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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 42

by Theodore Daniels

  As soon as soup plates emptied, Milena dexterously filed on the table stack of plates for the main dishes. Plates all consumers snapped up and did it very quickly. Here, Shepard had to wonder - for as long as he surveyed the courtyard with Richard and service, women were able to acquire potatoes and bungled pasta nautically, with the meat. Svetlana rather nodded, surprised he caught sight of John and confirming that it is - its idea, besides not met any misunderstanding or resistance on the part of the owners. Now, each of the men at the table could choose a second dish to taste, and that was done in a matter of seconds. On the third hostess filed juice from berries grown in greenhouses and biscuits made by the local confectionary plant.

  While Richard helped his mother clean up, the head of the family Jenkins waved Svetlana and John to his room. Maybe it was even a room, even if a non-standard, this farmer's office. Offer guests sit in wicker chairs, the father of Jenkins looked at John:

  - Captain, why the table was not your friend? - Without preamble and in plain English he asked.

  - Because I chose to keep the obscurity. - Yavik said, showing a shimmering figure next to the table that has already managed to establish the owner's office. - And because I'm curious to observe the life like that without showing their presence.

  - A comprehensive and accurate response. - Not at all offended by a certain sharpness, father Richard said. - Sit down, Yavik. Richard I of you have had a lot to tell.

  - I can imagine what he told me. - Proteanin replied, taking place in a free wicker chair. - I suppose you expect from me the story of what it is here, nearby, happened then?

  - It would be interesting to listen to. - I did not deny the head of the Jenkins family. - All the more so - at first hand.

  - I was very little he could remember. All it memorized ... automatically. After hibernation, I felt not the best way ... A few hours had come to life on board the frigate. But in general ... Now I'm glad that everything turned out well. Still awake fifty thousand years later ... It's annoying. Even more. When we retreated to the shelter and getting ready to move into the capsule anabioznye ... Few of my countrymen think that someone will be able to survive at all then. Reapers were advancing on all fronts ...

  - And ... - owner of the office said cautiously.

  - And a few of the citizens of the empire Protheans believed that they could save their lives and spirit intact. We then ... - Yavik paused, as if considering whether to say that here and now - seriously preparing to die and were just more expensive to sell their life. Here, on this planet ... a lot Protheans lived. We, as well as people trying to build ... for centuries. Because, probably, and preserved these columns, towers and underground structures. Well preserved. Then, in our cycle ... this few Protheans and counted. All our citizens ... were ready to support construction in the normal state for centuries. We live a long time and also built our design accordingly, as the long-term. But this time ... No, we did not expect. In our cycle ... hide from the Reapers were particularly ... nowhere. And because many of the refugees from the known to us, Protheans, planets were much more likely to die. Now ... I can see that you have a chance to survive, and to survive. In people. But - not only in humans. I'm sorry, I will not pretend to be a prophet and speak about who will survive or not survive. It will still be only my personal opinion. And it can be a mistake.

  - And ... what is your opinion about people? - With obvious strain in his voice he asked the head of the Jenkins family.

  - Your son - a good soldier. For a person. You people have come a long and difficult path. And we Protheans seen you more when you were living in the caves.

  - Thank you. - Formally nodded his father Richard. - I was pleased to hear it.

  - Now I can add. - Continued Yavik, to withstand a short pause. - Chances are that many of the races ... I'm still not going to call who that is, will be able to survive in the confrontation with the Reaper ... than in the past, our cycle. Then we have, as you have probably realized, there was no hope. Now, in this cycle, here ... this hope ... there. And this - the main difference of our Cycle of your cycle. Hope that gives the right to live the future, and not only ... past and present. - Yavik, saying it was silent for a long time and this silence, none of those present in the office is not interrupted.

  Proteanin stood. Passed around the office, I stopped at the large window, looked at the opening of his appearance.

  - We had ... a lot of these planets. Including in closed sectors. There were many. And then ... then I had to see how many of these planets ... burned and exploded.

