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Champion Complete Series

Page 49

by Francheska Fifield

  "Will our horses fit?"

  She giggles and it sounds as sweet as a bell.

  "Of course, we will welcome your rides as well. We have our own horses for when we travel. It happens so little they are lonely. They will be happy to have visitors to tell them of the outside world."

  She flies over to our horses and kisses each on the nose. I am not sure what that is about but they seem to not even notice so I doubt it upset them any.

  "Well, let us go then."

  She nods and a few more fairies of various colors come out of the woods behind us. They fly together in a dance that is beautiful and dizzying. The colors of their wings swirl together until a portal opens. They all fly over to me and tug on my hair, fingers, and clothing. Of course, they are only a few inches in size so it does not actually pull me anywhere but I let myself be led by them. I go through the portal in awe as the boys follow behind with the horses.

  "Welcome to fairyland."

  I doubt it is actually called that but I have no doubt that they are using our language to speak because theirs is what we would call a dead language. I mean no one around knows they still existed let alone can speak. Except for Avren and he is not forthcoming about any of the hidden races.

  "It is beautiful!"

  It is. The trees are carved and have little apartments in them, yet still, they thrive and grow. There are huts where people my size come and go. It is a village full of nature and beauty. For fairies of all sizes. If can't believe it when I see one my size with wings. Some don't have wings either. Are there humans here?

  "The ones that look like you and have no wings are the most powerful. We are this size until we are powerful enough to make ourselves bigger. The ones you see with no wings and look just as you do are the ones that have reached the maximum amount of power. They go out into the world to see how it is doing and to bring back news. That is how we knew of you."

  I am in awe. This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen, and I live with a dragon. "It is beautiful."

  "This way to the palace."

  I am pulled through the market and streets. I see the homes, the vendors, the things that are never sold in our world. If only they could be.

  "Here we are."

  I look up at the beautiful palace made entirely of crystal in front of me. It looks like nature has made a real mountain, but instead of rock and dirt, it is crystals of all colors and sizes. Then the fairies carved it into a palace that reflects the light to make rainbows shine in every direction. It is so stunning I start to tear up. Talon comes forward and throws an arm around me.

  "They can make an impression, can’t they?"

  I nod. I am so awed I am speechless.

  "We should build one back home for you. Then you can say you have a palace as beautiful as you are."

  I laugh and put an arm around Talon's waist.

  "Too distracting. I would get nothing done."

  "Hey, we have to be around you and still get things done."

  I take my arm back and lightly elbow him.

  "That's sweet but I am not nearly this stunning or imposing."

  He shrugs and winks at me.

  "Says you."

  I laugh as the Fairies notice we have stopped and come back to tug me forward again. I take off with them leaving the boys to catch up. Wow. Just wow.

  Chapter six

  "This way to the queen."

  Queen that is awesome, I know I won't have to sleep with her.

  "I am not really dressed..."

  "Oh, do not fret. She is practical. When she visits the human world, she prefers to dress like a beggar. She says no one notices a beggar."

  She is right on that. Unless she visits my kingdom, I would notice a beggar. In fact, I have a place set up to take them in and feed and home them until they can get tested to see what skills they have or are quick to learn and can be placed in a program to learn a trade. All paid for by the kingdom.

  "A very practical solution. However, there are some places only nobility can get into..."

  "Not in your kingdom."

  I stop hearing the musical lilt mixed with a commanding presence. This is the queen. She doesn't dress like a queen; she dresses like a merchant. On closer inspection, though it is obvious her clothes, while in the style of a traveling merchant, are of the finest quality. Fairy cloth. Avren has some dresses in his hoard he gifted me as a coronation gift. It is like nothing else on the planet. As tough as steel, softer than silk, and in colors slightly off from what normal people are used to.

  "You look fit for travel. Was your plan expressly to visit us? We received no warning."

  Great Avren did drop the ball?

  "My familiar should have contacted you to tell you we were coming. I shall punish him directly when we get back home."

  She smiles at me and waits.

  "And you are right. I don't hold with the uppity tunnel vision that only those born into circumstance have the right to visit my palace. I wouldn't even have one if Avren were not so large."

  That is not a total lie. One of the reasons I haven't moved into the house my mother and I lived in was because Avren won't fit in his normal size. Another because he will not agree with a queen living like that, and the last because I can't bring myself to see it yet. I am passed a lot of my pain, but I am not up to living there. Aiden made sure it was set aside and cared for by a small staff. Other than that, I pretend it doesn't exist.... for now.

  "These are your horses and guardians?"

  She skips over the part about how she views my disdain for the upper class being born to privilege. I nod wondering why the hell the boys haven't taken the horses to the stables. If they defecate in this crystal palace...

  "I will have my groom care for the horses. I assume your guards will not separate from you to take them themselves..."

  "No, I am afraid a Kemp does not allow the charge out of sight ever."

  "Yet when some of my brethren met you before he was not with you. That one was."

  She points to where I can feel Talon standing.

  "Yes, we went to a ceremony Talon needed as a mage. He is my champion so I accompanied him."

