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Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2)

Page 7

by Claire Marta

  Trying to ignore Andel, she looked to her left. Asier’s hand was at his woman’s breasts. A strawberry was held between his fingers. He was brushing it back and forth against one of her taut nipples.

  She was thrusting her chest forwards in a silent plea for more. The vampire seemed to be ignoring her though. Raising the fruit, he held it up to her lips. Eagerly she accepted the treat. She devoured it, licking the juice from his fingertips. The tip of her tongue continued to lap at his fingers sensually when she was done.

  Tilting his chin slightly, Asier met Jasmine’s eyes. A ghost of a smile played across his lips. They were redder than before, stained with the blood he had been drinking. His violet gaze was warm, seductive. A flicker of carnal hunger darkened their depths.

  The look sent flares of desire humming through Jasmine’s blood. With a small gasp, she dragged her eyes away. Maybe it was best to keep her attention on Eric.

  “Tell me Eric, how is London? It has been too long since I last visited.” Lida asked.

  Eric sighed almost wearily. “I must admit, I have been away for some months on business. It is already a new year and I have yet to step foot on British soil.”

  He took the glass of wine from the table as he spoke. With his thumb and forefinger, he tipped Jasmine’s chin up, making surprise light her expression. Tenderness flashed in his gaze for a second. Then it was gone. He brushed his thumb caressing her delicate skin for a moment. Then the rim of the cup met her lips.

  Gently he angled it until the liquid could easily pour down her throat. Jasmine drank quickly savouring the taste. The alcohol warmed her stomach and left a pleasant spreading glow. She knew it would help her nervousness.

  Lowering the cup, Eric’s eyes crinkled at the corners smiling into hers. He seemed to like playing with her like this. Eric liked control. Wasn’t this the ultimate kind? While she sat here she was completely in his hands, to toy with or please in some small way. This was complete submission.

  “You do not miss much. The weather is dreary and cold – sempre.” Asier assured him. “Just how you left it.”

  “I shall have to come and visit you both.” Lida replied, her voice becoming sultry. “I miss that particular city greatly. It holds many fond memories for me…for us. Ones I would like to experience again.”

  Jasmine kept her eyes on Eric. Andel kept glancing at her every so often. She could feel the coldness of his glare.

  “It would be an honour. That is if I can spend more than five minutes at home before I am called away.” Eric responded with a chuckle.

  Asier snorted in amusement. “It would be good to see more of you Eric, especially at my clubs. We can have some fun. I was starting to forget what you look like.”

  Movement caught Jasmine’s eye. A server was removing the plate from between Simon’s companion’s legs. Once it was gone he gripped her thighs. Jerking them forwards, he roughly pulled them wide. This forced the woman closer. Placing her legs over his shoulders, it left her pussy open.

  He didn’t even look at it. The vampire’s attention was fixed avidly on the bruised flesh of her inner thigh. His eyes were dark and hungry. Lips curling back in a snarl, his fangs descended flashing ivory in the candlelight.

  In one fast movement Simon sank them almost savagely into the flesh. The female moaned loudly. Gripping her buttocks he held her still, as she withered in pleasure. Arms resting behind her, she used them as support.

  Jasmine gasped when she felt Eric stroked her inner thigh. The exact spot Simon was feeding from. A place Eric had tasted her before.

  “There is no need to be nervous Jasmine.” He murmured huskily.


  Eric’s fingers touched the dampness of the material between Jasmine’s legs. He could see it glistening on the inside of her thighs. Her arousal was a tantalising scent. The fact that she was getting turned on from all the things around her, had him hard as steel. His feisty female was discovering a new side to her sexual desires. She was stimulated by these dark pleasures. An innocent curiosity shone in her gaze and Eric found this pleased him.

  His control had already slipped several times. Emotions had been displayed, that normally would have been suppressed beneath a layer of ice and discipline. An odd heat kept suffusing in his chest when this happened. It boarded on painful.