  - Blows up? - In the voice of the head of the family Jenkins sounded sincere bitter surprise.

  - Unfortunately, yes. Explodes. The war against the Reapers was centuries. We - the long-lived race, and therefore fought hard and bravely. For each planet, for each asteroid, every star system. Yes, I will not deny, we had to retreat. Every now and again. We, yes, back and surrender positions. We were strong, we were not always more Reapers. Sometimes we were able to go on the offensive. And then, to weaken the enemy, among whom there were many intoxicated ... we, Protheans had to blow up the planet. Flowering, living planet. Blow them to, these planets have not got enemies. Or Reapers, or their cronies. A minions ... very different ... from the Reapers was then ... a lot. - Yavik said, not taking his eyes from the window type. - Many of us have not seen such beauty ... never. And we, the ones who stayed holistic ... began to believe only in what that we must be strong and merciless to his enemies. Weakness, - Yavik apologetically touched the person sitting in a wicker chair Svetlana. She nodded, giving proteaninu understand that does not take offense at him for showing sharpness - a sign of weakness ... we had to outlaw or something. It was ... not easy, but it was done. What allowed us ... to delay the arrival time of its collapse for a few more decades ....

  - Do you think Yavik that each planet ... - cautiously asked the head of the Jenkins family.

  - Yes, I do. - I confirmed with a slight strёkotom voice proteanin. - I think that such a planet as Eden Prime, deep and full development and therefore - which represents significant value ... will be attacked on a priority basis. Forces assault. Force orbital bomber. Force minions Reapers. I know that some of you a certain preparation, residents Eden Prime, preparing for the defense of the planet carried out. And very much hope that you will have time to do all that is necessary before the planet would be a massive blow and focused. - Yavik moved away from the window, turned his back, looked at who was sitting in a chair head of the Jenkins family. - Because the ships and troops of the Reapers will appear above the planet Do not just faster than the Reaper appeared.

  - About it for a long time there was no news. - Richard's father said.

  - Galaxy - is big. We visited many tens of planets, crossed from one end of a few dozen star systems. - Proteanin said. - But we have seen, experienced, studied and wrote very little. Too few. Most visited our planet ... unsuitable for use on your current level of science and technology. Even so ancient compared with mankind race as asari turians salarians ... and have not been able to master too many planets that are suitable formally today to the full-scale development. Even without terraforming only as a source resource and resource databases. And this is not done.

  - Too much time is wasted. - Said the owner of the office.

  - Yes. Too much time. And too many possibilities. - He confirmed proteanin, sitting in a chair.

  - Good. - The head of the Jenkins family stood. - We are always welcome. On the third floor we have - the guest rooms. They were there for six, we often visit. Sit. Transport - two-wheel motorcycles and quads we also have, but I can see Mrs Streltsov not let the shuttle.

  - Alas, the commander's need. For the proposal to relax in the guest rooms - thank you. - Svetlana with an effort rose from his chair, with gratitude in her eyes clinging to her outstretched hand Shepard. - As long as we have free time to stay on the planet ... we would like to get some air. - She looked through the information received on the small screen of your instrum
entrona. - Troop Command ordered that before nineteen hundred question of the departure from the planet will not be placed. This, of course, the preliminary information, but it is what is at the moment.

  - Then - even more so. - She smiled approvingly head Jenkins family. - Located in any room and can relax the way you will be more convenient.

  - Thank you. - Svetlana easily enticed John with him. They climbed to the third floor, chose a room and sat briefly in placed where the old wooden, not woven from vines, namely made of solid board chair. Shepard looked at his wife, she shook her head, making it clear to her husband that leave in the rooms that any of the things that should not be.

  - Thanks, Joe. - She said after a quarter of an hour. - I'm rested now come, let's go. I think there will be an opportunity to sit down.

  - Readily Svetlana. - Shepard forward missed his wife and soon they had passed the fence, going onto the shoulder country road. - I'm in?

