Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 60

by Francheska Fifield

  Another reason to have Cullen with me is since he is on the council Talon and Aiden keep him well informed. They try to gloss things over so I won’t be so stressed and can rest as much as possible. Cullen never tells me anything but the truth. It is what I love about him.

  Normally Talon is that person for me. He, however, holds my health in the highest regard. Aiden is ruling in my stead, he has my orders, and to Talon that is that. He still scolds me for even checking in to speak with Aiden on issues. He also still scolds me for taking this trip. There will be no pleasing him until I have gained back all my previous fat and muscle and have full access to my magic without it backlashing. I am not looking forward to that because it will mean I lose Avren and I am not sure I can do that and survive.

  I made a promise but I am trying to delay my healing even just a little at a time so I have longer with Avren. I know he believes I will be fine without him and I know he is tired and old and deserved his rest. It doesn’t make the impending loss any easier to bear.


  I smile at Cullen. "Aiden is doing fine and if they give him trouble, I will return and take over negotiations. Tell him I said so when next you speak."

  He nods. "Sure."

  OakHeart gives me a worried look but I am queen and this is my job. Right now, I am focusing on making two kingdoms one so Aiden running things that are mostly clockwork makes sense. Soon that excuse will run out and I want to be informed when it does.

  I refuse to be a pawn of others or my own faults. I will rule this world into a peaceful coexistence the world hasn't seen since the time of the ancient races.

  "This will work out. I believe it will all work out."

  They nod and put me in the carriage. On to the next village.

  Touring the world, something I never got to do when I was being tossed back and forth between the human and Elvin kingdoms, is amazing. However, when autumn arrives and I am well and returning back to my home I am glad. Avren and I are both back to full power. I no longer need a chaperone or a guard and I am home.

  The unicorns greet me until Aiden comes to escort me to the welcoming party at the palace. A banquet open to all, no matter race, is being held. Madeline has been helping Aiden apparently. She is good at court and wording things. As well as anticipating needs. Mason has started training with the army. They are finding their places. I am glad they will be staying near.

  Some Elves have a desire to farm and the humans have more open land for that type of thing. They are buying land and selling their own places in the city. Mason and Madeline have traded the land they received from my aunt in exchange for a home in town so they can keep the jobs they have taken up.

  Slowly things are changing. Compromises are being struck. Deals made. The Elvin kingdom is no longer just the Elvin kingdom, none of the kingdoms are. Avren and Aiden both insist I need a name for my kingdom but I have a hard time naming anything. What will I call it? I put the question to those I trust the most. Cullen, Talon, Aiden, and OakHeart while we sit up around the throne watching the people that traveled from all over to participate in our little open house.

  "Name it Elainne after yourself."

  I shake my head to Cullen's suggestion. "No. That’s beyond arrogant. I cannot call it that….it would be too confusing for me."

  He shrugs winks and goes to steal sweets. I am glad he can still sometimes be a child so I don’t scold him.

  "Name it Light. The Light Kingdom. Isn't that what your name is in Elvin? The point of your kingdom is to unite all races, to be a shelter in the storm, bring peace to the world. It seems fitting."

  We all look to OakHeart who is as wise as the tree he is named for. "The Kingdom of Light…. I like it."

  Everyone agrees and Aiden stands to make the announcement. I laugh as everyone hoots and hollers. At one point we all join the revelers and dance the night away. Problems can wait for tomorrow.

  Chapter twenty-three

  Problems do indeed hit the next day. I am terribly exhausted; my legs do not wish to ever again move…apparently dancing the night away does that. I am also so full of the sweets Cullen sneaked away that both of us never wish to look at one again.

  As if that were not enough it is time. Avren wishes to be sent. I know the second he looks me in the eyes as I wake. I sigh. "Won't you reconsider friend?"

