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Hope Flames

Page 12

by Jaci Burton

Page 12

  Author: Jaci Burton

  She sat up and unhooked her bra, letting it fall from her shoulders to reveal the most perfect breasts he’d ever seen. He pulled her down to him, taking a nipple into his mouth.

  She was soft, but her nipple hardened into a tight bud when he sucked on it. And the sounds she made drove him crazy.

  “Luke. Oh, Luke, that’s so good. ” She surged against him, and he almost lost it.

  It didn’t take more than a few minutes of licking her nipples to realize that Emma was very vocal.

  He liked that, and wanted a lot more of it.

  He flipped her onto her back and kissed her ribs, moving his way over her stomach. She smelled good, her skin was soft, and when he reached her panties, she arched upward, offering herself to him.

  She might have been reluctant at first, but now that they’d decided to do this, she was more than eager. Luke liked a sex partner who wasn’t shy or hesitant, and Emma fit him perfectly. When he grasped her panties, she wriggled out of them, seemingly in a hurry to have him touch her.

  Yeah, he was in a hurry, too. He pressed a kiss to her hipbone and spread her legs, shouldering his body between them to kiss her inner thighs.

  He looked up to find her watching him, a combination of curiosity and hungry desire on her face. And when he bent his head to take a long swipe of her sex, she made those sounds again—a long moan followed by a whimper.

  “Yes, right there,” she said, her head falling back against the pillow at the same time her hips arched up as she let him have access.

  He tasted her, using his tongue and his lips to explore her. She was like heaven here, soft and warm and everything he’d expected. All he wanted to do was drive her right over the edge.

  Emma gripped the sheets and dug her heels into the mattress, trying hard not to come so fast. But it had been a long time and, oh, God, Luke had a magical tongue. She knew as soon as he’d grabbed her, kissed her, and pushed her against the kitchen counter that this was going to be a slamming hot experience.

  And now, as she hovered ever so close to a climax, she knew that she’d been right. He was a force to be reckoned with, and she was veering out of control. She came with a wild cry, bucking against him as wave after wave of orgasm crashed over her with dizzying effects, leaving her shattered.

  She barely had time to recover when Luke loomed over her, taking her mouth in a kiss that left her breathless. Her body still quivered with the aftereffects of her mind-blowing orgasm, and the way he touched her, the way his body moved over hers, had her right there all over again.

  The man was relentless in all the right ways.

  A thought suddenly occurred to her, and she grabbed his arms. “Please tell me you have a condom. ”

  He gave her a devilishly sexy smile. “I have a condom. ”

  She quirked an eyebrow. “For those random, side-of-the-road hookups?”

  “No, in case I arrest a hot perp. ”


  He cocked his head to the side. “No. Not seriously. ” He reached for his pants and grabbed a condom out of his pocket.

  “Surely that wasn’t for me. ”

  “It wasn’t. But I like to be prepared. ”

  She swept her fingers across his jaw. “Thanks for that. Now let’s get you inside me. ”

  He took a deep breath. “Happy to oblige, ma’am. ”

  He put the condom on, spread her legs and slid inside her, his gaze fixed on hers as he entered her, slow and easy.

  Emma wasn’t prepared for this intimacy, would have much preferred he slam it home and screw the living daylights out of her, all fast and furiouslike. These slow and gentle movements, the way he glided in and out of her while holding his gaze to hers was about to undo her. It was . . . intimate. Emotional. And not just faceless, random sex, which was what she’d been all in for when he’d kissed her with such passion in the kitchen.

  Now it was slow. Stirring. And it made her feel things more than just the physical. Though the physical part was pretty damned good. Luke knew how to move his body in such a way that when he levered his hips against her, she was already on the verge again, her breath catching every time he thrust. Add the emotional aspect to the passion, and it was overwhelming.

  In both good ways and bad.

  But when he bent and kissed her, she was lost, reaching for him and holding tight as control fled. Now it was need that took hold, Luke caressing her body with his hands as he moved faster within her, taking his movements deeper until she whimpered against his lips and tightened against him.

  He lifted up and looked at her, and she shattered, coming with a moan, her body quivering around his. She watched him as he went with her, and it was a magical thing to see a man lose control like that. She clung to him as they both went over, and didn’t let go until long moments later after they both caught their breath.

  Emma stroked Luke’s sweat-soaked back, reveling in the bliss of afterglow.

  She hadn’t expected this. But she refused to regret it.

  And when Luke looked down at her and smiled, it was obvious he didn’t, either.

  But now it was over, and it was going to have to be a one-time thing.

  “I have a lot to do tomorrow,” she said.

  “Which is your cue for getting me the hell out of your house?”

  “I didn’t say that, but it’s my only day off, and I catch up on paperwork. And I have to clean my house. I’m usually up really early. You probably like to sleep in. ”

  He rolled out of bed and stood, giving her a magnificent view of his very fine ass and spectacular body.

  “No problem. ” He grabbed his clothes and got dressed while she put on a pair of shorts and a tank top so she could see him to the door.

  “I hope you’re not offended,” she said when he called for Boomer and headed to the front door.