  - I will be near. - Said proteanin without leaving invisibility. - So far, everything is normal. I think you did the right thing, leaving nothing in the guest rooms. Is intense all around here looks like something. - His voice was heard Yavika serious concern.

  - May be. - Said Svetlana. She sighed with relief, feeling the fresh air penetrates into the smallest corners of the lungs. Yes, the twin pregnancy for her was definitely not sugar. Weakness, dizziness, headaches, hormonal surges - all this was confirmed by objective surveys conducted by Alla relentless, determined, no less, just to bring Svetlana natural result of not letting go of a medical "cap". And indeed, Svetlana has watched with interest on the screen for two children - small, but quite a vibrant and self-sufficient.

  Fascinating spectacle. What there ultrasonography - modern military medical scanners are complex machines and the doctor herself Svetlana had seen who of the children - a boy, and someone - a girl. It used a hundred years ago in the US it was impossible to determine exactly who is who, but now it was quite an ordinary result and Alla, quite naturally has focused its efforts on the prevention of future possible problems.

  Svetlana was happy that she was at the same time, well, almost at the same time and she will give birth to a boy for John and a girl for himself. She was, she thought, once again lucky. Lucky. And because it is with the whole sympathetic to alertness Yavika - perhaps no one except the warrior of the ancient race was not aware of and did not feel so clearly and unambiguously the quiet pace of impending danger of death, serious threat to the entire population of the galaxy - whether it is reasonable organic beings, reasonable Synthetic or unreasonable animals.

  Svetlana glad that John did not insist on staying in the guest room. It is not for nothing that told him that he wants to stay out of the helmet of the ship, at any acceptable for this planet: the closeness to her was now maloperenosima, and sometimes - quite unbearable. What to do, twins consumes oxygen in large quantities - that would be enough for her, the girl was missing three are now living sentient beings - she and her two children. With that had to put up and to seek the opportunity to compensate for the lack of oxygen.

  Titov did not let her on the most duty and watches, ordered the commander of the cabin cruiser regularly purged of oxygen to the cabin were oxygen tanks - both clean and with mixtures safe to Svetlana and her children. Alla checked parameters of the vessel with an accuracy that is available except that the AI - her doctor, it was nice to feel needed and not have somebody from the crew of the cruiser, and his girlfriend - the captain.

  ship doctor almost force Svetlana forced to eat more fruits and vegetables, consume fiber in astronomical numbers. Arrangements on Alla did not act, offense - too. Eat now come more often, with Alla insisted and regularly monitored to at this time Svetlana has not plagued with reports to the cabin sounded calm music and there was not the slightest cause for concern.

  Well, that nausea previously doggedly pursued Svetlana almost every two hours all day running, finally retreated. But now the main burden falls on the heart, lungs and kidneys expectant mother Svetlana and thank yourself for what was never interrupted training and did not give himself favors. Now Alla recommended Svetlana other sets of exercises that are designed specifically for pregnant and these exercises had to be done very carefully. Alla was truly relentless, omniscient and omnipresent.

  Now Svetlana was glad and happy that finally over many decades, John, her John finally beside it and is not going to disappear somewhere on numerous and urgent starpomovskim Affairs. There he stands, eyes scanning the surrounding landscape. The fields, greenhouses, towers Prothean cities. What of them, the towers remain, of course. Scientists continue to work on their study. Let unnoticed, albeit slowly, but thoroughly. Their work confirmed the well-known truth: war is war, and lives and studies still take their due. Kaperang remembered as paratroopers group protection tacitly recognized the right Yavika protect and defend it, the commander of the cruiser. Yes, even now they are ready and have been able to arrive at the scene, as they say, as soon as possible. Yavik no sign of invisibility. Proteanin was right: he appeared - and then, in spite of the working time of the day, would be a crowd. At least - Press Conference, as a maximum - a holiday in honor of Prothean-human friendship. It is now impossible to avoid - Eden Prime's economy worked for the Alliance, delivered dozens of names of products and goods to other countries of the Earth.

