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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 29

by Theodore Daniels

  I personally believe that, taking into account the information received should be given Bekenstein and setting it on a more orderly and appropriate nature of the situation. We can no longer allow such an imbalance that money alone more than enough, while others constantly save on the essentials, including food and medicines.

  Elaborating, I will say that, thanks to our colleagues-Synthetic, we learned a lot of Kasumi Goto, before she woke up in doprosnoy. Goto collaborated with the "Cerberus", because it knew that its very very eagerly sought. Seeking to remove, kill. Kasumi came in touch with the "Cerberus", willing to pay for the death of a loved one, the hacker Keiji Okuda, who was also her constant companion in the thieves' affairs. Keiji showed negligence, stealing information, which ultimately cost him his life. Before the expected death that does him honor, he still retains this information, but encoded and hid in the so-called "gray box". As the high-speed analysis performed Olivia, he has combined their own personal memories and secrets.

  Currently, the "gray box" is in the hands of the mafia, or rather - only crime boss Donovan Hock. This subject is trading in arms, drugs, bribes world government uses, so to speak, a complete set of a successful businessman shadow. At the same time he is a great connoisseur of art, and is also actively involved in the life of high society of the criminal community, than most likely, and trying to take advantage to steal Kasumi.

  - Keep said Captain Shepard and colleagues. - Emerged from stealth proteanin. - I scanned the memory occupied by us Kasumi Goto. Remotely and without contact, of course. She tried to break into his estate, where in the basement and stored the stolen overbought Donovan Hawk artwork is on display before public museums. In the near future, Donovan Hock arranges a festive reception for the same like him cream mafia world. There will be the biggest and the major figures of the shadow business and economics. I think that the best moment for the beheading of krysyatnika we soon will be gone. Massive interrogations of captured brokers can give a lot of valuable information for law enforcement, and return to the accessibility of valuable works of art to raise the authority of the same law enforcement agencies. Our involvement with you, you can then do not advertise on a large scale.

  - A few questions. - Alenko turned to Shepard. - Captain, who this intruder that he had stolen for the information and how we should deal with Kasumi.

  - Clearly and the points. - Poluulybnulsya XO. - The answer is in the stated order you, Lieutenant. Keiji Okuda - former lover and partner Kasumi Goto. The former, in the sense that he died, but not in the sense that it has been rejected or left alone. - Shepard said. - Its like can confirm Yavik - proteanin nodded - during the commission of another theft caught and killed Donovan Hock. For the first time, and Kasumi Keiji met when they were both hired to steal one and the same picture. Most likely, the customer decided to err and hired more than one artist, but two. Perhaps out of a sense just a place, both the thief, to be frank in their qualifying action, have decided not to transfer the picture to the customer and keep it yourself.

  Keiji Okuda himself - a former intelligence officer of the Alliance System. He worked under the pseudonym Abraham DIA. Due to the nature of his work Keiji same "gray box" was implanted, which allowed him to maintain and reproduce the desired memories in detail. By Keiji somehow got secret information that became public domain, could, in particular, cause great damage to the reputation of the Alliance. Leaders of the Alliance itself accused him of stealing the data, pointing out that if he wanted to sell them. After a short trial Keiji disappeared and, in the near future was tracked down and killed by Donovan Hawk. Last Keiji corpse drew from the gray box and for a long time trying to crack his defense.

  Those data, which are likely stored in Gray boxes and are so afraid to publish the Alliance is likely to belong to a very a dark episode in the activities of the Alliance of special services. Specialists have arranged a secret raid on batarians group, who had a kind of Reaper technology. If the information about the attack reached batarian government, it would have a good reason to start a real-scale war with the Alliance System.

  As you know, Keiji Kasumi and love each other. Love, as far as I can tell, really. Consequently, Keiji likely kept the secret information of the Alliance interspersed with purely personal information about Kasumi and closed from outside the relationship. Olivia has already warned Goto that returns her gray box with only the personal information - the rest of the information will be erased securely. I have no reason to doubt the words kiborgessy.

  I believe, colleagues, that this is - a chance to shine and a little to improve the situation on Bekenstein. The proximity to the Citadel - is not only a priority, and the advantages, but also a great responsibility, and the existence of a closed repository of stolen works of art, which have the ability to watch, not all and any reasonable, but only some criminal hardhead - it does not paint in attractive colors and color of any alliance or humanity as a whole. The main two points - it arrest all guests Donovan Hock and, of course, himself, and return to the museum stolen cultural property. Against this background, the return of Kasumi Goto, the "gray box" with personal memories just lost it and we can do silently, quietly and without much difficulty.

  As to the Goto ... I think she did not agree to join us on a permanent basis and to settle in the squadron - not a specialty. But as a talented specialist, assistant and a free agent, it is invaluable to all her knowledge, abilities, skills and abilities.

  - Good. - Summed up the intermediate Anderson. - I believe in this, we can finish the discussion and move on to the development of specific plans. Let Goto is bored alone, and we think that can be done in the near future. Everybody's Free. Shepard stay.

  After waiting a few minutes, until normandovtsy leave the room, Anderson got up from the table.

