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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 21

by Theodore Daniels

  Nobody said Liara that she should fall in love with John. No one insisted on it. She came to this love, to this realization a long time. And the likes of John, in spite of the distance, that Shepard has a service and work, a wife and have children. Loves. Because ... he loves. Including because John returned to her mother. Interrupted fifty duration spat. And he did so, that Liara is now - a complete family. And mom and dad nearby. For a long time there.

  Svetlana knew Benešov apologized to John for what reception it has had on his wife Tess. I apologize sincerely, openly and fully. And for that, and not only for that Svetlana respected and loved even d'Avignon. Allowing John to call themselves Benoy. Knowing that Shepard would not encroach on her as a woman. I know that he, the XO frigate, cruiser, sees it, the asari Benešov above all personality. And, of course, gives legal and proper it is not only personal, but also physical beauty. It is so important for any sane woman feel masculine admiration. Especially if it is directed not only on the body but also on the individual.

  John, who owned zagalakticheskimi and abilities, never showed them in full force, feeding them only ordinary human possibilities. Well, and the ability, of course. Therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that he was able and willing to believe proteanin. Fully believe. Get to Shepard is not only a partner, teammate, colleague, and friend.

  Thanks Yaviku Shepard and his support could help give sverhdeystvennuyu Shiale, Miralem, Aria. Three asari. Three asari, each of which was capable of Unfold is its ability to fully subdue almost any man-earthling. Feature race. Not predicted by scientists, geeks here Razumnik appeared at the end of the list, writers, poets and writers. Almost any man. In addition, it is likely, such as Shepard. That is to subjugate, and not just fall in love with.

  The emergence of Asari-telepaths in a very large extent it was natural. If we women dugout pay anytime, anywhere, well almost always and almost everywhere attention to detail, often losing sight of the holistic picture, the asari, starting with hugs minds quite close to the threshold of the development of the mental space of the individual, psychological space. The same monster "ai-di" can be generated by improper, unprofessional attitude to the power and features of these two personal spaces. And the world ... once decided that the psyche and the inner world of its saviors for her telepath-psionic - are inviolable. As well as their bodies. She realized that in her transformation into her, Miralem-Morinth, return to a normal life of darkness serial killer, the demon of the night wind,

  John was able to make it clear Miralem that it is free in its choice. What should she choose a different companions in life. Other, not his, John Shepard. And, as it turns out, he was right. Miral fell in love with the Archangel. I fell in love and turianka Nayrin. How much under the influence of John was just an important and valuable in the lives of many residents of reasonable the Galaxy for a few decades.

  Shiala. Unique, green-Asari. The Minister of Defence of the colony, under the tutelage of the Corps of the spectrum. Mercenary, a follower of d'Avignon, which became the military leader. Azarov only through human colony. Svetlana knew how badly she Shiala loved John. Even now, love. For her love was not important distance, time and mood. She just loved John, knowing that he may well love it. Not much, but loves. He loves not by words but by deeds. He loves ready to help in any way and could even something more. The rest, despite his love for Shepard, free on a personal level. Knowing that John would not qualify for his for her, Shialy, exclusivity.

  Aria. Eight hundred matriarch, station director of "Omega". Saved from destruction, from death otryadovtsev collective effort, but above all - and Yavikom Shepard. Maybe she did not like Shepard as a man. But as a person, as a human being - he loved very sharply and definitely. Because here Shepard behaved extremely worthy - he did not impose himself Azari, did not qualify for any special role among its advisers. Aria has formed its own near and far, and the average circle of advisers. Herself. Personally. According to its own will and understanding. And I was blessed with the ability to Yavikom become again more than once a mother, to live another five hundred years, growing up alongside their children, to find personal happiness, choosing his life partner any reason. But - not Shepard.

  The fact that Shepard will not be so close to Arias, Svetlana felt and knew perfectly well aware also that through the influence of Shepard on the Aria, the station itself and its population took on a different attitude, a different state of mind. "Omega" station changed. And it's not just a concert. The point in all of the other hard, unobtrusive, but very important work otryadovtsev. And that means - and Shepard. Aria respected John. Very respected. And John is very respected, Aria really respected. For both of them this respect turned out to ... quite enough.

