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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 32

by Theodore Daniels

  - This is a violation of the will of the gods! - Hoisted Gatatog Uvenk.

  Shaman clan Urdnot looked at him as a kid nashkodivshego:

  - Scope of religion - the only area that is out of your jurisdiction, Uvenk. Shaman your clan will tell you that. Any shaman kroganskogo any clan will tell you that. clan shamans do not interfere in the affairs of the clan chieftains. But the clan chiefs have no right to interfere in the affairs of shamans clans. That is the law. This is the order. Such is the tradition. - With these words the shaman tapped her stick on the floor seekers knocking stone chips and making small recess in the concrete. - I authorize the krogan Gryunt pass Rite. - Shaman clan Urdnot looked at Gryunt. - Are you willing, Gryunt, clarify what you waiting for?

  - Warri, klikseny and thresher. - Rumbled Gryunt.

  - You have prepared him well, Captain. - Shaman with respect and interest looked at Shepard. - Now I see that you have become a real foster father to the young krogan. No formal real father. We need...

  - Krantt. - Shepard said, taking a step forward. - Because I - Gryunt foster father, I would be honored to fight beside him.

  - Are you sure you are well prepared, Shepard. - Clan Urdnot shaman nodded. - Then - we must not waste time. Or do you have ...

  - No. - Rumbled Gryunt. - I'm ready. And I want to finish this business ... quickly.

  - Words worthy krogan. - Nodded shaman clan Urdnot. - Then we have to go. To be the last trip to the destroyed town Tuchanka rebels. There is a stone-Key. It is durable and strong, as befits the krogan. This - our sacred place. I understand that you, Shepard and you Gryunt, prepared, but to remind everyone. - Shaman swept stern look cops, Marines, officers and Alliance krogan. - No one can interfere in what is happening in the arena during the test. Only Croghan and his krantt can operate there. Such is the tradition. That is the law. Such is the will of the gods kroganskih! - Shaman again struck his staff on the floor of the hall shelter.

  Already in the conveyor, carrying a group of the city, Gryunt bent Shepard said:

  - Captain John. I ask you to allow me alone to pass the first two tests. They are easy for me. I know that you are willing to support me and I appreciate the willingness and the desire. But I want to try to deal with the first two tests alone.

  - Do not mind Gryunt. - Shepard half closed eyes. - Are you ready for the third test?

  - Yes. - Gryunt Lobastov bowed his head. - Ready. - He did not continue to say next, looking at sitting opposite and obviously listened to their conversation shaman clan Urdnot.

  - Then - act.

  - Yes, John.

  Once on the site, and waiting until the sunroof closes, cutting off the only exit from the kind of arena, Shepard looked around. What he saw, he was already familiar - lokatorschiki, skanerschiki and Synthetic worked out well, providing the group with the necessary information landings. It is clear that varren and kliksenov threshers and even here regularly beckon. How it was done - it was not so important.

  - John, I touch the keys? - Asked Gryunt, graduated bypass site.

  - On your willingness to ...

  - No need to ask John. - Croghan glanced at the crumbling columns. - I'm ready. Nothing else matters. The first two tests I pass one. The third - one too. But there...

  - There you know how to act Gryunt. Key!

  - There are key. - Croghan paw hit the button. Krogan were not supporters of tinsel, why not try to wishful thinking. The key was really the key. What was she doing there - it was already not important.

  On both sides have got to the site are numerous Warri. From the tunnels. Gryunt pulled to its fullest. Not only did he shoot them, it broke them he trampled them, he had them crushed. Shepard just watched the flanks to Gryunt did not get into full encirclement hordes of these creatures.

  Finally, after a quarter of an hour varren dried up. Watching as the survivors feast, devouring the corpses of dead relatives and at the same time - clearing the Arena, Gryunt tensely looked around.

  Key Button came out of the groove, having risen to its original position. Gryunt turned to her, walked over, looked at Shepard. He nodded slightly, knowing that in a match watched krogan clans Urdnot and Gatatog. Carefully observe.

  Paw Gryunt pressed the button. Strike the gong or bell - Shepard is not particularly delved what to publish such a hollow and short loud sound. Above the scene appeared collector Kliksenov - unreasonable volatile nasekomoobraznyh being referred to by some researchers for simplicity harvester. Shepard and Gryunt knew that collectors were Kliksenov dangerous type of living beings, has a high speed, survivability in a particularly unfavorable places considerable strength and irrepressible rage. Meeting with the monster almost always rational being promised a painful death.