  - Not like you used to talk about it, John, but not so long ago I had a long and sometimes - an unpleasant conversation with Svetlana. She, in particular, is outraged by the fact that you are using it as a banal cruiser freighter. Rings Altoona, all sorts of other artifacts - well. Will that keep the headquarters of the stock on the Citadel and transfer to the destination customers. Taking into account the occurred events, you, John, have a rare opportunity to be rehabilitated to Svetlana.

  - Captain, hit Russian razvedkreysera Alliance on the planet ...

  - We're at war, John. If politicians do not understand this - so much the worse for politicians. And we will strike is not on the planet, and the island on which is located the estate of Donovan Hock. I hope you do not doubt the professionalism of our armourers and gunners?

  - Not at all, Captain.

  - Then here's the plan proposed by Titov. - Anderson, lit one of the wall-mounted screens. - Check.

  A few minutes Shepard volumetric reading an explanatory note, considered schemes and graphics cards.

  - Ok so. Special Forces Support Astroflota Imperial Russia. Strong. - He said, turning off the screen. - I agree.

  - We are, in fact, will not have to intervene. So, just from below, a parrot. Imperial Cruiser will only support the impression dodavit unbelievers their views. The Alliance still better understand that people can no longer hide in their narrow organizational framework clan. We must unite ... or grave will be the total. Mass grave.

  - And how it ... - Shepard did not directly named Kasumi. Anderson knew it without verbal clarifications:

  - So we'll bring a "gray box". Already stripped of all sensitive information alyansovskoy. Yavik, if necessary, clean it and the memory of the brain to make it somewhere someday not blurt out something like that with respect to us and our troops. Keiji already got burned because of his intemperance, the following could well be it. And you're right, John. Have a thief in the team at the remote work better than if the thief will be constantly on the squadron. At least it is now well understand and firmly grasps that harm us - to provide the shortest path to the light itself. We go in half an hour to drift until will not even enter the outer roads of the planet, not for anything. Podreyfuem, think, co
ordinate plans. At the same time we scan the region and the planet itself. Compatible, so to say, with pleasure. During this time, here come amphibious ships of the Imperial Astrospetsnaza. Then start the attack on the island and it is very interesting living and dead content. Thanks, John. You can go.

  Ships landing Fleets Empire arrived in the area Bekenstein at the appointed time.

  Further events developed quickly and they were able to observe firsthand and live almost all the inhabitants of the planet.

  Near the middle of the island size, is privately owned, decreased cruiser "Volga" and the frigate, cruiser "Normandy". Bekenshteynevtsy were able to observe that the main trunks of guns and emitters of both ships are in the firing position and sent to the island. The expected audience of fire was not followed - only warships still hovered near the island, holding him at gunpoint guns. But on the other hand we went to the island several dozen landing shuttles with the identification marks of the Russian Empire.

  In ropes slid down a few hundred armed and dressed in heavy broneskafandry paratroopers. The probes, advance admitted to the island, helped bekenshteynevtsam to see what is happening in the perimeter of the estate Hawk. Marines quickly immobilized and packed in chains a few dozen guests of the island host, and then taken away somewhere and of Hawk. Where exactly - see bekenshteynevtsam failed: the probes did not follow a group of troops, is carried away by the estate owner. But output and loading, and most importantly - the figures and faces of guests captive Hawk bekenshteynevtsy all seen in every conceivable detail.

  Landing shuttles, taking on board the captured criminal bosses, went to the Citadel, and instead of them were civilian shuttles with teams repairmen and museum professionals. Arriving on the island of civilians reasonable concentrated in the back yard of the estate, there is seen bekenshteynevtsy opened large opening directly into the center of the courtyard, and from there began to extract graviplatformah already packed in transparent insulating shell sculptures and other cultural values, has long been considered lost forever.

  Takes place in the backyard of a private estate glued to the screen thousands of inhabitants of the galaxy - not often they are seen as less valuable museum pieces returned to share. Freight shuttles took the shell in the holds or carried them on an external sling to have approached several hangars and bottom-freighter spacecraft.

  The process of extracting and loading the museum treasures was delayed for a few hours and no one in the audience did not pay much attention to a few shuttles, which was launched by the estate and went to the Citadel and to the two warships.

  - Commander. - Lieutenant Alenko reported. - Donovan Hock immobilized and sent under guard to the Prison of the Citadel Spectres. There also in the immobilized state brought all his guests. The interrogations of all already begun. Information comes. Yavik works. He likes. - I could not resist the officer unofficial comment. - "Grey Box" Olivia and Mark have already opened and end cleaning. Secret information we seized and recorded on a separate drive. By the arrival on board the frigate "gray box" will be fully prepared for transfer into the hands of Kasumi.

  - Good. Come back, waiting.

  - Yes, commander. - Lieutenant switched channels.

  An information message transmitted by broadcasters largest agencies with Citadel noted that with the support of special forces Astroflota Imperial Russia was carried out the arrest of several dozen tycoons shady business, found and returned to the museum public circulation of several thousand cultural values. Implemented operation dramatically increased the influence of mankind in the community space of the Citadel races and contributed to the growth of influence of people on the key processes in the galaxy.

