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Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS)

Page 6

by Julia Crane

  “Thank you for the hot chocolate, Nick.”

  “Yeah, thanks, man. Hit the spot,” Lucas added.

  “No problem.”

  Kaitlyn could feel their eyes on her as she walked out of the room. Lucas stayed a couple more minutes before joining her.

  As they walked down the hall, she extended her hearing range, invading privacy or not she wanted to know what they were saying.

  “That chick is hot but odd as all get out. Kinda creepy the way she just sits there,” Ace mumbled.

  “Say what you will, but you wouldn’t stand a chance against her. She’s the best I’ve ever worked with.”

  Ace laughed loudly. Then after a pause he said, “No shit?”

  “No shit,” Erik replied.

  That was the last Kaitlyn heard before they entered their assigned room. It shouldn’t bother her what a stranger thought, but for some reason it really did. If Ace saw her as odd then others must as well.

  At least Erik thought she was a better operator than Ace.

  But she already knew that to be factual, so it was not much of a consolation.


  Lucas rubbed the back of his neck as he trailed Kaitlyn down the hall. He could kick himself for crossing the line earlier. It was obvious that Kate was pissed at him. Every one of her muscles was taunt with tension, and she hadn’t spoken a word to him since they left the kitchen.

  Once the door shut softly behind Kaitlyn, he raked his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry, Kate. I shouldn’t have touched you like that. I acted instinctual instead of intellectual. You’re just so damn cute when you get excited about things like hot chocolate. It’s hard for me to keep the distance. I promise I won’t make the mistake again.”

  Kaitlyn stared at him for a moment before turning away. She walked towards the window and pushed aside the curtain to gaze out at the falling snow. God, she was beautiful. More than anything, he wanted to bury his face in her hair and breathe in her scent then lower his mouth to the curve of her neck and taste her soft skin. Instead, he stood rooted to his spot. He knew she needed space right now.

  He’d been beating himself up since he made the error in the kitchen. The last thing he wanted was for her to be mad at him before walking into a dangerous situation. His heart ached. It was killing him not to pull her into his arms. Often, he walked on eggshells around Kate. He didn’t mind. She was well worth the patience and effort.

  Finally, she turned towards him. “I’m not mad at you.”

  Lucas let out the breath he’d been holding. “You’re not? I was out of line. I think I let my guard down when Harrington assigned us the same room—leaving no doubt that we were together. It won’t happen again.”

  Kaitlyn moistened her lips and took a step closer. “That surprised me, too.”

  The tension in his shoulders eased slightly. While they were in the kitchen she’d obviously been annoyed, or maybe she was distracted. She wasn’t the easiest person to read.

  “Do you think it’s okay if I touch you in here?” Kaitlyn asked softly.

  Lucas saw her expression - vulnerability. He loved when she let her guard down for him. He crossed the room and pulled her into him. Gently, he kissed her and then held her tightly against his chest. He could feel her defenses dissolve beneath his touch.

  “I’m sure this is acceptable. Harrington wouldn’t have put us together if it weren’t.”

  She pulled back and looked up at him with her stunning grey eyes. “I don’t understand why we even have rooms. Do you know if we’re staying the night?”

  His fingers combed through her hair, slowly. “I have no idea. I’m sure we’ll find out in twenty minutes at the meeting. I’m in the dark as much as you are.”

  Arms still wrapped around her, he shuffled towards the large platform bed and plopped down, pulling Kaitlyn onto his lap. His thumb caressed the nape of her slender neck. “If you’re not mad at me, what’s bothering you?”

  She shifted against him so she could stare up at him, “I’m jealous of Ace.”

  Her honesty floored him. Lucas looked down studying her face. He could feel her pain and confusion. It didn’t sit well with him. “Why are you jealous?”

  “I’ve never heard Erik laugh before today. No one ever laughs with me except you. Well, sometimes Quess laughs at me.”

  Lucas’s gut twisted. “Am I not enough for you, Kate?” He was ashamed of the words as soon as they left his mouth.

  Sitting up straighter, Kaitlyn frowned. “I don’t understand your question.”