  "Did he not insist you stay with your Kemp?"

  "He did. I refused. Viktor was training my army until recently. He felt it the most important use of his time, making sure my kingdom and I were safe."

  "Sound logic."

  She doesn't mince words all that well. Or she wants me to know she thinks my answer is diplomatic horse poo. Well, then I won't mince words.

  "Let's drop the pretenses. You know the theories about me. The legends surrounding me. You know Avren is the last dragon and silver at that and he has given himself to me as a familiar. He has put his faith and trust in me. I am here to see if you will as well. If you are ready to rejoin the world. To bring you magic and presence back to humanity. To carve a new place in the world."

  "Straight talk. I like it. Come you must be tired after everything that has happened. Tonight, we will dine and dance. Tomorrow we will talk business. I hate talking to anyone before I see how they dance."

  "I hope I do not disappoint you then."

  She smiles at me and looks more like a cat than a human or fairy. She is tall, inches over my small delicate self. She makes me think of the Elvin amazons that had been a separate tribe so long ago. I read about them and been in awe. I wonder if they have a bit of Fairy in them.

  "So, shall we show you to your room? I shall have to have cots brought in if the boys truly plan to stay with you forever."

  "Cots would be wonderful. A partition even better. I love my guards and their care for me, but I enjoy my privacy as well."

  "All girls must have their secrets."

  The cat that caught the canary. Yes, she is pleased with something I have said, whether it is because it is going to give her something to hold over me or because she agreed with me, I don't know. But I have a feeling I will find out tomorrow. Hopefully no sooner. She is right I am exhauste

  "You should wear this dress. It will look great in the ballroom with what I am sure are bouncing little rainbows. The candlelight is going to make them all yellowish gold."

  Viktor is looking at Talon like he has just seen his first male ladies’ maid. I am used to this. Talon actually gives me more pointers on how to dress and look than anyone but Avren...Avren can't be beaten when it comes to telling me how to look. Still, it helps to have someone look out for me in case I miss anything. I trust Talon's advice.

  "Thank you."

  I grab the rose gold silk gown and put it on behind the partition.

  "You two really should have gotten your own room. My chastity and virtue will be in question."

  "Who cares what they think? It's your safety we are here for."

  They are not wrong but I still wonder how the hell I will ever get that consort Avren demands if everyone thinks I am a hussy. Oh well. Perhaps I will be spared and can retire early passing it on to someone more experienced. As much as I hope for it, I know it won't happen because Avren plans to make me an empress. Taking over all the countries. Does that include the ones we visit now? Are we taking over them? How will that even work? Even with Avren on my side, they all have access to magic unknown to the rest of the world. There is no way to combat that. I am determined not to worry. I have to focus on their goodwill first.

  "Shall we go your majesty?"

  I nod and step out. My hair is still braided but wrapped into a bun as well. My tiara sits on my head in place with magic so it won't look sloppy.

  "I don't know which jewelry to wear..."

  Talon holds up a pink pearl necklace on a gold chain and matching earrings. Simple and beautiful. So I put them on.

  "Did you plan for every scenario when you packed my bag?"

  Talon winks at me and does a once-over to make sure I am perfect.

  "Of course, I did. If I left the packing up to you it would be travel wear only."

  He is not wrong still it is sad to think a guy is responsible for my look.

  "He packs for you?"

  Viktor looks beyond scandalized. I can't help but laugh.

  "He has such a better fashion sense than I do. In the human kingdom, I had Madeline. At the palace Avren, out on the road Talon. I cannot be trusted; my sense of fashion is terrible..."

  "You have more important things to worry about. That's why you need a lady’s maid but Avren is so picky he will not approve one."

  "He is waiting for the right one he says. I do not think they live in the Elvin kingdom or we would have found them by now."

  Talon shrugs but I can tell he agrees with my reasoning.

  "You never dress yourself?"

  Viktor is beyond scandalized now.

  "I always dress myself. I just never pick out my clothes or jewelry. Ask Avren, he has forbidden me to do so because my choices never agree with his pickiness. Now let us stop talking about my packing habits and go to this party. If anyone is spying, I shall be the laughing stock of the entire fairy race. We need their alliance so good impressions only. Yes?"

  They both nod and off we go. It is party time.

  "You are dressed as if you belong to this room."

  Talon had been right. The room is full of soft golden rainbows. The moon and candles create the perfect balance and instead of dancing, I am standing to the side watching the floor. The couple’s range in size and some have wings, others do not. No dance I have ever seen is such a sight. Indeed, the others have to be aware of human-sized fairies with wings spread far for balance. And the small one’s dancing in the air only inches tall. It is so perfect I swear it could be choreographed. But no, they are just this graceful.

  "I have very good helpers."

  "I hate dressing up as well. I would rather wear pants and muck about in the woods or my herb garden."

  I look over at the queen. If she is uncomfortable in her gold and silver gown the trains out behind her like she is marrying in a chapel this very night it does not show.

  "You look gorgeous..."

  I am not sure how to address her.