  Everything worked to gain more resources, more reserves. Understand - if the planet is invaded by the Reapers - we can not allow commercial or food hunger. This is extremely dangerous. Therefore, from Eden Prime's regular care caravans transport in the most different corners of the galaxy. The planet was not a single person loitering, no unemployed, they were all engaged in business. For Svetlana it was not new - for her the principle of "everything - for the front, everything - to win" was a worker, not a declarative, as well as for the majority of the Imperials.

  Probably Yavik again and again recalls the minutes and hours of fighting. Somehow, distracted by work with "bayonets" (obelisks), he showed her the reconstructed picture of the fighting on Eden Prime. That, as it turned out, remember, kept unconscious warrior ancient race. She, Svetlana had to repeatedly beg Yavika show her the picture. For a long time did not agree, for obvious reasons did not agree - yet Svetlana wore a heart and two children exec extra excitement she had ... to say the least - to anything. I begged. She even had a lot of abilities and capabilities to over and over again what he wants. Otherwise it would not have reached its current situation, his rank, his post.

  Here and now Svetlana felt like hiding in stealth proteanin looks around again and again, it is likely remembering those fighting the clock. Hours Days ... ... Decade. It's not behind it all - ahead. And Svetlana was afraid that will not have time. Do not have time to have a child before it starts. This will start a war, the confrontation begins. She knew, went without saying, knew Titov quietly take over full command of the ship and the crew, he was her first mate, will continue to consult it on key issues, but to command the ship and crew in most cases, only then will he.

  Yes, men pay for this capability. They pay less life expectancy. It would seem that women, over and over again to have children, to endure pain, suffering, inconvenience long, were to wear out more quickly and, therefore, to live less than men. But the nature of the evolution of thought in a different way, and the men still live less than women. On average less. So Titov is also aware of this and he refers to this fact calmly. And he will be in command if, for her, Svetlana Strel'tsova, children will be a major concern - and before delivery, during delivery and after delivery. In the difficult, critical moment control should always catch the most prepared, most capable reasonable. It was now not only a human principle, it was a long time ago principle for any of the known sentient races.

  Svetlana did not want to smooch with John in another, in fact, the house. Yes, it was the home of the parents of Corporal Jenkins, but only just. For her, and for John it was someone else's house. And she did not want to stay another minute in this house, as you know
- it must be next to John, close to him. Is it at all possible here and now. And in the house ... No, at home smooch with her husband she did not want. And John is correctly understood. And I may not be realized simply agreed that she, his wife and her friend, his beloved will be better in the open air, not in the room.

  Now he came to a moment ago, it stood beside and slightly behind, put his arm around so that she could rely on him. Lean. Feel the support and protection. Yavik here, too, it stands a few meters on the road. And John looks. He looks around, realizing that Svetlana is now engaged in reflections and straight look it can strain and worry. Yes and no direct views did not need to - Svetlana has enjoyed the opportunity to feel her John. Maybe it would be necessary to speak about many things here right now to speak, but did not want to talk. Probably, not only to her but also to John.

  They walked several kilometers, reached the intersection, missed the convoy of trucks with containers returning from the farms to the loading site. In the sky, flashed dashes automatic flying truck - car went to the site, took prepared for shipment "cubes" and went back to the freight terminals of spaceports.

  After passing the intersection, Svetlana and John went down to the river. Streltsov, supported by Shepard, put his hand into the water, held in the face, feeling the life-giving water. The water was pure, natural, non-technical, designed for irrigation, and natural and it gave strength of mind and confidence. Svetlana felt loving John serene look and happy. Rejoice in the fact that she, a mother of two children, is quite zemnopodobnoy on the planet next to your favorite, next to a man she knew and understood, which was able to dissolve and believed that almost more than she believed herself.

  - John, is a sentence. - Svetlana said softly, when they again took to the back roads.


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