  Neither Shepard nor Gryunt did not provoke Fetcher Kliksenov - did not come close to him, so the collector safely and freely dropped two kliksenov to fall for the next party. Gryunt almost playfully shot both arrived kliksenov, not allowing them to her at close range, and does not come under fire, they tried to release Gryunt when approaching him. While the collector planted next couple Gryunt reloaded the weapon and moved to a more convenient location for the next attack site. Shepard and here followed to Croghan was not completely surrounded by the advancing kliksenami, more often spit fire from long distances. Gryunt as zagovorёnny, these beings sent into oblivion, causing them to explode and crumble lumps at the site.

  A quarter of an hour elapsed. Gryunt back to the Stone keys, reloaded the gun.

  - They deserve to see? - Croghan asked Shepard, watched as the button returns to its original, toe up.

  - Well, do not kill the Thrasher for fun, Gryunt. Yes, and shoot at him there was no need. We still have to negotiate with Kalros. And kill the children in the presence of his mother ... No, because we do not do.

  - I have a feeling that the area is surrounded by the warriors of Clan Gatatog. - Gryunt, sniffing said.

  - You're right. - Shepard did not even bother to open instrumentron. - They will try to kill themselves thresher and equal in skill with Rex. But...

  - According to the traditions no honor to kill Thresher collectively. - I finished Gryunt. - This is not a fight, murder and slaughter. - I growled the young lizard. - So I ...

  - Are acting as we speak. - Shepard said.

  - Good. - Gryunt approached Stone-key, pressed the button. At this time except the bell was still hitting the hammer blow of a large, established twenty meters behind the stumbling-Key. And Gryunt and Shepard knew - so you can more quickly and accurately to urge the platform thresher.

  And he came. Almost pyatnadtsatimetrovaya column rose to the left of Shepard thirty meters. Gryunt rapid steps toward zmeechervyu, he bowed his head, watching the daring visitor. A few minutes - and zmeechervya head leaning lower almost covering the figure of the young krogan. Then zmeecherv straightened up, she looked around the area and stopped, eyes scanning the figure Shepard. Light beckon and krogan, surrounded the area, saw the dance thresher. Battle dance.

  - This, they just have not seen. - Gryunt said, standing next to Shepard in the Stone-Key.

  - Shoot will start in forty seconds. Blocked Gryunt. - Shepard said.

  As soon as the first shots thundered from shotguns, Gryunt flew to the middle of the area and threw up his hands. Energy trembled between the legs of the young krogan, and when he abruptly threw his hands apart, the wave has covered all krogan standing around the site. Everyone froze, paralyzed. There were almost all soldiers Clan Gatatog. Clan Urdnot did not show up on the surface - it krogan watched the scene from the underground shelters. And a wave of energy, formed of young lizard, they are not affected.

  Gryunt, looking around, saw that none of the krogan - gatatogovtsev may not use firearms or knives.

  - You. Those who kill the living world for centuries home planet. - Voice boomed over Gryunt Arena. - You who repeatedly kill the mother of all children threshers, great Kalros. You who think that winning the next Thrasher - or rather, just shoot him, imagining that th
ey have become great warriors? - The volume and voice gulkost Gryunt grew. - You, who considered that it is necessary to spend time and energy, killing the last of the wildlife of our home planet! You who willed circuses instead of working for the good of the planet and the people krogan! You find that all are obliged to continue this tradition of battles in the arena, leading to nowhere, leading to the degeneration of krogan and death! You are killing each other, even in holy places for each clan! You think they are intelligent beings and fighting with each other constantly, continuously and unsuccessfully!

  Gryunt spoke briefly. Less than twenty minutes. But he listened to everything. Thrasher twenty meters column dominated the arena. Gradually raised manhole cover. Because of the opening slowly Rex came out, the shaman of Clan Urdnot, the most respected warriors clan.

  Finished speaking, Gryunt turned to approach the shaman, dropped to one knee and bowed his head before the religious leader of the clan. Shepard stood motionless at the Stone-Key.