  "Call me FireHeart. Everyone does. I hate formalities."

  "I as well. Aiden, my steward, and I are trying to get the staff to stop bowing every time we walk by them but they are having none of it."

  "Is it just me or are the classes of worker bees we care for more proper than us?"

  I laugh quietly and nod my agreement. Heart is right. My staff is so much more proper than those in charge of anything.

  "Avren has no end of fits about it."

  "Ahh yes, the dragon. Well indulge him once in a while, he must be lonely and his destiny is all he has left."

  "I indulge him so much he thinks he is my father now. I cannot get anything past him."

  The fairy queen smiles at me and laughs. Everyone in the room stops to look over at us and the beautiful grace-filled dance is ruined. Fairies fly up out of the way as the tall one's trip and tip over.... or almost. They do have the balance to catch themselves. Though I account that all to the ones that have wings and that little something extra saves them.

  "You are not happy about waiting until tomorrow to talk, are you?"

  "No, but you threw this party for us so it would be rude to comment on how I would rather just get this over with."

  "You are young yes?"

  "Sixteen right now. Almost seventeen. In human years. I am not sure how you measure time."

  Queen FireHeart looks at me closely. I stand straight and proud. I am not ashamed of how I have done ruling so far.

  "Very well come to sit with me."

  She sits on the throne and settles me into the heir's throne. Apparently, our conversation needs to be private.

  "Avren would have you unite the kingdoms. Including mine. Integrate it into the human world. Am I correct?"

  "I suppose he does plan for me to merge multiple kingdoms but we have only ever talked of the mages, elves, and humans."

  "Why? Why do you think that is? Does he think you cannot defeat us? Does he think we won't rejoin the world so it won't matter?"

  I sigh and rest my chin on my hand watching the dancing start back up.

  "No. I don’t think it is because he thinks you will not rejoin the world. I think it is just because he doesn’t see that much work happening in my short lifespan."

  "And who says your life will be short?"

  I look at her shrugging. It is so unladylike but I card very little right now.

  "I am partially human in case the news escaped you. I will not live as long as a normal Elvin princess would. My replacement, the one my father took with him to the human kingdom where my aunt rules for now…. well, she will live centuries. I have a hundred years at most, and likely it will be less. I think he would love to have the world united, even the hidden realms, but I won’t live that long."

  "Did Avren tell you much about the familiar spell he gave you?"

  "He told me what mattered. How it would affect me. I know I could live longer because of it but there is only a chance."

  She shakes her head looking at me with a smile but her eyes are sad.

  "He tied you to him first didn’t he? Before you made him a familiar?"


  I am not sure I like where this is going.

  "You will live forever my dear. You are less human, less Elvin, now and more…much more. You will live as long as he will as long as you are not killed. As you said you do have mortal blood and no spell can wipe that away, but if you are not killed by a power stronger than yourself you will live forever. Any heir you create will be naught but a steward. You will be the true queen…. forever."

  "That's not true!"

  I jump up and don’t realize I shout instead of keeping it between us. The music stops. Everyone looks at me, the queen next to me who for the first time since we arrived wears a solemn expression.

  Viktor and Talon are at my side hands on weapons in case. They are ready to fight our way out. Little do they
know how useless it will be. We can’t leave without the portal.

  "You can believe that if you want. How did you think the world would be in a state of forever peace? You are the heart they were all waiting for. When you step down or die how stable will things be? No, they had to guarantee this. You living forever is the only way."

  "You lie!"

  Her voice is steady but mine shakes like an earthquake ready to swallow me whole. Avren did not tell me that. He did not even hint…I turn to glare at Viktor.

  "Did you know?"

  He has the decency to not look away but his eyes hold all the answers I need.

  "How could you not tell me?!"

  Talon pushes Viktor away as I begin to have trouble breathing. The fairies rush forward spells ready to help. Their queen waves them away. I slide to the floor as Talon holds me close and hums. I don’t know what song it is I only know he is trying to distract me and it is not working.

  "Talon…. room…. now."

  He lifts me up, even with this ridiculous dress, and without saying a word to anyone else brings me to my room where I promptly pass out.

  "No wonder Avren thought there would be time for me to sire multiple heirs with different races."

  I can’t believe that is the first thing out of my mouth when I can talk again. Normally Talon would laugh but he doesn’t. He just watches me so closely I doubt I will be able to bathe without him in the room ever again.

  "Are you trying to joke about this?"

  I shake my head and pull my knees close hugging them. This damn dress is too poufy.

  "No. I am being honest. If I ever need a break, which after a few hundred years I likely will, I will have heirs with every race. They can steward the sections of the world for me while I have my decade-long vacation before I am back to work. That’s what he plans isn't it?"

  I don’t really need the confirmation but Talon is serious and thoughtful when the occasion calls for it and this is such an occasion.

  "Likely yes. Elainne, we need to find a way to expand my life. How else are we going to go on vacation together after a few hundred years? I can make the first one but after that, unless you cart my magically preserved corpse around which is disturbing, you will be alone."


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