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Champion Complete Series

Page 57

by Francheska Fifield

  "Elainne no! You can't do that!"

  I magically slap him into the wall suspended up and out of range of where I can slap him. This is for his safety not my own.

  "I am the Queen! I can do as I damn well please and I will! You would do well to remember that!" I take a deep breath to calm myself then look him squarely in the eye.

  "Viktor. I hope in time you find something worth living for, something worth doing, something worth surviving for. It will not, however, be me. You are an elite now; the dragon's blood makes it so. If I need your services, military or not, I will call on you. I will, however, try to avoid that. I hope in time you can find yourself and your true calling. It will not be as my Kemp."

  I let him down and he kneels down on one knee. I nod once and look away.

  "Avren will perform the breaking of our Kemp bond after we bring the unicorn's new home to our world. I want it noted the unicorns will have control of their home. If anyone enters without me by their side, they have every right to defend their territory and families. Keep that in mind."

  Everyone nods and looks terrified. I am breaking my Kemp bond; it makes me open to attack but also proves how confident I am in my ability to protect myself.

  "Talon has the dragon's blood as well. For those of you too stupid to notice the changes in his eyes. It is temporary and will lessen with time for those of you that are uncomfortable with his new look. I wish for everyone to know this because it means both Viktor and he will live forever. As will I due to my blood bond with Avren. Even without my Kemp, I will not be unprotected. Now on to other business. Avren disagrees with my ridding myself of a disobedient Kemp and as a result, he wishes to break our bond."

  Cullen raises his hand and waits for me to acknowledge him. Someone is finally speaking. I nod to him and take a drink of water. I am nervous about the outcome of this meeting.

  "Doesn't that kill the familiar?"

  "Yes, it does."

  A universal sharp intake of breath goes through the room. It happens all at once. Perfectly in sync.

  "So Avren will die?"

  I nod. "That is correct Cullen. Avren has been in this world for a long time. He is the last of his kind. He is old and tired. He wishes the freedom to return to the world's energy. I will grant him this wish after we have situated the unicorn's new home."

  "So, you are losing a Kemp and a familiar. Is that wise?"

  I appreciate Cullen's honesty. Essentially, he is right. Avren refuses to give on the subject, however. All I say is true and despite his insistence that it is my breaking the Kemp bond, I know that is an excuse. As far into my mind he can get it is the same for me and his mind.

  "Avren would you like to explain how this will work?"

  I sit and Avren shrinks and sits in front of me on the table.

  "I will be passing my life force and knowledge to Aiden so he may stay with our queen in my place."

  "Will Aiden become a familiar?"

  I laugh. Oh, that would cause an uproar like nothing else.

  "Of course, Aiden won't be my new familiar. The dragon essence will give him all the knowledge of the dragon, so the history of the ages is not lost. It will also make him live as long as I do. He will not get any of the physical enhancements…though he will know every spell ever created."

  "Is it wise to give anyone that kind of knowledge? Knowledge is power."

  Man, Cullen is on a roll tonight. I look up and out the glass ceiling at the stars blinking above us.

  "I just visited the firebirds. The last of his kind died there, in front of me. They are the race that gifted magic to the mages and the Elvin people. Everything we are now is due to them.

  "They did it even seeing that in the future the descendants of those gifted would turn on them. They still helped because the current people needed and deserved it. They knew it would be their undoing. They also knew eventually I would come along and bring everlasting peace and that I would need magic to do it. For our future, they sacrificed their own.

  "I will follow in their footsteps. I trust those here. I respect you all. Aiden is loyal. The future is not uncertain…not in the long run. A world of peace and prosperity awaits us. Avren and the Firebird are stepping aside so we may take control of our futures."

  "So, the Firebirds are no more?"

  I smile at Cullen and clutch the egg in my hand. "Well not entirely. They did leave me with something to remember them by."


  I hold up the necklace. "Their last unborn child. When the time is right, I will know when I will hatch and name him. Firebirds represent renewal, new beginnings, and fresh starts. That is what we are going for. The day I have unified the kingdoms I will celebrate by birthing the last Phoenix."

  Everyone looks at the little egg in shock and doubt. Well, it does look tiny. That is just magic. When he hatches, he will be as big as I am. Or so I estimate.

  "When will the ceremonies take place?"

  I look at the healer. "Tomorrow I will bring forth the unicorn's new home. I will retire to my home there for my recovery. In a couple of days, I will be letting Avren say his final goodbyes. In a week we will take the human kingdom with kindness. Feel free to head out now so you are there when the week is up Aiden is sent to deal with the treasury."

  The general and head healer rise and leave. I let them go. They will not be needed for the rest of this. Once again Cullen raises his hand. He doesn’t wait for me to call on him this time.

  "When will the ceremony to break your Kemp bond take place?"

  "Right before Avren's ceremony. It will be a busy, and exhausting, week. Prepare for a grumpy queen. I will take no back talk or unrest for the next two weeks. If anyone argues or disagrees, they will be fired from the council. Everyone clear?"

  Everyone nods and I wave a hand. "Dismissed. Cullen, I wish to speak to you."