  Lucas drew in a deep breath. He had to keep his head on straight. He knew her mind worked differently. Maybe she didn’t mean it the way he had taken it. He searched his mind for other explanations.

  “Do you think you are jealous of their relationship? Or of Ace in general?”

  Kate stared straight ahead, lost in her thoughts. “I guess their relationship. At first I was angry because I thought Erik was acting unprofessionally. But then I realized I was upset that he acted differently with Ace than me. He likes Ace better, and I don’t like it.”

  Lucas chose his words carefully. “They’ve known each other a long time. They have a history together. I think what you are trying to say is that seeing them together made you more aware of your own differences?”

  “If you mean made me acutely aware of my flaws? Then yes.” She crossed her arms over her chest. Lucas was struck by the very human movement. The fact that she did it unconsciously didn’t slip past him.

  Lucas dropped his chin onto the top of her head and ran his hand down her arm. “Kaitlyn, you are not flawed. You are unique, wonderful, funny, exciting, sexy. I could go on and on if you want me to.”

  Kate lifted her head. “You really think I’m funny?”

  Lucas pulled her tighter. “Kate, you make me happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Just thinking of you brings a smile to my face. You do things daily that make me laugh. If I could only choose one word to describe you it would be extraordinary.”

  She pulled away and searched his face, as if she was trying to figure out if he was telling the truth.

  He hesitated before speaking. It was hard for him to be so open, but Kaitlyn deserved his honesty. He didn’t want any secrets between the two of them. “The way you are jealous of Ace and Erik is the same way I am jealous of you and Erik. You two have a bond that does not include me. Sometimes, I feel like I’m on the outside looking in.” He paused to gather his thoughts. “If your concern is that Erik doesn’t feel close to you like he does Ace, your fears are misplaced. The two of you work together like a well-oiled machine.”

  Kate looked at him. “Why haven’t you told me before that you were jealous? It’s not a pleasant feeling.”

  Lucas shrugged. “It’s not something I’m proud of.”

  “Relationships are very complex aren’t they?” Kaitlyn laid her head against his shoulder.

  “Yes, they are.” He wished she had put his mind at ease a little more, but he knew emotions were a very delicate situation with Kaitlyn. He did feel some relief that she had come clean with her jealousy of Ace. If she felt more than a working relationship with Erik, she would probably tell him, because that was how she worked. It wouldn’t even occur to her that she would be tearing his heart to shreds in the process.

  Lucas couldn’t bear the thought of losing her; it would be like a knife through the chest.

  Hopefully, that was something he’d never have to deal with.

  She looked up. “I actually like that one.”

  “What one?”

  “Well-oiled machine. It makes sense.”

  He smiled and kissed her forehead. “I love you, Kate, and I want you to know that you can always tell me anything. No matter what.” No matter how badly it hurts.

  “I know that, Lucas.” Kate stood up. “We need to meet Harrington.”

  Lucas looked at his watch and nodded in agreement. “It’s about that time. Are we okay?”

  She answered
him with a quick kiss. Her lips were soft and sweet; he could still taste a hint of hot chocolate on them. His anxiety levels ratcheted down a few notches. Sometimes it felt like he was walking on a tightrope with Kate. Scary as hell, but also the most excitement he’d ever experienced.

  Kaitlyn took a few steps forward before stopping to look over her shoulder. Her eyes softened. “I love you, too.”

  Lucas glanced around the office, searching for clues as to what the hell was going on. He hated that Harrington had kept him in the dark. Not that any of this was his expertise. He was, after all, just the lab geek, but Harrington had involved Lucas in all the planning up until this point. Or so he’d thought.

  Harrington rested his hip on the corner of the desk. His face was unreadable. Adams was nowhere to be found. He was probably napping. Meanwhile, the three of them sat impatiently in a semi-circle in front of the desk, in the uncomfortable wooden seats. Lucas was relieved to see that Ace and Nick had not been invited to the little powwow.

  Harrington took a deep breath and blew it out. “There’s been a slight delay in the plans.”

