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Champion Complete Series

Page 55

by Francheska Fifield

  "That doesn’t seem right. Didn’t Madeline say a Kemp is a champion but with a much deeper bond?"

  She had been right. As is Mason right now. It is not right. Neither was his betrayal.

  "I took his betrayal hard. I couldn’t be around him. I have a champion now. Talon is his name. He is…well, we are much like brother and sister, or best friends. It's funny we started as enemies and trying to kill one another. He has the scar to prove it down half his body. But when the mages and I made a treaty he volunteered to become a champion. Since then we have grown close. I couldn't have gotten through…well anything that’s happened without him."

  Madeline brightens. The conversation is a bit sobering.

  "I am glad you didn’t go through it alone. I have been so worried."

  Madeline was always a wise and bright little star. She is kind. That’s all there is to it. Before Talon she was the only one that truly wanted my happiness.

  "I am glad you two finally got together. I always thought you would be perfect together."

  That makes both of them blush as they gaze lovingly into one another's eyes. How I yearn for that. Instead, I will be making heirs that will oversee kingdoms while I rule them all.

  "Madeline you must tell me about motherhood and what to expect."

  "Are you?"

  I hold up my hands laughing and shaking my head very emphatically.

  "Not yet. In the next five or so years though I will be having an heir with the son of the fairy queen. Her acquiesce to me was dependent on my first heir being from her son."

  Madeline doesn’t look so happy for me now. It is hard to explain without telling her my war plans, my living forever…I don’t want to get into that yet.

  "I have heard he is kind and, well, he likes men so we will only make an heir and raise him or her well. He is free to love another as am I."

  "That’s so…political Elainne! You deserve love."

  I smile sad but happy as well. "I will someday. For now, I need the old races to support me. The unicorns agreed to merge with my kingdom in exchange for protection. The dwarves and I…well our meeting didn’t go so well. But I hope relations will improve with time. After this, I am off to meet the Firebirds. Avren tells me there are barely more than our dragon population…which is one."

  Madeline and Mason both look overwhelmed.

  "I am shocked you had spare time to come here."

  Mason is not wrong. I don’t have time, but it needs to be done. "I don’t. My champion and Kemp are battling one another right now. The unicorns fill my stables waiting for resettlement. The mages elected an eight-year-old to represent them, and the fairy queen, now a council member, has been insulted by the entire council…except for my steward and the eight-year-old. It’s a mess."

  "Elainne you are so brave! I would faint in the company of all those amazing creatures and people!"

  I always thought Madeline brave for being able to face court and let the rumors roll off her back. I still envy that ability, but I suppose she is right. What I do now is similar but instead of rumors, it is magic. Perhaps I have grown a bit more confident.

  My aunt waves me forward. Everyone is headed back inside for round two. I haven't even had anything to eat or drink. Oh well.

  "It has been so good to see you. Once the baby is born and it's safe to travel come visit. I have too many empty rooms in the palace and no visitors that do not wish to complain. Avren can play pony. It's safer than a real pony as he uses magic to make sure no one falls off."

  They look so shocked I can’t help but laugh. One more hug each and I turn to go inside.

  "I was serious about the visit. Not the ride though. Avren only lets me on his back."

  I walk away imagining their relieved faces. Avren walks beside me like a faithful dog.

  I don’t sit this time. I just stand until everyone settles down. Avren is as tall as me now. Everyone quietly watches and waits wondering what I will give to the discussion. It won’t be what they expect.

  "I am here to declare my intent to rule the human kingdom. It is clear to me no one here is reliable or wise enough. Fighting like children over power instead of worrying about your people. You have a week. If you do not cede the throne to me, I will come and burn this castle down around you. Excuse me I have another appointment."

  I drop the voice amplifying spell, turn, and walk out Avren following behind growling. No one dares say a thing or follow me. In fact, I am sure half of them are not even breathing. Once the door closes behind me the uproar begins. Avren grows to his normal size and I climb aboard. We fly back home so I can get one good night's sleep before going to visit the firebirds. The last of the ancients.

