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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 27

by Theodore Daniels

  Samara decided to show everything. And, probably, I wished to normandovtsy saw an old, standard training procedure. Which, in fact, began with replanting psihoprogrammy. Medical center in any healthy man always causes negative feelings, and then ... Then came mozgovedy and mozgolomy. Another real opportunity for any female candidates out of here asari mentally retarded or even turn into a plant. Or vegetables. After two months of very ascetic existence withstand such ... It really had to be a professional of the highest class. Not in words, but in reality to be a professional. No because the recovery period - with a stone slab, replacing the bed - once in the chair. And there ... as lucky. None of the doctors because the medical center is no guarantee any of entrants did not give. Half an hour... Shepard himself could not even determine where the soul was the asari, which took place at the time the procedure psihoprogrammy replanting. Physically, behold, it is here, in the chair. But mentally ... It's hard to even imagine, let alone to determine. working procedure. To act.

  Then I began cramming. Five thousand sutras Justiciary Code every forty A4 pages, single-spaced small print. From any location, at any sign, in any posture, in any state of mind. At any time of the day or night. With a look, just to sign up letters to make sense. The fact that in parallel with cramming sutras listener required to undergo daily ranges of combat biotic and combat arms training and talking is not particularly necessary - cocktail turns out ... And there, in those landfills - no discount. Neither his age nor condition.

  Shepard saw suffering in the eyes of the listeners asari. Almost constant suffering. It is difficult to sustain without any connection with the family, it is difficult to manage a minimum of things - only armor and weapons. It's hard to eat a minimum and work as a miner. There was reforging Azarov Servants Code. No law asari - Code. And this had a problem.

  Sami Asari used to maneuver, to adapt, to compromise and make concessions. A Justiciar brought up in the spirit of uncompromising, wish they divided the world into only two polar colors - black and white. Not paying any attention to gray. Not paying any attention to its nuances.

  Movement within the school campus trainees were allowed only a run. Just run. About any special drill speech could not be - infinite polygons. Often - for days. Often - without food or even without liquid. At the limit of exhaustion. In the faint limit.

  Samara, to remain silent, he stayed behind. Only once she clarified aloud that, except for the procedure replanting psihoprogrammy rest of the preparation remains the same. Now those asari, which passed the old procedure and asari those who did without psihoprogrammy, had to be prepared to fight not only with the use of biotics, but also with the use of physical force, practically - with his bare hands.

  Hours expire rapidly. No one noticed normandovtsev run time. Polygons, auditoriums, corridors, alleys. On them, express strangers, none of the trainees did not pay attention. Teachers guests ignored. Samara was silent as though language or swallowed a mouthful of water gained. Shepard knew - nothing to comment here. All you could see yourself, to realize itself. But understand ... Take this ...

  Gradually Samara otryadovtsev acquainted with the life of all older listeners. Senior within steps of training. Finally revealed the final test. Original examination. Get your armor and weapons that are now there will always be others to talk reasonably about that in front of them - Justiciary.

  A short introduction to the life of existing Justiciar, visiting residential buildings Staff Corps, visit the control center enclosures. Not only was the Justiciary, very little. Therefore, rarely one of them after a single job had more than a day to rest. And now, on the eve of the war - especially.

  We returned to the frigate normandovtsy in silence. Ponders we realized experienced. Samara saw them at the spaceport. I say goodbye in silence. Words were not needed here. And time was just before the arrival on board. And there - again, routine work on the study of regular planets and star systems.

  Having shuttles aboard the frigate immediately went from Tess. Soon he was joined by the "Volga", interrupting the journey in the surrounding area of the capital of the planet.

  Ahead was Kurint - a planet shrouded in an atmosphere of a mixture of hydrogen and methane. Named in honor of the planet was azariyskoy goddess of hunting and war. Synthetic habitually noted that mining operations on Kurint scale never differed. There are also several research stations have been placed in the orbit of the planet. The rest of the planet was mediocre celestial body - Detachment did not stay long in her area. Less than two hours of drift - and in a way.

