Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 15

by Francheska Fifield

  I go back to my bed and lay down closing my eyes. I wonder about his reaction to my moods and closed my eyes picturing the worst-case scenarios and letting myself panic. I hear footsteps and the connecting door slam. I sit up smiling and holding a candle. Viktor sees I am okay and sighs in relief before very grumpily looking at me.

  “I made you a makeshift bed with all the extra blankets I could find.”

  “Madeline is okay with me being in here all of a sudden?”

  I shake my head no. “Tell her you felt me panic and ran in to find I had a nightmare and you didn’t want to leave.”

  He sits down on his makeshift bed where I can no longer see him. But I can sense him so I toss him a pillow, put the candle on the table by the bed, and lay on my stomach on the end of the bed staring down at him playing with his boot knife.

  “Is that the knife you came with?”

  He shakes his head.

  “No. I found it with the Kemp clothing. A note from your father said it belonged to his Kemp. It is like the dagger that saved your father’s life apparently.”

  I hold out my hand and Viktor hands it over without any hesitation. His annoyance with my test is gone and he is merely satisfied that I am okay and he will be allowed to watch over me.

  “This knife is enchanted. It has a spell on it that allows you to take a wound for someone.”

  I can sense his question so I smile and hand it back.

  “If I were to receive a blow you could stab the area that had received it, basically stab me again where I was injured, and you would trade places with me. The wound would transfer to you. My father’s Kemp stabbed my father’s heart after he received a death blow there, it transferred to him. It is for that purpose only, you can’t use it as a normal knife but his Kemp kept it anyway, lucky for my father. His Kemp died and my father had a second chance. That’s why he became so desperate for an heir he accepted a peace agreement with my aunt’s husband and she went there and my mother came here. It made them allies.”

  “Then why doesn’t he have to help?”

  “Allies for Elves means they won’t go to war with you. Nothing more. They don’t have to help you in times of need unless that’s specified. In my father’s grief over his Kemp’s death, he threatened war with everyone. It affects the one left behind deeply no matter which one it is. It was my aunt that came up with the solution the kingdoms arrived to. See the mermaids are powerful and Elves wouldn’t readily challenge them, the mages as well. So, the poor humans almost bore the brunt of my father’s grief.”


  I listen to her story glad I know a bit more about it and glad the queen is not as harsh as she seems. I am also glad that her father gifted me with this knife. If I can save her any pain I will. But I will try to save it, just in case I have to follow in her father’s champion’s footsteps.

  “Viktor promise me you won’t ever use that should I receive a killing blow. I couldn’t bear it were you to die in my place.”

  I don’t say anything. I won’t make a promise I have every intention of breaking if it comes down to her life or mine. It is weird this Kemp bond between us. I am ready to accept a killing blow in her place if need be. I can feel her frustration at my refusal to answer and also her admiration for my courage. I don’t think it courageous. Perhaps it is the bond that makes me unable to see it as courage. I will never know if I would be so willing were I a normal guard and not a Kemp.

  “Viktor I’m not sure I can sleep. I’m nervous about tomorrow. After we sign the papers and head out. I…I haven’t prepared you for what’s to come.”

  “You don’t need to say anything. We will get in, grab this orb and get back in no time.”


  Viktor is not one for talk or positivity so the fact that he is engaging in both leaves me flabbergasted. Perhaps some of my personality leaked into him during the bonding because he certainly has been more willing to speak up since it happened. “We are both greatly changed. I am less willing to go running off to save the world knowing I am endangering you as well as myself. I wish it weren’t so but I’m glad you will be with me.”

  “Perhaps we share certain things with the other. I’m glad you are learning caution Elainne, but don’t make decisions based on me. You need to decide your own life.”

  “And why shouldn’t you have the chance to make your own decisions also?”

  He shrugs and smiles up at me shoving the knife back down his boot.

  “I’m your Kemp I go where you go. You are very important. I’m content knowing I shall be there to protect you.”

  “And who shall protect you from making a dumb decision just because you worry too much?”

  He scowls at me before looking into the fire more serious than I have ever seen him before.

  “This is what I was born for Elainne. I can feel it. Don’t belittle it because it’s Elvin and you don’t like them.”

  “That’s not true at all. I wish I were a full-blooded Elvin maiden. It would have made life easier and as the heir, I could have changed things, changed how the Elves interacted with the humans and mages.”

  “Perhaps the orb shall grant you that wish.”


  She shakes her head and smiles sadly.

  “I won’t give up what connects me to my mother. That part of me I shall never give up.”

  I hear what she is not saying. If anything goes it will be her Elvin half, which will sever our connection.

  “Do not fear Viktor I shall not get rid of you either. I’m finding that I got something good from both sides. My mother was human so I met you. I get to stay with you because of my Elvin side. That makes it worth all the torment I put up with at court.”

  “How do you think the court and everyone will take this?”

  She shrugs and smiles trying to keep her laughter from coming out so we don’t wake Madeline.

