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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 14

by Theodore Daniels

  Then, after returning to the Citadel, Shepard has decided not to communicate with anyone, whom they then took on Noverii. Not with asari commandos, nor with the captain Ventralisom or the matriarch Ely. Let them, then considered as a captain, communicate professionals. Without looking at him, and XO Spectrum Normandy.

  He's taking this difficult decision, Akuzu remembered, I remembered the battle with the thresher. It seemed now that he was not the only one ... who then lived. And it really was not the only thing learned much later. And very much like to know at once, as soon as possible.

  When several days passed expectations. A few days waiting for the results of interrogations of all, who is now questioned spectra Citadel, Shepard with all the certainty and fullness of understanding of the pre-programmed dipped in the upcoming clash with the Reapers. Fifty thousand years in a row Space race Citadel diligently prepared themselves for the slaughter. Carefully prepared. And now had to make the hardest real choice - or perish, even fighting, or fighting, defeat the Reapers, break the cycle chain, go beyond the script, repeatedly devastate Milky Way space.

  Ventralis captain was sentenced to liquidation. Details Shepard was not interested. We had to meet with Admiral Kahoku, and then plunge into a new round of confrontation with Cerberus.

  Captain Anderson on the officer's meeting said that a long time will not be delayed in the colonies squadron. Synthetic intercepted a lot of data to facilitate in-depth compared to the ordinary understanding of the situation that was developing on the inhabited worlds along the route Squad, so had to fly blind not.

  Work on the unit ships to the colonies in the Terminus Systems

  The first colony was the Fel Prime. The human colony, placed in systems Terminus, is one of the major pharmaceutical manufacturers for Alliance. Because of this specialization the planet had priority in the list of the Alliance's defense had three companions, was suitable for life. The main colony was located in a dry desert, attracted the attention of the colonists variety of flora and fauna. It is known, for example in caves that colonies grew around the massive biolyuminstsentnye fungi.

  - Captain, the channel runs the old Prothean transmitting device. - Olivia reported that the XO was on duty at the Star Maps. - Yavik requires that he be allowed to disembark. He wants to take it the transmitting device.

  - Yaw, local well aware of this device. And if they see you - anxiety will - for a week. - Number One made contact with proteaninom.

  - John, I need only the shuttle and its external suspension. Unplug the device, and the rest will do so that no one will understand. - Yavik was really set up to deliver the colonists from such a dangerous and ambiguous neighborhood. - This device seventy thousand years, and if it is fonit on, then ...

  - Okay. - Shepard with a different screen resolution Anderson thought text on the implementation of the landing of the shuttle. - Inform Alenko, take his men to cover up and help - and forward.

  - Okay, John. I quickly and quietly. - Yavik switched channels.

  Withdrawal Prothean transmitting interstellar communications device did not take long. After four and a half hours the shuttle delivered to the external load sling in the hangar frigate, cruiser device itself. Yavik and Alenko Jenkins and three cops-paratroopers on a short discussion of the results of the mission was told that was left in place a dummy device. All the same local Razumnik were obsessed with pharmaceutical and communication devices, especially - such ancient and obscure them, and not particularly interested. The main thing is that the air around the planet will remain the standard device signals - still Nazar long ago gave information about his work on the base of the Dark Reaper in space. Not worth it to attract the attention of pilots shrimp should not have to provoke them to attack.

  After studying for the next few hours the device Yavik satisfied. The current native Prothean technology has been a valuable addition to wealth, is now at the disposal of the surviving representatives of an ancient race.

  - This device is already three years nobody bothered. - Yavik said, coming into the cabin to the exec before dinner. - They tried, of course, reveal, but to reveal what has caps and internal void? Rayed, tried to drill fortunately not where such intervention would lead to harmful consequences for the device. And then - how to cut. Olivia reported that there was an order of the colony administration and the cave-hopper, where it stood, stopped attending all curious. Of course, the ubiquitous boys sometimes were there, but otherwise the place - Yavik XO showed a few frames on the screen of instrumentrona - was quite deserted. Now the device will take the "Blade". Not soon, of course, but we should not rush. I will have the opportunity to explore the unit. This ancient technique is enough for us, but if it worked so much - you can only wonder the quality of work of our specialists. - With these words Yavik turned and walked out of the cabin starpomovskoy.

