuck? I ran up the stairs two at a time.

  “I’m just asking for you to think, for one minute,” the asshat was pleading with her. “We made her together. She’s a piece of me and of you. He’s not her father and never will be.” My bullshit meter was just about to overflow. I stood at the top of the stairs listening. “I want you back. Watching you today, I’ve never been more terrified in my life. I know I fucked up royally and it’ll take time to earn back your trust, but I want that chance Leila. I want to raise our daughter, together, as a
family.” I could hear Leila sniffling. Fucker was making her cry. “I can give you anything and everything you could ever want or need. You just have to give me another chance. I know you still love me. Tell me you still want me.”

  “I’ve told you this already,” she said. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get that image of you that night out of my head.” Sniffle. “I don’t trust you. You shattered my whole world when you shattered that bottle. I loved you. I told you we were having a baby and you threw a bottle past my face.” Sniffle. “And maybe I could’ve gotten past all of that, but you walked away and didn’t come back for months. Months, Brody. I have moved on with Jaxon. He’s a good and loyal and devoted man.” He huffed. “Stop it. You don’t get to come in here and huff at me or my choices. Jaxon may not be the biological father, but he’s been here a hell of a lot more than you have.” No more sniffles now. “He wants her and has since the beginning, which is a hell of a lot more than you can say. He doesn’t have any doubts and isn’t scared to grow up. He will be her daddy. If you actually stick around, then we can discuss your role in a few months.”

  “I will be here and she’s my daughter. I will be a part of her life. I don’t want to fight with you Leila. Please, just take some time to consider what I’ve said.” I thought he was done, so I started to walk the rest of the way to the bedroom, but he started talking again.

  “Let me ask you something, if he wasn’t here, would you give me another chance?”

  “I want you to leave Brody.” She was quiet and sounded exhausted.

  “Just answer me Lei, if Jaxon wasn’t in the picture, could we be a family?”

  “It doesn’t matter Brody, I am with him. I love him. He’s good to me. I can trust him not to run out on me, like you did and just like my father did to my mom.”

  And there it was.

  “He’s why you won’t try again, because you think I’m gonna be just like your father?”

  She was quietly sniffling. “Brody, please just go.” Part of me wanted to drag him out by his balls, but she needed to handle this her way.

  “Baby, look at me. Please.” Silence. “We have a few months to figure this out. I want to be a part of everything else going forward, doctors appointments, ultrasounds, emergencies, all of it. I’m gonna be by your side from now on, I swear.”


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