Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 61

by Francheska Fifield

  "They will keep you safe and return you all home in one piece."

  I nod and thank her and she tells them the direction to head too. Viktor and Talon ride on my sides, Cullen behind with the mages, all but him in their early twenties having done the ceremony recently. The Elves come next followed by the fairies that alternate flying above us and behind us to keep watch. One even scouts ahead a few times but considering the dwarves are most likely coming from underground it is a moot gesture.

  I know instantly when we need to stop. My battle unicorn knows too, they have a wonderful psychic connection to their riders. We pull up and the others follow suit. I turn unafraid of slipping as the unicorn’s magic holds me in place.

  "Cullen, I need you and the other mages to alternate with the fairies and hold hands. The Elvin healers stay back. If things go wrong grab the injured and flee. Talon and Viktor any magic they use to attack us you need to absorb. I am sorry to ask this but you will need to take everything they throw at us."

  Everyone nods and I climb down. "Link magic now."

  They do so and I can feel the power in the air. "I am sorry to do this to everyone. Cullen, do you remember the spell Avren taught us?"

  He nods grimacing. I hate he is here. I hate bringing a child into battle. I hate that he is the most powerful of the mages and I will need that well of power. I hate that I have to choose between the lives of us standing here and the culmination of the Elvin, human, and mage kingdoms. I have so many I am responsible for and though I am powerful there is a limit to that. I need to defeat the dwarves before they dig under the kingdoms and collapse them on themselves.

  Avren showed me a memory of it. One moment people were walking around in a market place and next the ground caved in. Buildings collapsed, people were crushed, kids screamed, humans bled, and the entire town was cursed. The ghosts wandered around bringing mishaps to any that dared enter. I am determined to put them to rest at some point but I have to save the ones still living now. When seeing the carnage in my mind, the smell of fear thick in the air, I can justify what I do here.

  "We are ready Elainne."

  I nod to Cullen and feel the tug. We have practiced this. A mind sync. Cullen and the fairy mages are linking power and channeling through him. They haven't practiced that but the fairies are very good at what they do and it is flawless. No, what needed practicing is Cullen linking to me with our minds and channeling the power to me. Avren had us practicing while I healed from the battle with my aunt. It slowed the process of getting me back on my feet, but if this works it will be well worth it.

  I gather my magic tugging for power from the lakes nearby and use a knife of water to slash through the earth. It creates a barrier. The dwarves can go no further and have to come above ground as their tunnels are filled with water. They pop up like moles and I smile for a moment as they brush dirt off of themselves. Then I remember why I am doing this.

  The ground crumbles and we all have to shift. Their tunnels and my water cause the ground to become a river. They have dug to close to the surface likely planning to collapse most everything surrounding their kingdom. I regret that the water will make it back to their home if they have tunneled directly from there.

  "Argyle. I wish it was nice to see you."

  "Queen of the world."

  They say that but still, they refuse to acknowledge it. They know the prophecy. Do they not want peace? Safety? An end to disease and famine, war, and strife?

  "You know I never wanted this."

  "And yet you do it."

  I sigh pushing my hair from my face as the wind whips around us. The spirits are uneasy, you can feel it.

  "Sometimes we are thrust upon a path not of our own choosing. I am not forcing you to join my kingdom. I just wanted open trade. You could have said no, stayed underground and ignore our existence as you always have…well most always."

  He knows of what I speak. He sees it in my eyes, hears it in my voice. My jaw and fists clench. He flinches, it is barely visible but it is there.

  "You know much of our history. Not all of it is beautiful."

  "You sound as if you regret it and yet here you are digging to the capital of my kingdom so you can do much worse."

  "So, we both are doing things we do not wish. But as you said, it is what it is."

  I take a step forward and see Talon and Viktor follow. They already have their scales out.

  "It doesn’t have to be this way! I told you my people would leave you alone!"

  "But you will not deny them the chance to abandon their people to be one of yours."

  Talon’s hand takes my shoulder and I look at him tears in my eyes. He is right; I need to calm down, not to be goaded.

  I turn and look at the people it is my job to protect. I look at each of their faces. Determined with only a hint of fear. I will save them, all those I am responsible for, even if it costs me my life. I need to protect them.

  Turning back I shrug off my melancholy; it will not help me now and look Argyle in the eye.

  "They have the right to choose a life in the light if they so choose. I am fighting to protect them as well. Who are you fighting to protect?"

  "Our way of life."

  "You can keep it if you return home now."

  I think for a second it will work. A murmur has been passing through the crowd since we started this talk. The dwarves. Some look doubtful. They are the ones I address now.

  "Any who make their way to the palace and petition for sanctuary will be integrated into the Kingdom of Light. No hard feelings. Our kingdom is based on safety for all. We want our people to have every chance."

  Some shuffle from foot to foot and I know I have greatly angered Argyle. Viktor is in front of my absorbing the magic before it can hit me.

  "You use others as your shields."

  "I hate to but I need to live long enough to end this for good. I don’t want my people to have to ever fear this situation will come to pass again."

