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Teacher's Plans Page 12

by JoAnn Carter

  “You two seem to bring out that quality in me.”

  “Humm.” Amanda nodded. “Doing the old Adam finger-pointing, huh?”

  Tracy rewarded her with a hearty laugh as he helped gather her things. “All kidding aside, Carolyn’s pretty intense about this particular activity, isn’t she?”

  Amanda slipped her garbage in the can as they left the room together. “I guess you should know her well enough by now. When she wants to do something, she gives it a hundred percent…plus.” They began walking down the hall to meet up with the class. “Woe to anything that steps in her path.”

  Allen was the first in line. “Hey there, Allen, how was your lunch?” Amanda’s thoughts quickly turned from the college and career event to the present.


  However, it was on Tracy’s mind. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. When the day ended and the children left, Tracy approached Amanda about it. Tracy caught her off guard. “So, what is your box going to look like?”

  Amanda looked up from the papers she was marking. “Pardon me?”

  “For the Box Social.”

  Amanda put her pen down and chuckled. “Oh, we’re back to that.” With a shrug of her shoulder she said, “Well, I think it’s kind of an unwritten rule that no one’s supposed to know what your box looks like. That’s part of the fun.”

  Tracy put his arms across his chest. “That might be so, if you weren’t interested in one particular box.” He watched her intently. “So, what’s your box going to look like?”

  Amanda swallowed hard. “Any particular reason you’re so interested in my box?”

  This was too good of an opportunity to miss. “Quite frankly, it’s not so much your box that I’m interested in, but you.”

  Amanda bit on her lower lip before softly saying, “I wish you hadn’t said that.”

  He reached for her hand and pulled her over to stand next to him. He sat on the corner of her desk so he could look directly into her eyes as he said, “I’m sorry. I kind-of threw that at you.” Wanting her to know he understood her feelings, he continued, “I know you have it in your head that to date a co-worker is not a good idea, and to be honest with you, up until this point, I would have agreed. But that was before I met you.” He cocked his head to the side. “So, would you like me to quit this job?”

  Amanda tried to hide her grin as she turned her head away. She took a few steps away from him and cleared her throat nervously. “No, you don’t have to quit on my account. I really do enjoy being with you. I think you are a wonderful person and I’ve come to care a great deal about you, but I’m just not sure about taking it further than that.”

  Seeing her hesitate, he asked, “Just because you agree to one date, doesn’t mean you’re stuck with me for life.”

  Amanda shook her head; “I really don’t know what to say.”

  Suddenly, an idea came to Tracy. “Okay, how’s this? If I pick your box at the social, then you’ll let me take you on a date the following week.” Seeing her smile, he added, “If I don’t pick your box, I’ll do my best not to ask you on another date until…” rolling his eyes, he said, “June fourteenth. That, I believe, is the last day of school. What do you say?”

  Amanda couldn’t help but laugh at his persistence. They were both equally surprised when she said, “Okay, okay, it’s a deal.”

  Tracy jumped off the corner of the desk. “Great!”

  As they were getting ready to leave the room, Tracy asked, “So, where would you like to go on our first date?”

  Amanda stopped in her tracks. “Whoa, wait a minute there, bud. You have to win my box first. And if you do, then we’ll discuss it.” Giving him a sly look, she added, “You know there is a chance you won’t get my box.”

  Grinning at Amanda, Tracy said, “Ahh, a small detail, that’s all it is. I’ll be picking your box. Count on it!”

  Amanda shook her head. “Um, could you remind me what exactly it is that I like so much about you?”

  Tracy gave her a saucy look like one her brother would have given her. She laughed. “I was only teasing.” She held up a white tissue and waved it in the air. “Forgiven?” she questioned.

  “Yes, I’ll forgive you this time.” Trying to act dignified, he pulled at his shirt collar and said, “But if you try that again, I’ll give you a typed list of all my finer qualities.”

  “Oh, I better get out of here before I get myself into more trouble with comments like that.”


  Valentine’s Day arrived much to the excitement of the college and career group. The church basement was transformed into a country picnic ground. Ed, the special activities coordinator heading up this Valentine Box Social, went out of his way to make it look as authentic as possible. Picnic tables had been brought in from the storage sheds. Bright red and white checked tablecloths were draped on them. A vase of fresh flowers graced each table. As Amanda glanced around the room, she chuckled to herself when she saw what was in the corners of the room. Ed had found some fake trees from somewhere. A colorful blanket was spread around each tree base. Tugging on Carolyn’s sleeve, she motioned to them and said, “I wonder where in the world he found those trees!”

  Carolyn took a quick look and commented, “They look like some old Vacation Bible School props to me.” Doing her own survey of the room, she added, “This place looks great. Who would have ever guessed there was almost a half a foot of snow outside those doors?”

  Amanda and Carolyn placed their wrapped baskets in large black garbage bags on the long table with the others. After everyone arrived, they were going to unwrap all the bags and put them on display before the bidding started. Amanda turned away from the table and glanced around. Tracy caught her eye from the back of the room. She gave him a quick smile before turning toward Carolyn to hear what she was saying.