  - From now on, Gryunt, - said the shaman of Clan Urdnot - you get the right to consider himself a member of the clan Urdnot, and earned the respect of the name: Urdnot Gryunt. The name - an honor. You did not shoot at Thresher, I did not kill him. But you won it. - The shaman pointed rhythmically nodding his head zmeechervya. - This still did not know the history of Tuchanka. You won zmeechervya bloodless. You protected him from death. It proves that you are a great warrior. A skilled warrior. From this moment you have the right to live in the lands of Clan Urdnot, to own property and to get up under the command of the governors of the clan. In your faithfulness, loyalty, honesty, Urdnot Gryunt, none of the members of the clan no doubt. - Clan Shaman touched the shoulders of the young krogan his staff. - You - a member of the clan Urdnot. Arise, Urdnot Gryunt! What are your desires and intentions?

  - I want to go back to the ship. - Gryunt said, putting a weapon in the back wraps seizures. - There, I'm most needed. Now I'm calm.

  - Decent answer. - Shaman nodded Clan Urdnot, exchanging glances with Rex. - Your decision, Chief?

  - So be it. - Rex hit the palm of his hand, claiming the echoing sound of his decision. - He - our warrior.

  - And a detachment of soldiers. - Gryunt said quietly.

  - And a detachment of soldiers. - Rex repeated. - So be it.

  - It's outrageous. - Approached Gatatog Uvenk not hide his indignation. - You took to the warrior clan of the tube!

  - Calm down, Uvenk. - Rex said. - I saw clearly - Gryunt was ready to destroy your whole clan. Physically destroy.

  - The more - the devil is someone else's hell can not be a member of kroganskogo Clan! - Rumbled Uvenk.

  - The decision is taken, Uvenk. - Rex went to the hatch zevu. - You want war - the war will be. But it will be the last war for your clan.

  - Armistice - torn, Rex. - Uvenk said, realizing that he was looking at this moment all the warriors of his clan and the other said he just did not have the right.

  - So be it. - Rex said, continuing to go to the hatchway.

  - So this is just will not end! - With these slovamiUvenk pulled from behind the rifle and tried to pull the trigger, but froze, paralyzed. The barrel rifles aimed at the back CARE Rex, danced shaking. But press the shutter at the leader of the clan Gatatog not work.

  - It's your stuff ... ... ... Croghan test-tube ... - barely audible rumble Uvenk, struggling to dodavit trigger guard.

  - Another sound ... - rumbled Gryunt. - And you will die an inglorious death.

  - Yes, for ... - Uvenk failed to finish saying the word as collapsed into slabs kulёm Arena. Jumped to the corpse of a young warrior clan Gatatog bent, stared, sat up and waved his paw, making it clear tribesmen that the dead leader.

  Rex to stay near the hatch, watching the scene. Realizing that Gatatog members of the clan have all seen the death of their leader, Rex returned to the Stone-key.

  - You all. - Rumbled Urdnot head of the clan. - Aware of the common rules and traditions of the krogan. The clan has lost a leader, is subject to a clan whose warrior killed the leader. Who wishes to remain in the ranks of Urdnot clan - may enter the arena! The rest - get out!

  After a few minutes the arena filled krogan. There were almost all members of the former clan Gatatog. Some of them came to a dead Uvenku to definitively confirm the death of their leader. Only fifty krogan went from the Arena.

  - The training camp. - Ordered Rex, looking around the crowd. - Warriors spend newcomers!

  Several soldiers Clan Urdnot escorted nearly two hundred and fifty novices the stone steps to the tunnels - stay on the surface longer than a certain time was dangerous.

  - On Board. - Rex turned to Gryunt and Shepard. - The rest is talk in the throne room.

  At this time, there were several carriers, and they drove more slowly. It took about forty minutes. Went column for other tunnels, the older and longer.

  - Captain. I do not know how to voice it. - I heard a speaker in the voice of Olivia. - Came from the women's camp kroganskih several requests for pairing with Gryunt and one - with you.

  - Gryunt solve itself. And about me - please, I'm married. I think this will be enough.

  - Okay, captain. - Olivia switched channels.

  Tuchanka. Krogan. Hunting pyzhakov

  Now, when none of the krogan clan not Gryunt squinted at with distrust, suspicion, apprehension and anger, the members of the landing party could take a closer look around.