  “It ought to be interesting. Aunt trying to explain it and failing because humans are so prudish. I suppose she shall have quite a time finding me a suitor as well. Where I go you do. Any husband I have might not approve.”

  I never thought about that before. They can’t force me to leave her but she will never marry if I am always tagging along. I know enough about most men to know they will not approve of or care about the nature of our relationship.

  “Perhaps I shall just be an old maid and return the throne to uncle’s family when I die.”

  “You deserve to be happy.”

  She smiles down at me rolling her eyes.

  “I’m happy with you Viktor.”

  She grabs her pillow and goes to the right side of the bed lying down and covering up. I take my boots off and lay down covering myself as well.

  “Goodnight Viktor.”

  “Goodnight Elainne.”

  She blows out the candle and I close my eyes at peace because I am so near her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  In the morning I sign the agreement. Madeline and Mason go off to meet the soldiers that will save the kingdom no matter my fate. It’d been a quick hug goodbye and I sent her off to play emissary. She has my aunt’s royal seal so she can make decisions and inform my aunt of the agreement when they take back the kingdom. She has a copy of the document and an Elvin guard to help Mason ensure she lives to give my aunt the agreement. I hope the Elvin people can overcome the merpeople’s spell.

  “Let us go Viktor.”

  He nods and we set off into the woods and towards the mountains. It is not a long journey but it is by no means safe. There are not many wild beasts and the trail itself is not so bad. It is the trials one goes through to get to the orb and the dragon guarding it that are the problem.

  Later that day I have a great appreciation for whoever gave us Elvin traveling clothes. They are harder, but also lighter and the shoes far more comfortable. Still, my feet are sore from climbing uphill and Viktor is greatly annoying me by being spry as spring.

  “Would you s
top taking everything new as if it were the easiest thing in the world? I hiked many trails with my mother and yet I feel so drained.”

  “It’s enchanted. I can feel it. The trail is purposely weakening you to make it harder.”

  I try to stop and sense it but I can’t. I look at Viktor. So why is he okay?

  “Why are you not drained?”

  “Your magic is protecting me. I think it recognizes I need to be in top form to protect you so being tired is a simple price to pay for being safe. You look terrible though so I think you should hold some back for yourself. I’ve been trained; I’m tough I can take it.”

  I laugh because if I don’t, I will cry.

  “I am most definitely not doing it on purpose. But I'm glad it is doing it nonetheless. Likely my magic knows best. I think it’s the Kemp bond taking what it needs to make you the most efficient Kemp possible.”

  He nods and comes back putting an arm around my waist to help me. I’d been healed before leaving. All my energy replaced so I am no longer drained. The healer had been shocked at the reservoir I actually had but then as I said the Elvin people know only what they want to about me.

  “If I had known you weren’t willingly doing it I wouldn’t have pushed us so hard.”

  “Its fine I would like to get this over with.”

  “We can stop and rest outside the cave leading to this great artifact.”

  I shake my head no sighing and leaning on Viktor as much as I can without making things worse for him. Should he need to protect me I don’t want him to have to let me drop to the ground, especially not on these hard and unforgiving rocks.

  “The longer I am on its land the more I shall feel the pain. We should grab it as soon as you are ready so I don’t get so bad I can’t move.”

  He nods and we pick up the pace.


  We reach the entrance to the cave at twilight. Elainne looks pale and on the verge of passing out. The trail is draining her too much. She is not even close to what she can or should be. She is drained, it is stealing her energy and her power is choosing to protect me instead of herself. I know she thinks it is the Kemp bond but I don’t think it is just that. She worries so much about me I think her power recognizes she would want me safe and undamaged. She is a self-sacrificing person.

  She is, however, freaking out on the inside. I can feel her worry. She thinks she will be a liability because of the drain. If her power is stopping me from being affected, she is far from liability already.

  “We will do it. Together.”

  She smiles up at me and stands on her own two feet without help. She does grab my hand and squeeze quickly before letting go to grab my dagger from her belt. I unsheath one sword and we walk in waiting to see what will happen first.


  As we walk in I sigh in relief. Nothing has fallen on us, attacked us or anything untoward. I turn to smile at Viktor and realize I have reason to panic. Where is he? What is going on? He’d been right next to me!


  I try not to panic but I can’t see or find her. I don’t shout. I don’t know what else is here with us. There had been only one path so I can only assume magic has separated us. I walk quickly hoping to find her, hoping her panic is just because she notices me gone and worries. I can’t feel anything else from our connection in here and that worries me more than anything.


  I run forward. I have to find Viktor. Together, we promised to do this together. Where could the magic have taken him? is he running the same path but separate from me? What trials will we face before finding one another?

  I step out into the sunlight and see myself. I am sitting next to my father; I am Elvin, no dark hair. Everything about me is light. And he is proud of me. He has made me his heir. He is smiling as an Elvin lord tries to bestow gifts upon me. There is a line of them, all there to show off to me, to win my favor and likely my hand in marriage. Would I have married one and become queen? Would my father have stepped down from the throne and let me take over had I been a full Elvin lady he could be proud of?