  On board the frigate meanwhile Lieutenant Alenko and his deputy - Corporal Jenkins reported to the commander of the operation conducted by the details. Anderson listened attentively, looking at screens and sitting in chairs Synthetic - Olivia and Mark. Before the commander of the frigate lay already purged of classified information Alliance gray box.

  - So far, the island and the name of the Hawk seized by local authorities Bekenstein commander. Housing Spectra own forces and means monitoring the situation. Go search for warehouses and caches, which may be a few others are considered missing museum pieces.

  - Thank you, Lieutenant. Sit down. The report is adopted. Olivi?

  - "Grey Box" cleared of classified information, the commander. - Kiborgessa Anderson filed a chip with data. - Mark and I rewrote it here. I return. Now you can return to "gray box" to his owner.

  - Jeff. Matching? - Anderson asked, knowing that the pilot is in communication with the commander's cabin almost constantly.

  - "Volga" reported on the readiness to care on the planet's orbit, commander. All normally. I also everything is ready to return to Bekenstein orbit. Order?

  - Go back. - Curtly Anderson, noting that hovering frigate receives orientation to departure. - Kaidan, Olivia. You - with me to Kasumi. Mark, thank you.

  - I was glad to help and work, Commander. - Cyborg nodded. - Let go?

  - Go. Thanks to all. Free.

  Going into doprosnuyu, Anderson came to Kasumi.

  - We have withdrawn from Hawk gray box. - He put the device on the table. - It is, as mentioned earlier, is completely cleared from the secret information. There remained only the personal information.

  - Thank you. Do not think that I will thank you ... I saw everything in real time on the screen ... I was very important to see it the most ... - said Japanese. - Hawk ...

  - He was arrested and taken to the Citadel. The location of the spectrum of the prison. Go interrogations. We were warned about the undesirability of its release. However, lawyers Corps have already indicated that for multiple offenses committed by them his life shines. Like many of his accomplices, with whom he was trying to have a good time. - Anderson said.

  - Ugh. Hopefully, he will pay for the death of Keiji. What are your plans ... about me.

  - Grey box we gave you. The ship in ten-twelve minutes will be in orbit Bekenstein. Our shuttle will take you to the ongoing passazhirnik. And there you decide to do, where to go and what to do.

  - And you ... you do not ask me for anything in return ?! I do not understand.

  - Understand, when you decide what you should do next, determine what you now want to do and how to live. - Anderson said. - And we have plenty of work to do before we can leave the Snake Nebula.

  - I see. You do not want to rush and do not rush me.

  - May be so. - I nodded to the commander of the frigate. - I'm sorry, as a preventive measure, you'll be transported to passazhirnik able to sleep medication. Gray Box will be in your hand luggage with you. Its one of the outsiders see. We took care of it. Olivi ...

  - Yes, commander. - Kiborgessa quick motion put to the forearm Kasumi injector. - Two minutes and she will sleep.

  - Good. - Anderson nodded to two paratroopers. - It will concern four minutes to board the shuttle. Further you are aware.

  - Yes, commander. - I nodded senior couples.

  - Then ... I wish you all ... Kasumi. - Anderson said, seeing as Japanese fighting sleepiness. - Come on, colleagues.

  While the squad made the transition to the planet Wheeler, Kasumi shuttle frigates delivered on board the passing passazhirnika. Give the Master instructions liner Marines returned to the shuttle and passazhirnik continued flight.

  Kasumi, as expected, is already awake when the Citadel was left far behind. After checking the bag, she was relieved it was convinced that the gray box, the one really at her and thought. She now had something to think about - Donovan Hock, a murderer of her lover bore the deserved punishment. Let no one on her hands, but he was punished seriously and effectively. Life in prison Spectres - the same penalty.

  Large rocky planet with a toxic atmosphere composed of hydrogen and carbon monoxide to be active mining site with the help of robotic mining and quarrying complexes. Neither the temperature nor the gravity does not interfere with several corporations to withdraw from
the bark Wheeler aluminum and other light metals, enjoyed strong demand in the whole space of the Milky Way.

  Go to the Citadel took less than half an hour. Both ships Squad stood in the outer roads. The station headquarters for a few days to decide the issue with the planning of the study of so-called inner space of the Citadel Council. Once the major decisions on planning, detachment will implement a coordinated plan, again lost in flight on an approved route. But now at least Shepard and normandovtsev with volgovtsami were several days of rest on the Citadel.

  Looking at the approaching station, perfectly visible in the passenger compartment of the shuttle commander's screen, Shepard was happy. He will again see Svetlana, he will again be with her, to give it enough attention. It is necessary. it should be him. A normandovtsy and volgovtsy can relax on the ship's routine. A few days stay at the central station of the galaxy is now becoming extremely valuable. Rarely in the future all of them will be able to relax like that.

  Garrus was glad to see Michelle. Directly from the site of the landing field spetsdoka spaceport Citadel BRP director and his favorite flew into one of the best restaurants Stations. A Shepard, Anderson received permission, stole their Svetlana Titova, and they left the park, which offers beautiful views of the Ring Citadel.


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