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Teacher's Plans Page 13

by JoAnn Carter

  “Really?” Amanda tried to hide her smile.

  With another faraway look, Carolyn went on, “Not to mention intelligent, loves the Lord, and likes cats. What more could a girl want?”

  Amanda opened her mouth to say something, but quickly shut it as Carolyn continued, “Our conversation was awesome.” As if suddenly remembering once again that Amanda was in the room, Carolyn looked hesitantly at Amanda as she said, “I know you probably think I’m totally spaced, but I think he’s Mr. Right.”

  “Whoa there. You’ve only known him two weeks.” Amanda said in a soft voice, “Don’t you think it may be a little early to tell if he’s the one that you want to commit your whole life to?”

  Carolyn’s face fell. “You could be right but…” cheering up she said, “then again, so could I.”

  Amanda consented. “I guess you’ve got me there.” She waved a video in her hand, “Would you like to watch ‘Anne of Green Gables’ with me?”

  “Sure.” Looking toward Amanda’s kitchen, she asked, “Do you have any food around here?”

  With a grin, Amanda said, “See that, you must not be in love. I’ve heard it said that when you’re in love you lose your appetite.”

  Carolyn rolled her eyes. “Well, that might prove true with some.” Then as if a lightbulb went on, her face lit up. “In fact, I couldn’t eat but half of a slice of pizza earlier.”

  Peering at to her friend, she asked, “Are you kidding me? You love pizza.”

  Looking like a martyr, she sighed, “Don’t I know it! It just about killed me, but the cheese was real stringy and it kept on falling down my chin. I was so embarrassed.” Amanda did her best to maintain a straight face, as Carolyn continued seriously, “Take it from me, never go on a date to a pizza place.”

  That was the end of it for Amanda. Unable to hold it in any longer, she burst out laughing. Gulping for air, she said, “I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

  Teacher's Plans

  Teacher's Plans

  Chapter Ten


  Amanda fidgeted from one foot to the other as she looked into her closet . What should I wear? All I know is, he said to wear something comfortable . Good grief, it’s just a date…why am I as nervous as a schoolgirl? Feeling frustrated with herself she sat down on her bed for a moment. She peeked at her clock and saw it was five already and she still had little splatters of paint from her late afternoon project. I’ve got to get moving here. Amanda closed her eyes tight and reached into her closet. As soon as she touched something she opened her eyes. It was her pale lilac angora sweater. “Well, that settles it.” She pulled out her lavender pants that went with the sweater beautifully. Just enough time for a quick shower .

  Amanda put the finishing touches to her makeup as the doorbell rang. Her heels clickity-clacked on the wide wooden floor planks as she hurried to the front door. Okay, this is it.

  She took a deep breath and opened the door. A huge bouquet of flowers practically filled the doorframe. Tracy peeked at her from behind them. She inhaled the fresh fragrance. “Wow, they’re gorgeous. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “This reminds me of when you stopped over on New Year’s.”

  “Umm.” After a few seconds hesitation, he said, “You look very pretty.”

  “Thanks.” Amanda softly said as she quickly surveyed Tracy and liked what she saw. He wore a dark green sweater with beige pants. “You look smart yourself.” Tracy smiled as Amanda invited him to come into the house with a wave of her hand. “I’m going to find a vase for these flowers. Would you like something to drink—coffee, tea, water—before we go?”

  He followed her into the kitchen. “No thanks, we really don’t have time if we’re going to make our reservations.”

  “Okay, I’ll just be a minute. By the way, when are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  Tracy smiled, “I want to keep it a surprise, but I will tell you that we are going to start out by going to Big Bill’s.”

  Amanda licked her lips at the thought of a nice, juicy steak. “Sounds wonderful.” Grinning, she inquired, “Any hints as to where we’ll be headed after that?”

  “Not even a tiny clue.” After Amanda put the flowers away, he asked, “Are you ready?”

  “Let me just grab my coat and then I’ll be all set.” Amanda walked to the hall closet and took out her coat.

  Tracy took it from her hand and helped her put it on. He tucked her hand under his elbow and led her to the door. It felt good to be cherished. She could get used to this.

  “Let’s go then. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this evening forever.” Tracy said as he closed the door behind them.

  Amanda was puzzled by how relaxed she felt after their initial greeting. In fact, Tracy was so much like his usual self during the ride that she had to keep reminding herself this was a date.

  Tracy held the door for her at Big Bill’s. The smell of steak and onions greeted them and made her stomach growl. She looked up sheepishly at Tracy to see if he noticed.

  He smiled back at her. “I know what you mean.”

  She shrugged and looked around as the hostess asked how many in their party.