  After lunch in the cabin came XO Olivia.

  - John, there's information on James Vega. - Kiborgessa filed sitting behind a desk exec stack readers and sat down in the empty chair. - The colony was attacked by the Collectors few years ago, the attack has been thwarted, including thanks to James Vega. These ... sketchy. In those circumstances, few people thought about it locks happening. Such carelessness can understand. We know now that this cruiser Collectors, and then the appearance of such a huge and powerful, well-armed ship plunged reasonable in shock and awe.

  - Failure?

  - For us, Synthetic, it is a working scenario. It is difficult to speak clearly, using the logic of organic. Collectors ship was hit and fell to the colony. Were killed and those who Collectors do not have time to take out to the cruiser and only concluded in capsules, preserving the state of stasis, and those who have already been taken on board the cruiser as helpless prisoners. James Vega for promoting violence against the ship Collector was awarded, but many people who managed to escape, is not clear now and then evaluate the role of this earthling that happened. And this ambiguous attitude has an explanation - instead of having to save the colonists, James Vega saved only one asari - Triyu Nuvani. Our data argue - kiborgessa including one of the wallboards, led string files

  - What is known about this asari? - Shepard asked, looking at a few files.

  - Little. Young, hardly developed their innate biotic abilities. I had a relationship like Liara, to archeology, but because of its own underdevelopment biotics, clearly not succeeded in field studies. In most cases in archeology are asari who have considerable and already developed and ottrenirovanny properly biotic potential. A Tria ... It may be a special case and a reasonable chance to archeology and science in general. It's hard to say for sure, John. Clearly, Tria has lived and worked in the colony for a long time. The military records of the period known disorder reigns, unclear role of James Vega. We only know that he was assigned to Special Forces detachment Delta, which is the protection and defense of the colony was entrusted. This - in addition to the boards, satellites, probes and guns. So that the Alliance, as we see, colony supplied protective arms sufficiently. James, as is evident from a number of documents - kiborgessa prolistnula on instrumentrone multiple files by forwarding copies to instrumentron Exec - showed quite a significant interest in the trio, but still by the standards of the asari, it may have been too timid and insufficiently bold and active . So Tria paid little attention to James. She then other troubles enough. Aloud, proven documents, she expressed a very negative attitude towards the possibilities and capabilities of the Alliance soldiers and the Alliance as a whole. but still by the standards of the asari, it may have been too timid and insufficiently bold and active. So Tria paid little attention to James. She then other troubles enough. Aloud, proven documents, she expressed a very negative attitude towards the possibilities and capabilities of the Alliance soldiers and the Alliance as a whole. but still by the standards of the asari, it may have been too timid and insufficiently bold and active. So Tria paid little attention to James. She then other troubles enough. Aloud, proven documents, she expressed a very negative attitude towa
rds the possibilities and capabilities of the Alliance soldiers and the Alliance as a whole.

  - Artifact? - Shepard said, highlighting on the screen one of the files.

  - Yes. There is also information very sketchy. It turned out that the planet was located some artifact, which suddenly began to turn off long distance colony. It turned out that the artifact is clearly not out of this system.

  - Liara?

  - Yes. As always in these - a mess, it is clear only that the Tria one time was a student at Liara. Then by virtue of much focus on younger T'Soni Protheans study, she found that Liara is obsessed with the conspiracy theory ...

  - Atama?