  He comes over, presents a passable bow, and looks me in the eye. I am sitting and he is a growing boy so it puts us closer to eye level.

  "Your majesty."

  "I wish you to gather some mage healers to help with the human population as well."

  "Of course."

  "I will also need the mage with the strongest healing magic with me for the two weeks. I will just about kill myself with all these large spells. I will get the backlash from all three of the things I plan to do in a weeks' time. Let them know they will have to feed me magic and heal me almost constantly. If more than one wishes to come or is needed send them along. I will tell the unicorns to expect mage healers."

  "Your trust bestows much honor on my people."

  I shrug. "You know I am only picking mages because of the blood oath your people took. They have to do what's best for me. So, they have to keep me alive. Talon will stay with me as a guard."

  "Might I suggest I come as well? I am powerful and well versed in offensive and defensive spells and Talon will have to rest at some point. Even if he does not avoid sleep too long might make the beast inside unstable."

  He makes a good point. I nod. "Pack a bag, Cullen. Talon you as well. We will be moving to my new home in twenty-four hours."

  Both leave the room. Avren and I are alone. I sit down and look at the tiny silver dragon in front of me. I think back to all our practices, all his scolding’s, all our moments of peace together.

  "I wish you weren't leaving me Avren."

  My tear ducts erupt once more. But this time it is personal. It is not just the ending of a species (a real ending as Avren is the last dragon and no eggs remain), but also it is me losing my mentor, my familiar, and my friend. I am not sure I will be able to survive without him.

  "It is time my queen. You will be fine without me. You do not want a relic of the past as your familiar. You need…a new beginning."

  I look at the egg and can’t help but laugh. "That’s why he was entrusted to me? A creature that blesses new beginnings and me in need of one."

  "Everything happens for a reason, my queen."

  I smile throu
gh the tears. "Yes, I suppose it does."

  We sit in silence just observing one another. I want to remember everything about him. I will live forever and I want this mental picture to look at for all the years to come.

  "Would you reconsider if I didn’t break the Kemp bond?"

  "Do not ask questions to which you already know the answer."

  I smile and lean my chin onto my knuckles. "Of course, Avren. Silly me."

  "You are young."

  I nod and stand holding out an arm. He climbs up and drapes himself around my neck. I think, for just a moment, I feel a little dragon tear fall on my skin. It is so faint I can’t be positive but I think Avren is as sad to leave me as I am to have him leave.

  "I will never forget you; you know. No matter how good a familiar this little guy is he won't be you."

  "I love you Elainne."

  I pet his snout. "I love you too Avren."

  Chapter nineteen

  I get one good night's sleep; Aiden will stay in charge as steward until he leaves for his next mission. He has to. I will be indisposed. He is flying high on the getting out of the palace and acquiring all the knowledge of the dragons. Because of that, he attacks issues with the vigor of someone half his age.

  It puts me at ease to the point where I am able to actually sleep, long and peacefully with no interruptions. So well that ten hours later I wake up feeling like a real person, not something hastily put together.

  I take a hot bath and soak until the water is room temperature. I take my time and enjoy the heat. I even let the maid in charge wash my hair and comb it out for me. All the hassles and issues I deal with and I don’t get to enjoy the perks that come with the title. I am going to now. I will be ill for weeks; I want a bit of pampering before I endure the pain I am going to experience.

  "Elainne. Avren is ready for you."

  Of course, Avren would send Talon to interrupt me. I stand to dry and put on a dress that is light, loose, and will be easy for the doctors to get around. It is light blue and more like a nightgown than a dress.

  "You look so young and innocent your majesty."

  I smile at the maid. I am almost seventeen and have never taken a lover. I am young and innocent….at least in that way. People often forget my age because people my age don’t do the things I do. They don’t control the power I do. Neither magically nor economically. It is nice to remember I am actually a young lady.

  "Thank you."

  I keep my feet bare and other than my earring to contact Aldamon and the firebird egg I am unadorned. The fewer distractions the better. Very little will survive the backlash. Avren assures me these two things will. The earring because of the blood I have put into it. The egg because it will absorb some of the magic; making the bird stronger and me less likely to die.

  I hope the little bird is safe inside the egg… I hope it doesn't absorb so much magic that it explodes. I have no idea how I will ever visit the Firebirds grave if I let their last baby die before he is born.

  I shake my head and clear my mind. That is not what I have to focus on right now. I need the full amount of attention on my magic, on this one task. Avren wraps himself around me, coiling like a snake around my body. I look at his face on my shoulder and smile.

  "Our last big magic ceremony together. Do you think the spell will be extra special because of that?"

  "I am sure it will be fine my Queen."

  I look him in the eyes and try to hold back the tears, try not to think about how after this when I am back on my feet again, I will have to kill him. I will have to disperse his energy out into the world. I am not sure I can actually go through with it. I made a promise so I have to find it inside of me to do it…whether I agree with it or not.

  I sigh, patted him on the head, and stand in the spot that will connect the dimensions. I pull up a protection spell, wrap it around us, and then I feel for it. For the door to Avren's special place. His place will soon be the unicorns and I guess my home. I take one step forward, the step that takes me into his world and leave one foot in my own space. Then I tie the two together, holding the pieces like they are strings that need to be tied. Using magic, I weave them together sorting through edges creating a pocket in our space and settling Avren's home into our home.