  Three hours before making the transition Troop ships Ialessa system has five planets, Shepard and most normandovtsev slept. Only a dream could afford to cope with such shaft information is not the most pleasant character. You could certainly do without sleep, but there until the arrival of the Citadel was necessary to work out a few more star systems, each with two or three planets were miniimum. So it was necessary as soon as possible to switch to the normal operating mode and try to reduce the time studies at a consistently high quality of work.

  Noss. Scanners reported that there is nothing of value, except that the copper deposits in the area again, the equator. As honey smeared it helpful iskopemym - that neither the planet, so it is still the most valuable thing in the equatorial region. Yes, locator, and then the scanner "Volga" spotted and stated in the most accessible sources local landmark - the ruins kroganskogo cargo spacecraft. A monument to the war, which came in the second half of the times kroganskogo uprising. Needless to say - unkind meets Ialessa squad, very unkind, just without unnecessary intros recalls the scarcity of resources and the imminent war. Who would allow otryadovtsam forget about this war. Yes, no one will allow.

  When Shepard finished his starpomovskuyu watch from the Star Maps approached Jennifer. Just I went and stood back and put her arms around his shoulders. Silently hugged. I do not say anything, just hugged. And so there was a few minutes.

  Shepard gently touched the fingers of her right hand. He stroked. Gently. Too silent. Words were not needed - Jenny knew that I had to see otryadovtsam who visited Corps Headquarters Justiciary. I see. And I try to do something to help overcome the residue left in the souls who saw this teammate. Heavy sediment. Not physically heavy, psychologically.

  Approached watch officer, Shepard gave him a watch on the ship, came down from the pedestal of the Star Maps. Jennifer does not open embrace. So they walked together, arm in arm, to cabin Exec. Skipping ahead a Woman, Shepard prepared herbal tea, poured the drink into cups, pulled off the shelf sweets and biscuits. Jenny sat in a chair at desktop, nodded gratefully, taking the cup with both hands, sipped barely audible. Short glance touched the face of Shepard, mounted, side by side. In his chair. So we passed a few hours. Tea was drunk, sweets, none of the two of them did not touch. Cookies ... halve the stock. Silently halve. And I thought Shepard suspected they were both about the same. About the present and the future.

  Only Jenny held so barbaric training could understand who visited Tess normandovtsev with great fullness and sharpness. And she understood. As Shepard later learned she came to each of those who have been in the Township of Justiciary. And only then I came to Shepard. I came to stay with him longer. Just stay close. Realizing he did not want to say anything to her, Svetlana. Realizing he wants to fill himself with work, not to return his thoughts to what they see and feel it, Tess.

  As soon as it was reported to instrumentron approaching a Trikalonu, Jennifer stood up, easily one nod goodbye to Shepard and left his cabin. She returned, perhaps to his cabin.

  XO turned to instrumentronu began to grasp the meaning of incoming reports. A small rocky planet has been famous for its Super Collider - a particle accelerator spanning the entire planet along its orbit. We built this device exclusively asari first, then, when in their domestic politics has changed, funding for the project was regularly trimmed, then they showed up in people more space, offering blue-skinned beauties, scientists and money and labor to complete such a large project. So
far supercollider not included - were infinite adjustment, debugging tapped.

  Olivia said that in the best case, with the most likely scenarios will be enabled in the device for a few days before the invasion of the Reapers. Legion in his report pointed out that the Reapers are quite supercollider considered a greater threat than, for example, a fleet of warships asari have Sanvesa. Collider will undoubtedly het sniper pointed out, destroyed, at least - is cut in half. In this case, its fragments are almost guaranteed to fall on Trikalon. There will be sacrifices. Perhaps someone from the maintenance staff Collider will be able to escape. Maybe. Someone.