  John was able to influence others reasonable. Positively influence. Deeply affected. The way he affected quarian Tali, many other quarians that lived on the Citadel, on quarians Fleet, could be studied in the academic scale, so it was valuable, interesting and instructive. Now almost Tali - the youngest Admiral quarian Migrant Fleet. Unofficially - Admiral, officially - the leader of the Young People quarian. Svetlana knew, felt and realized that fell in love with Tali Shepard. Fall in love, because such a person does not fall in love is not possible in most cases. And John ... John did not do this out of love problem. He simply redirected Tali that she has to choose his life partner it, Earthman, and his fellow quarian. It must be him, quarians, his wife and his wife, the mother of his many children. And nothing else. And Tali realized. John understood correctly. And I calmed down. It gained strength and opportunities to become useful to his people, his race, his compatriots. Grow quickly and deeply, bringing joy and satisfaction to his father. Prompted him, Rael Zora legitimately proud of his daughter.

  Svetlana knew that John and in the future will inevitably fall in love with other women. Many other races. Because they can not help but fall in love. The woman always chooses the best man of all possible and available. A Shepard. He not only looked, he was the best. And thus was able to store tremendous loyalty to the only beloved. Which I have become it, Svetlana Streltsov.

  Evening came and Svetlana acutely realized that for two days she sits back formless way. No, it was nice and helpful, but ...

  John returned from Anderson. He came up to the desktop. Put aside the cradle brought by the stack of readers, I looked at Svetlana, relaxed reclined on the bed.

  - John ... I'm sorry ... I must say ... ... Alla - managed a naughty tongue Svetlana.

  - Light. Do not say anything. I really do know everything. Alla handed Karin, Karin gave Anderson, together they gave me. I know all Svetlana. I guess also, what do you want tomorrow morning to fly back to the cruiser. - Quietly and clearly Shepard said. - I understand that it is necessary to fix the situation at least words, because I say so. For me it is important that the light you - my wife, my wife, my girlfriend and the mother of my two children. Will we have more children or not - let's not talk about it too definitely. The Future Will show. It is ambiguous. And always leaves the possibility for change. You and I already have two children. There Svetlana. And both, I am convinced, is the most basic for us. The most important and most valuable for today and for the near future. You and I, Svetlana, have children already. Who already live, already growing, is already being developed. And then ... Then time will tell. And ... I'm ready to fall in love with foster children if they will accept you. For me, they are no less native than our first-born Svetlana. So that...

  - John ... please come. - Svetlana sat up in bed, his hands stretched out towards marching to John. - Give me a hug!

  Words are not needed. Svetlana zatselovyvat hugging and leaning over her, John, made him soft, but demanding to sit down and continued to kiss. Thank you. Thank you for understanding, for loyalty, for love, for tenderness. For all that he gave day by day only to her, Svetlana Strel'tsova. Making her life brighter and happier, brighter and better. By making her life better and easier.

  Then there was their night. Another magical night.
r />   Svetlana morning with regret rose from the bed, John, clothed and tried to pick up the styling. Did not make it. John was able to beat her. And I had to go to the hangar light, with a ouija board in hand. I arrived shuttle with the "Volga". The same driver. He gave her a short written report Titov. The cruiser was waiting for his commander, his mistress. At ladder hook Svetlana and John embraced, not embarrassed presence normandovtsev. Let them see that it is in full health and form. Let them see that this - the merit of their exec. Let them see and feel.

  Arriving at the "Volga", Svetlana adopted already unwrapped the oral report of the first mate, making it clear to him that returned to work, not to worry and worry. Returned updated and soothing. Titov felt it. Then it's felt and other volgovtsy. The commander returned to work. And she'll be fine. Everything will be fine.

  Work squadron in the cluster Nimbus

  During those two days, which Shepard spent staying next to Svetlana, detachment had to investigate several star systems in the cluster Nimbus. Now Shepard read reports and view data source packages.