  Immediately, the tension was palpable in the room. A quick glance at Kaitlyn, and he knew it was taking everything for her not to speak out of turn.

  “What kind of delay?” Erik’s deep voice cut through the silent room.

  “The cargo ship hasn’t left the port. I’m not sure what’s going on. They should have left days ago.”

  “We could board the ship beforehand,” Erik suggested.

  Harrington didn’t speak for a long beat. Lucas knew he was going through the possible scenarios in his mind. Looking up, Harrington frowned slightly. “We’d risk the chance of being caught. You two can’t exactly blend in.”

  “We wouldn’t be caught. It’s not like we would run in during the daylight and announce ourselves. What if the children are already on the container ship?” she asked, keeping her voice even. “We could get them off. Save them.”

  “I’ve thought of that. Everything indicates that he picks the children up while they are out to sea. He wouldn’t risk having them in an American port. It’s not worth tipping our hand without knowing for certain.”

  “How can you be sure? Where are you getting your intel?” Erik leaned forward. “They could very well be aboard the ship. All it would take is a few greased hands— as you’ve stated Dasvoik is well connected and feared.”

  “I have a man on the ground, but I haven’t been able to get in contact with him all week.” Harrington was unable to hide his frustration.

  Lucas let the information sink in. “Do you think Dasvoik was tipped off?”

  “That’s my fear. If that’s true, we have a mole in the organization.”

  “It could have nothing to do with the children. Maybe it’s an arms or drug deal that is causing him to be delayed. You’ve said he dabbled in all sorts of black market trading. Just because you can’t reach your source, doesn’t mean we have been compromised,” Kaitlyn said.

  “We can only hope.” Harrington’s jaw clenched. “I want this bastard.”

  Lucas knew it would eat him up inside if any of his people had betrayed him.

  “I think we should act now,” Kaitlyn said, determined not to let it drop. “Clearly, the world would be a better place without Dasvoik.”

  “Very good, Kaitlyn. As you know I’m counting on you to take care of the problem.” Harrington reached up and rubbed his temples. “He’s a target, not just a threat.”

  Lucas knew Harrington had just confirmed Dasvoik was a dead man walking. Not that it was a surprise. Once Kaitlyn was locked on to a target, unless specified, she was programed to kill by any means necessary. Threats she was programmed to avoid killing if possible.

  Erik leaned back in his chair. “What I don’t understand is why Vance would even be on the ship? Why risk it?”

  Harrington sighed and walked around to the front of his desk. “Vance Dasvoik is a very unusual man. He’s smart, deadly and not always predictable. Unlike most men in his position, he enjoys getting his hands dirty. He thrives on the thrill of living dangerously—likes to live on the edge. Do not for one minute underestimate him. He is as ruthless as the two of you. As you’ve seen from his dossier, he’s well trained. Outstanding military career, feared drug dealer, vicious thug, and now a billionaire slave trader.”

  “But he’s not invincible,” Kaitlyn said.

  “No, he is not,” Harrington agreed.

  “Maybe we should scout this one out and get him on his next run?” Erik said carefully.

  Kaitlyn glared at him. “Not a chance.”

  Erik sat back in his chair. “I just have a bad feeling about this.”

  “How so?” Harrington asked, crossing his feet at the ankles and leaning against the desk. Lucas took feelings seriously. Even though they were unexplainable and not at all logical, it’s been reported time and time again that gut instinct has saved many lives.

  Erik looked squarely at Harrington. “I don’t understand why we have been kept out of the loop on the planning. You hand us a folder and we’re leaving the next day? Now you tell me you think you have a possible rat on the inside? I’m sorry, but nothing good is going to come out of this.”

  Lucas had to admit he had valid points.

  “If you are not up for the mission just say the word,” Harrington shot back, his gaze boring into Erik.

  Erik shook his head in disgust. “I’m not sure you are up for the mission.”

  “Excuse me?” Harrington bristled.

  “You brought me onto the team because of my background—my knowledge. I can’t sit back and say nothing. I think your ego has gotten too large. Yes, Kaitlyn is a military marvel, but this sort of mission involves many moving pieces. I guarantee you that it’s not going to be as easy as strike fast and retreat.”