  "So, you will wipe us out?"

  "If you make me yes."

  "You have no feelings about it?"

  I close my eyes letting only a single tear escape. The wind whips it from my face into the air. I summon my power and Avren's. He left me this gift to protect my family, all of them. Mages and Elves, humans and fairies. The last of the unicorns. I clutch my necklace. The last Phoenix. I open my eyes focusing on Argyle alone.

  "I will protect those I care for. My kingdom is my family and I will let nothing harm them, even if it means I will scar my soul beyond recognition killing all of you."

  Some of the shifting feet back up and leave the collective whole. They step forward and bow. I smile and nod and let them pass. They leave the battlefield and trudge toward the palace. The dwarves try to stop them but the healers are there to help. Elvin healers are warriors as well.

  "I am not a child anymore. I know my duty and I will perform it."

  The link with Cullen solidifies and I rise off the ground. Talon and Viktor sprout small dragon wings, scaled and beautiful. They join me in the air weapons drawn.

  The unicorn's riders are standing so they stand in front of the others a shield for those susceptible to attack. The healers have weapons drawn and watching from every angle in case those leaving mean to attack from behind or the dwarven army has split its forces to surround us. None of us are weak nor will we easily fall. The final battle is now.

  Chapter twenty-five

  The dwarves may have lost some of their numbers, but they are still a force to be reckoned with. They do what I hoped they wouldn’t. They pray. It is not a prayer to a deity. It summons a goddess of the earth. An earth spirit that protects the dwarves and allows them to flourish. With the old races weakened she will not be immortal, but it will not be a battle we will come away from unscathed. Killing an earth goddess has consequences for the world. I am bringing back the old ways, I could reason with her, but if all else fails I will kill her. We will kill her.

  She rises from the e
arth, a slumbering beauty. Her chocolate skin is speckled with shades of brown. Her hair sticks up here and there as if she just rolled out of bed. Pebbles cover her from above her breast down to her knees flowing like a dress down the back. They shift constantly moving around her but never losing form. I bow acknowledging her radiance.


  Her eyes open and she looks me over then looks to my guardians at my sides.


  She acknowledges my title and looks at her people below her. They are on their feet again ready for battle. Weapons are drawn. She looks to my side. Battle unicorns with fighting healers. It looks unimpressive by comparison. Those linking with me are not doing battle. They need to keep the link to me giving me the power boost to kill a goddess and the dwarven army in one fell swoop.

  "You war with my people. And you come with very few fighters."

  "I will be the only one fighting. It needs to be a fair fight."

  Her eyebrows shoot up so quickly I see sand fall to the ground.

  "You alone?"

  I incline my head to her. "I came prepared with a dragon’s power and two dragon spawn as you can see. The others are back up, healers trying to protect their comrades or steeds trying to keep them safe."

  "Unicorns are steeds to you?"

  "They offered themselves to my cause; they came to me for a home. I gave them one."

  "The fairies as well?"

  The talking is unnerving. Her liquid brown eyes swirl. I pay close attention seeing if I can discern her character but honestly if we are going to call a truce, I want it now. If we are going to battle, I want it over with. Avren calls this the curse of youth. I don’t let myself fidget though; he would have been proud.

  "I went to create a treaty with them and they joined me instead. They had heard the prophecy and wished to follow its calling."

  "Yet my people were not given the chance?"

  "I gave them every chance! I went to them for a treaty and they turned me away because I refused to send their people away if they came asking to join my kingdom! Do not blame me for this it is them that think my refusal to turn any away as a bad thing! It has caused them to burrow their way to my kingdom to cause it to collapse upon itself! I was just more prepared than they assumed and stopped them before it could happen!"

  She doesn’t flinch at my anger despite the clouds darkening and rumbling. The wind is faster, harder, and stings the skin. The new river the dwarves and I made is bubbling and steaming. She is rock, what will it bother her? She looks down at her people, some of which look away sheepishly. Others stare at her awaiting our battle.

  "So now I have been summoned to battle the immortal empress. You know the consequences of killing me?"

  I nod. "I know. I will do everything in my power to ensure the people I care for do not suffer from your death."

  The dwarves look offended that I assume I can survive. She does not.

  "You will accept any who join you without prejudice?"

  "Goddess, I give you my word as an immortal. Any that join my kingdom or return home without the use of a weapon will be allowed to live as they see fit as long as it does not involve hurting others."

  I am very specific; Avren taught me I need to be when dealing with the ancients or gods. The goddess smiles acknowledging my efforts.

  "Will any join the empress in her efforts of world peace?"

  Some look confused as the goddess asks them this question. A few look sideways and around, they want to leave but are afraid to.

  "If you leave to join her none of your fellow dwarves will be allowed to interfere, I give my word of that."

  From the forest beyond many with packs, women, children, elderly, come out bow to their goddess and leave. True to her word the other dwarves cannot use their magic or stop them physically. Some of those with families join them on their trek to my home, now theirs. Others curse and yell.

