Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 14

by Francheska Fifield

  “You will waste much time doing so and be caught up in many other things should you find them.”

  He looks at Viktor and I know what he is thinking. Viktor will be intent on his history, we will get sidetracked.

  “The mission comes first. If my grandfather still lives he can wait. Unless he wishes to help us.”

  Normally Viktor speaking up would be bad; he has a penchant for trouble it seems. This time what he says is right on the mark. He is right; his family might be more willing to help than mine. We won’t know until we try.

  “You are as much Elvin as you are a human mage boy.”

  “The only thing Elvin about me is my tie to Princess Elainne.”

  Viktor can hold his own in this verbal battle against my father it seems and I can’t help but enjoy it. I smile and sit back letting him have his say.

  “We could test you for Elvin magic. It would help you protect her more efficiently. You could be accepted into your Elvin household with magic and a Kemp tie.”

  “I don’t care if I do or not. True I would like to be able to protect her better, but the way I see it we will protect each other. She has magic enough for both of us and I have weapon skill enough for both of us. I don’t want to belong here if she won’t as well. I go where she goes, and she will rule the human kingdom someday, so that’s where I belong as well.”

  My father looks insulted and proud. Viktor is more Elvin than he wants to admit. It seems the Kemp blood runs deep in him.

  “So your majesty do we receive your help or seek help from Viktor’s mage family?”

  I figure moving back to the topic before my father goes from insulted and proud to just insulted is be a good idea.

  “Let us discuss what I would get in return. We have no need of food trades, and we have magic the humans do not. All of our trade items are superior to yours. What can you possibly offer?”

  I sigh. I knew this was a bad idea. I knew he would ask this and the truth is in his eyes I have nothing worth bargaining for.

  “Why not just gold. Everyone loves money.”

  “I have no need for more. My treasury outshines that of my sister and her husband’s. They cannot be indebted to me that way I know. How about workers?”

  “I will not trade human lives your majesty so don’t even think about it.”

  He pouts, which I dangerous as it means he is mad he is being denied but I hold my ground.

  “What if I offer you the artifact?”

  He looks shocked for a moment and then laughs. He doesn’t show any signs of stopping anytime soon and Madeline steps forward looking at me in shock a bit. The boys look confused and look at us all in question.

  “You can’t Elainne it’s not safe! No one’s ever returned from that journey if what your aunt said is true!”


  “What is this artifact?”

  I look at Elainne who still looks at her father. She holds doubt, fear, and most of all determination. Something that scares her so much can’t be good. I have seen all she has survived.

  “There was once an Elvin relic that lived here in the palace. No one knows for sure but it is said it held Elvin magic under its domain. The one that controlled the orb could strip Elves of their power and keep it for themselves, or perform miracles. Like giving their half-blood children the ability to use Elvin magic to the full extent a pureblood can. Things like that. In the hands of an Elvin ruler, he would be able to strip traitors and their entire family line of power and put that power into his or her own family. The orb holds its own power, they would be invincible.”

  “That’s not something I would want any Elf to have.”

  I agree with Mason. Elves are dangerous as it is.


  “And it is worth far more than saving my aunts kingdom, which is why I will keep the orb but use it to ensure my father’s rule does not end until his natural death. After he dies I will use the orb as I see fit.”

  My father is not laughing now.

  “You would keep the Elvin artifact? Away from the Elves to whom it belongs.”

  “If I find it, it belongs to me. You know with it I could easily take over both the Elvin kingdom and drive the mermen from the human one once I have control of this. Instead, I am asking your permission to search for it, and in return, you keep your throne, I get Elves to help me rid my aunt’s kingdom of mermen, and I ensure your life will end only by natural means.

  “We all know Elves live a long time. Should I die without having children the orb will go to you. If I do have children you better hope they will renegotiate with you. It’s a fair deal. Your kingdom will be yours until you die. I will travel here to punish your enemies with the orb if need be. Or if legends are true and the Elf holding the orb can sense the ill intentions of any Elf over any distance I can punish them no matter where I am.”

  “If you cannot use the orb because you are only a half-blood of what then?”

  “Then I will give you the orb in exchange for the guarantee that any and all family members of mine present and future be under your protection no matter where they are. Human or Elvin, born or married into. Any husband I should have and children and their children and so on. You get your orb I know my family is safe.”

  “What if you fail?”

  “Madeline and Mason return with your Elves to purge the land of mermen and aunt can deal with you once it’s done and she is safe. You will have the pleasure of knowing since I failed you that I have died.”

  “You would endanger your Kemp?”

  I shake my head. “I wish him to return with them however I know the chances of that are nonexistent.”

  “Princess don’t do this. Mason and I will return and gather an army of those not affected and fight for the freedom of the kingdom. If we fail we go to the mages.”

  Victor's pleading falls on deaf ears. I know he doesn’t want me to endanger myself but I have to do this.

  “I will not be the ruler that sends others to die for me while risking nothing myself. I am not my father.”