  His cock was also agonizingly hard in his trousers. He wanted to rip away the flimsy covering and bare Jasmine’s little cunt to his eyes. Eric wanted to taste the sweetness as she came against his tongue.

  Only the formidable force of will held him back. He was not an animal. Already it was a struggle to keep his wintry powers buried. Base urges would not control him. He knew Jasmine would also not appreciate such a gesture. Embarrassment had been clear on her face, when they entered the room. He had promised himself not to touch her.

  The urge to pleasure her though still beat through him. This was a need. Undeniable. One he did not seem able to fight. Teasing the edge of the bikini bottoms out of the way, he slid a finger deep inside her soaked core. The flesh was hot and yielding. Eric heard her breathy gasp of surprise, as her lovely green eyes shot wide.

  She was sopping wet. Circling his finger for a moment he withdrew it gently. Eyes’ never wavering from Jasmine’s shocked ones he inserted it into his mouth. The honeyed taste of her exploded on his tongue. Her gaze darkened faintly with desire as he sucked it clean. Eric loved her flavour. He knew he would never tire of it.

  Jasmine could not hold back a moan as her thighs trembled.

  Eric felt his cock jerk at the sound. Pulling on his steely restraint, he tampered down his raging hard-on. Sexual release for himself was not an option here. Not at the table. Although he knew many of the vampires would take part in such things tonight.

  Instead he dropped his gaze to the plate. He still had many morsels to choose from. Eric selected another strawberry. Seeing it against her plump lips had thrilled him before.

  Placing the fruit against her mouth, he watched her take a bite. She did not hesitate. Juice spilled from the corners as she chewed delicately. With hungry eyes, he watched it run slowly down and drip off her chin. This time she did not wipe it away. Landing on her chest, it continued to slowly trail downwards. Leaning forwards, he licked it clean with his tongue. Jasmine began to tremble anew.

  The taste of her skin mingled with the sweetness.

  Eric found it divine. This was a heady aphrodisiac which had his lust rage harder. He could sense other eyes upon them. Knew that others at the table desired what he had. She was stunning in her innocent arousal. It was quite clear she was new to these carnal sights and pleasures.

  Raw possessiveness surged through Eric. Jasmine was his. His to initiate into such games. His to enjoy.


  Moans and groans filled the space around them. Everywhere she looked Jasmine could see vampires either pleasuring their women or feeding from them. The musky smell of arousal and sex filled her nose.

  Power throbbed in the air. A heady potent mix emanated from so many vampires in the room. She felt high, drunk from it all. Her sixth sense tumbled it across her skin, as her arousal deepened. The bikini bottoms she wore were embarrassingly drenched with her desire. This was also clearly on display.

  Jasmine had never felt so wet and needy. With the plate in the way, she was unable to press her legs together. The cool china kept brushing against her thighs.

  “I would have that luscious little cunt of yours bared for my view.” Eric’s voice was a deep murmur. “But you are not ready for such a public display yet.”

  Jasmine found herself both appalled and aroused by his words. This had her so turned on it hurt. She still couldn’t believe what he had just done in front of the whole table. Everyone had witnessed it, she was sure. Yet she could not tear her gaze away from his. He looked so hungry. Ravenous now for her.

  A hint of red had bled into the icy blue. A knowing glint was in their depths. The bastard knew what he was doing to her. Was he doing it on pur
pose? Jasmine caught a hint of fangs when he smiled.

  She felt the beat of her heart accelerated with excitement. This all felt so naughty, forbidden. Jasmine couldn’t help but quiver.

  She had read about things like this, but never imagined they would happen to her. Her mind was fuzzy. Thinking straight was impossible. All she could do was experience and feel.

  Picking up a knife Eric smeared some pate across a cracker. He took his time, covering the surface. His moves were slow and deliberate. Teasing. Placing it against her lips, he allowed her to nibble. Jasmine obediently ate. With the tip of her tongue she tasted his fingers. The tang of his skin met her taste buds and she hummed with pleasure.