  As some leave I notice her colors dulling. It is their race that gives her power, the more that abandon the cause they summoned her for the less power she has to fight with. Prayer gives gods their power. Which means the entire dwarven kingdom showed up to pray for our destruction.

  "You know this will weaken you? You stand less of a chance to survive."

  She looks to be smiling even as her eyes stop swirling and her hair hardens a bit.

  "Like you empress, my people must come first. I believe you will join us in history one day, a goddess, but you won't ever dull, will you? Because everyone will always remember you and the peace you brought. A goddess of light and hope. Your mother named you well."

  I smile as my mother's face flashed before my eyes. Following Avren's. It is a shortlist of those that had loved me, but they made all the difference. My father and aunt…. well I don’t know if they were capable of love, but in the end, they respected me and that is all I could ask for from them.

  "Talon do not let the warriors reach the healers and the well of power the others down there create. You will command the battle unicorns. Make sure everyone gets home safely."

  "What about you?"

  I smile at him tears in my eyes. The dwarves that want to leave have. This is it.

  "I will be fine. Viktor will protect me. Won’t you?"

  I look over at him still smiling tears streaming down my face. I don’t want to kill, especially a goddess, but she is tied to the dwarves. She cannot refuse a request of aide, even if she does not believe they are doing the right thing, and I cannot let her destroy me so that they can make it to my kingdom and destroy everyone.


  I look back at Talon. "I am safe. Go."

  He nods and is on the ground conferring with the unicorns in the blink of an eye. I look to Viktor.

  "One last joint project? This is what you wanted? Me Empress of the world. Help me make it happen?"

  I hold out my hand my sight blurred by my tears and the wind. He takes it and moves closer.

  "One last battle before the fight is over. What is meant to be will be."

  I nod to him and use my other hand to brush my tears from my eyes. My sight still sucks but that is okay. I link with Viktor, our Kemp bond is broken but my mind knows the pathway, a connection will always exist between us and I tap into that now.

  When I open my eyes, I see with his. The eyes of a dragon. The magic is drained from the dwarves, having used it to summon my adversary. They will only be able to fight with clubs and knives now. They are not fast but they have great endurance and they are magic resistant. Still, Talon has dragon blood in his veins; no one is immune to that.

  "Farewell Empress."

  "Farewell Goddess."

  No sooner are the words out of my mouth than she shoots her power at me. Viktor drops my hand and hovers in front of me absorbing the power of a goddess protecting her people. He screams and bleeds. Even the dragon scales aren’t entirely stopping it. I pull from my well on the ground and my own power combining it with the power that has seated itself in my bones.

  I can feel blood flow from my nose into my mouth, down the side of my neck from my ears. This amount of power could kill me, it is just about the only thing that really can at this point, but it needs to be done.

  Viktor is no longer screaming and his wings are shredded. It is only magic keeping him in the air. His scales are popping. Literally popping from magic overload. He is absorbing more power than he can take as well.

  I look down. Talon and the unicorns battle the dwarves. Talon is using dragon magic to create barriers so they can only come in small waves. But their bodies are made to resist magic. True they are not immune to dragon magic, but the more he uses it the faster they will develop an immunity.

  The only way to truly stop them will be to kill her. It will be a blow to them, even the ones that have decided to join me. I will have to find a new earth spirit willing to look over the remainder and become their new god or goddess. But for now, I have to kill this one.

  I drain those below me until th
ey are empty and unconscious. The healers are giving them energy as fast as they can, but there are five healers and ten unconscious fully drained mages and fairies.

  The goddess and I face one another as Viktor drop from the sky looking human once again. He is past his limit. Pushed beyond what even the dragon scales can do.

  Her power hits me as I no longer have a shield. Even as much as Viktor absorbed and in her weakened state it feels like I am being buried alive beneath boulder after boulder and somehow surviving to feel the pain. As Talon and the unicorns kill more of the dwarves her power lessens until I can push the pain aside, grit my teeth and unleash my own build-up.

  "My turn Goddess. Die well."

  I unleash the power stored in every cell of my body. My power, Avren's power, and the power I have drained from those below. All of it aimed at her. It explodes over her and I stop screaming from the pain of her attack and start screaming from the pain of unleashing my own. Both of us drop from the sky and land on the ground in a splat. If we had not both been immortal, or near enough, we would have died.

  I have to give her credit though. Despite being batter and broken, even rocks break if they fall from high enough; she lumbers over to me and pulls me up by my hair. Barely conscious and bleeding from even my eyes I look her over as best as I can. Sand pours from her orifices as well. Pieces of her are breaking off. Some of her fingers have already crumbled away.

  "Now we end this Empress."

  "I couldn’t agree more."

  The dagger I brought, one Avren gifted me with made of dragon bone, and the last of its kind is in my hand. I grabbed it and thrust up and it bursts inside her heart. She smiles at me before dropping my hair, screaming and crumbling into nothing more than rock. Instantly all is silent and still…then after what seems like no time and all the time in the world the dwarves all drop screaming and squeezing their heads.

  "Summon healers to find the dwarves on the way to the palace!"


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