  Less than two hours - and in all its glory in front of the squadron appeared hydrogen-helium gas giant Zillium previously served as a source of fuel for ships going to or Sanvesu or from him. Local hardware has always been known for their reliability, travelers offers comfortable rooms in the hotel, hearty meals and entertainment at least. Now, on the eve of the invasion of infrastructure around Zilliuma grew sickly before our eyes. Everyone was afraid to stay here for a long time. They were afraid to stay in the hotels, were afraid of losing the account has become incredibly expensive time. They feared not only at the level of consciousness - subconsciousness. Legion, who sent another report, this time was brief. In place of all stations will Zilliuma wreckage - no fuel, no help, no comfort there will be no more. Synthetic no mention of the fate of the charming asari-servants - and so it was clear that they are likely or will be taken prisoner by the Reapers assault troops, or simply destroyed while attempting to escape. The fact that the asari would try to turn into obedient slaves and to think it was not necessary - indoctrination in such cases for them was virtually guaranteed.

  Ilmnos planet when the former treasury of thorium deposits. Exhausted barbaric using probes easily tolerate high temperatures and poor air pressure. Scan did not confirm the presence of any deposits of other minerals, thus asari also not be particularly worrying and invest in the development of this world.

  Sanves. Planet-resort has a favorable nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, temperate climate and lush vegetation. A paradise for hikers, hunters and biologists. Closed for any reasonable, wanted to surrender to his favorite occupation - stroielstvu cities. Azari finally realized that the industrial development of any guaranteed ruining the environment, refused to Sanvese from building something more than urban-type settlement.

  Olivia ahead of the Legion. Her report Sanvesa impressed on military issues. Yes, the world was present space and air defense system of the colony. This is the opinion not only guaranteed kiborgessy carpet orbital bombardment and infantry troops to subdue the local population. To prevent local residents to escape, probably the planet's orbit will firmly control the fighter and large ships, startling the aborigines to the loss of pulse, will leave soon on other fronts, of which the galaxy, no doubt will be enough.

  The report of the Legion and the report only confirmed the Brand and a little, just a little clarified report Olivia. Marc tried to recall that it was on Sanvese was produced the largest diamond of natural origin in the Galaxy. Called respectively interests asari "Mother Star" and a weight of more than two thousand carats - almost four hundred grams.

  Maybe train plastic Brother Shepard tried to point out that all is not lost and the future is not completely exhausted by the prospect of the destruction of organic life in the galaxy? Shepard did not know how to answer this difficult question. Nearly one billion Asari could die or become a paste for the construction of new Reapers. Could be slaves and concubines minions Reapers. XO no illusions - in an environment of organic, sentient had plenty of organic traitors and opportunists. When pripechёt and have to choose ... Many choose organic life even by treachery.

  While Shepard was on starpomovskoy watch, the squadron moved in Orison, where all four planets have been reported.

  Gas giant Egalik possessed rings covered with cobwebs dust zero element. Synthetic indicated that it could be faced with the remains of one of the gas giant asteroid satellites. Production of powdered zero element and the more it cleaned to the desired degree have been extremely costly process. Exploration of the Empire and the Alliance has been aware of the bidding Tess matriarch filed certificate of "Elcos-Harvester" asking for permission to work in the industrial Egalike. While certain restraining or permit has not been given an answer. Olivia gently hinted that the matriarchs Tess will delay the decision until the last moment, to whom may well be the time of the attack the Reapers. And then about any positive effects do not have to say, as well as profit.

  On planet Krall had no significant information. Average celestial body. No features, as if written in the report of any researcher. Who did not want to go into detail and talk about the fact that the planet was named after the ancient azariyskogo unhappiness demon. Although Olivia in his report and indicated that Krall was especially fond of destroying long-lived plans, if they are, for example, covered for centuries, and for the asari such plans were very, very characteristic.

