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Heart's Desire

Page 23

by Ellie Masters

  Her breath fanned his cheeks when he allowed her to breathe. “Ryker,” she said with a sigh, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  He backed her up against the closest pallet towering above both their heads and palmed her ass, crushing her against his chest. Then, he hitched her up and wrapped her legs around his hips.

  Her tongue darted out, following his lead, and she grabbed at his hair, stabbing her fingers into his scalp. She ground against the hardening length of his cock, desperate and needy. With his head slanting, fingers digging into the flesh of her hips, his lips glided against hers. His tongue furiously lashed and rolled with hers.

  Her hunger drove him to a place where he was shaky, off-balance, and driving toward the inevitability of his need, but the thick fabric of her uniform locked him away from what he desired most. The promise he’d made to be careful wouldn’t allow another rough fuck beneath the stars, which meant he’d have to be satisfied with nothing more than a kiss. While shadows gathered around them, he made certain they were alone. It was so quiet; the absence of sound made him jumpy.

  “I want to take you to your room,” he said, “peel you out of your uniform, and bury my face between your thighs.”

  “Ryker.” Her voice shook with her arousal, “we can—”

  “No,” he said, “I won’t risk that again.” They’d been lucky before, and he knew better than to push fate. “Besides,” he said with a soft laugh, “I have to be back on that stage in a few minutes.”

  “Damn,” she said, clenching her legs around his waist. She leaned her forehead against his. “I guess I’ll have to wait.”

  “I don’t mind waiting,” he said. “We’ve got all the time in the world to get lost in each other.”

  She curled her fingers in his hair, the sensation sending bolts of electricity skating down his spine. All that energy gathered and spread to his aching cock.

  He groaned and set her on her feet. “As much as I want to stay, we need to head back before anyone notices we’re gone.”

  She sighed. “I know. I just wish—”

  He pressed a finger against her lips, and she sucked it in, teasing with seductive licks.

  “I do, too.”

  Her brow arched up. “You know…” She reached between them and cupped his erection straining beneath his fatigues.

  “Don’t tempt me,” he said. “I’m not strong enough to refuse that offer.”

  She took a step back. “I guess you have to decide if I’m giving or you’re taking.”

  A feral growl lifted in his throat. “In that case,” he said, enjoying the shift in power growing between them, “on your knees.”

  Her velvety pink lips bowed into a smile. “As you wish,” she said, lowering down.

  She undid his belt and popped the buttons of his fly. When she freed his long length, he hissed as her lips pressed against the flare of his cock. His vision zoomed in on her tempestuous eyes, and blood raced to fill his dick. His balls grew heavy as his shaft sank into the wet heat of her mouth. Firing all his pleasure centers, she had him struggling to stay upright.

  He resisted the urge to free her hair from the confines of her bun. Without the ability to drive his fingers into the long lengths, he wouldn’t be able to control the blow job. He leaned forward and braced himself with a palm against the pallet while Tia’s masterful mouth, lips, and tongue drove him insane.

  His thighs flexed with each pull of her mouth. His cock twitched with each luscious flick of her tongue. He dipped his head, bringing the intensity of his gaze down to watch her lips slide along his length. He ground his teeth together, needing to rush this moment along, lest they get caught, as well as draw out the exquisite pleasure rushing through his veins.

  She took him in deep, and he ground against her mouth, palming one hand behind her head to hold her there. Tia gagged and choked, but she didn’t fight his power. They were discovering a rhythm between them as to who took charge. Surrender didn’t come easily to his strong-willed lover, but she ached to give in. With time, they’d sort through their roles.

  He didn’t push her too hard and pulled out to let her recover.

  “Shit, Tia,” he said, his voice thick and hoarse with the rush of his arousal. “I want to fuck you against that pallet and then fuck you on the ground. I want to rip off your clothes and fuck you with my tongue.”

  Her dark eyes flicked up to meet him, and stars glittered in her dark depths. “I know,” she said, cupping his balls. “I want that, too.”

  Allowing his focus to drift down on her kneeling form, he let out a deep breath. “God, but if I don’t love seeing you on your knees before me.” He ran his fingers over the plumpness of her lower lip. “And watching these around my cock…”

  Her face lit with a smile. “I’ve never felt this way before,” she said. “It feels…I don’t know, but I like when you take charge.”

  He palmed the back of her head again, being careful not to disturb that frustrating bun. “Bring me home, babe. I’m close.”

  The air crackled between them, moving over the sensitive skin of his shaft. He shivered even though the night still retained much of the heat of the day. Her lips stretched over him once again. He pressed his shoulders back and tilted his head to gaze at the stars. A deep groan vibrated in his chest as his balls drew up, and his muscles tensed. A quickening gathered at his spine, growing with each drag and flick of her tongue. His body jerked and pulsed. Then, pleasure coiled and exploded as he shot his load down her throat.

  He bit down on his lower lip, afraid of making too much noise, while she licked and lapped and sucked him until he was spent.

  A devilish grin took control of her face. Perfectly pink lips, swollen from use, quirked up at the edges. “I could do that all day long,” she said.