  - Maybe. - Kiborgessa nodded. - Found in the ruins near the colony Fel-Prime artifact was destroyed Earthman, is an agent of "Cerberus" - Olivia checked the instrumentronom - some Mesner. According to others artifact was broken by some aseks - man-biotic, an experienced soldier, one of the soldiers of the detachment "Delta". Seeing that the artifact is almost broken, broken down into small fragments, Tria associated with the penny and discovers that the artifact could easily be created Reapers. Unfortunately, Tria, though the scientist was rather poorly prepared for such a perception ... ambiguous information. As we found out later, she did not know not only about the Reapers, but also nothing does not know anything about "Cerberus". Meanwhile Mesner ...

  - An interesting subject. - XO grunted, looking through files.

  - He may be interesting, - he retorted kiborgessa - but he was an agent "Cerberus" at the time of the events the attack on Prime Fel-collectors. Work carrier, employed by the same private delivery Messner allow easy and move freely throughout the galaxy, which is facilitated and his activities as a secret agent "Cerberus". Alliance, as we discovered, knew about the double bottom Messner, but hoped that he Messner - too small fry to deal with them closely. According to him, as we have established in the Alliance did not exist a unified position. Someone was behind the removal of Messner, someone - for its preservation. As a result, Messner, tried to sell to collectors, killed by shots beetles. In metry is it Messner, bracelet with secret data.

  - Assault Collectors ...

  - Again scraps of information, John. No, it is likely, a full analysis of such a grand puncture was not really interesting and necessary. Cannon FFP were terribly slow at recharging. James on this slow and got burned by agreeing to shoot when the gun amassed only half of the required power pulse. Ship Collectors hid behind shields and eventually shots PKO colony did not reach the desired goal - there was no serious damage inflicted.

  - Contact on board ship Collectors?

  - Curiosity plus the influence of circumstances, John. - Olivia showed XO several files on a wall screen. - As you can see, as soon as there is a situation manifest defects. The documents indicate clearly that the decision about the penetration of the ship was made by James Vega. Infiltrated in an attempt to rescue the colonists. All volunteer rescuers collectors caught, taken to the general, but the group "Delta" has arrived here, the shooting started. Tria begged James to save the colonists, but he decided to save Triyu. colonists ship exploded in the fall on the planet. It is logical that Tria could not forgive James a puncture.

  - Your opinion about the trio?

  - Ambiguous, John. On the one hand it acts during the incident confirmed the well-known opinion of Asari, as a race, able to fall in love with all the races, regardless of the sex of the most representative. On the other hand, it should be noted that he himself James Vega operated optimally and with respect to the trio, and with respect to colonists.

  - Definitely the right decision because not? - Shepard asked, without looking up at the next sitting kiborgessu.

  - Alas, no, John. It would be clear, the right decision - it would be easier. Many people would be very easier. But here, as in many other situations uniquely correct decision is not in principle. Everything depends on the position taken by the protagonist, in this case - James Vega.

  - And the squad Delta?

  - Since it is also difficult. We have access to many documents. It is known that Prime Fel earlier, more to the point, how the artifact was found activated, locked in a long-distance colony, until the arrival of the ship collector, attacked and besieged by mercenaries of the Blood Pack, led by krogan Archukom. Alliance, of course, responded, sent to the planet several elite special forces troops to help ill-prepared for such situations the colonists cope with the threat. Unfortunately, the same is strictly classified documents it appears that the majority of Alliance soldiers killed already during the implementation of the landing on the territory between the advancing krogan and outside the colony. The only surviving almost at full strength squad, the same team of Delta were one on one with the forces of the Blood Pack. Delta was able to destroy the enemy, and - to capture one of the krogan. Of course, do not want to trouble on the head of the Alliance military functionaries decided and the team Delta has remained the world to protect the colony Fel-Prime. The same team has been hired to work with the found artifacts - jammers, leaving the majority in violation of instructions, itself a colony without protection. The artifact was quite far from the limits of the colonial city, so it is no wonder that the detachment had to spend a lot of time trying to get back from the ruins of the colony and at least try to save already stolen Collectors colonists. The defense of the colony, by the way, we checked on the virt-system was completely inadequate. Yes, there were heavy guns, suitable for anti-ship, were strong kinetic shields military level. All this was given to the Alliance at the disposal of residents and management Fel-Prime. It turned out that this just barely enough only for a relatively vysokozakonoposlushnyh reasonable, but for a collector, not to bother subject to any restrictions, such equipment does not pose a significant threat and was not a problem. Further Troop moves from planet to departing cruiser Collectors, having with them the antidote to paralysis bloodhounds.