  Finally, after many hours, when the sun starts to set I drop the magic. I open my eyes and I look around the gully. What was once a mountain of rock with a cave for Avren and his treasures is no longer a mountain. It has been carved into a castle complete with window slits and door openings. I will have to add the glass and doors themselves but even without those, it is beautiful.

  Avren carved it himself, I can tell because the magic flows through the stone, glazes over it causing that regular normal brownstone to shimmer with color. It reaches up into the sky, one tower going so high the clouds cover the top. It amazes me even more than the fairy’s crystal palace had.

  He licks my cheek and it is then that I notice I am crying.

  "For you Elaine from me. Something to remember me by. All of my treasures are within. Don't give it all away to the poor. Keep some; after all, I spent centuries gathering it to give to you."

  I smile at him, open my mouth to say something, but then the backlash hits.

  Magic is a fickle, fickle friend. I have done something that goes against nature, combined two types of worlds into one, and it hits me. It hits me like the mountain has fallen on me instead of being carved into a beautiful castle.

  I get dizzy and fall over onto my hands and knees panting, trying to catch my breath, trying to slow my heartbeat, which feels like it is going to explode out of my chest. My stomach rolls. I start vomiting. My hands and legs are shaking. I don't think I can hold myself up much longer. Talon, Cullen, and two healers come running to me.

  "Elainne! Elainne!"

  Talon calls to me but I can barely hear anything more than a whisper. He is shouting. I can see it in his eyes, his face. But I don't hear it that way. My ears are going deaf, my eyes are going blind, and I can no longer smell the pine trees around me. I can no longer see that beautiful magnificent palace that is my gift from Avren. I can't feel my limbs though I know they shake. I finish collapsing hitting the ground and falling into my own vomit and then nothing.

  It is later when I wake that I feel the worst. The more aware I am the more I realize needles pierce my body and that someone is hammering my flesh and bones. I open my eyes to find it not so and groan. How can I feel so bad and have no visible reason for it? I bolt up and a pan is thrust under my chin just in time to catch what spews out of me.

  "This has happened a lot the last two days. Even unconscious you sat up and puked."

  I hadn't asked but I am glad to be kept apprised of the situation. So, I have been unconscious for two days? That is horrifying. I wonder how Avren is. I turn my head slightly and see him the smallest he has ever been. He lays on the pillow next to mine. I can wrap him around one finger right now.

  "He has used up a lot of energy as well. He hasn’t woken, but he also hasn’t been ill. Every once in awhile we feel our healing magic being sucked in by him. We don't bother trying to stop it but it has made working on you harder."

  I nod and sip the drink brought to my mouth. A wet towel wipes my face. I lay back down looking at Avren. He looks so defenseless. Apparently, even he can be worn out. I reach out a finger and stroke his back. He makes no motion but I can feel him breathe. Relaxing a little I let sleep take me once again.

  When next I wake Avren is aware as well. He is still small but this time it is more like wrapping around my wrist not my finger. It lifts a weight off me I hadn't known was there. I still feel nauseated but don’t immediately vomit so I take that as a good sign.

  "Elainne you look greener than the grass outside."

  I smile and try to nod but give up halfway. It is too tiring.

  "You don't look much better Avren. I don’t think you are even fully silver anymore…"

  He doesn't look much different to
the untrained eye but he is my familiar and I know he is not doing well.

  "I do not need to be at full power to break the Kemp bond and pass my knowledge and lifespan onto Aiden. In fact, it's better if I am not so the power doesn’t overwhelm him and kill him."

  "Aiden will appreciate that I am sure."

  He nods and puts his head back to the pillow falling asleep instantly. He is far too exhausted. He has done too much lately. Too much for me, too much for the cause, just too much too long.

  "Your majesty."

  I sit up as a healer brings a drink and some soup. I am spoon-fed and grateful for it. I am not sure I have the energy to actually move.

  "Will it be alright if we move your and Avren's pillow so we can change the bedding?"

  I nod and as if on cue Talon comes in lifting me with ease. Cullen grabs the pillow Avren is on and follows.

  "Let's get you two outside. The magical land might help with the healing. At least with Avren, it can't hurt."

  I don’t nod but I do agree. The healers needed to clean and sanitize the room I’ve been in. I have been unconscious for who knows how long. It can’t be sanitary in there.

  "How long?"

  "Day five."

  Five days. I woke after two and not again for three more days…how am I still alive? And how will I continue to rule? In two days, Aiden leaves and I have to take the throne again. I doubt being pushed around in a wheelchair will impress anyone. We are taking the human kingdom I have to seem capable.

  "I need to heal faster."

  "The unicorn healers want to help. We couldn’t ask you because you were unconscious. They say that land is steeped in so much magic their spells will be more effective."

  "Do it."

  "There is a side effect…"


  "You might crave grass…for a little bit anyway."

  I apparently have enough energy to laugh for a few seconds. "I will take that trade. As long as I do it out of sight of the council, I will eat all the grass it takes."


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