  His jaw tightened as he stared down. “Be careful, or I might just take you up on that—tie you down and force you to feast on my cock at my whim.”

  She gave a flippant shrug. “You make that sound like a punishment.”

  “We haven’t explored punishments,” he said. “Best not to rush in to those kinds of things too fast.”

  Her dark eyebrow winged up. “Now, Ryker Lyons, who’s making promises?”

  He gripped her chin with his thumb and forefinger. “I suppose that would be me.”

  He imagined many scenarios, all of them edgy and erotic as shit, and wondered if Tia might be his perfect fit. Only time would tell. He tucked his semi-hard cock into his fatigues and buttoned up the fly.

  “It’s time to head back,” he said.

  The guys were probably wondering what had happened to him, and he didn’t want to think about what Forest thought. As long as he and Tia remained discreet, there shouldn’t be any problems.

  “I’ll head back first,” he said, kissing her on the forehead and then lovingly on the lips. “I’ll see you back at the hangar, but remember…”

  “What?” she asked with a demure smile.

  “You’re mine tonight,” he said with a possessive growl.

  Chapter Thirty-Two



  Tia waited a few minutes before heading back to the hangar. Leaning against the pallet, she tilted her face to the heavens. So many twinkling lights shimmered down, bathing her in countless wishes and the possibilities of what might be. Her lungs filled and emptied. With each breath, the tumultuous beating of her heart eased, and in its place, a quiet surrender filled the void.

  She supposed it had always been like that around Ryker even if she’d never noticed before now. Hadn’t it been there each and every time he helped her adjust her pack, gave her a hand up from the dusty ground, or paced her faltering stride with his quiet assurance that she would hold her own?

  When he’d sheltered her from that sniper not too many days ago, part of the flutter in her heart hadn’t been from fear. But she’d known him as a player, a man who refused to allow a woman to tie him down. Women had moved in and out of his bed with the relentl
ess coming of the tide. She’d hated that about him.

  Somewhere along the way, things had shifted for him and for her as well. With a smile fixed on her face, she pushed off from the pallet and headed back to the hangar. They had a future filled with nothing but time.

  The hard-packed ground refused to yield beneath her combat boots, and gravel crunched beneath her feet. A heavy tang of dirt, sand, and earthy smells hung thick in the air. Dust was an ever-oppressive force in this place, always managing to creep into every nook and cranny. It was a constant reminder that this was not home.

  Turning around the last row of pallets, she pulled up short as a shadowy form separated from the door leading back inside the hangar.

  “Major Meyers,” the voice said.

  She peered into the man’s face, trying to pick out his features.

  Colonel Vane’s gaze cut back to the way she’d come. “I think we need to have a conversation.”

  Her step faltered, and she came to a thudding halt. “Sir?”

  Her first instinct was to give a salute, but the area around the hangars was designated a no-hat, no-salute zone. She would’ve felt far more comfortable rendering the salute because she didn’t know what to do with her hands.

  He gestured away from the hangar. “If you’ll follow me?”

  Although stated as a question, the command couldn’t be ignored. She stiffened her spine, rolled her shoulders, and shoved her hands deep into her pockets where he couldn’t see how her fingers twisted with dread.

  “Yes, sir,” she said, giving a nod.

  A lump formed in her throat, and she swallowed it down. There could be only one of two reasons he needed to speak with her at this hour. Either that reporter had finally arrived for the exclusive interview, or he had noticed Ryker exiting the maze of pallets and put two and two together.

  He took off, his long legs devouring the ground, which forced her to keep pace. Fortunately, she had practice following men who were much taller than herself and had long strides.

  The USO building squatted less than a few minutes’ walk from the hangar. Without another word, Vane marched directly to the building. He held the door and ushered her inside.

  “My office, please.” His tone was direct and didn’t mince words.

  It was late enough that there was no one on duty. Unlike many other areas on base, the USO didn’t require twenty-four/seven staffing of personnel. She glanced around the darkened rows of cubicles and swallowed down the lump in her throat. The urge to ask what was up surfaced several times, but Vane had a purpose for bringing her to his office, and he would divulge that only when ready.

  The door to his office was shut and apparently locked. She pulled up short and turned sideways to allow him to unlock the door. With a jangle of metal, he inserted the appropriate key and turned the knob. Another imperious wave of his arm had her pulse skyrocketing. Her reaction had more to do with the scowl on his face than anything else. That singular expression told her everything she needed to know. This conversation had nothing to do with an exclusive public relations interview.

  She entered and approached the front of his desk, coming to attention without being asked.

  “Have a seat, Major.” He dropped into his military-issue swivel chair and leaned forward, placing both palms on the laminated wood of his desk.

  “If it’s all right,” she said, “I prefer to stand.” She shifted and moved to the position of parade rest, but there was nothing restful about the tension rippling through her body.

  He arched a brow.

  “Sir,” she added, offering the appropriate honorific.

  Tightness filled his expression, a taut display telegraphing his displeasure.