  - Work Mordina ... - Shepard compare two files with the data on the antidote.

  - He created a new, more robust version of the antidote. So there is not much difference, John. - Clarified kiborgessa. In any case, and here and there an antidote worked, performing their tasks.

  - Monument to victims of the incident at Fel-Prime. - XO said, eyeing depicted on a frozen monument.

  - Looks ... impressive. James seems awarded, although it about this award later spread is not particularly fond of. Rightly he did not like. There is nothing to be proud of here, John.

  - To elect the salvation of precious reasonable priority in comparison with the salvation of many others, but it is other people's reasonable.

  - The main thing is that the Tria and she did not think James is acceptable to themselves the party. But James did not say anything definite. Because in this version of the situation and its large share of the blame. Let go, Captain? - Olivia rose from her chair, putting readers in the bag. - We have to turn another colony.

  - Information ... - Shepard stood up, walked over to the window, that is filled with rows of pilings data carriers.

  - Give John. Required. - Olivia nodded farewell and left the cabin Shepard.

  Troop ships a few hours reached Ferris Fields - another human colony in the Terminus Systems. The colony also was attacked by the Collectors, the colonists were kidnapped completely. Shepard was expecting a call to Anderson and he followed.

  - John. We have a team and the crew at least a few people who are associated with this column. - Commander of the frigate put before sitting in the chair XO few readers. - I do not even know. Engineers - Donnelly and Daniels know something about the importance of the colony, but hide it, carefully concealed from everyone, but in their personal affairs, as you can see, the information related to this colony and the events that took place in it, no. We also have Richard Hadley, who at that time there lived a brother. In all likelihood - stolen. The driver of the shuttle, our Steven Cortez, in a conversation with me mentioned that he lived there while her husband Robert. Colony is empty and nowhere no information. And in t
he team and the crew, you know, insecurity. All are experiencing due to the loss of the colony. From officials to sense a little. For them, it is important that the colony - near New Canton. And point. All.

  - I agree, Commander. This is the second colony on our route, which attacked the collectors. Do you think that it is time to come to grips with the Collectors? - Postponing the readers, Shepard looked at who was standing next to Anderson.

  - It is now. It is high, John. And I know and I feel that as long as the crew and command frigate, cruiser are not yet ready to climb. - Frigate commander pointed to one of the wall-mounted screens on which the scheme was approaches to the "Omega-Four". - On the "Volga" I did not even stutter - we have only one fee "friend or foe", and it is unlikely to provide a pass, more or less safe passage of two fairly large ships. I know that the team should formally promise and the crew of the frigate, we ... we will definitely go there, behind this red repeater for this catapult, but I have confidence that in the near future to us - Anderson turned on a desktop instrumentrone text familiar Shepard detailed work plan Squad for the next few decades - will be able to fulfill his promise.

  - I believe the commander what to talk to the crew and the ship's crew. Do not promise. Just to say that we ... we zaymёmsya this transponder in the near future. People have enough ... professional, or something, to understand - if we talk about it, as the senior officers of the ship, so that we really going to do. And yet ... While all should be asked to prepare better. Ready, Commander. While there is time. - Shepard said quietly. - While there are opportunities and resources.

  - You're right, John. - Anderson sat in his chair, pulled instrumentron. - Let's think about how to do this.

  An hour later, Anderson turned to the crew on the speakerphone. And then for a few minutes in the dining-cruiser frigate gathered all free watch normandovtsy to personally hear the appeal captain. Short treatment. Capacious treatment. By late evening it became clear that the treatment had an effect. Members of the crew of the frigate, the crew calmed down, realizing that they are not alone in their experiences, are not alone in their expectations. And this, perhaps, was the most important outcome.


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