  Repeater located in Pelion system has four planets. Position rocky-icy ITC asari ideally suited for observation of outer space. There was a small long geosynchronous satellite system under the control of the virtual intelligence.

  After reading the maps and satellite location schemes, Shepard thought that this system is likely to first give a warning to nearby inhabited worlds of the invasion in the fleets of the Reapers and their henchmen - too convenient was the location of the planets and systems. If we succeed in time to evacuate the staff, then perhaps Reapers hit only satellite equipment.

  It was hard to imagine now just what mode will operate the system at the time of the attack the Reapers - if active, the failure will be colossal, but if in a passive ... But the Reapers as appears exec, still will not pass his deadly attention so advanced VI.

  Planet Trategos was almost completely covered by ice, and it was zmy Coolest of all, what were known only asari. Several winter months were sufficient for the new settlers a test of strength, allows you to immediately weed out the weaklings and whiners. The rest poured into the ranks of the really strong spirit and body of settlers, becoming the permanent inhabitants of this harsh world.

  It is quite possible that the adaptation to local conditions will allow the inhabitants of the planet to organize a guerrilla war against the Reapers, using including submarines, capable of moving podoldami. Large settlements discourage invaders guerrillas is unlikely, but small diversion ... may well be successful and to provide for the Reapers and their henchmen constant real threat.

  Planet of the wall has the most temperate climate in this system. The conditions on the planet resembled the Earth in some detail, except that spoils the picture similarity atmosphere, consisting of nitrogen and argon. On the planet of intelligence asari were discovered deposits of iridium and osmium, and then at the South Pole were numerous mining complexes. Few asari risked to settle there permanently, mainly mining osushestvlyaetsya robotic systems controlled from the stations in orbit.

  Worse conditions were Zosterose. The dense atmosphere, consisting of nitrogen and carbon monoxide, turned Zosteros now thick, filled with poisonous gases. However, Azarov does not want to miss the opportunity to get here by industrial methods cobalt and polonium, because here were thrown the best robotic systems with remote control. Severe conditions that existed on the planet, also became the object of study for many asari scientists have placed several secondary research stations in orbit of the planet.

  Shepard returned to his duties as a time when coming Troop ships in Mesa system. There are five planets, which include Lessus - Planet-secret race asari. Before it was still far away, and yet squadron sequentially scanned planet star system.

  The hydrogen-methane gas giant Vilius, named in honor of a harmful substance from azariyskih myths seduce virgins Asari, who gave birth to him ugly children and was outwardly unattractive - it turned around a ring of stones and blocks of ice, among which were many moons. As reported Synthetic, all this material could easily form the asteroid field, similar to the Kuiper Belt.

  Another hydrogen-helium gas giant was Shastessiya, twin Medokosa. The names of both planets obtained after the semi-mythical sisters-Asari, ruled the city-states and lifelong disputants about the ideal form of government. According to legend Shastessiya died before he that saw it ideal democratic republic was realized. Her sister continued Shastessii case, refused to personal power, make it so that all the free landowners in her city-state gained the right to vote. Historians asari expressed reasoned doubts as to whether it could really be implemented due to the manifestations of pure altruism, since in the same period were recorded in the documents of numerous rebellions, but in any case pointed out,

  Medokos was a gas giant a medium-sized, superior in mass known to earthlings planet Jupiter, denser and smaller in size. Around it drew a lot of moons and rubble, but the gravitational field surrounding planet Medokosa cleared space on the material, which could in the future form the asteroid field.

  The desert planet with a thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gases - Limetis. Its surface is covered with water ice melting near the areas where the volcanic activity was observed. Azari mined here zeolites, which are subsequently used for the treatment of water, detergent manufacture, and for the manufacture of capsules that store radioactive waste. Azari developed production slowly, because no trace of exhaustion close to the earth's resources has not yet been observed.

  Lessus. Formation of troops telepaths-mentalists

  Finally in the sights and radar scanners two ships Troop nestled Lessus. Pilots handed Service movement identifiers, informed about the purpose and the reason for the arrival of the Troop, were allowed to stay in the restricted area around the planet.