  "Well done My Queen."

  "It had to be done."


  Chapter fifteen

  I go back to the place Talon was. I know logically it is more dangerous but I can’t bear to be alone right now. I don’t want to imagine my aunt's face as I left. Does my father feel proud or fear when he thinks of me? Lately, I have exceeded his expectations. He had been collateral damage to Viktor and Avren but they haven't realized that by doing what they did I have become a bit closer to what I never wanted to be…my very own father.

  "My Queen…"

  Avren is giant and lying around me for protection. I fist the grass I am atop and sigh. "Yes, Avren?"

  "Viktor says you haven't fully punished him. What do you intend to do?"

  "Avren would it be possible to pull this piece of land to our world so the unicorns would have a land steeped in old magic to dwell on?"

  He looks down at me trying to guess my thoughts. I am not ready to announce my decision yet. I don’t think it will be a popular choice.

  "Yes. Is that what you wish?"

  I nod and roll looking up at the baby blue sky. Not a cloud in sight. It always seems so perfect.

  "I cannot find anywhere I currently own that is appropriate."

  "We can do it as soon as you return from the Firebirds. It will diminish your magic and mine greatly. We will both be vulnerable for a few weeks at the very least."

  Great and I have the duel with my aunt coming up. I will have to chance it. I promised the unicorns somewhere to live and this is the only place I can give solely to them.

  "Talon and Viktor will both need to be on high alert. And Aiden will have to be turned beforehand so he can hold the throne while I deal with the human kingdom."

  "You should wait until after your battle with your aunt to do this. Bed rest will be required for quite a while. I can turn Aiden while you are with the firebirds."

  "Who will rule?"

  "I will hold the throne. Have a unicorn take you to them. They are able. I will ask them as a favor to me. Viktor and Talon can help with Aiden…assuming Talon is sane enough."

  I know how much he loathes the thought of being my steward so this obviously means a lot to him.

  "Very well…if the unicorns agree to wait another week, we will do it your way. Can you turn Aiden now while the council is on break? I can leave Viktor to keep the members in line if they wish to argue about both Aiden and me being gone."

  "I can if you wish?"

  I just want this whole thing over with. "Yes, please do. If he still wishes to turn."

  "Now tell me what you plan to do to the Kemp?"

  He is not going to let it go. I sit up and look out into the forest. Talon is out there alone somewhere. Is he watching us? Does he understand anything that goes on? I could use a hand right now. Avren will be very angry with my decision.

  "Avren I want you to break the Kemp bond."

  It goes worse than I thought. He roars and breathes fire over my head. I curl up and teleport back. Sadly, I am still in a crouched position as he charges me. He is pissed. I have nowhere to run so I sit very still hoping he will come to his senses but it doesn’t seem to be happening. I close my eyes and cover my ears as the roar intensifies and my ears almost bleed.

  I feel the over me stir an
d lookup. Talon is on one of Avren's legs and tears into it. He has come to my rescue. I look closer still holding my hands over my ears as his roar blends with Avren's shaking the forest.

  Dragon scales cover Talon and Avren had been right there is no proof that he and Viktor have fought. No missing skin, no chunks of flesh gone. Even the scar I gave him long ago is gone. It is almost as if his body has been reset.

  He has more muscle, is thicker than he had been. Before he had been a wiry, but strong, mage. Now he is a dragon. He gets scorched a bit as Avren tries the one thing neither Viktor nor Talon will ever get…breathing fire. The smell of burnt hair snaps me out of my stupor. I summon my magic full force and forced them apart.


  The snarling stops and they look at me. The fire stops, the growth stops and most wonderfully of all the blood-shedding stops. Their wounds start healing before my eyes and I breathe a sigh of relief that dragons are hardy creatures.

  Avren dips down his head touching the ground looking like a puppy one has smacked for peeing on the floor.