  Eric’s control crumbled to dust the moment Jasmine’s tongue darted out to touch his fingers. A dark need to taste her blood gripped him. He knew it was the influence of being in a nest such as this. It was both a powerful and insidious place. Normally, it was something he would not give in to.

  The craving though this time was too strong. Too much time had passed since he had enjoyed her potent blood. He thirsted for it again. Needed it.

  “Give me your arm Jasmine.”

  Eyes widening slightly, she obeyed. He watched as she offered her wrist. Gently taking hold of it, he cradled it in one big hand. This was a place he could drink from, but he had another in mind.

  Eric ran his tongue along the inside of her arm. The beat of her heart was thumping wildly. She was trembling harder now. Her pale limbs shaking as her excitement grew. Swiping his tongue across his top teeth, he allowed his fangs to elongate. She sat watching in silence. He had no need to hide them. The girl had seen them before. They excited her. Eric knew this well and he enjoyed watching her reactions.

  Her chest rose and fell, as her breath came in growing shallow pants. The loveliness of her green eyes was dilated. Excitement and arousal, her scent was thick with them. She wanted this. Wanted to feel his fangs in her while he tasted her blood once more.

  He might not be able to fuck her right now, but he could give her this. It was an act just as intimate as sex. Perhaps it was even more so. This would also grant him pleasure from the feed.

  Lips trailing upwards, he pressed a kiss to the soft flesh just before the inner crease of her elbow. Then he licked it. Blood was pumping just below the surface of her skin. Eric could sense it, the way it flowed with each pump of her fragile human heart. How it called to him.

  Not wasting another moment, he sank his fangs deep.

  Jasmine tensed.

  He heard the sharp intake of her breath.

  The pain he knew would only last a fraction of a second. Then the pleasure would overpower her. Right on queue he felt her soften. She gave a throaty groan. Her blood began to zing through his system. Eric tried not to drink too deeply. The taste of her though was sweetly addictive. Thick and energizing, it coursed through his body and filled his veins.

  The little female began to swoon. He could sense she was close to orgasm. Then in a rush it rocked through her. Her back arched, head falling back as her thighs quivered and quaked. The long pleasure filled moan, which left her throat made his cock throb. With a shudder of desire he withdrew his fangs. Her release made her blood all the sweeter. He would take no more though.

  Eric ran his tongue over the puncture marks he had left. Then unable to help himself he trailed kisses from her elbow to her wrist.

  Jasmine whimpered. Expression dazed, her lovely jade green eyes were at half-mast. Their depths were glazed with euphoria.

  “She is quite stunning when she comes.” Asier murmured. Eric was aware his friend had sat watching the whole event. Perhaps this had even heightened the girl’s pleasure.

  “She is indeed.”

  Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, Eric drew Jasmine close.

  She leaned forward. Her face pressed trustingly against his neck. Heart racing, she almost went limp. Gently, he caressed her back. The smell of flowers and sunshine washed over him. He had never enjoyed a human’s scent more.

  “It is always refreshing to find something a little different. Immortality can be tiresome when you have experienced every pleasure on offer.” Simon murmured. He was idly playing with the stem of his wine glass.

  Eric looked to his left. The famished looks of the other vampires did not go unnoticed. They wanted a taste of Jasmine too. Protectiveness kicked in and his arm tightened around her for a moment.

  Mine. The words roared through his head.

  “Indeed. It can be entertaining for a fleeting amount of time and one should always enjoy it while it lasts.” He rumbled back.

  Emotions had clouded his judgement this evening. This was something he should never allow to happen. For someone who prided himself on his self-control this was not tolerable. Now it was too late.

  “I remember you and Asier enjoying yourselves quite a bit in the past. Your parties were notorious back in the sixties. You always had a different lover hopping in and out of your beds. You even shared them.” Lida giggled. “But the three of us were always constant.”

  “Ah yes the years of free love.” Eric smiled.

  Jasmine was still recovering. The thud of her heart had slowed. Her lovely face still rested in the curve of his neck. The warmth of her breath fanning his skin made him almost shudder.