  Shepard updated in memory information about the planet. Of course, it was closed to outsiders planet, planet-mystery associated directly with Ardath-yakshas. Spectra Prospecting and Exploration of the Empire, exploration of the Alliance have already transferred aboard a ship Troop information that asari, of course, contain Ardath-yakshas on other planets, which owned officially, but here Lessuse contained the most powerful and dangerous representatives of this group space Azari.

  - Our goal, John - to get acquainted with the works on the organization of proper initiation of the strongest psionic and telepathic. - Anderson said when Mate came to the Star Map. - Needless to say, the conditions here - no sugar, because the gravity of the planet is high enough for the asari, the disease is also extremely contagious, the soil is not suitable for the cultivation of edible plants for the asari. Accordingly, the Government asari easily ventured away tourists and curious - there is nothing here to watch them, and feel. For asari here too there is a particularly suitable and attractive opportunities to work and live - almost no industry, agriculture is underdeveloped.

  - Hmm. - Shepard confirmed. - You're right, commander. Ideal Planet-mystery or something close to it.

  - Rila and Falera are already aware of our arrival. After two and a half hours until we run around the planet and study the area, arrive Samara. Then we will go down and see the results of carried out work. Needless to say, peace impresses me more and more, and then those of the world ... - Anderson eloquent eyes pointed at the screen, which is already unfolding panorama Lessusa. - How would these telepaths do not become another reason for the sudden invasion of the Reapers. Of course, we are not so careless, but still our preparation for the invasion has not yet been completed.

  - If we do not pay attention to these Ardath-yakshas, you would get a banshee, which, as you know, David, even the modern special forces platoon most strongest not handle in an open confrontation. Even one such Ardath. So here we are just a little bit ahead of the Reapers. And the war will still be hard and long.

  Anderson nodded, refraining from verbal comments. Gesture mean and accurate he let Shepard. It was necessary to prepare for landing. There were "down" only Shepard Yavik, two
-Turian Spectre and Alenko. Samaria was to meet in quarantine Spaceport, from there on the flyer and a half hours - and the monastery. And there they were met by the daughter of Samara. And the work will begin.

  Turians warned the watch were in the hangar. Yavik came a few minutes later, explaining that he picked up materials for local professionals Alenko gave Jenkins the command of a group of troops, ordered that "if something happens" alarming reinforced armored group at two armed shuttles should be as soon as possible over the monastery in readiness to carry out air and ground fighting, came running into the hangar last when already reported to the XO communications on a stand-cruiser frigate commander.

  Closing the door saloon, Shepard sat in a chair, strapped himself and nodded to the driver. Dispatching service Lessusa gave permission for the flight to the spaceport quarantine.

  Twenty-five minutes of flight. Sitting in the passenger compartment of the shuttle normandovtsy talking quietly among themselves. Shepard was looking at his instrumentrone recent monitoring data area of the planet. Olivia just exec warned that the shuttle from passing passazhirnika already landed and expects Samara otryadovtsev in the hall of arrival.

  The presence of three Spectres dramatically reduce the time to pass the control lines and the spaceport soon Shepard already bowed politely to the Justiciar. Samara, as always, worked to advance and ordered a bounty flyer. A few minutes - and the machine is already in the air.

  - You know, John, I was able to slightly deeper and fully recover. Thanks Yaviku. - Said Justiciary consultant, looking out the window of the shuttle. - I am now perceived in the Corps ... normal. Without question, without suspicion. It seems, in fact, the main thing - very reasonable attitude, and not some kind of crippling psihoprogramma. Now we have an experimental unit in the Corps of Justiciary, which are trained and serve as the asari, is not required to undergo the procedure of "spiking" psihoprogrammy. They know about me, where I sometimes teach. Seminars, workshops ... The lectures they read other Justiciary. We are expanding, but so far the selection will keep a very, very strict. Here, a look, a complete set of reports from my daughters. - She filed a reader. - We still have fifteen minutes until a flyer close to the monastery.


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