  He sighs and backs away a bit likely trying to control the outburst he is clutching behind his teeth.

  “Your Kemp is far wiser than you are Elainne.”

  I shake my head. “No. Viktor cares for my safety. I care about being a ruler worth caring about and to do so I need to care for my people more than myself. As long as I am the one endangering myself the people are safe. A rebellion failed or successful puts people in harm’s way, something I will avoid if I can. He understands what kind of ruler I shall be and though it makes him annoyed I care so little for my own safety he is proud to serve one such as me. I know this.”


  She is right; everything she said is true. Before knowing I am Kemp I’d been honored, honored to find the kind of ruler worth serving. While putting herself in harm’s way will make me grind my teeth I will gladly follow because she is worth following.

  “Does he agree to take this mission with you? Kemp is a partnership; you cannot just command him as you would a normal guard.”

  “I go where she goes. No matter where that is.”

  I look at her nodding. She smiles and nods back in acknowledgment. I could stop her. I want to, to save her from the horrible death that likely waits for us both, but she is right. We have to do this.

  “Your Highness if you go and something happens to you your aunt and uncle lose their heir. You cannot let that happen to them again.”


  I sigh. Madeline is right. “They have the human nephew uncle wishes to be the next ruler.”

  “You are not accepted anywhere you go are you Elainne?”

  I stand and scowl at my father before Viktor can do worse. He is right and it makes me so angry. How can anyone care so little for their own child? Is it any less his fault? I wouldn’t have left to go to the human world if I had been accepted here. Mores the pity because then I would have never met Viktor. I miss my mother but I am now glad I never fit in here.
At one point it was all I wanted; now I have Viktor which is more than I could have ever hoped for.

  “Whose fault is that father?! Who let the Elves think of me as inferior because of my mother’s birth? She was a human princess! An heir to her own kingdom before coming here! As noble as you yourself! It is your own fault that humans are looked upon so! It is the human half of me willing to go to such lengths for my people and that’s why I shall succeed not fail! It is my human half that will allow me to succeed where others have failed! And when I do succeed I want something in return other than aunt’s kingdom, a personal request!”

  “Humor me as I know you shall not return.”

  “I want a say in the future heir of your kingdom.”

  Every breath in the place stops.

  “I have an heir.”

  “Not if I return.”

  No one breathes, blinks, or moves. Even my father is shocked. I see Viktor from the corner of my eye move his hands in position to grab his swords if need be. He can sense the danger in the air. A Kemp is naturally attuned to danger; they sense it even before it is around. He is reacting now and it doesn’t bode well for me.

  “If you return and can prove you bear the real orb you may have a say.”

  I nod and rise. “Have the needed documents drawn up. We shall take dinner in our quarters and be ready to sign them tomorrow. Viktor and I will leave soon after the signing is complete. We will require travel supplies and clothes. I expect you to prepare the Elvin men needed and allow Madeline and Mason to meet them so they feel comfortable traveling back with them. I will see you in the morning, your majesty.”

  I walk to the door my entourage following, Madeline three steps behind me, Mason a step behind her, and Viktor at my side.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When we return to the rooms, I don’t wait for the boys to leave. I pull off the jewelry and over gown and grab my travel clothes putting them on and tossing the dress as far as I can. Being cloth, it doesn’t sail as far as I hoped but I do feel better. Mason looks on the verge of passing out from shock and Madeline joins him. Viktor stands silent and awaiting instructions. I face the window looking out and letting myself realize what is likely to happen.

  “If they come for me, I want you all to get out of here. Down the hall is a statue of an Elvin lord with a rather large nose. Bastard born, still important. Push the nose, he will move and reveal a passageway. I can use magic to allow you time to escape. Go to the mages. Tell them of what transpired here, Viktor will be there as proof…”

  “No, if you stay I do as well.”

  “Viktor I will be put to death. They need you to save the kingdom; they need you to prove everything about our story…”

  “I don’t care…”

  I slam my hands on the table and turn to face them tears streaming down my face.

  “Do you think I want you to die for me Kemp or not?! I made a vow to save the humans from those mermen whether they wanted my help or not! If I die you are my Kemp, my only way of keeping that promise so I can be at peace in the next life! You will do as I say this one time whether you want to or not do you understand!”

  We stare each other down while the other two look on in silence. Everyone is overwhelmed by what happened in that room, but I refuse to fail and if I do if father chooses to break our agreement and kill me Viktor is the only one that can make it to the mages.

  “If I die, as my Kemp you get certain things. I can give you my magic, my lifespan, my life force. Giving you an extra life so to speak. More energy, more strength, Elvin senses, and reflexes. I can make sure you can get the others out, and I will. I cannot give them anything but I can give them you, you with Elvin bonuses so they can make it to the mages.”

  “Let’s leave now. We will go to the mages.”