  I have to smile at the thought of it all. At the awkward young man’s attempts. But the me in the chair looks bored. She looks…far too much like my father. Bland, bored, and so far beyond condescendingly rude that I am a bit scary. Could I really be that person? Is it really in me to be that way?

  “What is this?”

  “One of your possible futures should you find the orb. One of the things it can give you.”

  I look back at the picture in front of me having seen no one around to explain the voice I heard and shake my head.

  “I don’t want that life.”

  “It only shows what people think about.”

  “Life would be easier true but I am not becoming my father.”

  “Then how about becoming your mother?”

  The picture changes and I am in my aunt and uncle's kingdom. I am human, purely human and I am wearing the circlet that announces me as the heir and future leader of the kingdom. I am dancing, dancing at a party they are throwing for me.

  I look around the dark, damp, cramped cave and still seeing no one I step forward into the picture. Suddenly it is me in the dress, me dancing with a flattering young man. It is so strange to be human; I feel so fragile. But I love it. No one hates me. No one calls me a half-breed. Everyone remarks on how much I am like my mother. No better compliment could be paid. She is what kept me from becoming that woman in the chair next to my father in the last vision. She kept me from being that stranger.

  I lose myself in the joy of dancing and drinking. The party, the dress, the decorations, the food. Madeline is there. Married and pregnant! I congratulate her and she thanks me blushing like a tomato. I try to talk to her more but she acts differently. I mention her pregnancy, I mention riding and embroidery and everything I know she loves. Still, she doesn’t seem comfortable around me.

  I walk around socializing with everyone who is a lady in waiting for me now or anyone I have met and remember anything about. I don’t seem to know anyone well. It saddens me so I leave the ballroom ducking and hiding trying to avoid people. I have to find someone that knows me well. Viktor. He will know me. He will find me. He always does.

  I search high and low. Everywhere in the castle, I can go but he is not in any of those spots. He is my champion where is he!

  Then it dawns on me. He’s not. I am human; he wouldn’t have the Kemp connection to me. He couldn’t because I am not Elvin anymore. Still, I hope he will at least know me. He has to remember me. We are tied to one another and this is just a damn vision. He is my Kemp whether this place acknowledges it or not. He will be looking for me as well; maybe we will find each other in this place. I can still feel his panic, his worry. He wants to find me, wants to protect me from everything. He is afraid. I have to find him!

  I run around the grounds looking and searching. Guards try to stop me, to get me to stay inside. I run out into the rain, past the gate, and into the woods. He has to be somewhere; he has to be!

  At the training grounds, I find him. I am soaked, my crown has fallen off, my hair looks like a rat’s nesting ground, and my dress is torn and soaked. It weighs a ton and I find it hard to move. I throw off my heels, rip petticoats off, and move as best as I can holding the dress up so I won’t slip. Viktor is training some boys in the rain. Of course. If he isn’t my Kemp, he would be training future generations to protect and serve.


  He turns and looks at me shocked. Likely he thinks I am crazy coming out here in this weather running around in a dress that costs more than a whole month of pay for the guards.

  He kneels and bows his head. He recognizes me as the princess maybe there is hope.

  “Your Highness.”

  No. “Viktor stand, please. You know I don’t like it when people stand on ceremony with me.”

  He looks up confused.

  “Your Highness?”

  It is a question, no
t an affirmation. I drop to my knees and he quickly rises and comes to my side. He takes my elbow and gently lifts. I let him but I don’t respond. Viktor doesn’t know me. He has to be looking for me he has to be. He is my Kemp. Why hasn’t he found me here?


  I still can’t find Elainne.

  “You won’t find her. She is ours now. Lost in despair. Lost in a cage of her own making.”

  The stupid voice comes from nowhere and refuses to shut up. So far, I have ignored it but I pay attention now at the mention of Elainne. If she is in trouble, I will kill the user of said voice as soon as I find him.

  “Let her be free! You can have me but free her!”

  “She must choose to leave. This is her test.”

  Tests are bad, especially if they center on despair as hers apparently does. She has a lot of that in her life. I am supposed to protect her. How am I to do so when the blasted magic won't even let me sense what is wrong with her?


  “Get your hands off my daughter!”

  I turn and look. My mother. She is running towards me looking at Viktor most angrily.

  He kneels in the puddles again and bows his head.

  “Your highness I'm sorry I didn’t mean to…”

  “It wasn’t his fault mother I fell he helped me up.”

  He almost looks up at me but he steels his muscles keeping his head down. I can barely look away as my mother’s expression softens. She is just as I remember her. I reach out and grab her taking her hand and squeezing. It has been so short and time and yet it seems forever since I have seen her alive and vibrant. She always sheltered and protected me as best she could. She loved me and taught me right from wrong and that both parts of me were worth loving. The tears streaming down my face increase and I almost drop to the ground again. She is here.


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