  Niakal - precious planet pokrіtaya lush, oxygen concentration is much vіshe Bila. The other planets-gardens. Without a suit here you can spend a few hours - very likely was the risk of oxygen toxicity. Local asari constantly wore suits, resembling quarians and lived in completely sealed areas. the world economy was based on agriculture and biotechnology. Many of the well known space Citadel genetically modified crops, for example, it has been created on Niakale.

  Legion in his report on military issues Niakala have that here people can survive only leading a guerrilla war against the Reapers troops and hiding at the same time only in the jungle. Of course, het sniper did not deny the simple fact - a guerrilla warfare does not allow local residents to cope with the Reapers, but it is quite capable to deprive the troops of the Reapers maneuverability and make the army units accomplices shrimp spend much more resources than will be able to receive as a result of robberies and requisitions. Seven million three hundred thousand inhabitants could survive, but to prepare for guerrilla war was too little time.

  Tissioni. A planet whose surface was a limestone desert dunes with sodium. The only thing that deserves attention is reasonable organic rather than a soulless instrument - it is an empty funnel in geological faults, suggesting that there was more geoactive last Tissioni. The average temperature here is quite suitable for organic life, but protecting the atmosphere here is not because the majority of the races Space Citadel Tissioni attributed to the category of the third type worlds, which, as we know, did not make sense to expose terraformed.

  Two hours of the time taken in the right stage system in which the five planets have been reported. On the old, non-upgraded More "Normandy" stage it would take a good six hours. Now frigate cruiser did not develop until even average speed available. There was no need yet. Modernization and reconstruction were not just useful - they were needed.

  Poliss - a gas giant, surrounded by already familiar ring consisting of hydrogen, helium and a small amount of ammonia. Locators reported that all twenty-six giant satellites in place, but the minerals ... they just did not. All stocks have been withdrawn long ago asari. We could see the skeletons of numerous mining complexes.

  - Captain, then the application again. - The relationship went Engineer Adams. - I've prepared the probes and the platform. Gesperiyskaya three-meter statue. Ordering from Asari-scientists from the Presidium of the Citadel. The specified Area. Loading of the hangar, "Volga" with katrerangom Titov agreed. Kaperang Streltsov endorse their consent.

  - Perform. - Shepard said, signing the optical fiber-kodatorom listing on instrumentrone. - Good luck.

  - Thank you. - Engineer switched channels.

  Gas giant Tritogenit was known for a variety of research stations, to which should be carried out continuous monitoring of the expected collision Promavessa and Sotera. Restless Synthetic, all three of them said that scientists have dug in our reports information about an interesting cosmic phenomena - the formation of a small dust cloud at a considerable distance from Tritogenita. Olivia
first managed to collate figures and inconclusive - Nazar here was marked by masking. Most likely he was also interested to see the clash of the two planets, since these phenomena in a single star system scales are not so common that they can be ignored.

  Soter itself in its atmosphere contains an acceptable amount of oxygen, but it was too hot to support life, based on liquid water. Sotera collision with another planet was expected in the next three years, and the opponent was to be Sotera Promavess. It was assumed that the collision of both planets scatter into dust, forming a new system asteroids and satellites.

  In Promavesse asari have been searching for a life in the numerous hydrocarbon swamps and with great relief stated that this life is not there. Meta-ethane atmosphere Promavessa when confronted with oxygen Sotera likely to break out and both planets will be broken in a collision.

  The nearest local luminary was Nauta - rocky planet has a very dense atmosphere. Thick clouds create powerful greenhouse effect, keeping you warm yellow-white star of the faithful. Most of Nauta surface coated with molten metals, stone crust was very fragile, so to land on a celestial body, none of otryadovtsev not want.

  Three hours prior to playout system Tomaros Shepard spent on starpomovskoy watch from the Star card, replacing one of the officer of the watch. He was not difficult, especially as the Star card allows you to get acquainted with a number of files is much more comfortable and better than it could have been done in the cabin. As soon as the XO passed watch changer, Synthetic reported that the squadron entered the Tomaros - a small system with four planets.


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