Brayden (Wild Men Book 6)

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Brayden (Wild Men Book 6) Page 24

by Melissa Belle

  She looks like a queen.

  And Dylan is clearly her king. As they meet at the altar, his entire face lights up with love. Their chemistry together is undeniable, and the minister has to clear his throat three times to get them to look at him rather than each other.

  The renewal ceremony is short and casual, a fifteen-minute exchange of vows that reiterate their love for one another. I never thought I was one for romance, especially public sentiment, but Jasalie and Dylan have me mesmerized.

  “I promise to be your partner in crime and your biggest fan,” Dylan says, his eyes never leaving Jasalie’s. “I will love you through the easy and the hard, the joys and the challenges. I promise to create and love a family with you in a home filled with unconditional love and support. I promise to love you forever.”

  Jasalie’s voice hitches as she responds. “I promise to be your best friend and your staunchest supporter. I will love you on the field and off”—Dylan’s laugh can be heard through the entire outdoor venue—“If you never again hold a football, or if you never put one down, I will love you and support you. I promise to partner with you, as parents to our future children, in a home where they will grow up learning unconditional love, the ability to solve problems creatively, and the strength to overcome anything life throws in their way.”

  I wipe my eyes. Shit. Now I’m getting emotional at the wedding renewal of two people I literally barely know. Like he knows what I’m thinking, Brayden turns and looks right at me. I stare into the swirling blue of his eyes, trying to beam to him how much I care. How much I want him and need him in my life. I laugh nervously and can’t stop.


  I love you, Leleila.

  That’s all I want to say right now. All I want to do is jump off the altar, pull this damn tie off my neck, pick Leleila up in my arms, and disappear with her. I’d take her to my family cabin and make love to her for the entire night.

  Standing up with Jenson and my cousins, as Dylan and Jasalie renew their vows, is far more emotional than I thought it would be. When Colton and Sky got married, I wasn’t in this place. I was single and happy being single.

  Because Leleila Wills wasn’t around then. She had been once, but that was one night when I was a teenager. Now that she’s back in my life, the whole game has changed.

  I need to tell her how I feel.


  Brayden’s waiting for me at the edge of the manicured lawn. He takes my hand and leads me away from the crowd of people mingling and grabbing appetizers.

  He looks down at my fingers intertwined with his. My left ring finger is bare with any hint of the red string long gone. “How have the last couple of days been for you?”

  I inhale and stare past him at the mountains. They’re gorgeous—snow-capped and majestic.

  I bring my gaze back to Brayden’s face. “They’ve been great, actually.”

  He sucks in a breath. “I can imagine you’re overwhelmed? This is a huge life change, Lei.”

  I swallow. “I am deliriously happy inside. Outside, I’m still reeling. But I got a job, and I found a place. My first time living on my own. Baby steps. And I found you again.”

  Brayden’s parents greet me warmly at the reception hall, and Luke says hello with a wink.

  “Heard you and my brother came here together,” he says.

  I nod. “We did, yes.”

  He grins. “That’s good news.”

  “I think so,” I say with a smile.

  If Brayden is breathtakingly gorgeous, Luke is more of a smoldering burn. He strikes me as the kind of guy who dates a lot but doesn’t share much of his heart with anyone.

  “And how’s your friend?” he asks me suddenly. “Ms. Sophia Loren?”

  I cock my head and look closely at his blank expression. He’s clearly an expert at giving nothing away, but even he can’t hide the little flush in both cheeks as he waits for my reply.

  “Sophia is great,” I say.

  He gives me a salute and turns away for the other end of the bar. “Glad to hear it. See you, Leleila.”

  I order a drink at the bar. I’m still waiting when two muscular arms appear on my left and a set of equally-large arms on my right.

  “So you’re Leleila.”

  I turn around and recognize the two men on either side of me.

  Dylan and Colton Wild. Their expressions are friendly but curious.