  Carolyn had spotted Tracy a moment before Amanda and was commenting to her friend, “You know, he sure is one good looking man.” His burgundy polo and black jeans accentuated his lean build and height. “It’s a shame I had to throw in the towel where he’s concerned.”

  Amanda looked at Tracy and then back again at Carolyn. With a questioning look, she asked, “What’d ya mean?”

  “It’s time you faced it,” Carolyn sighed. “I don’t have a chance for anything more than friendship where Tracy is concerned. My head told me that since almost the beginning, but my heart knew it at Christmas when I saw you two together. There is something special there between you two. He’s not like Troy you know.”

  Amanda could feel her face start to flush. She remembered pouring her heart out to Carolyn about the one man she thought she had loved while she was in college. “Oh, well, I…um…”

  Carolyn cut her off short. Smiling at her friend, she said, “Really, it’s okay. The writing is all over the wall. So, don’t you dare try to hide anything from me.” She squeezed Amanda’s hand. “I think you are both very special people. It would be great to see you get together.” Before Amanda could put in a word edgewise, Carolyn nudged her with an elbow. To lighten up their conversation, she said, “Besides, see that fellow who just came in. I think his name might be Jim. He came to the last college and career meeting.” Amanda looked toward the door to see whom she was talking about. “He has beautiful teeth.”

  Amanda let out a huge roar of laughter. Carolyn turned to her with an innocent school girl expression. Between the fits of laughter, Amanda somehow managed to get out, “Will you never cease to amaze me?” The speaker crackled as the announcer Ed stood on the platform. As the girls looked at him standing by the table, they saw that all the baskets were unwrapped.

  “Welcome, folks.” Ed rubbed his hands together in anticipation of the night that was to follow. Pointing at the table to his right, he said, “As you can see, we have quite the array of baskets here.” He looked out over the crowd. “Fellows, no one is going home disappointed tonight. The smells coming over here from those baskets are tantalizing, to say
the least.”

  Ed motioned to his left side. “Ladies, if you will kindly join me up front.” As the ladies started shuffling forward, Ed continued, “As your basket is called, would you please come join the gentleman who bought it. As a side note, seating is on a first come, first served basis.”

  They anxiously stood waiting as bidding drew closer. “Please remember to be generous with your bids. The money raised here tonight will be sent to the church’s local and overseas mission workers.” With that said, he picked up the first basket. “Okay, let’s get to it.”

  Ed went through the first ten baskets or so while Amanda enjoyed watching the faces in the group around her. Some of the guys were as nervous, if not more so, than the girls. Amanda leaned over toward Carolyn. “Why is everyone so uptight tonight?”

  “Because, they know how to get into the spirit of things.”

  Amanda looked closely at Carolyn to see what lay behind her words. She’s nervous. I can’t believe it, but she’s actually as nervous as the rest of them! Amanda had to hide her grin, as she looked at the next basket to be auctioned. It was beautifully done. The basket was wrapped in pale yellow cloth with soft lavender flowers. Where have I seen that pattern before? Looking around the room gave her no clue until she turned toward Carolyn.

  Carolyn was talking to one of the girls next to her. Amanda almost choked on the gum she was chewing as she spotted the match. Nudging her friend, she said, “Trying to be subtle, huh?”

  Knowing exactly what Amanda was talking about; Carolyn reached up to her homemade ponytail holder. It was done in the same material as her basket. “Yeah, well I figured a little clue as to whose basket it was wouldn’t hurt anything.”

  “Sold! For thirty dollars to number fifteen.” Carolyn grabbed Amanda’s hand and gave it a squeeze. Time seemed to stand still for both women as they looked around the group of men. Jim, the fellow Carolyn had pointed out earlier had a smile from ear to ear, showing his perfect teeth. Carolyn let go of Amanda’s hand and took a step forward.

  Carolyn turned to Amanda before joining him and said, “See, you never know what can happen if you put a little effort into something.”

  Amanda gave her a push toward the table. “Have fun and call me later to tell me about your night!”

  The group of girls was getting smaller. There were five or so left standing with Amanda. It seemed to her that some of Carolyn’s nervousness had rubbed off on her as Ed picked up her basket and began the auctioning process. “We have a ‘honey’ of a basket here.”

  Amanda shifted from foot to foot and quickly glanced at Tracy who was looking questioningly at Amanda. She had fun making her basket. Using an old picnic basket she had bought at a yard sale last spring, she covered the lid of the wicker basket with batting and fabric she purchased at the craft store. As soon as she saw the material, she had fallen in love with it. It had little honeybees with tiny honey pots. She finished her basket by covering the bottom of the basket with a golden yellow and green plaid fabric. For an extra special touch she had added two little wooden honeybees dangling from twine that she tied to the basket’s handle.