  “Two, reserved under Atkins.” Tracy reached for Amanda’s hand while they were being led through the restaurant. His fingers, intertwined with hers, felt so good and so right. Like their hands belonged together. But then again, perhaps it was just the night, because everything took on a rosy hue. From the lights that looked like antlers to the made-to-look-real Southwest cactus decorations.

  As soon as the hostess left, they took their seats and Tracy leaned forward. “I’m so glad you’ve given me the privilege to bring you here tonight.”

  Amanda swallowed hard. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “How about you’re welcome?”

  Amanda bit her lip before she softly echoed, “You’re welcome.”

  “There, now that wasn’t so hard was it?”

  The waitress came with a basket of bread and two glasses of water, placing them down on the brown tabletop. “Can I start you folks with anything to drink?”

  “This is fine for me.” Amanda said as she took as sip of the water, thankful for the diversion.

  Tracy agreed. “Water is good for me, too.”

  “Sure,” the waitress added, “I’ll give you a few minutes to pick what you would like from the menu and then I’ll be right back.”


  As soon as the waitress left, Tracy said, “Do you know what you’d like?”

  “Not yet, how about you?” Amanda asked as she glanced through the menu.

  “I’m going to have the house specialty.”

  “Um…that steak does sound good.” She murmured as she read the description. “I’ll try that, too.”

  “Great,” Tracy reached for Amanda’s hand, “and since our waitress hasn’t arrived yet, would you like to say grace with me before we try this wonderful smelling bread?”

  Amanda placed her hands into his. “Sure.”

  Clasping her hands securely, he prayed, “Father, thank you for this time Amanda and I could spend together. Guide our footsteps and our conversation tonight, may it be honoring to You. Thank you for the food and the way you provide for us. Amen.”

  “Amen.” Amanda softly replied as the waitress arrived.

  “Have you decided yet?” The waitress asked, as she stood ready with her pad and pen.

  “Yes, I believe we have.” Tracy’s words trailed off as he looked intently at Amanda.

  The waitress caught the double meaning and laughed over Amanda’s flushed cheeks. “Perhaps I should start with you. What would you like, miss?”

  “Um, I’ll have the house specialty, please.” She quickly said.

  “The same for me as well.”

  “Sure.” She said as she wrote. “How would you like to have that done?”

  In unison they answered, “Medium.”

  With a wink, she
said to Amanda before turning away, “My mama always said it’s good to have things in common with your man.”

  Amanda’s eyes grew wide and Tracy laughed. Amanda, seeing the twinkle in his eyes, joined his laughter.


  The meal and the conversation in their cozy booth were delightful. Tracy took the last sip of water from his glass. “Let me settle this bill and then we need to go.”

  Amanda looked at her watch. “Wow. Where’d the time go?”

  Tracy only grinned in response.

  “Where to next?”

  “We’re going somewhere I think you’ll really enjoy. Or, at least I hope you will.”

  Amanda grabbed her purse from the seat. “Oh, I’m sure I will. Besides, it not necessarily where we go that’s most important; it’s who you go with.”

  Tracy winked, “I agree with you one hundred percent.” He picked up the bill. “I’ll be right back.”

  Amanda rested against the seat and enjoyed the warm feeling of a full stomach and good company. Thank you, Lord, for Tracy and for showing me my fears were unfounded.

  “Okay, are you all set?”

  Amanda turned to Tracy. “You bet.” She grabbed her purse from the bench.

  Tracy guided her to the door with his hand on the small of her back. “Let me get that door for you.”

  “Thanks.” Amanda said as she walked out.

  “My pleasure.”

  After settling in the car, Tracy began to pull out of the parking space, “Have you ever been to see a National Choral Competition?”

  Amanda looked up in surprise. “No, but I’ve always wanted to. Actually, I think the County College sponsors them every year. Have you ever been to one?”

  “Yes, but only once. It was always one of our family’s traditions to hit at least one type of concert or another as a family every year.”

  “That’s a great tradition.” After a few minutes of compatible silence, Amanda asked, “Do you miss seeing your family now that you live about ten hours away?”

  “It’s been an adjustment, and I do miss them, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I know it’s not the same, but we keep in contact through e-mail and the phone.”

  “The world is so much smaller now than ever before.”

  Tracy hazarded a glance at Amanda as he drove closer to their surprise destination. “My family is coming to see my place this summer. I’d like you to meet them.”

  Wow. He wants me to meet his family. “I’d love to.”

  “Great! Well, here we are.” He turned into the college parking lot.

  “You mean…”

  Tracy grinned. “Tonight is the choral competition.”

  Amanda clapped her hands together. “This is great.”


  “It’s been an amazing night, Tracy.” Amanda said as they neared her home. “Not to mention…I would have never thought about seeing that wonderful choral performance. Everything has been marvelous.”