  “I’m not. I wouldn’t have stayed anyway. It’s not really my thing. ”

  “We’re on the same page, then. ”

  He turned to her and smiled. “We are. Thanks for dinner and . . . after dinner. ”

  “You’re welcome. ”

  “I’ll see you later, Emma. ”

  She leaned against the doorframe and watched him walk to his car. He waved good-bye as he drove away. She shut and locked the door, let the dogs out one last time, then brushed her teeth, washed her face, and climbed into bed.

  The after-sex euphoria had faded, which was disappointing, but she was just being practical. Neither she nor Luke wanted a relationship. She was just being smart, to not get involved with him emotionally.

  Smart didn’t feel very comforting as she lay in her now-cold bed.


  Chapter 8

  EMMA WAS NERVOUS and excited about Adoption Day at the Hope Small Animal Hospital. But thanks to the local animal shelter, they had eighteen animals—a group of dogs and cats—available for adoption today.

  They’d had the sign running for over a week on the outside marquee, and her mother had helped her by advertising it in the local paper and on the town website and social media pages. It was up on the clinic’s website, too. She could only hope people would show up. If they could get even a few of these animals adopted out today, she’d call it a win.

  Jane came by early with her boyfriend, Will, along with Jane’s kids, Ryan and Tabitha, two of the cutest kids Emma had ever met. Tabitha was so excited she was bouncing on the heels of her purple tennis shoes. Ryan tried to play it cool, but his eyes widened at all the animals on display.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Emma said to Jane as the kids looked at the animals with Will.

  “Are you kidding?” Jane said. “It’s all the kids—and Will—have talked about for the past week. ”

  “Mom. You have to come see this dog,” Ryan said, taking her hand and dragging her away.

  Jane gave her a look and a g
rin and wandered off.

  After that, the clinic started to fill up as people wandered in, some with kids, some without.

  “This is looking good,” Leanne said.

  “I hope so. ”

  When Luke came in with Boomer, Emma’s stomach twisted in a mix of delight and trepidation.

  It had been a week since they’d slept together. She hadn’t exactly expected him to come by today, had figured they’d had one night of awesome sex, and she probably wasn’t going to see him again.

  It had been the right thing to do. Luke was a complication she didn’t need in her life. Not right now.

  Maybe not ever.

  And he’d seemed willing enough to walk away at her suggestion.

  But she’d missed him during the week. And she hadn’t wanted to miss him. Several times she’d thought about picking up the phone to call him, or to send him a text. Which would have been a very, very bad thing. Because seeing him now caused every nerve ending in her body to ping to life, and every memory from that night she’d spent with him rushed forth, causing her face to heat.

  But she was so glad he’d shown up and had brought Boomer today. He was in uniform, too, which made all the kids excited.

  And he was smiling at her, which made her stomach tumble.

  Guess he wasn’t out of her system entirely just yet.

  “Morning, Emma. ”

  “Morning. I’m so glad you came today. ”

  “I said I would. So here we are. ”

  “Are you on duty?”

  “I did a late shift, covering for someone. So I thought the kids might get a kick out of the K9-cop thing. ”

  “I’m sure they will. Thanks so much for coming today. ”

  He grinned and her knees weakened. “Wouldn’t miss it. I heard there’d be donuts. ”

  “Funny. There are, plus coffee. ”

  “I could use the coffee. ”

  She lost sight of Luke as the shelter manager came over to talk to her. Then she got busy examining a calico that had just been adopted, which sent her heart soaring, because after that, there seemed to be one animal after another that ended up having a clinic file started because they’d been adopted.

  Things were going so well.

  Her mother stopped in and came to the back when she was examining a sheltie/poodle mix. And her mom had the biggest grin on her face.

  “Picking up some new clients today?”

  She hugged her mother. “I don’t always tell you thank-you like I should, but thank you. And not just because I’m ending up with new clients today, but animals have been adopted. ”

  Her mother looked around. “It seems like a successful event. You should do it twice a year. ”

  “That’s a good idea. ” She squeezed her mom’s hand. “Stick around for a bit?”

  “Of course. ”

  After her mother disappeared, things seemed to quiet down.

  “We’ve got six new files,” Rachel said with a wide smile. “That’s so awesome. ”

  The one thing she loved most about Rachel and Leanne was that they didn’t just work at the clinic because it was a job. They had a love of animals as big and as fierce as Emma had.

  “It is awesome. ”

  “There’s a black-and-white kitten I have my eye on,” Leanne said. “But I don’t know what Oscar would think about me bringing another cat home. ”

  Emma leaned against the desk. “He probably wouldn’t like it one bit. But he’d adjust, and he might enjoy the company during the day while you’re at work. ”

  “That’s what I’m thinking. Plus, she’s a female, so there’d be no fighting for territory. I’m going to give her another nuzzle and see if she needs to go home with me. ”

  Emma looked at Rachel.

  “She’s a goner,” Rachel said. “That kitten’s going home with her today. ”

  Ten minutes later, Leanne caught up with Emma. “I’ve already told Patrice that the black-and-white kitten is mine. I had Rachel set up a chart for her. I’m going to call her Olivia. ”

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