  “I very much enjoyed our time together.” Lida replied huskily. She was watching him through the veil of her eyelashes. There was lust in her topaz gaze. He desire was blatant.

  “We had some good times.” Asier responded. His interested gaze remained the whole time on Jasmine’s bent head. They were lust-laden too.

  Eric was not blind. He could see clearly his friend’s interest in the girl. He knew then he should have left her in his room. Jasmine had now caught the attention of too many.

  Sharing her for sex was not something that appealed to Eric. He and Asier had once upon a time been comfortable to do so with lovers. With Jasmine though, it was something he would never do. She was special. That fact made her his, and his alone.

  JASMINE DIDN’T KNOW HOW SHE sat through the rest of the dinner. She felt dazed and aroused. Everything had eventually become a blur. Eric helped her silently back to his room. A steadying arm was wrapped around her waist, as she leaned into his tall well-built frame for support. This was the only thing keeping her upright. Her legs had quickly turned to jelly.

  She had tried to keep track of the conversation, but it had been so hard. Her body had been thrumming with need and desire. The heady flow of vampiric power had overwhelmed her senses along with the erotic scenes playing out in the room.

  She still felt drunk on it. Everything had become one hedonistic swirling sensation of pleasure. Jasmine had not stood a chance. Exhaustion had drained her both mentally and physically. All she wanted to do now was tumble into bed.

  Eric said nothing as he carried her into their room. In silence, he stripped her as she swayed on her feet. She didn’t protest. He had after all seen her naked several times before. All her energy was sapped.

  The cotton of a shirt whispered against her skin. Jasmine bit back a moan. She felt over sensitised. Every sensation was now so pleasurable it was almost boarding on pain. Long fingers brushed the curve of her breasts as he fastened the buttons. A shiver rushed over her.

  The collar about her neck was unlocked and gently removed. Now that it was no longer there it felt strange.

  “Do you need to use the bathroom?” Eric asked softly.

  Slowly she shook her head.

  The next thing she knew, the covers of the bed were tucked around her. She blinked in confusion. Had Eric carried her? Jasmine didn’t remember being lifted. Had she blanked out for a moment?

  The rustle of clothing filled the silence. With tired eyes, she watched him discard his shirt. Next he toed out of his shoes. When his hand moved to the buckle of his trousers, Jasmine rolled onto her side choosing the side pointed away from him. Watching him get naked was too tempting. She
had promised herself not to sleep with him again. Seeing his muscled perfection would just weaken her resolve.

  Her body felt needy even through the exhaustion. Willpower was too low.


  Jasmine lay curled up in the bed on her side. She was silent, but Eric could sense she was not yet asleep. Was she angry with him for what he had done? This was hard to tell. He could not blame her if she was. Things had gotten a little out of hand. Lida’s nest seemed to have a strange effect upon him. He had done things he had never intended to do.

  Eric though had no sense of guilt. She was his. Tonight he had staked his claim in front of all. He felt almost savage in his possessiveness for the girl. The only regret he held was not telling her what to expect. Perhaps she would have had time to prepare. Maybe she would not have joined him. This was all irrelevant now.

  She had handled herself remarkably well. He was proud of her. Jasmine always had the ability to surprise him. This was why he enjoyed her company so much. Stretching, he stood naked. Eric continued to observe her form beneath the blankets. The only thing he wore was the medallion around his neck.

  She still had not said a word. Nor would she look his way. Perhaps this was just due to exhaustion.

  He shoved a hand through his short tousled hair. This silence he hated. The sound of her voice was something he had missed. It was not all about her tight little body and the blinding lust. He genuinely wished to know how she felt. Eric needed to know that she was OK.

  For a well cultured male, he suddenly lacked words. His confidence waned. What could he say? With a sigh he pulled a pillow off the mattress. Then he glanced downwards. The floor did not look appealing, but he had promised that was the place he would sleep.

  His eyes strayed to the bed. They lingered on the female he so desired.


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