  Tracy stopped the car in her driveway. “I’m glad you had a good time. I did, too.” He grinned. “Any regrets?”

  Shrugging her shoulder, she said, “Just a small one.”

  “What was that?” Tracy raised his eyebrow in question.

  With a chuckle, she said, “That it took me so long to decide what to wear.”

  Clearly relieved, Tracy muttered, “Amanda, you would look great in anything.”

  Amanda was beginning to become uncomfortable. It was always so awkward saying good-bye after a first date. “Well, um, I guess I should be getting inside.” She reached for the door handle.

  Tracy quickly exited the car and said, “I’ll get that for you.” Running around the side of the car he opened up her door.

  Amanda didn’t quite know what to expect next. Would he try to kiss her? She looked into Tracy’s eyes and could feel her face grow warm. Tracy stood there smiling at her. How awkward. She needed to say something or do something…anything. “Um, would you like to come in for a hot drink or something?”

  “I would love to, but,” Tracy looked down at his watch, “I think I better take a raincheck. It’s getting pretty late.”

  “Okay, well…” Amanda found her keys and flipped through them until she got to her house key. Slowly, she said, “I guess this is it…” Tracy offered to take her key by holding out his hand. As Amanda gave her keys to him, their hands brushed. Amanda’s heart fluttered as butterflies began to dance in her stomach.

  Tracy opened the door and turned back to Amanda. “I hope we will be able to do this again soon.”

  “I’d like that, too.” Amanda softly replied.

  Tracy put his hand around her shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. “Thank you again, Amanda.” He let his hand drop and moved aside to let her into her house.

  Amanda wasn’t sure what to say.

  Tracy gave her another big smile, then said, “Good night.”

  The weariness that she had felt disappeared like a vapor when she realized he had no expectations of a drawn out departure. So why did she feel a little let down?

  “Night,” she muttered and gently closed the door. Could I be falling in love?


  A week later, Amanda went to answer the doorbell. “Hey, Albert, you made it. Thanks for coming early to help me.”

  “No problem.” Albert took off his sunglasses as he walked into the small mudroom. “So, what have you and Mom got fixed up for Dad this year?”

  “I’m so excited. Come on in and I’ll show you.” Amanda walked into the living room that was strewn with large cardboard boxes.

  “Good grief, it looks like a mess and the party hasn’t even started.”

  Amanda ignored his remark and picked up one of the boxes. “Mom and I wanted this birthday to be extra special since it’s Dad’s 60th.”

  “I figured that much.”

  “Mom thought it would be fun to see old family films from when dad was young and we were growing up. For one of his gifts, she had all the old footage converted to DVD to help preserve them.”

  “That’s a good idea, but what are these boxes for?”

  “Well, that’s the fun part. We’re going to have the birthday party theme be a drive-in movie theater.”

  Albert rolled his eyes. “Amanda, you’ve been teaching little kids for too long. This would be your crazy idea if I’m not mistaken.”

  “Well,” Amanda ventured, “have you got a better one?” Albert just looked at her blankly. “Hum...I thought not. Come on, help me turn these boxes into cars.”

  “Cars?” Albert looked at her incredulously.

  “Yes, cars. Let’s make Dad’s look like an old Ford coupe.”

  Albert’s mouth just hung open.

  “What?” Amanda put her hands out in an open gesture.

  “I don’t know how to do that.”

  Amanda laughed. “Oh, come on...use your imagination.”

  “Speaking of that, is it just my imagination or are you and Tracy getting to be quite the item?”

  Amanda put her hand on her hip as she felt her face grow warm. “Good try there, bro, but changing the subject is not going to work. We need to get ready for the party since Mom and Dad will be here in two hours.”

  “Who said we can’t work and talk at the same time?”

  It was Amanda’s turn to roll her eyes.


  Amanda took the utility knife out of her toolbox and handed it to him. Although she loved Albert, there were some things she knew to steer clear of and sharing her love life with her brother was one of them! “So…I don’t know what you mean by ‘quite the item.’ We’ve only know each other for seven months now.”

  “Amanda, you’re twenty-seven. I think you know what you’re looking for in a man by this time.” Not one for beating around the bush, he bluntly asked, “Does Tracy fit the bill or not?”

  Picking up the yellow paint, Amanda put headlights on her box car. Sighing she said, “Albert, I’ll be honest with you, I
really like Tracy. He’s a great guy.”

  “So, why the long sigh?”

  “Well, it’s not as easy as that. I’m just trying to take this one step at a time. Life wasn’t real exciting before I met Tracy, but it was predictable. I never expected myself to find someone I’d be interested in. I’m not quite sure what to make of all of it to be quite honest with you.”


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