  “As you wish, but this might take more than a moment.”

  Her stomach dropped, but she didn’t waver. This was a conversation she needed to have while standing tall. Besides, on her feet, she had the advantage of height on Vane. He might be ready to dress her down, but she would have the tiny—yet insignificant—luxury of looking down at him while he did it.

  “You have a unique position,” he began, “a challenging role for a woman in the Air Force.”

  She wished he would get to the point.

  “Do you know why I brought you here?”

  Until she knew for certain why he’d brought her to his office, she wasn’t going to volunteer any damaging information.

  “No, sir.” It might not be wise to lie, but she was operating on the principle of plausible deniability.

  “Women in combat is a touchy subject both within and outside of the military,” he said.

  “Technically, I’m not in a combat role.”

  They were splitting hairs.

  “I can imagine the selection process was quite grueling.”

  “The selection process for special operations surgical team members is difficult and rigorous for all applicants. Many men wash out.”

  “Of course,” he said. “I am not here to denigrate your accomplishments.”

  She couldn’t stand it anymore. “Exactly why am I here?”

  “The decision to do a spotlight on one of our women in combat was not an easy one. We balance opening many doors against those who wish for them to remain closed.”

  “Are we debating the pros and cons of women in combat, sir?” She was tired of his evasiveness.

  “No, but as one of a very few women chosen to support in this manner, the lens of public opinion cannot be ignored.”

  “And you feel I threaten this lens?”

  “I feel,” he said, standing to his full height, “your actions with Tech Sergeant Ryker Lyons blackens the reputation of the Air Force and all women who strive to break through the barriers you so easily surpassed.”

  Her insides twisted with the confirmation of her fears. The relationship between Ryker and her had been discovered. But who? Who would’ve spilled? Not Forest. Not Skye. Not even Ash. Who else knew? Who else suspected? It was suicide to treat Vane with disrespect, but if he had any proof she had acted inappropriately with Ryker, her career had just reached terminal velocity, and she faced a headlong crash and burn. The destruction of a lifetime of hard work would follow.

  “What actions, sir?” It wasn’t career suicide to demand he be direct because his eyes told her everything she needed to know.

  He slapped his palm down on his table. The sharp rap had her jumping back. Eyes wide, she curled her lower lip inward and bit down to keep it from quivering and showing a weakness she couldn’t afford.

  “Don’t test me,” he said, raising his voice, moments from losing all decorum. “We’re talking fraternization.”

  She gave a sniff and said nothing. Do not confirm. Do not deny. Lying now would only make things worse. Besides, the anger simmering in his eyes meant he had far more to say.

  “There are reasons people argue against women serving in combat,” he said, “and you’ve given the entire world all the fodder they need to ruin the efforts we’ve been trying to make. It’s enough to debate the physical requirements, but the one thing that keeps coming back around to sabotage the whole effort is inappropriate relations. I don’t need to tell you, fraternization is not tolerated. I don’t need to explain the consequences.” He ran a hand through his close-cropped military hairstyle.

  “No, sir, you do not.”

  She knew the consequences, but like a fool, she had chosen hope and denial instead of doing what was right. She and Ryker should never have crossed that line. Her head had known this, but her heart had refused. It wanted a happy ending.

  There was a specific Air Force Instruction that detailed everything about fraternization. The Air Force placed high value on professional relationships, fostering them whenever possible. Professional relationships were vital to the functional effectiveness of the Air Force and ultimately the mission, especially when missions involved difficult challenges, hardships, the potential for injury, and even death. It was why her team celebrated kids’ birthdays as a group and cele
brated the Fourth of July, Veterans’ Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas together whenever possible. Unit cohesion, morale, and good order and discipline were essential for mission success.

  Her relationship with Ryker threatened to undermine the very fabric of her unit. She knew this. Ryker knew this. But not once had they thought to stop things before they began. Now, it was too late.

  If substantiated, she could face a court-martial. That could result in a felony conviction within the military legal system. If she were lucky, she’d receive a general discharge instead of an honorable one. It would make it more difficult to find employment and would strip her of most of her benefits as a veteran. Vane’s threat was very real.

  He continued, explaining something drilled into every active-duty military member as a part of annual training, “Fraternization between an officer and enlisted is a career-terminating event. And to think”—he shook his head—“we were going to spotlight your accomplishments!” His voice shook with rising anger, and disappointment colored his words. “Do you understand now?”

  She gulped but was wise enough not to offer any damning information. This was a situation to fall back on her SERE training—survive, evade, resist, escape. Answer only the question asked. Do not volunteer additional information. Keep secrets close, and speak only the barest of truths.

  She hadn’t been taken prisoner, but this sure as hell was war. It was a battle to salvage her career—not that it was likely she’d succeed, but she would sure as hell fight to keep Ryker’s name clear.

  “Our team is a close-knit group,” she began. Perhaps she could salvage something of this disaster. To bring her up on Uniformed Code of Military Justice fraternization charges, Vane would have to have indisputable proof. “What others might consider fraternization is often the result of working closely with one another.”


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