  “Brayden told us you’re his date tonight.” Colton gives me a kind smile, but both his and Dylan’s eyes are assessing me the way a brother would look out for a sibling.

  “Yes. Hi.” I shake Dylan’s extended hand and then Colton’s. “Nice to meet you.” I turn back to Dylan. “Congratulations on your marriage. The renewal ceremony was so beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” His eyes warm. “Jasalie told me she had invited you tonight. She said good things about you.”

  “She was so kind to invite me,” I say. “You two make a wonderful couple.”

  Colton smiles. “I hope you and Brayden can work things out.”

  “I hope so, too.” I take in a deep breath. “I’ve brought a lot of complications to the table. I never want to hurt Brayden, ever.”

  Dylan’s expression relaxes. “I’m pretty sure he knew what he was walking into from the beginning. As long as you’re always honest with him—he’ll be okay.”

  “Are you two bothering my date?” Brayden says as he steps in next to me and slips his arm around my waist.

  Colton grins. “Always. That’s what we do.”

  Brayden frowns and tells me he needs a few minutes alone with his cousins. I wave goodbye to them and go find Olivia, who brings me over to Jasalie, Bella, and Sky.

  Sky introduces herself and asks if I’ve met Colton. I nod, and when I say that Colton and Dylan didn’t seem to necessarily trust me, she makes a joke about her husband being a bodyguard.

  “You would think these guys are all innocents with the way the others protect them,” she says fondly. “None of them knew what to do with me at first, either.”

  “Really?” Olivia asks.

  “Of course. They protect their own.”

  “I think it’s sweet,” Jasalie says. “But I never had that growing up. Don’t let them bother you, Leleila. They mean well, and once they know you, they’ll have your back for life. No matter what.”

  “In the meantime,” Bella says, looping her arm through mine. “We’ll get to know you ourselves. Let’s go sit at our table.”


  As soon as Leleila’s out of earshot, I turn on Colton and Dylan.

  “Don’t fucking bug Leleila,” I say to them.

  “Remember how you told me to run Sky off because she couldn’t be trusted?” Colt says with amusement.

  I scowl. “That’s a little harsh. I didn’t quite say that.”

  “You said, ‘definitely walk, man,’ and that is a quote.” Colton’s smile is even bigger.

  I relax. “But I was wrong. So are you.”

  “Hey.” Dylan steps in between us. “We like her, Bray. We were just feeling her out. You tell us you’re falling for a woman on the verge of a wedding to another man. Of course we’re worried about you. We don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Not that it’s any of your business,” I say, knowing they won’t let up if I don’t fill them in on the updated version of the story. “But she and he broke up. It’s over between them.”

  Colt’s blue eyes brighten. “Fuck. That’s great news.”

  I nod. “No more fucking sharing tonight. I’ve said more than I planned on.”

  Dylan and Colton chuckle.

  “You’re the cousin who’s going to give us zero heads up that you’re thinking of getting married, aren’t you?” Dylan says.

  “This is my heads up,” I say. “You meeting her.”

  Their eyes widen.

  “And truthfully, I don’t think you’ve got the right cousin. The guy we’ve got to worry about no heads up with?” I point my b
eer bottle at Cam, who’s busy flirting with three women at once. “It’s that Wild.”

  “Cam?” Colt spins around to get a better look.

  “Mark my words,” I say. “He’s the wild-card Wild. We all know it.”

  “Shit.” Dylan runs his hand through his hair, effectively ruining the perfect professional styling he’d had done. Luckily, the family pictures are over and done with. “You’re right.”


  When the dancing starts, Brayden’s mom beckons us to follow her and her husband onto the dance floor.

  The music is loud, and the band plays lots of different styles, so before an hour’s over, Braden and I have waltzed, done the salsa, and danced to Top 40 music. His cousins are good sports, and they try to keep up. Dylan can dance—I’m beginning to wonder what Dylan Wild can’t do well—and he and Jasalie join us for a while.