  Harrington’s eyes darted to Kaitlyn. “And what do you think?”

  Kaitlyn looked at Erik for a moment and then back towards Harrington. “I value Erik’s opinions, but I think we’re ready. We’ve spent months planning for this moment. We might not have known who the target was or what scenario would play out, but there will always be unknown elements. We have the skills to work around them. If Erik does not want to go, I will go alone.”

  Harrington looked pleased by Kaitlyn’s reply.

  “Erik?” Harrington asked turning his inquisitive gaze from Kaitlyn to Erik.

  “I’m going. I would never leave my partner,” Erik said, with a sharp edge to his quiet voice.

  “Very well. Now that that’s settled, you’re free to go. I’ll update you as soon as I know we’re moving. Lucas, I would like you to stay behind.”

  Lucas hung back while Kate and Erik left the room.

  Harrington paced the room. “He’s right. Damn it!”

  Lucas didn’t say anything. He’d been around Harrington long enough to know he was stewing and would get to his point eventually.

  Harrington stopped pacing, squeezed the bridge of his nose between his index and thumb. “Do you think we should call it off?”

  The last thing Lucas had expected was for Harrington to ask his opinion on something as important as this. Lucas mulled it over. They all had valid points. If he recommended calling it off, he could potentially keep Kaitlyn out of harm’s way, at least for a little longer, but he wasn’t there as Kate’s boyfriend. He was there as a member of IFICS.

  “No, Kaitlyn’s right. This is what she was made for. We’re never going to be able to predict the human elements. I do believe Erik was correct in his opinion that they should have been more involved.”

  “I know, I know. Dammit, Lucas.” Harrington raked his hands through his hair. “What do you think of a mole? Very few personnel have been involved and I’ve hand-screened everyone myself.”

  A thought abruptly occurred to Lucas. “I am curious about one thing. Why Dasvoik? Obviously, he needs to be stopped but what zeroed you in on him in particular?”

  Harrington laughed humorle
ssly. “The ironic thing is he came to me.”

  “What?” Lucas couldn’t quite believe his ears.

  “He heard about our work with the anti-aging and nano-bots. Men like Dasvoik want to live forever and they don’t care about the cost.”

  Lucas smiled wryly. “Imagine that.”

  “I always screen potential clients, and the deeper I dug into his past I knew he would be our first target. Almost makes me believe in fate.”

  Lucas rubbed the back of his neck. “In that case I don’t think we should speculate until we have proof. Once they board and search the ship then we can start to worry if needed. All we have right now is a delay.”

  “I guess you’re right. Jesus, Lucas maybe I’m in over my head. Maybe I should have sold Kaitlyn to the government.”

  Lucas felt his heart clench. “You don’t believe that. We’ve worked too hard and come too far for you to back out now. If we need to bring in more experienced people, that’s one thing. But to talk about scratching it all together? That doesn’t sound like you.”

  Harrington dragged his hands over his face. “You’re right. Forget I said anything. I’m just a little rattled that’s all.”

  “Nothing wrong with that,” Lucas replied.

  “Get out of here,” Harrington waved him away, “I need to be alone.”

  Lucas walked into the hallway lost in thought. The mention of selling Kaitlyn to the government had shaken him to the core. He’d thought they’d long passed that hurdle. Jesus, this mission had to be a success—too much was riding on the outcome.

  Would Harrington really decide to hand her over if things got out of control? It was a real possibility.

  No, Harrington was a stubborn man and would not give up that easily, even if practicality told him that he should.

  Dammit. Lucas sure as hell hoped he knew Harrington as well as he thought he did.


  Kaitlyn and Erik made their way down the hallway, the thick carpet muffling their footsteps. She’d been greatly surprised when Erik recommended pulling out of the mission. She knew firsthand he was not afraid, so his hesitation made zero sense to her. If there was even the slightest chance there were children on that boat, they had to get them off. Regardless of the fact that Harrington insisted the mission was all about Dasvoik. To Kaitlyn, the real mission was saving the children.


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