  I shake my head. “If he doesn’t come for my head and finds me gone, I will be branded an oath breaker and hunted, it could lead to war. Even if it only leads to me being banished aunt wouldn’t be able to safely have me in her kingdom. If he does come for me, I have no chance of escaping all I can do is make sure you all do. I will switch with you Viktor. Your mortality for my Elvin enhancements. They will feel the magic but they cannot stop it. We are bonded until death.”

  “You knew it could come to this?”

  I nod to Viktor looking back out the window. It should be raining. I want it to be as sad outside as I feel inside. My life was never easy and here I am risking everything on the off chance that my father will agree and have the paperwork drawn up instead of finding me an insolent daughter and having me killed. One would think being blood he would find it difficult to do. I know he won’t.

  “I knew he would agree and that he would either decide to kill me or follow through. He didn’t technically say he accepted my terms. He nodded, he agreed if I returned, I had a say in his heir, but he never agreed to everything. Until we sign, he is not bound. I put forth everything so I am bound to keep my word and give him the chance. I knew the position I was putting myself in but I figured it worth the risk.”


  I go over spinning her around and grab her shoulders tightly my anger pouring off of me in waves making her flinch from the power of it as it hits her full force.

  “Why do it then? If you knew it could come to this why didn’t we travel to the mages first? Why waste your life on this? You are a leader worth following and the humans need that! We can’t just let you die!”

  “I agree with Viktor. Guards are here to ensure their charges make it out safely. We are here to protect you and Madeline. You two can escape. We will guard your backs.”


  I shake my head as Viktor shakes me

  “Why not?”

  “Because even where the mages live, I am a half Elvin bastard and they would not trust me! The Elves and mages aren’t at war because they are both a powerful force to be reckoned with but they hate each other and I am half Elvin!”

  He lets go and stumbles back scowling something fierce. I am almost afraid if he dies to have magic, from either side of his family, he will catch the room on fire in anger.

  “Is that really to haunt you everywhere you go forever?”

  I can do no more than weep into my hands. Because it will. No one trusts me not to favor the other side when really, I favor none because none of them even like me let alone favor me. “Yes.”

  No one says anything as the servants come in carrying food and lay it out on the table. I hear Madeline quickly and quietly dismiss them. Madeline starts filling up plates and Mason sits quietly waiting to be told what to do. I can’t do anything more than sob. This is my life. Trying to protect those that hate me, trying to make peace where none want it. It is a hard and lonely life.


  I realize as she stands sobbing into her hands that no matter where she is, no matter the good she tries to do no one will ever appreciate it. She will be treated as an outcast, an interloper. She lost her mother, the only person who accepted her as she was and she will forever be alone, had basically been alone even before her mother’s death. What she goes through daily, knowing how much the people she helped hate her because of her birth, something she had no control over, well it is not something someone so young should have to bear. No one should have to suffer so.

  I walk over and take her in my arms hugging her. I hear Mason’s shocked gasp and Madeline rattling a dish as she tries to keep the shock from transferring from her face to her limbs. I don’t look at them keeping my eyes down on her and not caring if this is appropriate or not.

  “You’re not alone anymore I'm here. If they don’t appreciate it fine. We will travel to the mages so they may meet me and test to see if I have any mage powers. If so, we stay long enough for me to learn if not we leave right away. We will travel until we find someplace that doesn’t care what birthplace you claim.”

  She steps back shock evident on her face.

  “You cannot be serious! Just abandoned the settled kingdoms to
their fates and go on my way doing nothing to help any of them!”

  Madeline and Mason look equally shocked at my words. I don’t care what they think of me, or of Elainne should she accept my offer, but she obviously does for she keeps looking back to them.

  “Don’t worry about what they think of you or me. They haven’t been through what you have. Where you go, I go, if you decide to find someplace that accepts you, I go as well. No judgment.”

  She walks over to the table and takes the plate Madeline holds out to her. She sits and starts to eat saying nothing. I am not sure how she feels about my suggestion, she is shocked and it is covering up anything else she is feeling. I sit opposite her taking the plate Madeline filled for me. I wish I knew what Madeline and Mason were thinking. If they are to penalize Elainne for thinking of herself this once I will do what I have to even if that means fighting our way through them. Madeline will offer no physical resistance and though Mason is a good soldier we both know I am slightly better, even before bonding with Elainne.


  I think Viktor’s offer over. My mother would have said the same thing and it makes me both happy and sad. Happy that though she is gone her kindness can be found in others. Sad because though she would say it she wouldn’t believe it. She would want me happy, yes, but she’d been courageous and she would want me to do the right thing. I will. I will help my mother’s people, even if they don’t want my help, they will get it.

  “I leave tomorrow for the quest. You may come with me Viktor if you wish to.”

  He nods as we all sit and eat in silence.

  After dinner, the boys return to their room. Madeline is in a huff expecting Viktor to return to our room again. I do not tell her she is right but wait for her to sleep before taking some extra blankets and pillows and making a makeshift bed at the foot of mine. I don’t like him sleeping on the floor but he is not going to listen to me if I tell him to stay in his and Mason’s room so I figure I will make him as comfortable as possible.


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