  "I am sorry my Queen. I should not have lost my temper."

  That is a whole new type of fit. Most people yell some and punch a wall, some throw a vase. No one I have ever met breathes fire and takes chunks out of people because they don’t agree with a decision someone else made.

  "I will not do so again. I also will not destroy the Kemp bond."

  Talon looks at me eyes wide and face full of questions. I smile at him and hold my arms open. He walks over, still bleeding a bit, smelling of burnt hair and scales covering his body and hugs me tightly.

  "You're back."

  He nods.

  "I couldn’t let him eat you."

  I laugh and am so happy tears leak down my face.

  "You have no idea how much I missed you Talon."

  I pull back and glare up at Avren.

  "It is not going to be a request Avren. I know you don’t want to do it. You are my familiar though and I will be making it a command."

  He glares down at me but manages to keep the flames internal this time.

  "It will not be easy if I fight the bond. Especially on you after we bring this place to your kingdom for the unicorns."

  Talon just observes keeping a very close eye on Avren and his movements.

  "Maybe not. And if I die in the process because you fight me all your hard work, plotting, everything you have ever believed in, will be for naught."

  "You need a Kemp."

  "Not anymore. Before yes. I cannot have someone I do not trust watching my back. And I need this to be over. I need the Kemp bond broken so I can heal my heart and move on Avren. My sanity, the stability of my emotions, needs this. I wouldn’t ask otherwise."

  We gaze into each other eyes and convey more than words ever could.

  "I will agree on one condition."

  Tears stream down my face in relief.

  "Name it."

  Talon, a once again small Avren and I, walk into the palace smelling like we have never showered. Everyone looks on in shock and dismay. The laundress won’t even try to clean what I wear, she will toss it, and rightfully so. If I don’t have fleas it will be a miracle. Avren's cleanliness spell has worn off and I smell like burnt hair, have blood on me, and all the grass and dirt stains…. well I am not a pretty sight.

  "Please have a bath ready in both our rooms as soon as possible. Layout something comfortable for me to sleep in. I leave in the morning to visit the firebirds but I would like a bit of sleep before that."

  A few maids nod and set off to prepare Talon and my rooms. "Tomorrow I leave with Avren to visit the firebirds. Promise me you and Viktor will protect Aiden."

  No doubt Aiden will wonder why he is not being turned by Avren and why Avren comes with me leaving Talon and Viktor to protect Aiden.

  "And do not tell them. No matter what they ask…please."

  "Your secret is safe with me Elainne. But are you sure you want to do this? I mean Avren…"

  "I am positive. He is right. And I am right. This way we both get what we want."

  He nods and wipes the tears I can’t stop from falling away. He gives me one more hung before we both leave the hallway for our rooms. This has to be done. It will change everything. Life will be different…. for me…for everyone. It will be harder in some ways but easier in the one way I need.

  "Sleep well."

  I speak to an empty hallway but I hope everyone everywhere will feel the magic I put into it and have a restful night. I doubt I will but I don’t want others to suffer with me.

  The next morning sees me up and dressing for travel once again. Why do I bother having gowns at all? I haven't seen them in so long. I doubt I can still walk in heels. I have to meet the council before I leave for the Firebirds.

  "Your majesty."

  "Aiden you look better. A few days of rest for repairs has done you wonders."

  "Yes, sleep helps put me to rights. Imagine that."

  I laugh and put an arm through his. "It shouldn’t be much longer you need to fill in for me. I am meeting the firebirds today then I will be home until the time runs out for the human lands to cede to me. I will have you step in when Avren and I bring his lands into this world to give to the unicorns but only because apparently, I will be bedridden for a bit."

  "Is it that dangerous?"

  I shrug releasing his arm. "Not so much dangerous as taxing. I am after all overlapping two different pieces of two different realities. But I think it is the most appropriate place for them. It's steeped in old magic so they will be comfortable and safe there."

  "Is that not the place Avren does what we talked about."