  When a slow song starts, Brayden pulls me close, and my body melts into his. It’s a beautiful song. And maybe it’s the song, or maybe it’s the way Brayden’s looking at me…but I feel like I’ve opened my heart a little more with each dance until I can’t shut it down anymore. I pull him as close to me as possible, and he puts his cheek to mine.

  “I didn’t plan on falling so hard for you, Leleila,” he says in my ear. “But I don’t regret one second of our time together. As unconventional a start as it was.”

  I stop thinking about everything and lean forward and kiss him. My “no PDA” rule flies out the window. I want to touch Brayden so much I don’t care who sees.

  Brayden takes my face in his hands and kisses me back. The taste of whiskey and cake on his tongue is intoxicating.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Brayden and I leave the wedding reception and walk to the parking lot.

  And once we’re alone inside the truck, there’s nowhere to hide from the sexual tension that’s been between us all night.

  Brayden turns the key in the ignition as he looks over at me.

  He hesitates before he says, “So…is it too soon to ask if you want to come over?”

  I instinctively inch toward him. He leans over and kisses me lightly on the lips. His mouth is gentle on mine, but I can feel the urgency behind his kiss. “I don’t ever want to push you,” he says in a rough tone. “God knows I want you, Leleila, but I can wait as long as you need.”

  “What about your cousins?”

  “They’re all staying at the hotel next door. Dylan secured rooms for everyone who wanted them so nobody would have to worry about drinking and driving.”

  “That was thoughtful.”

  He lightly nips my bottom lip, and I barely suppress a moan. “It was, but I only had one shot before the ceremony, so I’m safe to drive. And I couldn’t think of anywhere I’d rather be than alone at my house with you.”

  “On your porch?”

  “Among other places.” His breath ghosts my cheek. “I’ve imagined being with you in every square surface of my house.”

  I drop my head to his shoulder as I let out a strangled cry. “That sounds…amazing.”

  “If you’re ready. If not, we’ll wait.”

  I lean closer to him again, hoping he’ll kiss me once more, and he doesn’t disappoint.

  “Yes.” I say into his mouth. “I want to come over.”

  I cuddle up next to Brayden on the drive to his ranch. He takes his time on the empty back road, barely going above twenty-five.

  “I just want to go slow right now.” He kisses my head. “We’ve got all night.”

  And it feels like we’ve waited forever.

  Brayden’s already out of the truck and heading for my side as I grab my purse and open the door. He reaches out and puts his arms around me as I step out. I feel his muscles ripple through his dress shirt, and my anxiety fades as I realize just how much I want to be close to him.

  He kisses my neck as he leans me back against the side of the truck. The stars are so bright, and the sky behind them is so dark. Out here on the ranch that Brayden’s going to buy one day, there isn’t a sound other than the wind.

  I close my eyes as Brayden covers my mouth with his own until I get dizzy. When a few raindrops fall on our heads, Brayden picks me up in his arms and carries me up to the front porch before it really begins to pour.

  “I heard there’s going to be thunderstorms tonight.” He puts me down to unlock the door and leads me inside.

  I need to pee as soon as we close the door.

  While I’m washing up, my phone buzzes. I check the text from Sophia letting me know she’ll see me tomorrow, and my finger accidentally hits the news feed.

  And I freeze.

  “Former Mountainview resident arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. Noah Tate attempted to rob a convenience store last night. He threatened the clerk, stole…”

  I shove my phone back into my purse.

  Instantly, memories flood my brain of Noah’s hands on me. Wrestling me for control of my body. Fighting me for something that was never his to take. Demanding that I give him my innocence.

  The fact that I was able to fend him off still amazes me sometimes. It was like I tapped into a strength inside me I didn’t know I had, and God gave me the ability to defend myself.

  I know not every woman is that lucky.

  And I know how much worse it could have been.

  But the fear that night instilled in me is back in my mind, and as I leave Brayden’s bathroom, I feel the need to be alone.