  "My time has ended. I will leave this place and join my race in the ever after. You and yours…well they are just beginning. You will be gifted my magic. It has been seeping into you and finding its home within during your healing process. Only my link to you keeps me from the great beyond."

  I knew I felt different, heavier deep within, but I didn't know why. The power he gifted me with, the knowledge it will impart upon me, it is a gift beyond priceless. And I would sacrifice it all for him to stay with me.

  "Avren, how will I survive without you?"

  "Cullen will keep you honest and informed, Aiden centered, Talon will keep you healthy…in all ways. And Viktor…he will keep you safe."

  We will be doing the Kemp dissolving ceremony today before Avren leaves this world. Because my injuries have healed slower than originally predicted I had not been able to accomplish it by summer's end. I try to keep my tears from flowing but my throat still feels far too tight and my face far too warm.

  "I will never forget you."

  "I shall live on in your never-ending memory."

  I nod. "None of us will ever forget you. You live on in Viktor and Talon as well."

  "Yes. My legacy is complete Make me proud; daughter of my heart."

  As he is small enough to do so I cuddle up with him holding him close trying to imprint his color, his smell, his warmth. I never want to forget a single thing and I will live forever so it has to be a strong imprint.

  "It is time Elainne."

  I nod and dress in the best finery I have. Everyone is still unconscious from the party before. I leave my room and wake Aiden, Talon, and Viktor. This will be between us and us alone. It is a good thing the kingdom is all still deep asleep.

  We go to my private home for the ceremony. We stand out back protected by unicorns on patrol making sure we have the privacy we need.

  I set the circles up and stand in mine as Viktor stands in his. He looks like every protest in the world is holed up inside him. I am not sure but I think Avren is keeping them inside. Everything we have to say was said.

  "Elainne do you release this boy from your service and soul? Do you acknowledge that he will be free to make his own choices and decisions? That you will no longer hold sway over his life?"

  "I accept that."

  "Viktor do you accept your freedom?"



  I look Viktor in the eyes. "I never wanted control over anyone's life and I know you wanted to be my Kemp. But more than you want to guard me I want you to be free. Free of me and our past, free of our strife and love. Free to build your own life, using your own choices as a guidepost, without the bond pushing you to me at all times. I grant you freedom Viktor."

  I turn back to Avren and he bows his head.

  "Very well. By the heavens and earth, the magic of all the people of this world, the Elvin soul residing in you both. I free Viktor of his chains."

  It hurts…it hurts so terribly. It is worse than my magic being stolen or stopped. It feels like someone pours lava on my whole body and inside is melting it keeps me alive to torment me.

  A chunk of my heart is ripped from me and I see the chains. The magic of the Kemp bond in front of me. It connects Viktor and I. He looks on in awe, as does everyone but Avren and me.

  Avren nods to me and I know now is the time. I summon the strongest attack spell I have and threw it to the chain dissolving it the way acid poured on a real chain would. The lava stops and Viktor passes out. Aiden goes to check on him and sighs in relief. I am glad he survived. I look to Avren.

  "It is time."

  I nod aching all over but go to the second
prepared place. Aiden comes with Avren and me while Talon keeps watching over Viktor until he wakes. They are the only two of their kind, the only two that will exist ever. Even if they don’t agree or even get along there is a kinship there.

  The wind blows my perfect queenly hair from its place. No one will care, no one will scold me. Because the one who would is about to be sent to whatever afterlife dragons have. Avren speaks of one like it is a surety…I don’t know if he knows the truth of it or not.

  I look at the autumn leaves that blaze brightly in the sun. Their colors so rich and beautiful, the air warm the breeze cool. It is a perfect day and yet instead of enjoying it, I am helping my friend die. I feel like it should be terrible. Strong winds, thunder, and lots of rain. Throw in some lightning as well. I don’t want to be reminded of this day every time the perfect fall day arrives. It will be too painful, to disappointing.

  Avren stands in a circle with Aiden and slits his wrist so he bleeds into a goblet. He rips out a scale from his forehead roaring as he does so. Well, that will wake the kingdom.