  I nod. I know where this is going and it won’t end well.

  "So, am I having it done before?"


  He stops walking and I stop but don’t turn.

  "Elainne you promised to let me make my own decision regarding this matter. I wish to do it."

  "Aiden, Avren thinks you are too gentle. You do not have a fighter's spirit. It would consume and kill you."

  "Isn't that my decision to make?"

  I look at him and the tears I have been failing to hold back appear again. A possible war with the dwarves, a fight to the death with my aunt, breaking the Kemp bond, and everything else I face is getting the better of me. But I cannot share that with anyone. It is my burden and mine alone.

  "I am sorry Aiden, but I will not gamble with your life. I promise you I will find a way to keep you by my side. Avren and I have already discussed a few things. It will happen but in a way that won't make you, who you are, disappear. Please just trust me. Please."

  I must sound and look as pathetic as I feel because Aiden does something he has never done. He hugs me. I hug back and bawl all over his shirt for a good ten minutes. After I feel better but know I look like hell.

  "I always trust you Elainne. If you swear to me I will believe you of course."

  "Thank you, Aiden. Soon you will understand. But it cannot be right now. I am sorry."

  He nods. "Alright."

  We finish the walk to the throne room in silence. He is choosing to trust me…for now. I don’t believe it will last.

  I enter the room and get glares from every corner. Those that rely on their magic have it sealed, courtesy of Avren until the room is rebuilt without magic. They are not finding life easy.

  "Work seems to be coming along. Keep up the good work while I go visit the firebirds. Aiden will be in charge. Viktor, Talon, you two are to be his personal bodyguards. Guard him as you would me. Avren will get me to the firebirds."

  "Should one of us not come with you…?"

  I turn to Viktor keeping my distance both physically and emotionally.


  Avren walks next to me once again the size of a dog until we are outside in a wide-open space. He returns to normal; I climb aboard and once again we are off. This is becoming a habit.

  Chapter sixteen

We land and all I can do is gape. It is not what I expected. Firebirds, or phoenixes, are birds with control over the fires of rebirth. They cleanse the soul, can provide salvation and a second chance for those damned by a lifetime of bad deeds. They are in charge of rebirth.

  I expected a barren land, or at least volcanoes and lava. It is not so. It is a paradise. Their mountain retreat is lush with thick foliage everywhere. You can’t tell we are on a mountain cap. Instead, it looks like time has stood still leaving this one paradise forever young and fresh.

  "It’s…it's so different than what I expected. I know I didn’t have much of an idea since there are no records. It's just…so much more than I expected."

  "There are very few left, but the ones that keep the land healthy. When things die they are reborn for the good of the land."

  That makes sense. If you are in charge of rebirth why not let the land be enriched with the power of previous deaths.

  "A true Utopia. Which way?"

  He looks to the left. A path lined with fire on both sides is there. I expect the flames to burn the plants around it but if anything, the foliage seems even more healthy.

  "The test. Only those worthy can make it to them."

  No one mentioned a test.

  "The final proof I am the girl of the prophecy?"

  Avren nods.

  "Very well. Will you walk, fly, or ride?"

  He shrinks and drapes around me.

  "Will this not interfere with my worthiness?"

  "No, even together we will be judged separately."

  "Is this why Talon and Viktor were not able to come?"

  Avren nods affirmatively. So, the phoenix fire will be dangerous to them. That will suck. Guess they are not worthy, pure, whatever the requirement is.

  "Let's go. I want to get the unicorns their own land and then hopefully take the human kingdom with little to no casualties."

  I start the path slowly waiting for a burn. The flames dance along Avren's and my skin but no burning actually happens. It is warm, comforting, soft even. Like being caressed by rose petals.

  When I arrive at the end there is no palace, no temple, no home or cave. There is an altar. A statue that shows the birth, death, and rebirth of a phoenix, the stages they go through. A flame burns in front of it. In the bowl of fire, there is no wood, no stone, nothing burnable. Just a red egg.


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