  Shepard unloaded from the conveyor first, waited until the others are uploaded normandovtsy. Clan Urdnot Camp is a small, richly studded with gray rubble settlement clan. Shepard remembered as soon as it was necessary to rise from a small landing site to the location on which was mounted the throne of the clan. As yet economically poor, and even lived krogan. The central camp in the understanding of the British Shepard was to focus the very best that was generally in a clan. And what's been the best for the same guests and in their understanding? Yes, as it should be "capital", it is either room, or a separate building for guests, to be exact - the messengers of the other clans. Such as krogan. Was there a laboratory scientist krogan-Fortaka was a fighting pit with jam - the place of paid entertainment. Blood entertainment. There were a few positions of traders - where the same without them. There was room for a shaman of the clan, had space for krogan warriors. It is unlikely that this base camp stood out among the other camps. Is that the throne room was not in the other camps. And so - almost all of the above happened.

  Mate, seeing Gryunt emboldened and went to wander through the camp, also decided to examine in more detail the settlement. After all, now in the completion of the clan. And while not subside understandable excitement, it can be a lot easier to learn than at any other time.

  Shoulder suit Shepard jumped pyzhak. According to most sources of pyzhakah only it knew exactly what it is - irrational creatures like monkeys. Small, like hybrids earth gibbon and an anteater, being stolen, allegedly, everything what could reach. Shepard did not like such irresponsible judgments - most intelligent scientists organic unworthy of a true connoisseur and researcher focused only on developed instinct pyzhakov thieves.

  Yes, it happened that these creatures living in colonies primarily on their home planet - Eletanii, stealing many things that, as they say, bad lay. So what? It is reasonable, or, more precisely, are considered sentient beings from more than a dozen races never hunted theft? And why there is a small size to carry a bunch of unnecessary junk to them, even stole? These monkeys live in violet color colonies that looked like beehives. Where there is store voluminous collection stole? So, the reason to hate pyzhakam was different. I wonder what?

  - Kill pyzhaka. - Said a passing Croghan. - You - the guest, you decide to live or not to live it, if he's sitting on your shoulder. If he was sitting where anywhere else - and the second would not have lived. - Croghan stopped and looked unkindly on pyzhaka, sitting almost motionless on the shoulder Exec. - Kill him. It's the best thing you can do, man.

  - Specify, please, why should I kill it'
s this pyzhaka? - Shepard said quietly, throwing a straight look at the lizard. - It you have something stolen?

  - Is he? - Croghan sneered. - Yes they are for us, the krogan - per person. As we shall distinguish them something ?! But that did not steal now - so steal later. And I do not ... If I do not ... That the other krogan - always steal. They are. Thieves innate. - With these words Croghan went on his way and disappeared into the doorway, where he was access to the stairs to the chambers of the shaman.

  - Strange. - A voice of another krogan. - I thought it was the pyzhak who fled from my container. - Croghan, it said, slowly walked out of the semi-darkness to light and Shepard recognized him - it was Fortak, scientist Clan Urodnot and at the same time - the owner of one of the few remaining terminals connected to the base of the Tuchanka data - the last repository of all kinds of information at home krogan. - Captain Shepard? I - Fortak, scientist Clan Urdnot. Maybe you've heard of me?

  - I have heard something. - Shepard took a step toward the krogan stopped. Pyzhak sitting on his shoulder, I did not get bogged down somewhere, just waiting.

  - Yes. Now I see that this is not the pyzhak. - Fortak came closer.

  - Looks like you're one of the few who can distinguish them from each other. - Said the first mate.

  - You're right, Captain. - I nodded lizard. - I can. Probably, it is the duty and responsibility of the scientist - to pay attention to something that does not pay attention to others. Even if these other - my people. Perhaps you have heard that krogan ... not particularly fond of science.

  - I heard. And now I see that this view is somewhat hasty.

  - Come on, Shepard. - Few rough Fortak retorted. - I had to kill his predecessor, when I wanted to get a place in the clan scientist. It was he, my predecessor said that our work, the work of krogan-scientists, in fact, no one appreciates. When I pulled out of his body his knife, I suddenly realized that he was right. Probably, this was the last opportunity to avoid the prospect of becoming yet another scientist. Probably. Nevertheless, I became them. Several violent and certainly exotic for you, the people way.


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