  The words of the spell Avren created for Aiden roll off my tongue in dragon. The great thing about having a dragon as your familiar is you learned a lot of otherwise unknown languages. When I finish the blood is a copper color with little rainbow speckles that had once been a silver scale.

  "Drink Aiden."

  He does cough a few times, dragon blood and scale are not an easy thing to down, as Avren says his part. I see, physically see, the magic drain from Avren and enter Aiden. It is not so much his magic as a transfer. Aiden is being gifted with Avren's immortality and knowledge. He will be the new historian, the one to keep the old stories alive. The last piece of Avren in our lives.

  He is barely hanging on. Once bright silver he now stands around my height and a dull gray. Silver no one has remembered to polish, duller than a stone. I walk over to him and kiss his forehead. He breathes his dragon breath on me once more before closing his eyes.

  "Goodbye, my friend."

  I release the hold I have on him and he drifts off into the wind. Scattering like ashes through the air to lands yet unseen.

  I drop to my knees staining my most perfect dress and cry. I lean forward so my head touches the earth, my tears soaking the grass around me.

  It hurts my heart even more than the loss of Viktor. Physically I know the destruction of the Kemp bond causes more of a drain as well as more physical agony. But mentally losing Avren is so terrible I don’t think anything will ever hurt this much again. The Kemp bond seems such a small loss in comparison.

  At one point during my monsoon of emotions, Aiden sits next to me putting a hand on my back and lightly rubbing. Later Viktor sits against my back facing my kingdom, while Talon sits on my other side and put an arm around my shoulders. All the pieces of Avren that are left in this world surround me.

  As if he knows Talon calls forth his scales, his eyes slit to look as dragonish as Avren's had. I hug his scaled arm tight crying so much it will be covered in salt in the end.

  I am not sure how long I sit surrounded by what little of Avren they can give me, but at one point I cry myself asleep. My last thought that I am glad to avoid the truth of ruling without him by my side for just a bit longer.

  When I wake it is evening and only Talon remains. I am stiff and sore and so, so tired. I am tired of loss, and pain. I am tired of life.

  "Where is everyone?"

  "Aiden went to take the throne for the day. It's mostly seeing people off so he said he can handle it. Viktor went to visit the unicorns' healers at their insistence. It hurt him as much as you."

  I nod and pull myself up off Talon's lap with great effort. His scaled arm lifts off me to make it easier but still I find it hard to move.

  "Why have I not broken yet?"

  I look him in the eye close to tears but trying so hard to be strong. He looks to where Avren's ashes have flown off.

  "You have more strength than you know Elainne. That’s why you were chosen. Not just because you are kind and fair, but because you have the inner strength to survive everything this world will throw at the one who does what you have chosen to do. The path you walk is hard, no one, not even Viktor or I, can truly understand how hard. But all of us know you have to have inner fortitude to rival the gods. You, Elainne, have it."

  I know he is serious but I don’t think my fortitude is as impressive as he states. So I laugh. Either I need it to be funny or my mind has finally broke but either way, I laugh so hard I clutch my stomach and have to fight for breath. My sides ache, my head feels as if every blood vessel in it has burst, and I can barely catch a breath, and yet still I laugh. Talon rolls his eyes at me and shrugs.

  "You can think it's funny but we all know it's true."

  His insistence has the opposite effect. Instead of feeling chastised it fuels the fire in me. He rolls his eyes, brushes grass off his lap, and reaches down a hand smiling.

  "Come, silly girl, you need to be a queen now. The people will worry that not having a dragon protector will make us weaker, especially as things with the dwarves is not going well."

  I take his hand and pull myself up with Talon as my anchor. I stop laughing but the smile won't leave me face. "All right. Let us return to the palace."

  He holds my hand the whole way back.