  Ed continued on, “Do I have ten, ten, ten… Do I have eight, eight, eight…Do I have seven, seven, seven…Do I have five, five, five…Do I have three, three, three” Amanda’s throat felt dry. No one was bidding on her basket. Finally, someone from the back of the room that Amanda didn’t know raised his hand. “I see three. Do I have five…five…? I see five.” Amanda closed her eyes tight so she didn’t have to look. Do I have nine, nine…” To Amanda, the bidding process appeared to go on for an infinite amount of time, but finally, she heard the words “Sold.” Amanda was so relieved that she didn’t even pay attention to the rest, “For forty-five dollars to number ten.” The room exploded in applause, as it was the highest selling basket of the evening.

  Amanda felt her face flush when she realized she didn’t even know who purchased her basket. As she approached Ed, she whispered to him, “Who bought my basket?”

  Ed gave her a patient smile. “It was sold to number ten.” Seeing her blank look, he explained, “Tracy is number ten, Amanda.”

  Amanda knew her face was flushed before but now it felt like it was burning up. She said a soft “Thank you” to Ed as she took her basket. Turning away from him, a flood of emotions hit her. She felt relieved and yet intimidated at the same time. Relieved because the auction part was over, intimidated because of what it might mean for the near future.

  As Amanda approached Tracy, he met her halfway and offered to take the basket from her. Smiling down at her, he said, “I knew this one had to be yours. I’m so glad I kept at it.”

  “How did you know?” Amanda wondered aloud.

  Tracy laughed. “I think every person in the room knew this particular basket was yours. Your face was pretty telling. Between that and your not being able to stay still for two seconds, well…” Tracy winked at her, “Besides, it’s a fitting theme for you. You’re as sweet as honey.”

  Feeling flustered, she took her basket back. “Where would you like to sit? There aren’t very many spaces left.”

  Tracy looked around and saw what she was saying was true. Wanting to make Amanda feel comfortable, he offered, “It looks like there might be room for two more over there by Carolyn and Jim. Do you think she would mind if we joined them?”

  For the first time since her basket was up for auction, Amanda felt like she could breathe again. “I don’t think she would mind at all.”


  Amanda could hear the phone ring from the shared basement laundry room. She ran up the stairs to see if she could reach the phone before the answering machine picked up. A little out of breath, she answered, “Hello?”

  “Hi, Amanda.” At the sound of Tracy’s voice, she sat down on a stool in the kitchen. “It’s Tracy.”

  “Hi, Tracy. I knew it was you by your voice.” When he didn’t say anything right away, she asked, “What’s up?”

  “It’s about our date.” Amanda’s heart did a flip-flop as he hesitantly continued, “I honestly would love nothing more than to get together with you this week as we had planned, but unfortunately, something has come up.”

  Amanda felt surprisingly let down. Trying to cover her disappointment, she said, “Oh, that’s all right.”

  She immediately felt better as she quickly heard him respond, “No, it’s not all right.” Sounding slightly frustrated, he said, “I’ll make it up to you though with an extra special night. I was looking through my calendar. It’s hard to believe the end of this week will be the twenty-sixth of February already.” Amanda turned her calendar page over to March to see what she had planned as he said, “Could we possibly postpone it until next week?”

  “We have all of next week off for winter recess.” Not wanting to appear overly anxious, she waited for a moment before responding. “I was thinking about going to visit my family for a few days in there.” Amanda paused for a moment. “Actually, the first week of March would probably work best for me. How is it looking for you?”

  “Looks good from over here. How about Friday, the seventh?”

  With a smile, Amanda said, “I think that’s doable.”

  “Great. I’ve got you written in my book now. If anything comes up, I’ll simply say, ‘I’m sorry; I can’t. I’ve got important plans.’ Does six-ish sound okay?”

  “That sounds fine.” Amanda penciled in the date and time on her calendar as she slowly said, “Six-ish…I’ve got it.”

  “Super. Thanks for being a sport. I’m really looking forward to this.”

  Amanda said very shyly, “Thank you.” Almost too soft for him to hear, she continued, “so am I.”

  Tracy let out a whoop over the phone. “I heard that, Amanda.” She could hear the smile in his voice as he said, “See ya at school tomorrow.”


  “Good-bye, Amanda.”

  Amanda stared at the phone. What’s Your plan in all this, Lord?
Amanda stood up and stretched her arms over her head. Sometimes, I wish I had personalized instructions sent directly from heaven for situations such as this . Chuckling over the thought of it, she prayed, Lord, I do have Your instructions. It’s in Your Holy Word. Help me to stay true to You in all areas of my life so, when decisions need to be made, they will be in accord with Your will! Amen.


  I wonder how Carolyn’s date is going. She should be calling me soon; Amanda mused as she swirled her dustcloth around.

  Just then, Carolyn tapped on the door and walked in. She strolled into the living room and plopped ungracefully onto the couch. With a dreamy look, she sighed, “Jim is so wonderful! We went ice-skating, out for pizza, and then we sat in his car and just talked as we watched the sun go down.” Sitting up straight on the couch, she said seriously, “We have tons in common.” She patted the couch beside her to invite Amanda to sit with her. “He’s very interesting.”


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