  I make my way to the open doorway of the porch. Brayden’s gaze is focused out the window, and he doesn’t see me yet. His tie hangs loose around his neck. His hands are in his pants pockets and his jaw’s relaxed. He’s waiting for me. Two glasses of wine sit on the coffee table by the couch, and two red candles burn by the window.

  He turns then and notices me. He picks up a glass of wine and offers it to me. “Come on in, Lei. Why are you standing in the doorway? Do you want me to start a fire?”

  I still have my purse in my hands, and I shake my head.

  “What?” Brayden catches the look on my face. “What’s changed?”

  “I saw something.” I walk closer and show him the feed on my phone screen.

  Brayden reads it in silence. I turn my gaze to the full-length windows leading into his private backyard. I remember every second of the first time I came here. I remember every moment of how Brayden opened up his heart and let me in.

  “I think I just need a little air,” I say as I turn and head down the hall.

  Brayden reaches me just as I open the front door. He puts his arm around my waist and gently turns me around.

  His face is filled with concern. He keeps his arms around me, and I lean my head against his chest. I can hear his racing heart, and I hold onto him tightly.

  “Lei, you’re okay,” he whispers into my ear. “You’re safe here with me. I’ll never hurt you.”

  “I know.” I pull back abruptly and get my two feet out the door. “Just give me a few minutes.”


  Shit. I bang my head against the closed door and head back to the porch where I stand with my glass of wine and stare out the window again. I have an active imagination, and images of making love to Leleila in my house have been haunting me since I met her. Against the wall, in my bed, over the arm of the couch—anywhere she’ll have me, I’ll take her. I want her in every way imaginable, but not until she’s good and ready. Because once will never be enough for me with Leleila Wills. I’m kidding myself if I think I’d actually turn her down, no matter how she offers herself to me. If she said she could only do one night, I’d say yes. If she said she could do forever, I’m all in.

  Except she just bolted out my front door. Took off without a second glance back. And I’m here alone with nothing but my wine for company.

  I will myself to stay put even though every other part of me is screaming to chase her down and rope her back to me where she’ll be safe. Because I know she needs to have her space, on her terms, for o
nce. And I’m going to stand here and give it to her.

  I know Leleila doesn’t want anyone else, even her ex. I saw them together, and Leleila didn’t look at him the way she looks at me. Like she wants to tear my clothes off and let me do naughty things to her. Like she trusts me with her life. Leleila thinks she isn’t good in bed because of her past, and I know I can change all of that if she’ll just give me a chance and let go of the terror.

  More than anything, I just want her to feel safe. In the world and with me.

  I swirl the wine in my glass and swallow what’s left of it in one gulp.


  I run to the small barn on Big River Ranch, straight to the stall where Brayden mentioned Blazer was for the night. The ranch is dark and empty with no one around but me and my demons.

  The rain picks up steam as I reach the barn, and I know it’s going to be a wet walk back to the house. But Blazer looks up and whinnies when he sees me, and I immediately feel myself relax.

  “Hey, boy.” I step closer so Blazer can nose my hand. “How are you?”

  Blazer’s looking for a snack, but unfortunately I came empty-handed. I compromise by hand-feeding him some of the oats from his bucket.

  He’s so gentle and loving. He would never hurt me.

  Just like his owner.

  My eyes fill with tears.

  I can’t blame Noah for the fact that I ran out on Brayden. When I’m truly honest with myself, I realize I’m afraid. I’m afraid to feel as good as I felt when Brayden and I made out after the bonfire party because I’ve never let myself lose control before. Especially not in the bedroom. I’m scared to let go the way I think I could with Brayden. My body won’t let me forget what it wants, though, and neither will my heart.

  I give Blazer one last pat and go stand outside in the pouring rain. Within minutes, I’m soaked. And I’m freezing cold. But I’ve surrendered. In body and heart and spirit, I’ve surrendered.


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