  Chapter twenty-four

  I make sure to clean up before returning to court, it is a good thing I do because everyone is in an uproar. I only planned to talk to the council members about what to expect after Avren's passing, how it will affect the people….and our talks with the dwarves.

  "Your majesty thank goodness you are back! Are you rested?!"

  They all seem to be parroting the same thing. Talon summons a wind spell and pushes them back so I can get to the throne. Aiden looks at me apologetically mixed with relief. So, he was avoiding bringing me into the fold. I appreciate him trying to give me a day to grieve but I am a queen, which means mourning will be done in private in whatever spare time I manage to find.

  "Cullen what has happened."

  He will give it to me straight. No-fuss.

  "The dwarves have declared war on us because we refused to deny citizenship to any that leave their cause."

  I rub my temples. Of course, they did. "Where are we to parlay?"

  "They do not plan to give us that opportunity. They will be tunneling here with their magic as we speak in hopes of collapsing us upon ourselves."

  Other councilors start arguing but I look at Cullen's face. He is serious. It is what will happen. I don’t ask how or why he knows but I trust the mages.

  I stand to quiet everyone and look around the room. No true leaders, still bickering a bit, but they will have to do.

  "FireHeart I need your five strongest fairies, ones that specialize in the spell you used to transfer your dimension into ours. Cullen, I need the five strongest mages, young ones that like you have the blessing of the earth goddess. Age truly does not matter but they need to have undergone the proper ceremony. They will be in no danger. SnowDrift I will need your five fastest runners. The mages will be on their backs so they must be strong. Elves I need healers, the best we have, I have a feeling this will drain the lot of us. Oh and keep your leaders here. I need them to protect the capital and people."

  Everyone runs off. Aiden, Talon, and Viktor stay behind. I sit back down and wish I did not have to leave Aiden unprotected. No Avren…and I cannot afford to leave the boys behind. I need their ability to absorb magic.

  "When do we leave?"

  "As soon as everyone is here. We have no time to waste. Talon please see if the mages will come and support Aiden while away. Also, if something happens to me…well they need to transfer their blood oath to him."


  "Please, Talon."

  He nods and takes off spells aiding his speed.

  "You better not leave me with this whole kingdom. I know I have ruled for you but you make all the rules and laws and you decide
all outcomes for disputes. I cannot….and I will not do this job permanently."

  I smile at Aiden hugging him tightly. "I hope it won't come to that. That is why I need Viktor and Talon. They can absorb enemy magic so I can focus on what I need to do."

  "How much can you two absorb?"

  Aiden looks over at Viktor who shrugs.

  "However, much we have to."

  Even after freeing him he is keeping me safe. Avren was right, he always will, but now it will be because of his own free will. His choice.

  Aiden says nothing but sighs rubbing his face and giving it light slaps. I go over and take his hands letting my magic soothe and heal him. He stresses himself out far too much. You can always tell the second it works because he slumps and the wrinkles on his face are instantly erased.

  "Thank you."

  "Of course. You need to remember Aiden, Avren left you with all his wisdom. That means you will be the one I turn to when I would have asked for his advice."

  He looks less than thrilled as I smile and kiss his cheek. "Glad you realize the consequences of your immortality."

  He doesn’t complain about the stress like he normally would. He just searches my face for something I know he won’t find. Along with his magic, Avren must have left me his court face, it rivals even mine, but I am fairly certain my face now will win. I look happy, pleased, content with life. When in reality I am anything but. I am anxious, nervous, and praying to Avren's spirit that we will not all be walking to our deaths.

  Once the mages have come and agree to protect Aiden, with the help of FireHeart and SnowDrift, our party assembles. SnowDrift brings enough horses for everyone going. They wish to fight for the home we have freely offered. The warrior unicorns are all male and thicker. Muscles cord around their bodies and they look almost to terrifying to ride. I appreciate the gift she gives me and keep my court face in place. I think she knows I am nervous even with my amazing performance.


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